56,558 research outputs found

    Relativistic Quasilinear Diffusion in Axisymmetric Magnetic Geometry for Arbitrary-Frequency Electromagnetic Fluctuations

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    A relativistic bounce-averaged quasilinear diffusion equation is derived to describe stochastic particle transport associated with arbitrary-frequency electromagnetic fluctuations in a nonuniform magnetized plasma. Expressions for the elements of a relativistic quasilinear diffusion tensor are calculated explicitly for magnetically-trapped particle distributions in axisymmetric magnetic geometry in terms of gyro-drift-bounce wave-particle resonances. The resonances can destroy any one of the three invariants of the unperturbed guiding-center Hamiltonian dynamics.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, to appear in Physics of Plasma

    Archetypal analysis of galaxy spectra

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    Archetypal analysis represents each individual member of a set of data vectors as a mixture (a constrained linear combination) of the pure types or archetypes of the data set. The archetypes are themselves required to be mixtures of the data vectors. Archetypal analysis may be particularly useful in analysing data sets comprising galaxy spectra, since each spectrum is, presumably, a superposition of the emission from the various stellar populations, nebular emissions and nuclear activity making up that galaxy, and each of these emission sources corresponds to a potential archetype of the entire data set. We demonstrate archetypal analysis using sets of composite synthetic galaxy spectra, showing that the method promises to be an effective and efficient way to classify spectra. We show that archetypal analysis is robust in the presence of various types of noise.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 style-file. Accepted for publication by MNRA

    Archetypal Analysis: Mining Weather and Climate Extremes

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    Conventional analysis methods in weather and climate science (e.g., EOF analysis) exhibit a number of drawbacks including scaling and mixing. These methods focus mostly on the bulk of the probability distribution of the system in state space and overlook its tail. This paper explores a different method, the archetypal analysis (AA), which focuses precisely on the extremes. AA seeks to approximate the convex hull of the data in state space by finding “corners” that represent “pure” types or archetypes through computing mixture weight matrices. The method is quite new in climate science, although it has been around for about two decades in pattern recognition. It encompasses, in particular, the virtues of EOFs and clustering. The method is presented along with a new manifold-based optimization algorithm that optimizes for the weights simultaneously, unlike the conventional multistep algorithm based on the alternating constrained least squares. The paper discusses the numerical solution and then applies it to the monthly sea surface temperature (SST) from HadISST and to the Asian summer monsoon (ASM) using sea level pressure (SLP) from ERA-40 over the Asian monsoon region. The application to SST reveals, in particular, three archetypes, namely, El Niño, La Niña, and a third pattern representing the western boundary currents. The latter archetype shows a particular trend in the last few decades. The application to the ASM SLP anomalies yields archetypes that are consistent with the ASM regimes found in the literature. Merits and weaknesses of the method along with possible future development are also discussed

    Pyrimido[1,2-a]-purin-10(3H)-one, M(1)G, is less prone to artifact than base oxidation

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    Pyrimido[1,2-a]-purin-10(3H)-one (M(1)G) is a secondary DNA damage product arising from primary reactive oxygen species (ROS) damage to membrane lipids or deoxyribose. The present study investigated conditions that might lead to artifactual formation or loss of M(1)G during DNA isolation. The addition of antioxidants, DNA isolation at low temperature or non-phenol extraction methods had no statistically significant effect on the number of M(1)G adducts measured in either control or positive control tissue samples. The number of M(1)G adducts in nuclear DNA isolated from brain, liver, kidney, pancreas, lung and heart of control male rats were 0.8, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.8 and 4.2 M(1)G/10(8) nt, respectively. In rat liver tissue, the mitochondrial DNA contained a 2-fold greater number of M(1)G adducts compared with nuclear DNA. Overall, the results from this study demonstrated that measuring M(1)G is a reliable way to assess oxidative DNA damage because the number of M(1)G adducts is significantly affected by the amount of ROS production, but not by DNA isolation procedures. In addition, this study confirmed that the background number of M(1)G adducts reported in genomic DNA could have been overestimated by one to three orders of magnitude in previous reports

    Isospin dependence of nucleon emission and radial flow in heavy-ion collisions induced by high energy radioactive beams

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    Using an isospin- and momentum-dependent transport model we study the emission of free nucleons and the nuclear radial flow in central heavy-ion collisions induced by high energy radioactive beams. The midrapidity neutron/proton ratio and its transverse momentum dependence are found very sensitive to the high density behavior of nuclear symmetry energy. The nuclear radial flow, however, depends only weakly on the symmetry energy.Comment: 13 pages including 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Thermal Casimir force between nanostructured surfaces

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    We present detailed calculations for the Casimir force between a plane and a nanostructured surface at finite temperature in the framework of the scattering theory. We then study numerically the effect of finite temperature as a function of the grating parameters and the separation distance. We also infer non-trivial geometrical effects on the Casimir interaction via a comparison with the proximity force approximation. Finally, we compare our calculations with data from experiments performed with nanostructured surfaces

    Supernarrow spectral peaks near a kinetic phase transition in a driven, nonlinear micromechanical oscillator

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    We measure the spectral densities of fluctuations of an underdamped nonlinear micromechanical oscillator. By applying a sufficiently large periodic excitation, two stable dynamical states are obtained within a particular range of driving frequency. White noise is injected into the excitation, allowing the system to overcome the activation barrier and switch between the two states. While the oscillator predominately resides in one of the two states for most excitation frequencies, a narrow range of frequencies exist where the occupations of the two states are approximately equal. At these frequencies, the oscillator undergoes a kinetic phase transition that resembles the phase transition of thermal equilibrium systems. We observe a supernarrow peak in the power spectral densities of fluctuations of the oscillator. This peak is centered at the excitation frequency and arises as a result of noise-induced transitions between the two dynamical states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Investigations into the Sarcomeric Protein and Ca2+-Regulation Abnormalities Underlying Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Cats (Felix catus).

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common single gene inherited cardiomyopathy. In cats (Felix catus) HCM is even more prevalent and affects 16% of the outbred population and up to 26% in pedigree breeds such as Maine Coon and Ragdoll. Homozygous MYBPC3 mutations have been identified in these breeds but the mutations in other cats are unknown. At the clinical and physiological level feline HCM is closely analogous to human HCM but little is known about the primary causative mechanism. Most identified HCM causing mutations are in the genes coding for proteins of the sarcomere. We therefore investigated contractile and regulatory proteins in left ventricular tissue from 25 cats, 18 diagnosed with HCM, including a Ragdoll cat with a homozygous MYBPC3 R820W, and 7 non-HCM cats in comparison with human HCM (from septal myectomy) and donor heart tissue. Myofibrillar protein expression was normal except that we observed 20–44% MyBP-C haploinsufficiency in 5 of the HCM cats. Troponin extracted from 8 HCM and 5 non-HCM cat hearts was incorporated into thin filaments and studied by in vitro motility assay. All HCM cat hearts had a higher (2.06 ± 0.13 fold) Ca2+-sensitivity than non-HCM cats and, in all the HCM cats, Ca2+-sensitivity was not modulated by troponin I phosphorylation. We were able to restore modulation of Ca2+-sensitivity by replacing troponin T with wild-type protein or by adding 100 μM Epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG). These fundamental regulatory characteristics closely mimic those seen in human HCM indicating a common molecular mechanism that is independent of the causative mutation. Thus, the HCM cat is a potentially useful large animal model

    Exact States in Waveguides With Periodically Modulated Nonlinearity

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    We introduce a one-dimensional model based on the nonlinear Schrodinger/Gross-Pitaevskii equation where the local nonlinearity is subject to spatially periodic modulation in terms of the Jacobi dn function, with three free parameters including the period, amplitude, and internal form-factor. An exact periodic solution is found for each set of parameters and, which is more important for physical realizations, we solve the inverse problem and predict the period and amplitude of the modulation that yields a particular exact spatially periodic state. Numerical stability analysis demonstrates that the periodic states become modulationally unstable for large periods, and regain stability in the limit of an infinite period, which corresponds to a bright soliton pinned to a localized nonlinearity-modulation pattern. Exact dark-bright soliton complex in a coupled system with a localized modulation structure is also briefly considered . The system can be realized in planar optical waveguides and cigar-shaped atomic Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: EPL, in pres

    High Accuracy Fuel Flowmeter, Phase 1

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    Technology related to aircraft fuel mass - flowmeters was reviewed to determine what flowmeter types could provide 0.25%-of-point accuracy over a 50 to one range in flowrates. Three types were selected and were further analyzed to determine what problem areas prevented them from meeting the high accuracy requirement, and what the further development needs were for each. A dual-turbine volumetric flowmeter with densi-viscometer and microprocessor compensation was selected for its relative simplicity and fast response time. An angular momentum type with a motor-driven, spring-restrained turbine and viscosity shroud was selected for its direct mass-flow output. This concept also employed a turbine for fast response and a microcomputer for accurate viscosity compensation. The third concept employed a vortex precession volumetric flowmeter and was selected for its unobtrusive design. Like the turbine flowmeter, it uses a densi-viscometer and microprocessor for density correction and accurate viscosity compensation
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