118 research outputs found

    Cavity-assisted manipulation of freely rotating silicon nanorods in high vacuum

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    Optical control of nanoscale objects has recently developed into a thriving field of research with far-reaching promises for precision measurements, fundamental quantum physics and studies on single-particle thermodynamics. Here, we demonstrate the optical manipulation of silicon nanorods in high vacuum. Initially, we sculpture these particles into a silicon substrate with a tailored geometry to facilitate their launch into high vacuum by laser-induced mechanical cleavage. We manipulate and trace their center-of-mass and rotational motion through the interaction with an intense intra-cavity field. Our experiments show optical forces on nanorotors three times stronger than on silicon nanospheres of the same mass. The optical torque experienced by the spinning rods will enable cooling of the rotational motion and torsional opto-mechanics in a dissipation-free environment.Comment: 8 page

    Increased hemolysis rate in plasma tubes after implementation of a fully automated sample delivery and acceptance system

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    Objectives: Automated sample delivery and laboratory acceptance systems (PTAS) may influence the hemolysis rate of blood samples due to g-forces, abrupt acceleration, and rapid deceleration. However, quantitative data regarding the rate of hemolysis in PTAS is limited. To fill this void, the effect of a pneumatic tube in combination with an acceptance system (PTAS) on the hemolysis rate was investigated in this study. Methods: Lithium heparin plasma tubes were transported from different clinical departments to the hospital’s laboratory (a) by employees or (b) with an automated PTAS and analyzed for the presence of hemolysis based on a hemolysis index (HI) of >25. Hemolysis indices of 68.513 samples were retrieved from the laboratory information system before and after installation of the PTAS and were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: A total of 32.614 samples were transported by employees, of which 3.815 samples (11.70%) were hemolytic, and 9.441 out of 35.899 samples delivered by PTAS (26.30%) were hemolytic. After the implementation of the PTAS, hemolysis rates increased in all departments. Conclusions: Automated PTAS are associated with increased hemolysis rates. This has implications for routine patient management and should be considered for the transportation of samples used for the determination of hemolysis-sensitive laboratory parameters

    Master Equation for the Motion of a Polarizable Particle in a Multimode Cavity

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    We derive a master equation for the motion of a polarizable particle weakly interacting with one or several strongly pumped cavity modes. We focus here on massive particles with complex internal structure such as large molecules and clusters, for which we assume a linear scalar polarizability mediating the particle-light interaction. The predicted friction and diffusion coefficients are in good agreement with former semiclassical calculations for atoms and small molecules in weakly pumped cavities, while the current rigorous quantum treatment and numerical assessment sheds a light on the feasibility of experiments that aim at optically manipulating beams of massive molecules with multimode cavities.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Cyborg Activism: Exploring the reconfigurations of democratic subjectivity in Anonymous

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    This article develops the concept of cyborg activism as novel configuration of democratic subjectivity in the Information Age by exploring the online collectivity Anonymous as a prototype. By fusing elements of human/machine and organic/digital the cyborg disrupts modern logics of binary thinking. Cyborg activism emerges as the reconfiguration of equality/hierarchy, reason/emotion, and nihilism/idealism. Anonymous demonstrates how through the use of contingent and ephemeral digital personae hierarchies in cyborg activism prove more volatile than in face-to-face settings. Emotions appear as an essential part of a politics of passion, which enables pursuing laughter and joy, expressing anger, and experiencing empowerment as part of a reasoned, strategic politics. Anonymous’ political content reconfigures nihilist sentiments, frustration, and political disenchantment on the one hand with idealist world views on the other. This enables the cohabitation and partial integration of a great diversity of political claims rooted in various ideologies