216 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Persepsi Dukungan Organisasi sebagai Mediator antara Partisipasi Karyawan dalam Pengambilan Keputusan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dan Komitmen Afektif Karyawan Non Manajerial di Perusahaan Fmcg Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of perceived organizational support as a mediator between employee participation in decision making toward job satisfaction and affective commitment of non managerial employees. The research was conducted on 211 non managerial employees at factories in one of FMCG company in Indonesia, use structural equation modeling (SEM) method. The results show that perceived organizational support has an influence as a mediator between employee participation in decision making toward job satisfaction and affective commitment. This can be interpreted that employee participation in decision making is considered able to increase job satisfaction and affective commitment of employees if the organization provides support to the employee

    Analisis Pengaruh Career Management, Training Satisfaction, Pay Satisfaction terhadap Turnover Intention dan Peran Mediasi Organizational Engagement pada Karyawan Sektor Perbankan

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    The purpose of this research is to understand and analyze the effects of career management, training satisfaction, pay satisfaction to employee turnover intention in the banking sector. A total of 265 respondents who work in the Commercial Bank participated, with structural equation modeling as data processing method. As a result, it was found that direct career management has no effect on turnover intention. While training proved satisfaction can affect turnover intention through full mediating role of organizational engagement. This research also found that organizational engagement provides partial mediating role in the relationship between pay satisfaction and turnover intention. Thus, this study was able to prove the importance of the role of training satisfaction and pay satisfaction in improving organizational engagement, which in turn can reduce turnover intention of employees in the banking sector. The results of this study showed that companies that have a good career management can necessarily encourage employees to stay, the phenomenon of war for talents is one of the triggers of employees interested in moving. So the company needs to formulate good strategy of career management to nurture employee engagement, for example, with the function of coaching and mentoring

    Peripheral artery disease in patient with end-stage renal disease on regular hemodialysis: a case report

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    Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) had a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, including peripheral artery disease (PAD). The presence of PAD in hemodialysis patients leads to an increase in the incidence of amputation and mortality. However, early diagnosis of PAD in hemodialysis patients is still challenging. Clinical manifestation of PAD in ESRD patients is often atypical manifestations and present in severe manifestations. We reported a case of PAD in the right leg of a 54-year-old woman with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on regular hemodialysis with comorbid diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Ankle-brachial index (ABI) of the right leg was 0.82 and the result of echo-Doppler supported the presence of PAD in the right distal femoral artery. Then, the patient was treated with antiplatelet therapy, cilostazol, and other medication to control comorbidities. The pain was partly relieved after treatment and the patient was referred to a tertiary hospital for further diagnosis and management. Endocrine and biochemical abnormalities lead to a higher prevalence of PAD in ESRD patients on routine hemodialysis. The non-invasive approach on PAD in ESRD patients has an advantage in improving patients’ outcomes if the diagnosis is established in the earlier stage

    Relationship between the injury severity score and GAP score with IL-6 cytokine in fracture patients with multiple trauma

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    Background: ISS, GAP scores and the cytokines IL-6 reflects the severity of an injury. Recently levels of the cytokine IL-6 are the best biomarker that reflects the severity of the trauma. There has been no research on the relationship between ISS and GAP scores with IL-6 cytokine level in fracture patients with multiple traumas. This study is a cross-sectional observational study.Methods: All fracture patients treated at Sanglah Emergency Unit started in January 2016 that met the inclusion criteria became sample. At sample, we calculate ISS and GAP scores and took blood samples for examination of IL-6 cytokine level. Bivariate analysis performed by Chi-square to determine the relationship between ISS and GAP score with IL-6 cytokine level.Results: Samples were 60 patients from January to April 2016. In this study, the correlation between the ISS and IL-6 cytokines was 0.05 (p=0.705), whereas the correlation between GAP scores and IL-6 cytokines was -0.399 (p=0.002).Conclusions: In this study there was positive correlation that weak and not significant between the ISS and IL-6 cytokines and there was a negative correlation that had moderate strength and significant between GAP scores and IL-6 cytokines

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Nht Dan Stad Terhadap Hasil Belajar Sikap Siswa SMA Negeri 2 Gerung

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    : This study aims to determine differences of student's attitude learning outcomes between groups of students who receive NHT cooperative learning model and STAD cooperative learning model treatment for biology digestive system learning. This research was conducted at SMAN 2 Gerung in class of XI. This study is a quasi-experimental research using Type Between Group Design with Posttest Only Design. The number of population was 44 students consit of two classes, and all member of population used to sample study. By using simple random sampling obtained two classes of experiments. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical and than with count the average of data, obtained scaling data and than hypothesis was tested using t-test analysis with SPSS version 20 for Windows. The results showed there was no significant difference about attitude learning outcome between the group the of students using NHT cooperative learning model and group of students using STAD cooperative learning model in all indicators of attitude that gained tcount ≤ ttable (p> 0.05)

    Analisis Perilaku Nilai-nilai Agama Dan Moral Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di Paud Al-wahdah

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    How common is the problem behavior analysis of religious values ​​and morals of children aged 4-5 years in early childhood Al-Wahdah District of Pontianak city? Of the common problems in the review of specific problem: the behavior a.Bagaimana know God through religious affiliation of children aged 4-5 years? B.Bagaimana worship movement mimics the behavior of a child? C.Bagaimana behavior say prayers before and / or after doing something children aged 4-5 years? D.Bagaimana recognize good behavior / polite and bad children? E.Bagaimana familiarize themselves well behaved children? F.Bagaimana greeting behavior and returned the greeting children. The method used in the study analyzes the behavior of the values ​​of the Religious and Moral child is a method of qualitative research techniques, tools, analysis, instrument and test its credibility through observation, interviews and documents. The results of the study showed behavioral analysis of religious values ​​and morals which describe the behavior of children with developmental aspects of behavior grouping of religious values ​​and morals through indikaor-development indicators that are aligned with the example of the prophet civilized attitude

    A microfluidic study of transient flow states in permeable media using fluorescent particle image velocimetry

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    Velocity fields in flow in permeable media are of great importance to many subsurface processes such as geologic storage of CO2 , oil and gas extraction, and geothermal systems. Steady-state flow is characterized by velocity fields that do not change significantly over time. The flow field transitions to a new steady state once it experiences a disturbance such as a change in flow rate or in pressure gradient. This transition is often assumed to be instantaneous, which justifies the expression of constitutive relations as functions of instantaneous phase saturations. This work examines the evolution of velocity fields in a surrogate quasi-2D permeable medium using a microfluidic device, a microscopy system, and a high-speed camera. Tracer particles are injected into the medium along with Deionized water. The evolution of the velocity field is examined by tracing these particles in the captured images using the standard high-density particle image velocimetry algorithm founded on cross-correlation. The results suggest that the transition between steady states for an incompressible fluid takes a finite and non-negligible amount of time that is independent of the magnitude of the change in pressure gradient. The existence of transient states and the nature of the response during these states are readily interpreted by the principle of least action where flow gradually establishes an optimal configuration such that energy dissipation is minimized. The findings provide evidence against the applicability of the assumption that flowing phases relax instantaneously to their steady states and, hence, against the accuracy of the classical multiphase extension of Darcy’s law.Cited as: Sun, J., Li, Z., Furtado, F., Aryana, S. A. A microfluidic study of transient flow states in permeable media using fluorescent particle image velocimetry. Capillarity, 2021, 4(4): 76-86, doi: 10.46690/capi.2021.04.0

    Genetic Diversity of Red Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Population M2 Results of G16 Rice Genotype Mutations with 200gy and 300gy Gamma Ray Iradiation

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    Mutational breeding can be used to obtain superior varieties by improving some of the desired traits, without changing most of the good traits. The purpose of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of brown rice through segregation of traits in rice mutants due to gamma ray irradiation at doses of 200 gy and 300 gy. The method used is an experimental method carried out from May to September 2021 with a single plant. The distribution of the data was tested by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test using software and the segregation ratio suitability test using the Chi-Square method with a 5% significance level. The results showed that the data distribution was normally distributed, meaning that it was controlled by many genes (polygenic). on the quantitative trait whose data distribution is not normally distributed, it indicates that the trait is controlled by simplegenic. The results of the Mendel's ratio suitability test using Chi-Square for quantitative traits that follow the Mendelian ratio, which shows a segregation ratio of 9: 7 (double recessive epistasis) where the same phenotype is produced by both homozygous recessive genotypes and two recessive genes are epistatic to the dominant allele. For traits that do not follow the Mendelian ratio or their modifications, it is assumed that they are controlled by many genes (minor genes) so that individual effects are difficult to distinguish