644 research outputs found

    Participatory Approach to Indonesian Rural Development in the Era of Reformation

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    The approach used by the government for developing society both rural and urban for the last 30 years has been the mobilization approach with top-down communication patterns. This approach does not give a space to the people to participate in the development process. When people become critical and aware of their own rights, a democratic participation approach to the development is needed. Such an approach, called the participatory development approach, is assumed to be able to give a space to the people to participate and to decide what are the best for themselves. The implementation of this approach in Indonesia is appropriate due to the reason that such an approach is in accordance with the principle of social justice

    Identifikasi Nilai-Nilai Cerita Wayang Beber Pacitan sebagai Media Pembelajaran Sejarah

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    Wayang Beber Pacitan merupakan hasil kearifan lokal atau local genius bangsa Indonesia dan menjadi local identity atau identitas budaya bangsa. Isinya mengenai kepahlawanan dan percintaan yang berpusat pada dua tokoh utama, yaitu raden Inu Kertapati atau Panji Asmarabangun, dan Dewi Sekartaji atau Galuh Candrakirana. Cerita dalam Wayang Beber Pacitan mempunyai folklor yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai simbolis yang masih relevan dengan masa sekarang. Penyebarluasan cerita Wayang Beber ini sangat penting untuk menjaga agar tidak punah dan mengajarkannya kepada generasi muda merupakan cara yang tepat. Salah satu media yang tepat adalah melalui Pembelajaran Sejarah.Pembelajaran sejarah haruslah mengembangkan tugas sebagai wahana “transmission of culture”. Fungsi didaktis Pembelajaran Sejarah dimana pengetahuan sejarah dimaksudkan agar generasi penerus bisa mengambil hikmah dari masa lalu selain itu juga mengambil pelajarannya. Sejarah sebagai sarana edukatif dan inspiratif memberikan nilai-nilai pendidikan bagi peserta didik yang sangat berguna dalam memberikan inspirasi kepada peserta didik. Nilai-nilai dalam cerita Wayang beber Pacitan dapat digunakan sebagai media Pembelajaran Sejarah, untuk memberikan pengalaman nyata yang dapat menumbuhkan kegiatan berusaha sendiri peserta didik. Oleh karena itu tulisan ini berusaha menguraikan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam cerita Wayang Beber sebagi media pembelajaran sejarah. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif

    SDM Komunikasi Di Era Kompetisi Global

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    Era kompetisi global menghadirkan beragam tantangan bagi para praktisi dan teoretisi komunikasi, Tantangan tidak hanya datang dari percepatan-percepatan teknologi informasi/komunikasi, melainkan juga muncul dari kesepakatan-kesepakatan kerjasama Internasional yang berimplikasi pada masuknya Indonesia dalam kancah persaingan global. SDM Komunikasi perlu mengembangkan diri guna mengantisipasi persaingan di era global ini. Pengembangan tersebut dapat ditunjang melalui pembenahan paradigma belajar yang bersifat general, pembenahan institusional, dan pembenahan dalam tataran individual

    Cultivation Theory

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    The idea of Cultivation Theory was first addressed by George Gerbner with his colleagues of Annenberg School of Communication, Pennsylvania (1969). Based on previous research about cultural indicators conducted by the same researcher, cultivation analysis focused on mass media impact on everyday life. Another important findings from cultivation analysis was the categorization of television audience to two different classes: heavy viewers and light viewers. Among those two, heavy viewer became the main concern of communication scholars. It was believed that heavy viewing of television behavior permanently would lead to deep and exaggerated belief toward symbolic realities as presented on the screen

    Cultivation Theory

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    The idea of Cultivation Theory was first addressed by George Gerbner with his colleagues of Annenberg School of Communication, Pennsylvania (1969). Based on previous research about cultural indicators conducted by the same researcher, cultivation analysis focused on mass media impact on everyday life. Another important findings from cultivation analysis was the categorization of television audience to two different classes: heavy viewers and light viewers. Among those two, heavy viewer became the main concern of communication scholars. It was believed that heavy viewing of television behavior permanently would lead to deep and exaggerated belief toward symbolic realities as presented on the screen

    Pengaruh Iklim Komunikasi Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Kantor Keluarga Berencana Jakarta Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh iklim komunikasi organisasi yang terdiri dari kepercayaan, partisipasi dalam pembuatan keputusan, kejujuran, keterbukaan komunikasi kepada pegawai, mendengarkan dalam komunikasi dari pegawai dan memperhatikan tujuan kinerja pegawai yang tinggi terhadap kinerja pegawai di Kantor Keluarga Berencana Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei eksplanatori yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hubungan sebab akibat di antara variabel-variabel penelitian dengan pengujian statistik inferensial analisis jalur. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai Kantor Keluarga Berencana Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat dengan mengambil seluruh populasi yang ada sebanyak 95 responden. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor kepercayaan diantara para pegawai, kejujuran di antara para pegawai dan memikirkan tujuan kinerja pegawai yang tinggi mempunyai pengaruh yangsignifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Sedangkan faktor partisipasi pegawai dalam pembuatan keputusan, keterbukaan komunikasi kepada pegawai dan mendengarkan dalam komunikasi dari pegawai tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan, namun memberikan komstribusi positif terhadap kinerja pegawai di lingkungan Kantor Keluarga Berencana Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh iklim komunikasi organisasi terhadap kinerja pegawai adalah sebesar 82,1%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 17,9% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh iklim komunikasi organisasi baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap kinerja pegawai di lingkungan Kantor Keluarga Berencana Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat DOI: 10.24198/jkk.vol4n2.

    Pengalaman Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat Orang Lanjut Usia

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    Although some research related to the influence of therapeutic communication to patients has been carried out in Indonesia, research trying to explore the experience of the elderly nurse communication has never been done. Though the geriatric is a practitioner who has interacted daily with elderly patients thus have therapeutic communication experience that deserves to be explored. By using phenomenology, the study describe the experience of five geriatric nurse in conducting therapeutic communication activities for elderly patients in Sasana Tresna Werdha Jakarta. Data was collected through interviews. The informants of this research are interviewed about 45-90 minutes. In the interview the informant's provide their personal experience that contribute to the success of their therapeutic communication. Based on this study, we found ten important themes in therapeutic communicate with elderly patients, namely: the planned communication, to find out, observation, appreciation and humor, taboo communication, respect, caring, clarity, empathy and build rapport. The ten themes above we made to three (3) things that become the main learning and the essence in this study. 3 (three) it was planned, caring, and empathy are the answer to the research question

    The geology and geochronology of Al Wahbah maar crater, Harrat Kishb, Saudi Arabia

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    Al Wahbah is a large (∼2.2 km diameter, ∼250 m deep) maar crater in the Harrat Kishb volcanic field in western Saudi Arabia. It cuts Proterozoic basement rocks and two Quaternary basanite lava flows, and is rimmed with an eroded tuff ring of debris from the phreatomagmatic explosion that generated the crater. A scoria cone on the northern wall of the crater was dissected by the explosion and exposes a dolerite plug that was intruded immediately prior to crater formation. The dolerite plug yields a <sup>40</sup>Ar/<sup>39</sup>Ar age of 1.147 ± 0.004 Ma. This is the best possible estimate of the time Al Wahbah crater formed. It is a few tens of thousand years younger than the age of the lower and upper basalt flows, 1.261 ± 0.021 Ma and 1.178 ± 0.007 Ma respectively. A dolerite dyke exposed within the basement in the wall of the crater is dated at 1.886 ± 0.008 Ma. This is the most precise age so far determined for the initiation of basaltic volcanism of Harrat Kishb, and confirms that it is significantly younger than the other post-rift volcanic provinces in the region. This study provides constrains the timing of humid climatic conditions in the region and suggests that the Quaternary basaltic volcanism that stretches the length of the western side of the Arabian peninsula may prove to be useful for establishing palaeoclimatic conditions

    Experiencing Financial Aid at a Historically White Institution: A Critical Race Analysis

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    While scholars have looked at the intersection of financial aid and various identities, little work has examined how, if at all, race and racism are imbued into financial aid in higher education using qualitative inquiry. This paper begins that work by using a Critical Race Theory lens to analyze how, in the seemingly colorblind structure and process of financial aid, race matters. Using interview data collected from 35 Black juniors and seniors at a selective, historically White institution (HWI), the authors examine how race has informed students’ perceptions of themselves, their families, and their futures through their experiences with financial aid. The authors found that financial aid took the form of 1) a racial stereotype and microaggression, 2) added labor in searching for scholarships, and 3) a factor in reinforcing the racial wealth divide. More than a resource to facilitate college access and persistence, these scholars argue that financial aid is racialized, uniquely shaping the campus experience of Black collegians

    Deviation from Snell's Law for Beams Transmitted Near the Critical Angle: Application to Microcavity Lasers

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    We show that when a narrow beam is incident upon a dielectric interface near the critical angle for total internal reflection it will be transmitted into the far-field with an angular deflection from the direction predicted by Snell's Law, due to a phenomenon we call "Fresnel Filtering". This effect can be quite large for the parameter range relevant to dielectric microcavity lasers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (eps), RevTeX 3.1, to be published in Optics Letter