14 research outputs found

    Diversity of immunoglobulin light chain genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish uncovers IgL subdivision into five ancient isotypes

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    <p>The aim of this study was to fill important gaps in the evolutionary history of immunoglobulins by examining the structure and diversity of IgL genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish. First, based on the bioinformatic analysis of recent transcriptomic and genomic resources, we experimentally characterized the IgL genes in the chondrostean fish, Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet). We show that this species has three loci encoding IgL kappa-like chains with a translocon-type gene organization and a single VJC cluster, encoding homogeneous lambda-like light chain. In addition, sterlet possesses sigma-like VL and J-CL genes, which are transcribed separately and both encode protein products with cleavable leader peptides. The Acipenseriformes IgL dataset was extended by the sequences mined in the databases of species belonging to other non-teleost lineages of ray-finned fish: Holostei and Polypteriformes. Inclusion of these new data into phylogenetic analysis showed a clear subdivision of IgL chains into five groups. The isotype described previously as the teleostean IgL lambda turned out to be a kappa and lambda chain paralog that emerged before the radiation of ray-finned fish. We designate this isotype as lambda-2. The phylogeny also showed that sigma-2 IgL chains initially regarded as specific for cartilaginous fish are present in holosteans, polypterids, and even in turtles. We conclude that there were five ancient IgL isotypes, which evolved differentially in various lineages of jawed vertebrates.</p

    Identification of sex chromosomes in Eremias velox (Lacertidae, Reptilia) using lampbrush chromosome analysis

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    Reptiles are good objects for studying the evolution of sex determination, since they have different sex determination systems in different lineages. Lacertid lizards have been long-known for possessing ZZ/ZW type sex chromosomes. However, due to morphological uniformity of lacertid chromosomes, the Z chromosome has been only putatively cytologically identified. We used lampbrush chromosome (LBC) analysis and FISH with a W-specific probe in Eremias velox (Pallas, 1771) to unequivocally identify the ZW bivalent and investigate its meiotic behavior. The heterochromatic W chromosome is decondensed at the lampbrush stage, indicating active transcription, contrast with the highly condensed condition of the lampbrush W chromosomes in birds. We identified the Z chromosome by its chiasmatic association with the W chromosome as chromosome XIII of the 19 chromosomes in the LBC karyotype. Our findings agree with previous genetic and genomic studies, which suggested that the lacertid Z chromosome should be one of the smaller macrochromosomes

    Chromosome painting does not support a sex chromosome turnover in Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758

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    Reptiles show a remarkable diversity of sex determination mechanisms and sex chromosome systems, derived from different autosomal pairs. The origin of the ZW sex chromosomes of Lacerta agilis, a widespread Eurasian lizard species, is a matter of discussion: Is it a small macrochromosome from the 11-18 group common to all lacertids, or does this species have a unique ZW pair derived from the large chromosome 5? Using independent molecular cytogenetic methods, we investigated the karyotype of L. agilis exigua from Siberia, Russia, to identify the sex chromosomes. FISH with a flow-sorted chromosome painting probe derived from L. strigata and specific to chromosomes 13, 14, and Z confirmed that the Z chromosome of L. agilis is a small macrochromosome, the same as in L. strigata. FISH with the telomeric probe showed an extensive accumulation of the telomere-like repeat in the W chromosome in agreement with previous studies, excluding the possibility that the lineages of L. agilis studied in different works could have different sex chromosome systems due to a putative intra-species polymorphism. Our results reinforce the idea of the stability of the sex chromosomes and lack of evidence for sex-chromosome turnovers in known species of Lacertidae

    Next Generation Sequencing of Chromosome-Specific Libraries Sheds Light on Genome Evolution in Paleotetraploid Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus)

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    Several whole genome duplication (WGD) events followed by rediploidization took place in the evolutionary history of vertebrates. Acipenserids represent a convenient model group for investigation of the consequences of WGD as their representatives underwent additional WGD events in different lineages resulting in ploidy level variation between species, and these processes are still ongoing. Earlier, we obtained a set of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) chromosome-specific libraries by microdissection and revealed that they painted two or four pairs of whole sterlet chromosomes, as well as additional chromosomal regions, depending on rediploidization status and chromosomal rearrangements after genome duplication. In this study, we employed next generation sequencing to estimate the content of libraries derived from different paralogous chromosomes of sterlet. For this purpose, we aligned the obtained reads to the spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) reference genome to reveal syntenic regions between these two species having diverged 360 Mya. We also showed that the approach is effective for synteny prediction at various evolutionary distances and allows one to clearly distinguish paralogous chromosomes in polyploid genomes. We postulated that after the acipenserid-specific WGD sterlet karyotype underwent multiple interchromosomal rearrangements, but different chromosomes were involved in this process unequally

    Diversity of Immunoglobulin Light Chain Genes in Non-Teleost Ray-Finned Fish Uncovers IgL Subdivision into Five Ancient Isotypes

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    The aim of this study was to fill important gaps in the evolutionary history of immunoglobulins by examining the structure and diversity of IgL genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish. First, based on the bioinformatic analysis of recent transcriptomic and genomic resources, we experimentally characterized the IgL genes in the chondrostean fish, Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet). We show that this species has three loci encoding IgL kappa-like chains with a translocon-type gene organization and a single VJC cluster, encoding homogeneous lambda-like light chain. In addition, sterlet possesses sigma-like VL and J-CL genes, which are transcribed separately and both encode protein products with cleavable leader peptides. The Acipenseriformes IgL dataset was extended by the sequences mined in the databases of species belonging to other non-teleost lineages of ray-finned fish: Holostei and Polypteriformes. Inclusion of these new data into phylogenetic analysis showed a clear subdivision of IgL chains into five groups. The isotype described previously as the teleostean IgL lambda turned out to be a kappa and lambda chain paralog that emerged before the radiation of ray-finned fish. We designate this isotype as lambda-2. The phylogeny also showed that sigma-2 IgL chains initially regarded as specific for cartilaginous fish are present in holosteans, polypterids, and even in turtles. We conclude that there were five ancient IgL isotypes, which evolved differentially in various lineages of jawed vertebrates

    data_sheet_1_Diversity of Immunoglobulin Light Chain Genes in Non-Teleost Ray-Finned Fish Uncovers IgL Subdivision into Five Ancient Isotypes.PDF

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    <p>The aim of this study was to fill important gaps in the evolutionary history of immunoglobulins by examining the structure and diversity of IgL genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish. First, based on the bioinformatic analysis of recent transcriptomic and genomic resources, we experimentally characterized the IgL genes in the chondrostean fish, Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet). We show that this species has three loci encoding IgL kappa-like chains with a translocon-type gene organization and a single VJC cluster, encoding homogeneous lambda-like light chain. In addition, sterlet possesses sigma-like VL and J-CL genes, which are transcribed separately and both encode protein products with cleavable leader peptides. The Acipenseriformes IgL dataset was extended by the sequences mined in the databases of species belonging to other non-teleost lineages of ray-finned fish: Holostei and Polypteriformes. Inclusion of these new data into phylogenetic analysis showed a clear subdivision of IgL chains into five groups. The isotype described previously as the teleostean IgL lambda turned out to be a kappa and lambda chain paralog that emerged before the radiation of ray-finned fish. We designate this isotype as lambda-2. The phylogeny also showed that sigma-2 IgL chains initially regarded as specific for cartilaginous fish are present in holosteans, polypterids, and even in turtles. We conclude that there were five ancient IgL isotypes, which evolved differentially in various lineages of jawed vertebrates.</p

    data_sheet_8_Diversity of Immunoglobulin Light Chain Genes in Non-Teleost Ray-Finned Fish Uncovers IgL Subdivision into Five Ancient Isotypes.PDF

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    <p>The aim of this study was to fill important gaps in the evolutionary history of immunoglobulins by examining the structure and diversity of IgL genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish. First, based on the bioinformatic analysis of recent transcriptomic and genomic resources, we experimentally characterized the IgL genes in the chondrostean fish, Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet). We show that this species has three loci encoding IgL kappa-like chains with a translocon-type gene organization and a single VJC cluster, encoding homogeneous lambda-like light chain. In addition, sterlet possesses sigma-like VL and J-CL genes, which are transcribed separately and both encode protein products with cleavable leader peptides. The Acipenseriformes IgL dataset was extended by the sequences mined in the databases of species belonging to other non-teleost lineages of ray-finned fish: Holostei and Polypteriformes. Inclusion of these new data into phylogenetic analysis showed a clear subdivision of IgL chains into five groups. The isotype described previously as the teleostean IgL lambda turned out to be a kappa and lambda chain paralog that emerged before the radiation of ray-finned fish. We designate this isotype as lambda-2. The phylogeny also showed that sigma-2 IgL chains initially regarded as specific for cartilaginous fish are present in holosteans, polypterids, and even in turtles. We conclude that there were five ancient IgL isotypes, which evolved differentially in various lineages of jawed vertebrates.</p

    data_sheet_6_Diversity of Immunoglobulin Light Chain Genes in Non-Teleost Ray-Finned Fish Uncovers IgL Subdivision into Five Ancient Isotypes.PDF

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    <p>The aim of this study was to fill important gaps in the evolutionary history of immunoglobulins by examining the structure and diversity of IgL genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish. First, based on the bioinformatic analysis of recent transcriptomic and genomic resources, we experimentally characterized the IgL genes in the chondrostean fish, Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet). We show that this species has three loci encoding IgL kappa-like chains with a translocon-type gene organization and a single VJC cluster, encoding homogeneous lambda-like light chain. In addition, sterlet possesses sigma-like VL and J-CL genes, which are transcribed separately and both encode protein products with cleavable leader peptides. The Acipenseriformes IgL dataset was extended by the sequences mined in the databases of species belonging to other non-teleost lineages of ray-finned fish: Holostei and Polypteriformes. Inclusion of these new data into phylogenetic analysis showed a clear subdivision of IgL chains into five groups. The isotype described previously as the teleostean IgL lambda turned out to be a kappa and lambda chain paralog that emerged before the radiation of ray-finned fish. We designate this isotype as lambda-2. The phylogeny also showed that sigma-2 IgL chains initially regarded as specific for cartilaginous fish are present in holosteans, polypterids, and even in turtles. We conclude that there were five ancient IgL isotypes, which evolved differentially in various lineages of jawed vertebrates.</p

    data_sheet_5_Diversity of Immunoglobulin Light Chain Genes in Non-Teleost Ray-Finned Fish Uncovers IgL Subdivision into Five Ancient Isotypes.PDF

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    <p>The aim of this study was to fill important gaps in the evolutionary history of immunoglobulins by examining the structure and diversity of IgL genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish. First, based on the bioinformatic analysis of recent transcriptomic and genomic resources, we experimentally characterized the IgL genes in the chondrostean fish, Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet). We show that this species has three loci encoding IgL kappa-like chains with a translocon-type gene organization and a single VJC cluster, encoding homogeneous lambda-like light chain. In addition, sterlet possesses sigma-like VL and J-CL genes, which are transcribed separately and both encode protein products with cleavable leader peptides. The Acipenseriformes IgL dataset was extended by the sequences mined in the databases of species belonging to other non-teleost lineages of ray-finned fish: Holostei and Polypteriformes. Inclusion of these new data into phylogenetic analysis showed a clear subdivision of IgL chains into five groups. The isotype described previously as the teleostean IgL lambda turned out to be a kappa and lambda chain paralog that emerged before the radiation of ray-finned fish. We designate this isotype as lambda-2. The phylogeny also showed that sigma-2 IgL chains initially regarded as specific for cartilaginous fish are present in holosteans, polypterids, and even in turtles. We conclude that there were five ancient IgL isotypes, which evolved differentially in various lineages of jawed vertebrates.</p

    data_sheet_10_Diversity of Immunoglobulin Light Chain Genes in Non-Teleost Ray-Finned Fish Uncovers IgL Subdivision into Five Ancient Isotypes.PDF

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    <p>The aim of this study was to fill important gaps in the evolutionary history of immunoglobulins by examining the structure and diversity of IgL genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish. First, based on the bioinformatic analysis of recent transcriptomic and genomic resources, we experimentally characterized the IgL genes in the chondrostean fish, Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet). We show that this species has three loci encoding IgL kappa-like chains with a translocon-type gene organization and a single VJC cluster, encoding homogeneous lambda-like light chain. In addition, sterlet possesses sigma-like VL and J-CL genes, which are transcribed separately and both encode protein products with cleavable leader peptides. The Acipenseriformes IgL dataset was extended by the sequences mined in the databases of species belonging to other non-teleost lineages of ray-finned fish: Holostei and Polypteriformes. Inclusion of these new data into phylogenetic analysis showed a clear subdivision of IgL chains into five groups. The isotype described previously as the teleostean IgL lambda turned out to be a kappa and lambda chain paralog that emerged before the radiation of ray-finned fish. We designate this isotype as lambda-2. The phylogeny also showed that sigma-2 IgL chains initially regarded as specific for cartilaginous fish are present in holosteans, polypterids, and even in turtles. We conclude that there were five ancient IgL isotypes, which evolved differentially in various lineages of jawed vertebrates.</p