64 research outputs found

    Farmers Perceptions on Artificial Insemination (AI): A Mixed Method Design

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    This study investigated the perceptions of Meranao farmers in Lanao del Sur province about reproductive biotechnology, specifically AI. A cross-sectional descriptive survey employing a mixed-method design of a qualitative-quantitative methodological triangulation was employed in the study involving 203 participants (farmers). The selection of the participants was based on purposive sampling and snowball techniques. Furthermore, the principle of saturation was also applied in the collection of data. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive, correlational statistics, and variance through SPSS version 16. Findings revealed that Artificial Insemination (AI) is not usually known and practice by the livestock raisers in Lanao del Sur. Most of the farmers has no knowledge about AI and it is not promoted in their municipality. Farmers adoptions of AI is influence by different factors such as their lack of knowledge resulted to some misconceptions about. However, findings also showed that they are willing to adopt AI as long as they are well educated about it. The farmers profile such as age, gender, educational attainment, livestock raise and years of experience in raising livestock significantly influence to their perceptions on AI. It is also shown that there was a significant difference on the perceptions of the farmers towards their awareness and acceptability of AI, and their perceptions about the status and prospect of AI in the province. Based on the findings, it shows that the farmers have no knowledge about AI but they are willing to be trained and adopt the technology as long as they will know about it. Farmers perceptions towards AI in terms of awareness, acceptability, status and prospects are directly influenced by their profile such as age, education, livestock raise, number of livestock and the years of experience in rearing livestock. This implies that, if they will be exposed to trainings and seminars about AI they can learn the technology and be willing to adopt. As such, this study designed a training program to educate the farmers about AI

    Nut and peanut butter consumption and mortality in the national institutes of health-AARP diet and health study

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    Although previous studies have shown inverse associations between nut consumption and mortality, the associations between nut consumption and less common causes of mortality have not been investigated. Additionally, about 50% of peanut consumption in the US is through peanut butter but the association between peanut butter consumption and mortality has not been thoroughly evaluated. The National Institutes of Health-AARP (NIH-AARP) Diet and Health Study recruited 566,398 individuals aged 50–71 at baseline in 1995–1996. A food-frequency questionnaire was used to evaluate nut and peanut butter consumption. Cox proportional hazard models were used to estimate hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals for mortality using the non-consumers as reference groups and three categories of consumption. After excluding subjects with chronic diseases at baseline, there were 64,464 deaths with a median follow-up time of 15.5 years. We observed a significant inverse association between nut consumption and overall mortality (HR C4 vs C1 = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.76, 0.81, p ≤ 0.001). Nut consumption was significantly associated with reduced risk of cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory, infectious, renal and liver disease mortality but not with diabetes or Alzheimer’s disease mortality. We observed no significant associations between peanut butter consumption and all-cause (HR C4 vs C1 = 1.00, 95% CI = 0.98, 1.04, p = 0.001) and cause-specific mortality. In a middle-aged US population, nut intake was inversely associated with all-cause mortality and certain types of cause-specific mortality. However, peanut butter consumption was not associated with differential mortality

    Penanganan Virus pada Buah Naga dan Desain Atap Otomatis Kebun Buah Naga di Jl. Soekarno Hatta KM 25 Balikpapan

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    Dragon fruit is one type of fruit that can grow in tropical and subtropical areas such as Indonesia. Especially East Kalimantan Province, dragon fruit cultivation one of the people's livelihoods. In Karang Joang Village, KM 25 Balikpapan, there are dragon fruit farmers who experience problems related to dragon fruit plants growing in their gardens. Dragon fruit plants in the garden were attacked by diseases caused by viruses due to frequent exposure to rain. Handling the virus with herbal medicines that are easily available, making it easier for the operational costs of dragon fruit planting to be affordable. Spraying of herbal medicine is carried out on dragon fruit about 3 times a week with a garden area of 3-4 hectares. In addition, innovation is also given in making prototypes of automatic roofs in order to protect plants from extreme weather that can affect soil and plant conditions. Through the manufacture of this automatic roof prototype, it is hoped that it can help protect dragon fruit trees when they are in a season with high rainfall.Buah naga adalah salah satu jenis buah yang dapat tumbuh di daerah tropis maupun subtropis seperti Indonesia. Khususnya Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, budidaya buah naga menjadi salah satu mata pencaharian masyarakat. Di Kelurahan Karang Joang, KM 25 Balikpapan, terdapat petani buah naga yang mengalami permasalahan terkait tumbuhan buah naga di kebunnya. Tanaman buah naga di kebun tersebut terserang penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus akibat sering terkena hujan. Penanganan virus dengan obat herbal yang mudah didapatkan sehingga meringankan biaya operasional penanaman buah naga menjadi lebih terjangkau. Penyemprotan obat herbal dilakukan ke buah naga sekitar 3 kali seminggu dengan luas kebun 3-4 hektar. Selain itui juga diberikan inovasi dalam pembuatan prototipe atap otomatis guna untuk melindungi tanaman dari cuaca yang ekstrim yang dapat mempengaruhi kondisi tanah dan tanaman. Melalui pembuatan prototipe atap otomatis yang dicetuskan ini, diharapkan agar sekiranya dapat membantu melindungi pohon buah naga ketika sedang berada di musim dengan curah hujan tinggi

    Indian leather patents: an analysis

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    An earlier study presented an analysis of leather patents in India, covering the period 1912-1972. This article covers the subsequent period, following implementation of the Indian Patents Act, 1970. It compares and contrasts the two periods, and analyses the later period by country of origin of the patentees, by subject matter categories within the leather industry, and by the type of patentee. While confirming, for this technology, the long-established patterns in Indian patents in general of relatively low levels of patenting, dominance by foreign patentees and the strong corporate nature of patentees, it was found that, despite the expectation that this industry would still have a strong element of traditional technology and therefore a low patenting level and low involvement of Indian patentees, the level of patenting, the proportion of patentees of Indian origin (38%), and the involvement of research organisations (35%) are all above average. This applies both overall for the 132 leather patents analysed and, in some cases more pronouncedly, within most of the subject matter categories.

    Variation in site of lithiation with ring substituent of N′-aryl-N,N-dimethylureas: application in synthesis

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    Lithiation of various N′-aryl-N,N-dimethylureas takes different courses depending on the substituent in the aryl ring. N′-(4-Chlorophenyl)-, N′-(4-fluorophenyl)- and N′-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-N,N-dimethylureas are doubly lithiated, on nitrogen and on the carbon at position 2, with n-butyllithium or tert-butyllithium at 0 °C. The lithium reagents thus obtained react with a variety of electrophiles (iodomethane, D2O, benzophenone, benzaldehyde, phenyl isocyanate and phenyl isothiocyanate) to give the corresponding 2-substituted derivatives, in very good yields for the chloro and fluoro derivatives. Reaction of the dilithio reagent of N′-(4-chlorophenyl)-N,N-dimethylurea with 2-chlorocyclohexanone gives an 82% isolated yield of 4a-hydroxy-N-(dimethylaminocarbonyl)-1,2,3,4,4a,9a-hexahydrocarbazole, which on treatment with trifluoroacetic acid affords N-(dimethylaminocarbonyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrocarbazole in 97% yield. Double lithiation of N′-phenyl- and N′-(4-methylphenyl)-N,N-dimethylureas is achieved using tert-butyllithium at –20 °C, and takes place on nitrogen and predominantly on one of the two methyl groups of the urea. The lithium reagents so produced also react with a range of electrophiles to give the corresponding N-methyl-substituted compounds in very good yields. Lithiation of the N′-(4-methoxyphenyl)-analogue with tert-butyllithium at 0 °C or at –20 °C takes place on nitrogen, and then partially on carbon at position 3 but primarily on a methyl group of the urea, leading to a mixture of ring substitution, methyl substitution and disubstitution (in the ring and on the methyl group) on reaction with representative electrophiles. However, disubstituted derivatives are obtained in very good yields when 3 molar equivalents of tert-butyllithium are used to form a trianion. Attempted lithiation of the N′-(4-nitrophenyl) analogue was not successful under various reaction conditions

    Operations management teaching on European MBA programmes

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    A comprehensive review of the literature established that several investigations have been made of operations management teaching in the USA, whereas almost nothing has been published on European teaching. Therefore, an exploratory investigation was made of operations management teaching on the MBA courses of ten leading European business schools. The results show that course content is similar across schools, but there are large variations on three dimensions: the time allocated by schools to the subject; the balance between operations strategy and tools and techniques in teaching; and the level of emphasis given to service operations. The results also indicate the emerging importance of integrating operations management with other subjects in the MBA curriculum and the key challenge facing faculty - the need to raise the perceived importance of operations management. The comparison of courses will be of interest to all operations management faculty who teach core courses and particularly those who are looking for ideas on how to re-design courses

    Comparison of oral diclofenac transdermal patch versus oral diclofenac sustained release tablet as a post-operative analgesia following orthodontic extractions of premolar teeth: A randomized clinical study

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    Aim: This study was performed to compare the degree of post operative analgesia, patient compliance, and frequency of adverse events with the use of oral diclofenac tablets and transdermal diclofenac patch following multiple premolar extractions in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. Materials and Methods: Thirty young pre-orthodontic patients requiring bilateral maxillary and mandibular first premolar extractions were selected for the study. The right maxillary and mandibular first premolars were extracted first and 100mg oral diclofenac sodium sustained release tablets were prescribed to be taken thrice a day for three days. In the next appointment, the contralateral first premolars were extracted and a 100 mg transdermal diclofenac patch was applied once a day for three days. Pain relief and pain intensity with both the diclofenac formulations was recorded for each of  using5-point Verbal Pain Intensity and Pain Relief Score Charts.Results and Conclusions: Statistical analyses revealed that there was a gradual increase in pain relief scores and a gradual decrease in pain intensity scores with the use of oral diclofenac tablets as well as with the transdermal patch
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