11 research outputs found

    A clinical study of comparision between efficacy of topical sucralfate and conventional dressing in the managment of diabetic ulcer in Tirunelveli Medical College

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    BACKGROUND: Sulphated saccharides, primarily sucralfate, have previously been indicated for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. In radio-labelled form, sucralfate has also been used as a diagnostic agent for the imaging of gastrointestinal mucosa, since the substance binds selectively to ulcerated areas in the stomach and upper small intestine. It has been found that sucralfate exerts an antiinflammatory effect when applied topically to the skin and to mucosal surfaces, and that sucralfate exerts a beneficial effect on wounds when applied topically on epithelial surfaces outside the digestive tract. Accordingly, the present study relates to the use of sucralfate for the preparation of a medication for topical application over the skin or to any nongastrointestinal surface. Although the evidence is not yet conclusive the clinical evidence tends to support the antiinflammatory effect and wound healing effect of sucralfate. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: • To compare the efficacy of topical sucralfate with that of a control group using • conventional dressings, in the healing of diabetic ulcers in terms of: Number of days needed for healing • To study the healing properties of sucralfate in management of nongastrointestinal wounds • Rate of reduction in mean ulcer surface area • To assess the effect of topical sucralfate on bacterial load by comparing the culture and sensitivity of wound swabs before and after application of sucralfate METHODOLOGY: This was a comparative study conducted at Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital,Tirunelveli.Total of 100 patients were studied. They were separated into 2 groups through computerized randomization. Patients in Control group were treated with conventional dressing and patients in Study group were treated with sucralfate dressing and watched for the wound size reduction. RESULTS: The study group patients showed higher reduction in wound size of about 40.87%as against 15.63% of the control group with P value < 0.001. CONCLUSION: Topical application of sucralfate once daily significantly increases incidence of wound healing and reduce the time required for healing in diabetic ulcers

    Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd) Berdasarkan Faktor Iklim di Kota Ternate

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    Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan di Di Kota Ternate. Data Dinas Kesehatan Kota Ternate menjelaskan bahwa penyebaran DBD di Kota Ternate dikategorikan dalam 4 kelurahan endemis, 16 kelurahan sporadic dan 43 kelurahan potensial. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara faktor iklim dengan kejadian DBD di Kota Ternate. Analisis dilakukan terhadap 3 persamaan dengan kombinasi faktor iklim yang berbeda, yaitu curah hujan, suhu dan kelembaban. Setiap persamaan mempertimbangkan lagtime 1 dan 2, analisis menggunakan program minitab statistical software 16.0 dan SPPS 17. Rata-rata kejadian DBD selama 8 tahun adalah 109 kasus dengan kejadian terendah 32 kasus pada tahun 2012 dan tertinggi 216 pada tahuan 2010. Hasil analisis statistik diketahui bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara kejadian DBD dengan curah hujan dengan nilai r=0,0009;p=0,993˃p0,05 serta kelembaban dengan nilai r=0,064;p=0,543˃p0,05, tetapi terdapat hubungan antara suhu dan kejadian DBD dengan nilai r=0,267;p=0,008˂p0,05 selama periode tahun2007-2014. Hasil analisis prediksi kejadian DBD di Kota Ternate pada bulan Juli yang dipengaruhi oleh suhu dengan nilai r=0,92;p=0,001˂p0,05 dan kelembaban dengan nilai r=0,97;p=0,001˂p0,05 satu bulan sebelumnya, sedangkan curah hujan sebelumnya tidak memberikan hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kejadian DBD. Kejadian DBD bulan Februari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, Oktober dan November dipengaruhi oleh satu bulan sebelumnya dengan kisaran nilai r=0,55 - 0,95

    Impact of PGPR inoculation on photosynthetic pigment and protein contents in Arachis hypogaea L.

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    The impact of microbial consortium comprising plant development advancing rhizobacteria (PGPR) like Rhizobium, Pseudomonas and Bacillus were tried independently and in blend of Arachis hypogaea. The mixes of previously mentioned PGPR strains essentially expanded photosynthetic color (chlorophyll an and b, add up to chlorophyll and carotenoid) and protein content in &nbsp;A. hypogaea, when contrasted with the un-inoculated control. The consequences of this study propose that PGPR connected in mix can possibly build the photosynthetic colors and protein substance of A. hypogaea which can be a potential tool in increasing the yield in this economically important crop in sustainable way

    Cytotoxic and genotoxic properties of silver nanoparticles synthesized by ethanolic extract of Salacia chinensis

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    International audienceIn this study, in vitro and in vivo methods were used to evaluate the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity properties of silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) made from a crude ethanolic extract of Salacia chinensis. The test Ag-NPs had no cytotoxicity on the fibroblast cell line at a concentration of 100 Οg/mL, according to the MTT assay results. The Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line treated with varied concentrations of test Ag-NPs, with a maximum concentration of 200 Οg/mL, did not exhibit any appreciable genotoxic activity, either by comparing the results with positive controls of genotoxicity caused by Methyl methane sulfonate and Benzo (a) pyrene at the concentration of 20 Οg/mL, the lack of genotoxicity was established. An in vivo study in Swiss albino mice using various concentrations (250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg) of test Ag-NPs, which were compared with positive controls, further confirmed this in vitro result pattern. Contrary to the genotoxicity caused by the positive control, mouse bone marrow micronucleus testing findings revealed the absence of genotoxicity. These findings imply that at the measured doses, the Ag-NPs produced from the crude ethanolic extract of Salacia chinensis do not exhibit any cytotoxicity or genotoxicity