447 research outputs found

    Identifying habitation patterns in world heritage areas through social media and open datasets

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    Although cities with World Heritage (WH) areas worldwide are socially active, specific social and cultural complexities are associated primarily with the abandonment and decay of districts. Contemporary habitation patterns in historic districts require technology to understand parallel realities in protected areas. This stakeholders-based approach benefits significantly from cross-referencing locative social media and open data sources. Therefore, the concepts put forward in this paper use evidence from an empirical case of WH areas in selected Spanish urban sites. The cartographic correlation of data identifies hotspots of activities and coldspots around services within each site. The results present two significant findings. The first confirms the successful implementation of a digital method to support current transitions for the historic city. The second demonstrates that social networks and open datasets can mirror contemporary social interaction in historic cities. Finally, the study calls on further investigating Artificial Intelligence-based assessments for the future of WH areas

    The Heritagization of a Mediterranean Vernacular Mountain Landscape: Concepts, Problems and Processes

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    The concepts of heritage and landscape have always changed or been developed based on the social context of the time. For decades, attempts have been made to find a pragmatic definition for a changing setting where values, evolve or disappear in step with the changing ways and styles of life of each society. Heritage and landscape have inherent values such as identity, culture, authenticity or integrity, that is to say, landscape character. Current heritagization processes that lead to an understanding of the palimpsest of landscape and heritage layers need to be participatory and inclusive as their importance and sustainability depend on this. This article shows how the early stages of a heritagization process unfold in a small region of the western Mediterranean, Penyagolosa (CastellĂłn). The current problems of the region - depopulation, abandonment and loss of culture and identity - are assessed in search of an understanding and appreciation of a heritage landscape. The research uses techniques such as photo elicitation in a workshops, GIS analysis and evaluates the different options to characterize the landscape offered by different researchers. The analysis explains the different phases of the research to establish the basis of the heritagization of this setting. The study also established a parallel perspective for valorization between researchers and local population - objective and subjective visions - thus encouraging the interest of the social majority linked to the landscape

    A Practical Vision of Heritage Tourism in Low-Population- Density Areas. The Spanish Mediterranean as a Case Study

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    Heritage tourism bases its definition on searching for different, authentic, and somewhat unexplored places. Recent literature speaks of the growth of new forms of tourism based on the tradition that seeks to surprise visitors with popular culture, traditional activities, or actions that bring traditional culture closer to tourists. However, the reality is that the influx of tourists to small mountain villages is marked by the most “monumental” historical and architectural values, leaving aside some other minor attributes. This article uses the historical centres of rural villages to place inhabitants’ knowledge at the centre of tourism initiatives. The aim of the study was to develop cohesive and inclusive tourism activities in historic centres by analysing the built environment’s attributes and values. A participatory methodology marks the cultural change to enhance collaboration through transparent and ethical foundations and respect these places’ distinctive character. The study of values helped to conduct an in-depth analysis of local realities to document and map historical centres’ tangible attributes through crafts, traditional culture, and local heritage forms

    A GIS-based methodology for the appraisal of historical, architectural, and social values in historic urban cores

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    Historic environments represent the evolution of materials and techniques that have been used for the construction these environments over the centuries. Entering into the study of this field entails working not only on the crafts that have constructed these environments but also on the people who made, used, and reinterpreted them by learning about the craftsmen and the idiosyncrasies of the place. The study has adopted several methodologies as reference to examine the material and cultural reality of the rural region of Valencia, Spain. Through the adaptation of international methodologies, researchers have carried out a digital database that compiles and maps out the results of the Local Character Assessment of ten Histotiric Urban Cores by incorporating the historical, architectural, and social values to reinforce the Territorial Heritage Action Plan. One of the critical innovations adopted by this form of assessment is the compulsory integration of tangible and intangible heritage through the active involvement of users and makers. Another innovation is to understand the values behind the dynamism and transformation of historic sites. Hence, this study advances theory and practice on the transmission of knowledge among artisans, researchers, and the population and how contemporary practices help acquire new meanings that overlap the past ones

    Examining urban polarization in five Spanish historic cities through online datasets and onsite perceptions

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    At present, the planning and management of historic districts are faced with the challenge of striking a balance between the needs of residents and seasonal pressures from visitors. These socially bustling sites could also benefit from the data cross-referencing of cultural and social patterns in order to identify areas for improvement. This research analyses geo-referenced online datasets and data from social media applications, subsequently contrasting these with onsite data from in-person interviews. These specific variables highlight parallels and conflicts between districts designated World Heritage areas in five Spanish cities. The study provides a quantitative analysis of hotspots and coldspots within the built environment. This is followed by an examination of these two types of areas using qualitative data linked to the three most challenging issues: housing and the built environment; basic services; and cultural services. When analysing the future of historic districts three major challenges to management highlighted in the results should be considered. Firstly, even in socially active districts, imbalances and dysfunctional areas are highlighted by both online data and onsite perceptions. Secondly, the study of the dynamics of districts for observing how stakeholders adapt to this social, economic, and mobilityrelated polarization. Thirdly, while the study acknowledges the changes to the consumption of culture, there is still potential for improvement in hosting alternative or countercultural movements.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Noise in Grover's Quantum Search Algorithm

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    Grover's quantum algorithm improves any classical search algorithm. We show how random Gaussian noise at each step of the algorithm can be modelled easily because of the exact recursion formulas available for computing the quantum amplitude in Grover's algorithm. We study the algorithm's intrinsic robustness when no quantum correction codes are used, and evaluate how much noise the algorithm can bear with, in terms of the size of the phone book and a desired probability of finding the correct result. The algorithm loses efficiency when noise is added, but does not slow down. We also study the maximal noise under which the iterated quantum algorithm is just as slow as the classical algorithm. In all cases, the width of the allowed noise scales with the size of the phone book as N^-2/3.Comment: 17 pages, 2 eps figures. Revised version. To be published in PRA, December 199

    Validity of Machine Learning in Assessing Large Texts Through Sustainability Indicators

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    As machine learning becomes more widely used in policy and environmental impact settings, concerns about accuracy and fairness arise. These concerns have piqued the interest of researchers, who have advanced new approaches and theoretical insights to enhance data gathering, treatment and models’ training. Nonetheless, few works have looked at the trade-offs between appropriateness and accuracy in indicator evaluation to comprehend how these constraints and approaches may better redound into policymaking and have a more significant impact across culture and sustainability matters for urban governance. This empirical study fulfils this void by researching indicators’ accuracy and utilizing algorithmic models to test the benefits of large text-based analysis. Here we describe applied work in which we find affinity and occurrence in indicators trade-offs that result be significant in practice to evaluate large texts. In the study, objectivity and fairness are kept substantially without sacrificing accuracy, explicitly focusing on improving the processing of indicators to be truthfully assessed. This observation is robust when cross-referring indicators and unique words. The empirical results advance a novel form of large text analysis through machine intelligence and refute a widely held belief that artificial intelligence text processing necessitates either accepting a significant reduction in accuracy or fairness.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Programa de cĂĄlculo de las constantes Ăłpticas de materiales opacos en Fortran IV

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    Cuando se desea calcular las constantes Ăłpticas n, k a partir de las medidas de reflectancia en aire y aceite de inmersiĂłn, es necesario manejar gran cantidad de datos experimentales, sobre todo si se pretende construir las curvas de dispersiĂłn de estas constantes desde los 400 nm a los 1.100 nm, efectuando series de 100 lecturas cada 10 nm. Para manejar esta gran cantidad de datos se propone el programa denominadaIRCA escrito en FORTRAN IV para utilizar con computadoras IBM modelos 1130 o 360

    Assessment of the ecological role of historic centres based on the relationship between biodiversity and urban composition

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    Historic centres provide their inhabitants with identity and well-being. Although studies focus on the conservation of the built environment, in recent years the environmental component of historic centres has also been analysed. Issues such as ecosystem services and biodiversity have become more pressing due to rapid population growth, development and the climate crisis. Green spaces in historic centres often conserve biodiversity, as they tend to be protected spaces. This article presents two case studies in Castellon ÂŽ de la Plana (Spain) with the aim of analysing the relationship between the built environment and avian biodiversity. The study uses a four-phase process. The first phase incorporates a review of recent literature to select biodiversity indicators, while the second focuses on open data analysis and incorporation into GIS software. The third phase consists of field data collection and the mapping of biodiversity indicators. Finally, phase four involves the preparation of thematic maps, which allows us to visualize behavioural patterns connecting bird colonies with the morphology of the built environment in order to draw relevant conclusions that can help improve biodiversity. The analysis allowed the calculation of eight indicators and the identification of building typologies, the percentage of green areas and the inspection of features promoting avian biodiversity. In total, 31 bird species were detected, 27 in the historic centre of Castellon ÂŽ and 26 in the historic centre of the Grao district. Among them, the mapping distribution of three endangered species demonstrates their dependence on these historic built habitats. Apus apus, Passer domesticus and Delichon urbicum are present in 97, 82 and 56% of grids, respectively, with ANOVA correlation confirming these species densities found. The study is somewhat limited in the use of the line transect method due to the potential structural biases intrinsic to the unique nature of the districts assessed

    Fluid intake habits of spanish children and adolescents: an update of the Liq.In7 survey

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    Insufficient and unhealthy total fluid intake (TFI), especially in early stages of life, may have negative health impact [1]. Understanding how fluid consumption may differ throughout the day or as a function of location could help drive policy initiatives to encourage healthier drinking habits, especially in young population groups, so this study assesses current patterns of fluid consumption in children and adolescents in Spain, including drinking occasions and locations and to compare TFI with the adequate intake of water from fluids recommended by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)..
