392 research outputs found

    Klein-Gordon and Dirac particles in non-constant scalar-curvature background

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    The Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations are considered in a semi-infinite lab (x>0x > 0) in the presence of background metrics ds2=u2(x)ημνdxμdxνds^2 =u^2(x) \eta_{\mu\nu} dx^\mu dx^\nu and ds2=dt2+u2(x)ηijdxidxjds^2=-dt^2+u^2(x)\eta_{ij}dx^i dx^j with u(x)=e±gxu(x)=e^{\pm gx}. These metrics have non-constant scalar-curvatures. Various aspects of the solutions are studied. For the first metric with u(x)=egxu(x)=e^{gx}, it is shown that the spectrums are discrete, with the ground state energy Emin2=p2c2+g2c22E^2_{min}=p^2c^2 + g^2c^2\hbar^2 for spin-0 particles. For u(x)=egxu(x)=e^{-gx}, the spectrums are found to be continuous. For the second metric with u(x)=egxu(x)=e^{-gx}, each particle, depends on its transverse-momentum, can have continuous or discrete spectrum. For Klein-Gordon particles, this threshold transverse-momentum is 3g/2\sqrt{3}g/2, while for Dirac particles it is g/2g/2. There is no solution for u(x)=egxu(x)=e^{gx} case. Some geometrical properties of these metrics are also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, to be published in Int. Jour. Mod. Phys.

    Berry phase for spin--1/2 particles moving in a spacetime with torsion

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    Berry phase for a spin--1/2 particle moving in a flat spacetime with torsion is investigated in the context of the Einstein-Cartan-Dirac model. It is shown that if the torsion is due to a dense polarized background, then there is a Berry phase only if the fermion is massless and its momentum is perpendicular to the direction of the background polarization. The order of magnitude of this Berry phase is discussed in other theoretical frameworks.Comment: 9 pages. Some typos corrected, a discussion on propagating torsion is added, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J. C (2001

    Phase structure of the generalized two dimensional Yang-Mills theories on sphere

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    We find a general expression for the free energy of G(ϕ)=ϕ2kG(\phi)=\phi^{2k} generalized 2D Yang-Mills theories in the strong (A>AcA>A_c) region at large NN. We also show that in this region, the density function of Young tableau of these models is a three-cut problem. In the specific ϕ6\phi^6 model, we show that the theory has a third order phase transition, like ϕ2\phi^2 (YM_2) and ϕ4\phi^4 models. We have some comments for k4k \geq 4 cases. At the end, we study the phase structure of ϕ2+gϕ4\phi^2 + g \phi^4 model for gA/4g \leq A/4 region.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex,the introduction section was changed,will be appeared in: Eur. Phys. J. C (1999

    A pseudo-conformal representation of the Virasoro algebra

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    Generalizing the concept of primary fields, we find a new representation of the Virasoro algebra, which we call it a pseudo-conformal representation. In special cases, this representation reduces to ordinary- or logarithmic-conformal field theory. There are, however, other cases in which the Green functions differ from those of ordinary- or logarithmic-conformal field theories. This representation is parametrized by two matrices. We classify these two matrices, and calculate some of the correlators for a simple example.Comment: LaTex, 5 page

    Large-N limit of the generalized 2-dimensional Yang-Mills theories

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    Using the standard saddle-point method, we find an explicit relation for the large-N limit of the free energy of an arbitrary generalized 2D Yang-Mills theory in the weak (AAcAA_c) region, we investigate carefully the specific fourth Casimir theory, and show that the ordinary integral equation of the density function is not adequate to find the solution. There exist, however, another equation which restricts the parameters. So one can find the free energy in strong region and show that the theory has a third order phase transition.Comment: 10 pages, minor typos corrected, one reference update

    Quantum reflection of massless neutrinos from a torsion-induced potential

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    In the context of the Einstein-Cartan-Dirac model, where the torsion of the space-time couples to the axial currents of the fermions, we study the effects of this quantum-gravitational interaction on a massless neutrino beam crossing through a medium with high number density of fermions at rest. We calculate the reflection amplitude and show that a specific fraction of the incident neutrinos reflects from this potential if the polarization of the medium is different from zero. We also discuss the order of magnitude of the fermionic number density in which this phenomenon is observable, in other theoretical contexts, for example the strong-gravity regime and the effective field theory approach.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    Derivation of quantum theories:symmetries and the exact solution of the derived system

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    Based on the technique of derivation of a theory, presented in our recent paper, we investigate the properties of the derived quantum system. We show that the derived quantum system possesses the (nonanomalous) symmetries of the original one, and prove that the exact Green functions of the derived theory are expressed in terms of the semiclassically approximated Green functions of the original theory.Comment: 8 pages,LaTe

    Models solvable through the empty-interval method

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    The most general one dimensional reaction-diffusion model with nearest-neighbor interactions solvable through the empty interval method, and without any restriction on the particle-generation from two adjacent empty sites is studied. It is shown that turning on the reactions which generate particles from two adjacent empty sites, results in a gap in the spectrum of the evolution operator (or equivalently a finite relaxation time).Comment: 8 page

    The phase-space of generalized Gauss-Bonnet dark energy

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    The generalized Gauss-Bonnet theory, introduced by Lagrangian F(R,G), has been considered as a general modified gravity for explanation of the dark energy. G is the Gauss-Bonnet invariant. For this model, we seek the situations under which the late-time behavior of the theory is the de-Sitter space-time. This is done by studying the two dimensional phase space of this theory, i.e. the R-H plane. By obtaining the conditions under which the de-Sitter space-time is the stable attractor of this theory, several aspects of this problem have been investigated. It has been shown that there exist at least two classes of stable attractors : the singularities of the F(R,G), and the cases in which the model has a critical curve, instead of critical points. This curve is R=12H^2 in R-H plane. Several examples, including their numerical calculations, have been discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, typos corrected, a reference adde

    Observables of the generalized 2D Yang-Mills theories on arbitrary surfaces: a path integral approach

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    Using the path integral method, we calculate the partition function and the generating functional (of the field strengths) of the generalized 2D Yang-Mills theories in the Schwinger--Fock gauge. Our calculation is done for arbitrary 2D orientable, and also nonorientable surfaces.Comment: 6 pages, LaTe