32 research outputs found


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    The effect of microwave irradiation with a wavelength of 12 cm on the germinating energy and germination of seeds of Gleditschia triacanthos L., Caragana arborescens, Laburnum anagiroides Med., Robinia pseudoacacia L. has been studied. The specific electroconductivity of leaf extracts has been measured and its dependence on the microwave radiation power has been determined.Изследвано е влиянието на микровълново електромагнитно лъчение с дължина на вълната 12 cm върху кълняемостта и дружността на покълнване на семена от Gleditschia triacanthos L., Caragana arborescens, Laburnum anagiroides Med., Robinia pseudoacacia L. Измерена е специфичната електропроводимост на спиртен извлек от листата и е определена зависимостта й от мощността на микровълновото лъчение


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    The effect of the static magnetic field of 0,15 Т induction on the maize seeds was studied. The germinating energy and seed germination were detected. The fresh weight and the shoot length were measured. The absorption spectra and the specific electroconductivity of the water extract from seeds were registered. It was detected that the magnetic field stimulated the shoot development and led to the increase of the germinating energy, germination, fresh weight and shoot length. The extinction of the samples treated with a magnetic field increased by about 20 %. The highest values of the treated sample parameters were obtained after 10-min exposure in the magnetic field.Изследвано е влиянието на статично магнитно поле с индукция 0,15 Т върху семена от царевица. Определени са кълняемата енергия и кълняемостта на семената. Измерена е свежата маса и дължината на кълновете. Снети са абсорбционните спектри и е определена специфичната електропроводимост на воден екстракт от семената. Установено е, че магнитното поле стимулира развитието на кълна, води до повишаване на кълняемата енергия, кълняемостта, свежата маса и дължината на кълновете. Екстинкцията на третираните с магнитно поле образци се повишава с около 20 %. Най-високи стойности на параметрите на третираните образци се получават за експозиция в магнитно поле 10 min

    Pulsed electromagnetic field - a cultivation practice used to increase soybean seed germination and yield

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    The aim of the research was to test the effect of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) on soybean seed germination and yield depending on specific field conditions, years of study, exposure duration and frequency. Field trial was conducted on an experimental field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia in 2010-2013. Seeds of the soybean (Glycine hispida (Moench)) medium-early cultivar. Valjevka 'were exposed to the PEMF therapy using the impulse generator and strip. Low-frequency (16, 24, 30 and 72 Hz) PEMF was used in the duration of 0, 30, 60 and 90 minutes. Research results indicate that this method can increase seed germination up to 8.00% and yield by 960.5 kg, or 21% in field conditions, which is a significant increase and a solid basis to introduce this practice, primarily in organic production with a very limited use of seed treatment preparations. However, the practice can have an inhibitory effect under an unfavourable combination of exposure duration and frequency. The obtained data were processed using the analysis of variance of three-factorial trials considering all years of study. Due to different meteorological conditions in the study years, analysis of variance was conducted for each year of study and correlations between the tested traits were examined

    The Evolution and Cultural Framing of Food Safety Management Systems – Where from and Where next?

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    The aim of this paper is to review the development of food safety management systems (FSMS) from their origins in the 1950s to the present. The food safety challenges in modern food supply systems are explored and it is argued that there is the need for a more holistic thinking approach to food safety management. The narrative review highlights that whilst the transactional elements of how FSMS are developed, validated, implemented, monitored and verified remains largely unchanged, how organizational culture frames the operation and efficacy of FSMS is becoming more important. The evolution of a wider academic and industry understanding of both the influence of food safety culture (FS-culture) and also how such culture frames and enables, or conversely restricts the efficacy of the FSMS is crucial for consumer wellbeing. Potential research gaps worthy of further study are identified as well as recommendations given for the application of the research findings within the food industry


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    The effect of microwave irradiation with a wavelength of 12 cm on the germinating energy and germination of seeds of Gleditschia triacanthos L., Caragana arborescens, Laburnum anagiroides Med., Robinia pseudoacacia L. has been studied. The specific electroconductivity of leaf extracts has been measured and its dependence on the microwave radiation power has been determined

    Badanie wpływu długoterminowego przechowywania na żywotność nasion papryki (Capsicum annuum L.) za pomocą termodynamicznych parametrów

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    The main goal of the present study was to investigate the changes in viability potential and selected thermodynamic parameters of peppers seeds in aging during storage as well as the relationship between them. The water content and storage temperature of seeds were used for determining differential thermodynamic parameters: Gibbs free energy, entropy, and enthalpy. The experiments were carried out with aging pepper seeds stored in ambient (uncontrolled) conditions for 132 months. It was found that the viability potential deteriorated more rapidly after 4–5 years of storage. Thermodynamic parameters – differential enthalpy and entropy, and free energy decreased with decline of germination. Therefore these parameters can be used as means for better understanding of aging processes and this is of great importance for agricultural practice because it allows more detailed description and prediction of the deterioration of pepper seeds during long-term storage.Głównym celem doświadczenia było zbadanie zmian w wybranych parametrach termodynamicznych nasion papryki podczas długotrwałego przechowywania. W tym celu badano zawartość wody w nasionach, jak również temperaturę osiągniętą w czasie ich przechowywania. Doświadczenie przeprowadzono z nasionami papryki przechowywanymi w temperaturze pokojowej przez okres 132 miesięcy. Stwierdzono, że żywotność nasion pogarsza się bardzo szybko, po 4–5 roku przechowywania. Parametry termodynamiczne – entropia i entalpia, jak również energia Gibbsa – pogarszają się wraz z obniżaniem kiełkowania nasion. Stwierdzono, że wskazane parametry mogą być wykorzystywane jako wskaźniki procesu starzenia się nasion. Jest to ważne dla praktyki rolniczej, ponieważ pozwala na dokładniejszy i bardziej szczegółowy opis oraz przewidywanie degradacji nasion papryki podczas procesu przechowywania

    Composting Municipal Waste for Soil Recultivation in Bulgaria

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    Aims: Agriculture is the main source of soil degradation processes in Bulgaria. Therefore the re-cultivation of soil is an important task. The possibilities for using composted municipal waste for soil re-cultivation in Bulgaria are discussed on the case of plant processing municipal solid waste in Plovdiv.Presentation of Case: The plant for processing of municipal waste with capacity 125,000 t/yr built in the neighbourhood of Plovdiv is presented. The case study has been prepared in the Department of Agro chemistry and the Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics of the Agricultural University, Plovdiv in collaboration with the National Biomass Association between March 2013 and August 2013.Discussion: Bulgaria has a good infrastructure and an adequate waste management framework. About 85% of the generated waste is transported to the depots and approximately 52% of the total amount of waste is biodegradable. Plant for processing of municipal waste with capacity 125 000 t/yr is built in Plovdiv region. The installation is designed for the processing of municipal solid waste in Plovdiv and other regional municipalities. After primary separation of the components of municipal waste the organic component is used for composting. Data about compost content are presented because of its importance for the re-cultivation.Conclusions: The processing of municipal waste for producing compost of organic origin that can be used for soil re-cultivation (to recover nutrients and improve structure) allows reducing the area of dunghills, unpleasant smell, and Greenhouse Gas emissions

    Pulsed electromagnetic field: an organic compatible method to promote plant growth and yield in two corn types

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    Pre-sowing treatment of pulsed electromagnetic fields was used in corn seeds, in both indoor and outdoor conditions, in order to investigate the effect on plant growth and yield. The results of this research showed that pulsed electromagnetic fields can enhance plant characteristics, both under controlled environmental conditions and uncontrolled field conditions. The two varieties responded differently in the duration of magnetic field. Seeds were treated for 0, 15, 30, and 45 min with pulsed electromagnetic field (MF-0, MF-15, MF-30, and MF-45). Common corn variety performed better results in MF-30 treatment, while sweet corn variety performed better in MF-45 treatment. Magnetic field improved germination percentage, vigor, chlorophyll content, leaf area, plant fresh and dry weight, and finally yields. In the very interesting measurement of yield, seeds that have been exposed to magnetic field for 30 and 45 min have been found to perform the best results with no statistical differences among them. Another interesting finding was in root dry weight measurements, where magnetic field has a negative impact in MF-30 treatment in both hybrids, however without affecting other measurements. Enhancements on plant characteristics with economic impact on producer's income could be the future of a modern, organic, and sustainable agriculture