281 research outputs found

    Maternal Mortality Trend in Ethiopia

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    Background: Maternal mortality ratio is one of the indicators in the MDG that is raising concern in achieving the set target of reducing the rate by two-third by 2015.Objectives: To review the maternal mortality trend and the causes of maternal deaths in Ethiopia. Methods: Review of published and unpublished documents addressing maternal mortality in Ethiopia. Result: DHS and hospital data indicate decreasing maternal mortality even though the current maternal mortality ratio is still high. The proportion of maternal deaths due to the each of the five major causes varies with time. Generally, the limited information indicates that the proportion of maternal deaths after unsafe abortion is decreasing while deaths after preeclampsia/ eclampsia are increasing. There is no grossly notable change in the proportion of deaths due to ruptured uterus/ obstructed labor, hemorrhage and sepsis. In recent studies, maternal deaths following hepatitis are not reported while deaths due to HIV are appearing. Deaths complicated by malaria are seen in certain parts of the country. The case fatality rates of preeclampsia/eclampsia and ruptured uterus/ obstructed labor are increasing. Conclusion: Even though the review is constrained by inadequate data and interpretation uncertainty of the findings, it generally indicates the urgent need of improving the quality of maternal health services; scaling up evidence based interventions; and measuring progress. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2010;24 Special Issue 1:115-122

    Reasons of the gap between Outcome Characteristics of Private Higher Education, and Job Requirements in the Private Sector in Egypt (Reasons related to the community and the graduates)

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    This research is designed to measure the reasons of the gap (miss-fit) between the outcome characteristics of the private higher education and the job requirements in the private sector in Egypt. Specifically, the reasons related to the community and the graduates themselves are analysed, investigated and discussed. The exploratory research has shown that the reasons related to the Egyptian community are summarized in the Egyptian society's perspective towards private higher education. Where the reasons related to the graduates are summarized in the benefits of the private higher education to its graduates. For the reasons related to the community, the researchers found that the preference of some majors, the vision of the community as regards universities, and the vision of the community concerning scientific research are confirmed to be causes of the gap from the academic staff members’ and businessmen’s points of view. For the reasons related to the graduates, we found that the qualifications of the graduates for the practical life and the benefits from their study are confirmed to be causes of the gap. Consequently, the researchers can conclude that the society’s perspective of the private higher education and the benefits of the private higher education to its graduates affect the gap between the outcome characteristics of the private higher education and job requirements in the private sector in Egypt. Keywords: private higher education, education outcome, private sector in Egypt DOI: 10.7176/JAAS/62-06 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Partureints' need of continous labor support in labor wards

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    No Abstract. The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development Vol. 21 (1) 2007: pp. 35-3

    Reasons of the Gap between Outcome Characteristics of Private Higher Education, and Job Requirements of the Private Sector in Egypt (Reasons Related to Universities)

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    Universities present one of the main sources that society rely upon  to get the qualified staff which represents the source of human power needed for achieving the society's goals. So, higher education recently receives an exclusive concern all over the world, especially in Egypt. Nowadays, Egypt is highly concerned about increasing the number of Universities, especially the private ones, because they play a great role in establishing qualified humans. Also, it cares about developing and updating academic courses and teaching techniques in universities to cope with the new era requirements that are rapidly changed, and development in all fields. As for the important role of universities in preparing and qualifying the human resources, it was also important to find out the reasons that hinder universities from performing their effective role, which leads to their failure to fulfill the labor market requirements. The exploratory research has shown that the reasons which are related to university could be divided into five groups: 1. Reasons related to the policies of the higher education system. 2. Reasons related to the qualifications of the academic staff member. 3. Reasons related to the higher educational techniques. 4. Reasons related to the availability of resources and capabilities. 5. Reasons related to the fit between the academic courses and labor market requirements. The current research is designed to measure reasons of the gap (misfit) between the outcome characteristics of the private higher education and the job requirements in the private sector in Egypt. The study will be applied in the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport in the following colleges: (a) College of management and technology (b) College of engineering and technology (c) College of maritime transport and technology. Based on the interviews with the academic staff members and some businessmen, the study concluded that regarding the effect of the policies of the private higher education system on the gap between the outcome characteristics of the private higher education and job requirements in the private sector in Egypt, the main causes for the above mentioned gap are the admission method, which is based on high school grades only, and the major selection method. With respect to the qualifications of the academic staff members, it was observed that the isolation of the academic staff members when they establish the academic courses from the labor market, and the weakness of communication between the academic staff members and the students are also considered as causes of the gap. Concerning the higher education techniques and tools, it was found that the inability to use modern methods of education and the dependence on the traditional methods of lecturing are considered as causes of the gap. With respect to the availability of resources and capabilities, this was not considered among the causes of the gap. For the fit between the academic courses and the labor market requirement, it was observed that the inconvenience of educational materials to the labor market requirements, the concentration on theoretical issues more than applications, and the use of old materials are considered causes of the gap.

    A bilobed Gallbladder (Vesica Fellea Divisa) in Cattle Slaughtered at Jimma Municipal Abattoir, West Oromiya, Ethiopia

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    Gallbladder abnormalities occur rarely. The recognized abnormalities recorded so far comprised duplication, septation, abnormal position and total absence of the gallbladder. The bilobed gallbladder of the cross bred oxen slaughtered at Jimma municipality abattoir constituted two lobes separated by a deep cleft. However, the two lobes were joined at the neck and drained by one duct. Both the lobes were of equal size and filled with bile.Key words: Bilobed, Cattle, gallbladder, Jimma, Muncipal abattoi

    Synthesis of Ethylene Glycol Diesters as Bio-Lubricant from Jatropha Methyl Esters

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         The synthesis of ethylene glycol diesters as bio-lubricant was achieved via Trans- esterification reaction of Jatropha Methyl Ester (JME).The experimental strategy consists from two Transesterification reaction steps.At first step,Jatropha oil was extracted and characterized and then converted into JME. Then JME was converted to biolubricant at 120oC, molar ratio of ethylene glycol to JME was 1:3.5 through 2.5 hr. and sodium meth-oxide was used as a catalyst was 0.8% w/w of total reactants. The physicochemical properties of the bio-lubricant were investigated. Kinematic viscosity at 40 oC was 16 cSt, kinematic viscosity at 100 oC was 4.54 cSt, viscosity index was 195.83 and the pour point was 18oC.FTIR spectrum for JME to confirm the ester group was 1741cm-1while for bio-lubricant was 1743cm-1.It was found that the synthesis bio-lubricant data agree with petroleum base lubricant that reported by previouswork investigation. ملخص الدراسة       تم اصطناع استرات الايثلين جلايكول الثنائية كزيت تزييت حيوي عن طريق  تفاعل الاسترة التحويلية لاسترات ميثيل الجاتروفا. استراتيجية التجربة اشتملت على خطوتين من تفاعل الاسترة التحويلية. الخطوة  الاولي تم استخلاص زيت الجاتروفا حيث تم دراسة خصائصه ثم حول الى استرات ميثيل الجاتروفا. حولتاسترات ميثيل الجاتروفا الى الزيت الحيوي عند درجة حرارة 120م◦ وذلك بنسبة مولية للايثلينجلايكول الى استرات ميثيل الجاتروفا (3.5:1)وكان زمن التفاعل 2.5 ساعة باستخدام ميثو اكسيد الصوديوم كعامل حفاز بنسبة 0.8% من الوزن الكلي للمتفاعلات. درست الخصائص الفيزيوكيميائية للزيت الحيوي مثل اللزوجة الكاينماتيكية عند 40 م◦ هي 16 سنتي ستوك ، واللزوجة الكينماتيكية عند100 م◦ هي 4.54 سنتي ستوك ، ومعامل اللزوجة هو 195.83 ، ونقطة الانسكاب هي 18 م◦. وايضا تم إجراء التحليل الطيفي بواسطة الاشعة تحت الحمراء لاستراتجاتروفا الميثيل  للتأكد من مجموعة الاستر كان عند طول موجي 1741 سم-1 بينما الطول الموجي للزيت الحيوي 1743 سم-1. وجد ان نتائج الزيت الحيوي الذي تم اصطناعه  تتفق مع نتائج زيت الاساس البترولي في الدراسات السابقة. &nbsp

    Disaster management in industrial areas: Perspectives, challenges and future research

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    Purpose: In most countries, development, growth, and sustenance of industrial facilities are given utmost importance due to the influence in the socio-economic development of the country. Therefore, special economic zones, or industrial areas or industrial cities are developed in order to provide the required services for the sustained operation of such facilities. Such facilities not only provide a prolonged economic support to the country but it also helps in the societal aspects as well by providing livelihood to thousands of people. Therefore, any disaster in any of the facilities in the industrial area will have a significant impact on the population, facilities, the economy, and threatens the sustainability of the operations. This paper provides review of such literature that focus on theory and practice of disaster management in industrial cities. Design/methodology/approach: In the paper, content analysis method is used in order to elicit the insights of the literature available. The methodology uses search methods, literature segregation and developing the current knowledge on different phases of industrial disaster management. Findings: It is found that the research is done in all phases of disaster management, namely, preventive phase, reactive phase and corrective phase. The research in each of these areas are focused on four main aspects, which are facilities, resources, support systems and modeling. Nevertheless, the research in the industrial cities is insignificant. Moreover, the modeling part does not explicitly consider the nature of industrial cities, where many of the chemical and chemical processing can be highly flammable thus creating a very large disaster impact. Some research is focused at an individual plant and scaled up to the industrial cities. The modeling part is weak in terms of comprehensively analyzing and assisting disaster management in the industrial cities. Originality/value: The comprehensive review using content analysis on disaster management is presented here. The review helps the researchers to understand the gap in the literature in order to extend further research for disaster management in large scale industrial cities.Scopu

    Efficient synthesis of novel bis(dihydropyrano[2,3c]pyrazoles), bis(4H-chromenes) and bis(dihydropyrano[3,2-c]chromenes) with amide functionality

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    A synthesis of novel bis(1,4-dihydropyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole-5-carbonitriles), bis(4H-chromene-3-carbonitriles) and bis(dihydropyrano[3,2-c]chromenes), which are linked to aliphatic spacers via amide linkages was achieved via multicomponent reactions (MCR) of the appropriate bis-aldehyde with two equivalents of both of malononitrile and 3-methylpyrazol-5-one, dimedone or 4-hydroxycoumarin in a basic solution

    Pattern of injuries in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A one-year descriptive study

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    Background: Globally, trauma is recognized as one of the most life threatening public health problems. Traumatic injuries account for 12% of the global burden of diseases and are the third most important cause of overall mortality. This study was aaimed at assessing the burden of injuries in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.Methods: A one-year (July 2005-June 2006) retrospective descriptive audit of injuries in a public health facility of Addis Ababa using external causes of injury codes on district health information system.Results: During the study period there were 40,752 out-patient department visits, of which 956 were hospitalizations with 35 deaths occurring as a results of injury which accounted for 27% of all emergency and 3% of all regular visits, 5% of all hospitalizations and 3% of deaths. The patients were predominantly young males. Even though falls were the commonest causes of unintentional injury, road traffic injuries were the main burden of the health facility being the commonest cause among young male and also accounted for 61% of injury related admission, 52% of injury related death, and leading cause of repeated visits. A total of 44% of unintentional injuries were categorized under ‘other accidental causes’, only 6 deaths were reported in the out patient department, and the conditions of one third of the patients at discharge were not recorded.Conclusion: The injury, especially road traffic injury, is the burden for health facility; there is a need for improving the way injuries are recorded and compiled

    Three-dimensional transvaginal ultrasound: clinical implementation in assessing uterine cavity

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    Background: Three-dimensional transvaginal ultrasonography (3D TVS) represents a new technique of imaging and provides a unique diagnostic tool for non-invasive examination of the uterine morphology and diagnosis of congenital uterine anomalies. In this study the clinical value of 3D TVS in diagnosis of uterine cavity abnormalities were evaluated.Methods: A prospective of diagnostic accuracy study included 226 patients with various clinical presentations; infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, menstrual disorders and post-menopausal bleeding with suspected uterine cavity lesions or abnormality on two-dimensional (2D) TVS or hysterosalpingography (HSG). After taking consent, all patients were subjected to history taking, clinical examination, 3D TVS evaluation, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and finally endoscopic examination.Results: The 3D has 98% accuracy in infertile women in comparison to 87% for MRI. While with recurrent pregnancy loss, Concordance was 96% correct for 3D and 78% for MRI. The women with abnormal uterine bleeding, the accuracy of 3D was 100%, while with MRI was 74%. The sensitivity of 3D TVS was 97.8% and 100% specificity, positive and negative predictive value. While the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for MRI were 89.3%, 64%, 70.4% and 86.3% respectively.Conclusions: 3D TVS appears to be extremely accurate, less expensive and a rapid examination for the diagnosis and classification of uterine anomalies, more than MRI. Thus it may become the only mandatory step in the assessment of the uterine cavity