212,356 research outputs found

    TVET Capacity Development in Afghanistan: Introducing Self-Reliant Internship in In-Service Technical Teacher Training at the Technical Teacher Training Institute (TTTI)

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    This paper describes the approach applied to the introduction of self-reliant internship into the in-service TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training) teacher training at the Technical Teacher Training Institute (TTTI) in Afghanistan. As data show in 2014, Afghan TVET teachers neither meet the legal requirements set by the government (Bachelor degree) nor have contacts to or work experiences in private or public sector companies. They have no knowledge of the working requirements they are preparing their students for. Consequently, in-service teacher training at the TTTI has to provide it\u27s learners with knowledge and skills in accordance with the market requirements. Thus, at the TTTI Capacity Building is focusing among others on the multifaceted interdependent relationship between teacher-student-company in order to empower teachers to be able to contribute to the employability of their students. In this respect TTTI\u27s in-service teacher training foresees the teacher\u27s participation in a private or public sector self-reliant internship to benefit from the expertise of companies\u27 work force and employers and actualize their understanding for the world of work. Afghan TVET teachers completing successful the TTTI in-service training are able to train many cohorts of students for the labor market or self-employment with the gained competences. Two subsequent cohorts of TTTI trainees - government employed TVET teachers undergoing in-service teacher training - have been participating for their first time in self-reliant internship in 2013 and 2014. According to the findings, recommendations are given for using the approach of introducing internship in in-service training for TVET teacher capacity building

    The Aesthetics of a Three-Way Pattern: the Musical Concept of Talempong Renjeang and the Social System of the People of Luhak Nan Tigo Minangkabau

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    The goal of this article is to discuss the aesthetics of the three-way pattern in the musical concept of talempong renjeang (tenteng) and the social system of the people of Luhak Nan Tigo Minangkabau. The musical concept of talempong renjeang is formed by 3 (three) pairs of talempong: talempong Jantan, talempong Paningkah, and talempong Pangawinan. As the ‘leader', the talempong Jantan maintains the consistency and integrity of the theme and danyuik (tempo) of the playing, the talempong Paningkah follows the lead of the talempong Jantan using different playing motifs, and the talempong Pangawinan has the role and authority to make the guguah (melody) of the talempong complete – creating a three-way aesthetical pattern. The social system of the people of LuhakNan Tigo was created by three legendary figures, namely Dt. Katumangguangan, Dt. Parpatiah Nan Sabatang, and Dt. Nan Sakelap Dunia (RajoBabandiang). From these three figures, the concept of tali tigo sapilin, tungku nan tigo sajarangan was born (a philosophy of harmony). The method used for the research is based on qualitative data which was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis focuses the talempong renjeang as a musical and the social system of the Minangkabau community which began with two legendary Minangkabau figures. The results of the study show that talempong as a musical system corresponds to, or synchronizes with, the social concept of the people of Luhak Nan Tigo Minangkabau

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pada Materi Pokok Besaran Dan Pengukuran Di Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Balige

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan hasil belajar Fisika siswa yang diterapkan model pembelajaran peningkatan kemampuan berpikir pada materi pokok Besaran dan Pengukuran. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian quasi eksperimen, populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Balige semester I tahun ajaran 2008/2009 yang berjumlah 6 kelas. Sampel penelitian ini diambil dari dua kelas yang homogen dari semua kelas populasi yaitu kelas XE (sebagai kelas eksperimen) dan kelas XF (Sebagai kelas kontrol) yang masing-masing berjumlah 40 orang. Dari hasil uji t diperoleh untuk postes thitung = 5,303 sedangkan ttabel = 1,994 karena thitung > ttabel (5,303 > 1,994) maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh model pembelajaran peningkatan kemampuan berpikir terhadap hasil belajarFisika siswa pada materi pokok Besaran dan Pengukuran di SMA Negeri 1 Balige

    Efek Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Training Berbasis Media Komputer Terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains Dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa

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    The purpose of the research is to know if there is any difference between the skill of students in a science process and the students critically thinking ability using inquiry training's model of computer base. The method used in the research is quasi experiment or consisting two variables (classes),one class used as an experiment and one as a control class. The result shownthat skill of students in a science process are N-gain experiment class 0.84(high category) and control class 0.68 (medium category). On the contrarybased on the students critically thinking ability of N-gain experiment class0.75 (high category) and control class 0.67 (medium category). Therefore inquiry training's model of computer base significantly give a better outcomethan inquiry training's model

    Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) sebagai Terapi dalam Konseling

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    SEFT merupakan salah satu inovasi teknik konseling. Tahapan tekniknya mendayagunakan aspek jasmani, psikis, dan spiritual manusia secara harmonis. Ketiga aspek tersebut digunakan untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan konseli. Aspek spiritual dalam SEFT selaras dengan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam yang memasukkan unsur spiritual dan religi dalam tiap pandangan keilmuannya. Keberadaan SEFT sebagai inovasi teknik konseling mendapat peluang dan tantangan yang kuat. Peluang terbuka lebar seiring munculnya berbagai penelitian dan bukti ilmiah yang mengulas keberhasilan SEFT untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah emosional, masalah perilaku, maupun masalah kesehatan. Efisiensi dan kemudahannya untuk dipraktikkan membuat teknik ini banyak dikenal kalangan praktisi, terutama praktisi di Indonesia. Namun begitu, SEFT mendapat tantangan yang cukup kuat mengingat umurnya yang masih relatif muda dan belum banyak dikenal secara luas. Keberadaan SEFT juga dilemahkan dengan belum diterimanaya Energy Psychology sebagai mainstream. Kalangan yang tidak mengakui keberadaan Energy Psychology tentu akan memandang SEFT sebagai fenomena pseudoscience. Menyikapi pertentangan tersebut, konselor masih tetap dapat menggunakan SEFT selama SEFT diletakkan sebagai teknik pendukung dalam layanan BK dan digunakan secara proporsional

    Aesthetic Reasons

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    The Relationship of Professionalism Christian Education (PAK) Teachers, Counseling Guidance, Parenting Patterns, Teachers’ Development with Character of Junior High School Students of Kabupatern Tapanuli Utara in Academic Year 2017/2018

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    This study aims to: 1) obtain an overview of the Professionalism of Teachers PAK counseling guidance, Parenting patterns and youth members of Church with the Christian character of students 2) to know the significant relationship together between Teacher Professionalism PAK Counseling Guidance, Old and Young Teachers of Church with the Christian character of junior high school students in North Tapanuli District. This research uses quantitative approach with descriptive method of correlation purposive sampling (non random). Data collection is used closed questionnaire with 727 respondents – eight grade students. The results of the study showed that: 1) Teacher Professionalism PAK Counseling Guidance, Parent Pattern and adolescent law of church with Christian characteristic of junior high school students in North Tapanuli Regency in medium category. The results indicate that Teacher Professionalism PAK Counseling Guidance, Parenting Patterns and Teens Christian Guidance with Christian characters students able to improve students' learning motivation and 2) there is a significant relationship between Teacher Professionalism PAK Counseling Guidance, Parent Pattern and Adolescent Development of Church with the Christian character of eight Grade junior high school students in North Tapanuli Regency totally 0,677 and Effective Contribution 67,7%

    Which is the best way to treat a stone on a flexible ureterorrenoscopy? | Opinion: Fragmentation

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    Univ Fed Sao Paulo, UNIFESP EPM, Div Endourol & Litiase Renal, Rua Batataes 460,11 Andar, BR-01423010 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, UNIFESP EPM, Disciplina Urol, Rua Batataes 460,11 Andar, BR-01423010 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, UNIFESP EPM, Div Endourol & Litiase Renal, Rua Batataes 460,11 Andar, BR-01423010 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, UNIFESP EPM, Disciplina Urol, Rua Batataes 460,11 Andar, BR-01423010 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc
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