28 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje uticaja infekcije salonelama na pojavu kampilobakterioze kod pilića u eksperimentalnim uslovima

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    Meat, table eggs and their products are very important in human nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the health status of commercial flocks as much as the quality of poultry products in the food chain. Campylobacter sp. and Salmonella sp. are widely distributed in nature. The influence of these bacteria on animal health depends on the immune response. If animals are not immunologicaly compromised, the infection is latent and clinical symptoms are absent. Unlike animals, these bacteria cause serious diseases in humans and the morbidity is quite high. The main transfer of infection to humans is via poultry products. The goal of this work was to study the role of Salmonella in artificially infected chickens onto the outcome of clinical campylobacteriosis. It is certain that salmonella infection in poultry damages the immune system of chickens, enabling Campylobacter to multiply and subsequently induce a disease. Three groups of chickens were included in the experiment. The first group received a suspension of field strain of Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) and Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis). The second group received an inoculum prepared from the field isolate of Campylobacter jejuni and the third group received the field isolate of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis, only. In artificially infected chickens Campylobacter and Salmonella were confirmed by isolation and identification according to morphological, cultural and biochemical properties. Humoral immune response of infected chickens was monitored using the complement fixation test (CFT). In chickens infected with C. jejuni and S. Enteritidis the clinical symptoms were recorded. The results from this experiment show that salmonella infection damages the immune system of the chickens enabling Campylobacter to alter the health status of the host.Značajno mesto u ishrani ljudi zauzimaju meso i jaja živine, kao i različiti proizvodi od mesa i jaja. Kontinuirana kontrola zdravstvenog statusa živine u lancu proizvodnje jednako je važna kao i kontrola njihovih proizvoda namenjenih za ishranu ljudi. Uzročnici poput kampilobakterija i salmonela široko su rasprostranjeni. u prirodi. Uticaj ovih bakterija na zdravlje životinja zavisi od imunskog statusa jedinki i u većini slučajeva kod imunološki nekompromitovanih jedinki infekcija ovim bakterijama ne dovodi do kliničkih simptoma. Za razliku od životinja, kod ljudi ove bakterije dovode do ozbiljnih kliničkih simptoma sa pojavom morbiditeta u visokom procentu. Njihovo prisustvo u proizvodima od živine, predstavlja jedan od glavnih puteva prenošenja ovih patogena koji izazivaju bolesti ljudi putem hrane. U ovom radu, ispitivanje je imalo za cilj da se kod živine veštački inficirane salmonelom ispita njen uticaj na kliničko ispoljavanje kampilobakterioze. Sigurno je da infekcija živine salmonelom utiče na imunološki sistem dovodeći do njegovog iscrpljivanja i opterećenosti što će omogućiti kampilobakterijama da se umnože do one mere kada će se pojaviti klinički znaci i razviti kampilobakterioza. U eksperimentalnim uslovima ispitivanje je izvedeno na tri grupe od po 30 pilića. Prvoj grupi je peroralno inokulisana suspenzija terenskih izolata Campylobacter jejuni i Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis; drugoj grupi peroralno je inokulisana suspenzija terenskog izolata Campylobacter jejuni i trećoj grupi peroralno je inokulisana suspenzija terenskog izolata Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis. Prisustvo Campylobacter jejuni i Salmonella Enteritidis u organizmu veštački inficiranih pilića potvrđeno je reizolacijom uzročnika, a identifikacija izolovanih bakterija vršena je na osnovu njihovih morfoloških, kulturelnih i biohemijskih osobina. Imunološki odgovor inficirane živine i titar specifičnih antitela, kao i kretanje humoralnog imunskog odgovora na antigene Campylobacter jejuni kod eksperimentalnih pilića, praćeno je primenom reakcije vezivanja komplementa. Kod pilića inficiranih sojem Campylobacter jejuni i Salmonella Enteritidis uočeni su klinički znaci bolesti. Titar specifičnih antitela na C. jejuni u serumu inficiranih pilića utvrđen je reakcijom vezivanja komplementa (RVK). Rezultati ispitivanja su ukazali da infekcija salmonelama utiče na imunološki sistem pilića i tako stvara uslove da kampilobakterije naruše zdravstveno stanje domaćina

    Zeszyty Naukowe Towarzystwa Doktorantów Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Nauki Ścisłe

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    The paper presents the results of the organic geochemical investigation of crude oil and oil-gas fields of the southeastern part of the Pannonian Basin in Serbia (22 fields and 88 crude oil samples). The observed bulk and specific correlation parameters are discussed. Based on the analyses of biological markers (n-alkanes and polycyclic alkanes of the sterane and terpane type), the investigated oils were classified according to origin. Three genetic types of Serbian crude oils were also geologically interpreted. An attempt was made to contribute to a more efficient planning of further investigations (on the basis of geochemical-geological analyses of crude oils) within the entire Basin.U radu su nafte jugoistočnog dela Panonskog basena na teritoriji Srbije (22 naftna i naftno-gasna polja i 88 uzoraka sirovih nafti) klasifikovane u genetske tipove na osnovu grupnih i specifičnih organsko-geohemijskih korelacionih, parametara. Za procenu porekla nafti od najveće koristi bili su rezultati analize bioloških markera tipa n-alkana i policikličnih alkana tipa sterana i triterpana. Postojanje tri genetska tipa nafte na teritoriji Srbije tumačeno je i sa geološkog aspekta. Učinjen je pokušaj da se na osnovu geohemijsko-geološkog tumačenja sirovih nafti iz već pronađenih aktivnih, bušotina doprinese efikasnijem planiranju daljeg istraživanja celog basena

    Veterinarski informacioni menadžment sistem (VIMS) u procesu prijavljivanja i menadžmenta zaraznih bolesti

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    A prerequisite to the development of an efficient animal health, food safety and traceability management system in the animal food production chain is the implementation of an integrated veterinary informational management system (VIMS) capable for the capture, storage, analysis and retrieval of data and providing the opportunity for the cumulative gathering of the knowledge and capability for its competent interpretation. Such a system will enable collecting appropriate data, including quality management and inspection controls, from all establishments and commodities in the 'from farm to fork' food production chain (farms, holdings, slaughterhouses, laboratories, traders etc.) in a structured, predefined format, and facilitate competent analyses and reporting of such data, as well as the improvement of the existing programs and strategies. The role of information system in animal disease diagnosis, surveillance and notification, control of national and international trade of commodities, food safety management, investigation of diseases, predictive microbiology and quantitative risk assessment is of great importance for the quality of veterinary service. Integral part of the VIMS is animal disease notification system designed according to and in compliance with international requirements, standards and recommendation and able to exchange relevant information with similar information systems. The aim of this contribution is to describe national animal disease notification system which is in place in Serbia as a part of VIMS.Preduslov za uspostavljanje efikasnog sistema menadžmenta zdravstvene zaštite životinja, bezbednosti hrane i sledljivosti u lancu proizvodnje hrane je uvođenje integrisanog veterinarskog informacionog menadžment sistema (VIMS) razvijenog na takav način da omogući prikupljanje, čuvanje, analizu i povlačenje podataka i obezbedi kumulativno skupljanje saznanja i njihovu stručnu interpretaciju. Takav sistem će omogućiti prikupljanje podataka, uključujući one iz upravljanja kvalitetom i u okviru inspekcijskih kontrola, od svih objekata u sistemu proizvodnje hrane 'od farme do viljuške' (farme, gazdinstva, klanice, laboratorije, lica koja se bave prometom i dr.) u strukturirano, unapred definisanom obliku, i obezbediti kompetentnu analizu takvih podataka kao i unapređenje postojećih programa i strategija. Uloga informacionih sistema u dijagnostici, nadzoru i prijavljivanju zaraznih bolesti, kontroli unutrašnjeg i međunarodnog prometa, upravljanju bezbednošću hrane, istraživanju žarišta zaraznih bolesti, prediktivnoj mikrobiologiji i kvantitativnoj analizi rizika je od izuzetnog značaja za kvalitet veterinarske službe. Sastavni deo VIMS-a je sistem za prijavljivanje zaraznih bolesti dizajniran prema i u saglasnosti sa međunarodnim zahtevima, standardima i preporukama i osposobljen da vrši razmenu određenih podatka sa sličnim informacionim sistemima. Cilj ovog rada je da se opiše nacionalni sistem za prijavljivanje zaraznih bolesti koji je u Srbiji u primeni kao deo VIMS-a

    Rationale and design of the ESC Heart Failure III Registry - Implementation and discovery

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    AIMS Heart failure outcomes remain poor despite advances in therapy. The European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure III Registry (ESC HF III Registry) aims to characterize HF clinical features and outcomes and to assess implementation of guideline-recommended therapy in Europe and other ESC affiliated countries. METHODS Between 1 November 2018 and 31 December 2020, 10 162 patients with chronic or acute/worsening HF with reduced, mildly reduced, or preserved ejection fraction were enrolled from 220 centres in 41 European or ESC affiliated countries. The ESC HF III Registry collected data on baseline characteristics (hospital or clinic presentation), hospital course, diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in hospital and at the clinic visit; and on outcomes at 12-month follow-up. These data include demographics, medical history, physical examination, biomarkers and imaging, quality of life, treatments, and interventions - including drug doses and reasons for non-use, and cause-specific outcomes. CONCLUSION The ESC HF III Registry will provide comprehensive and unique insight into contemporary HF characteristics, treatment implementation, and outcomes, and may impact implementation strategies, clinical discovery, trial design, and public policy

    Production and testing of activity of monoclonal antibodies characteristic of pseudorabies virus

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    1st International Conference on Basic and Clinical Immunogenomics (BCI 2004), Oct 03-07, 2004, Budapest, Hungar

    Production and testing of activity of monoclonal antibodies characteristic of pseudorabies virus

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    1st International Conference on Basic and Clinical Immunogenomics (BCI 2004), Oct 03-07, 2004, Budapest, Hungar

    Application of standard and molecular methods for the diagnosis of newcastle disease

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    Four pooled samples of whole poultry carcasses with their internal organs were used to determine the presence of Newcastle disease (ND) virus. Samples were collected from one epizootiological area in the Republic of Serbia during January 2007. Newcastle disease virus strains were isolated from four samples. The identification of isolated strains was done by using the hemagglutination and hemagglutination-inhibition tests. The nucleic acid of the ND virus was identified in all the four samples It was confirmed that all the isolated strains were velogenic strains. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the gene encoding the F cleavage site of the fusion F protein showed the presence of motifs 112RRQKRFIG119, characteristic for the velogenic strains of the ND virus. Phylogenetic analysis of the F gene sequences revealed that all isolated strains of the virus belong to class II and genotype VIId. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 31008

    Investigation of pretertiary and tertiary surface sediments from Serbia: Organic geochemical interpretation

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    Samples of surface sediments originating from different localities in Serbia which contained more than 0.5 % organic matter were investigated in this paper. According to age, these samples were classified into two groups sediments of pretertiary age and sediments of tertiary age. Bulk and specific organic geochemical parameters were determined for their methylene chloride-methanol extracts, aimed at controling the relationship between the age of the sediment and the maturity of its organic substance. In this sense a general direct proportionality was observed. However, a better linear dependence of the bulk parameters was observed in the case of younger, tertiary sediments. That is to say, with samples of pretertiary age the organic matter maturity was approaching a definite limiting value contributing to an inferior linear dependence of their bulk maturation parameters. Nevertheless, the dependence was found to be preserved with specific maturation parameters (e.g., CPI; Fit/n-C18), the changes of which are generally more intensive at higher maturity degrees