87 research outputs found

    Improving Reading Comprehension Through Semantic Mapping Strategy For Indonesian Senior High School Students

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    This research investigates how semantic mapping strategy can improve students\u27 reading comprehension. The subject of this research was the ten grade students consisted of 32 students. In this classroom action research, the researcher used quantitative data to see the improvement of the students\u27 reading comprehension, and qualitative data to explain the change in students\u27 behaviour during the implementation of the strategy. Based on the result of the test conducted at the end of the cycle and the analysis of the observation checklist and field notes, it could be concluded that both the students\u27 reading comprehension and the students\u27 attitude during the reading class have been improved. The students who passed the test improved from 43.75% at the baseline data to 87.5% at the end of cycle II. This improvement mostly influenced by the second and the third phase of semantic mapping strategy, which are brainstorming categorization. In this phases, the students activate their prior know and learn to visualize relationship between ideas and put them into categories. Thus, the students have a better comprehension of the text. The students also showed better motivation, interest, participation, and enthusiasm toward the learning process proven by the results of the observation. However, the materials in this present research were short reading texts. The implementation of the strategy on longer reading texts should be taken into a deeper study in the future research

    Using Short Story to Improve Student\u27s Reading Comprehension (a Study at the Second Year Student of SMPN 2 Kota Bengkulu)

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    The objective of this research was to know the differences in students score and also to know whether the student\u27s interest was improved or not, after did a treatment using short story and handbook. The instrument of this research was questionnaire. The result from short story was satisfactory. The mean score from pre-test was 45.1 for experimental class and 45.25 for control class. The difference both of class was 0.15 point. The result of post-test was 55.9 for the experimental class, and 51.8 for the control class. The difference in both classes was 4.1. It can be concluded that the experiment was success. The explanation above showed that the differences in improving students\u27 score and interest by giving the treatment, and the differences score between two classes are significant. It means that reading activity by using short story could improve students reading comprehension in class I of SMPN 2 Kota Bengkulu

    Kontribusi Good Corporate Governance Untuk Mengurangi Terjadinya Audit Delay

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    The delay of audit report being able to mislead stakeholders, especially investors in taking decision is the main issue of the research. The research objective is to prove empirically contribution of good corporate governance mechanism to decrease the audit delay. Banking companies listed in Indonesia stock exchange within 2011-2013 are the samples of the research. Multiple regression analysis, preceded by classical assumption test is used as analysis tool in the research. The research findings partially showed that managerial and institutional ownership did not affect to audit delay, while proportion of independent commissionairy boards significantly affected to audit delay. Nevertheless, simultaneously managerial and institutional ownership as well as proportion of independent commissionary boards and the number of audit committee significantly affected to audit delay

    The Effect of Learning Strategies on Mathematics Learning Outcomes at Bekasi State Vocational High School 7

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    This study aims to determine whether there are differences in mathematics learning outcomes between students who are taught using inquiry learning strategies and expository learning strategies at Bekasi State Vocational High School 7. This is an experimental research with research design using Pretest–Posttest Control Group Design. The population in this study were all students in the Audio Video Engineering Department. Sampling was done through simple random sampling technique, and the students of class XI TAV 1 obtained were the experimental class given treatment with inquiry learning strategies and students of class XI TAV 2 were the control classes treated with expository learning strategies. The instrument used in this study was posttest to measure mathematics learning outcomes. Data analysis consisted of normality test using Lilliefors test and homogeneity test using Fisher’s test. The results of the calculation of the normality test in the class using inquiry learning strategies amounted to 1.154 and the class using the expository learning strategy of 1.116 with

    Pengembangan Kafah Learning Model untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Fluida Dinamis

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    This study aims to develop the Kafah Learning Model as an alternative to making learning meaningful. The research design uses a 4D model, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. The Kafah Learning Model for Science developed is Dynamic Fluid Concepts (Airplane Lift). The data was collected with meaningful learning questionnaires and kafah concept understanding tests. The testing stage is the stage of knowing the influence of the Kafah Learning Model on understanding concepts in a kafah manner and knowing the meaningful learning response of prospective teachers. The increase in understanding of the concept is calculated based on the N-Gain and paired t-test.  The results showed that the Kafah Learning Model for Dynamic Fluid Concepts (Airplane Lift) which was developed was valid and reliable, worthy of use in meaningful learning and influential in increasing the understanding of science concepts in kafah

    Faktor- Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Perilaku Ibu Dalam Pemberian Sarapan Pagi Pada Anak Di SD St.thomas 1 Medan Tahun 2013

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    Breakfast is the food and drink that provide energy and other nutrientsthat were consumed in the morning. Breakfast is human need that should beregularly. Humans need to have breakfast,because it use to supply the sufficiencyof energy for daily activities. If you don't have itt, your body will not have energyto do your activity.This study was aimed to determine factors that influence mother behaviorin the provision of breakfast to children in elementary school of St.Thomas 1Medan. Some factor that influence were age, education, employment, knowledgeand attitude. This research was a quantitative analytic study. The population ofthis study were all of students in St. Thomas 1 elementary school and 85 mothersof the student. The sampling technique was using stratified random sampling. Thedata was obtained by questionnaires and interviews and analyzed used Chi-Square test.The research results showed that there was no correlation (p> 0.05)between age, education, employment and mother's behavior on giving breakfastand there was a correlation (p <0.05) between knowledge, attitude and mother'sbehavior on giving breakfast.As recommendation in this study, the parents should give more attentionand increase nutrition needs, especially in its quality and breakfast behavior oftheir children
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