135 research outputs found

    On Certain Aspects of Dembo-Rubinstein Method of Self-esteem Measurement

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    AbstractA variety of techniques for studying self-esteem and a wide range of studies reflect the high importance of this phenomenon at all stages of ontogeny, especially in the period of growth and development. One of the most common approaches to self-esteem measurement is the scale of Dembo-Rubinstein. Currently Dembo-Rubinstein scale has several different modifications. According to one of them subjects are asked about both their actual self-esteem and its desired level. It is assumed that in this way the level of individual claims can be estimated. The aim of the following research is to assess the correlation between the actual and desired levels of self-esteem and on this basis to draw the conclusion concerning the usefulness of this modification of the method

    Structural Reorganization of the Third Metatarsal Bone Shaft After Autogenous Plasty of the Tibial Portion of the Sciatic Nerve

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    Background. Previous research has shown that neurectomy of the sciatic nerve leads to a reduction in bone density in the femur and tibia of laboratory mice and rats. However, the impact of surgeries aimed at restoring nerve innervation on the bones of distal limb parts has not been studied. Aim of the study — to identify structural changes in the shaft of the third metatarsal bone after primary autogenous plasty of the resection defect of the tibial portion of the sciatic nerve in rats. Methods. Autologous neuroplasty of the tibial portion of the sciatic nerve was performed on 16 Wistar rats (aged 8-10 months). The animals were euthanized at 4 and 6 months after the surgery, and a control group of 7 intact rats of similar age was included. Histomorphometric analysis was conducted on a dissected fragment of the forefoot at the level of the metatarsal bones. The ratio of fuchsinophilic and anilinophilic structures of the cortical plate was determined using point-count volumetry on Masson-stained images of transverse sections of the third metatarsal bone shaft. The thickness of the cortical plate, numerical density, area, and diameter of osteons and Haversian canals were measured. Results. After 4 months, compared to the control group, a 15% decrease (p = 0.0001) in the proportion of mineralized structures of the cortical plate and a 12.7% reduction (p = 0.0184) in its thickness were observed. Osteolysis signs were present in the osteonal layer, along with decreased numerical density and dimensional characteristics of osteons, and the presence of osteons with dilated Haversian canals. At 6 months, the thickness of the cortical plate did not significantly differ from the norm (p = 0.2067), but there was a progressive 33.6% decrease (p = 0.0001) in the proportion of mineralized structures. Reduced values of numerical density, area, and diameter of osteons persisted in the osteonal layer, while the diameters of Haversian canals in osteons increased over time. Conclusion. From 4 to 6 months, the thickness of the cortical layer in the compact bone of the third metatarsal bone shaft was restored. However, changes in the numerical and dimensional composition of osteons, along with decreased mineralization of the extracellular matrix and erosion of the subperiosteal bone layer, continued to progress. The developed experimental 2D model can be used to assess denervation osteopenia in distal limb parts and further explore rehabilitation interventions that enhance and improve reinnervation

    The ways to improve the biological and morphological parameters of young fattening pigs

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    Studies were carried out to find the new ways to improve the efficiency of iodine use for the young pigs. During the scientific and economic experiment it was found that bringing iodine to the physiological norm, in combination with introduction of 3% bentonite clay into the diets of young fattening pigs, provided a positive effect on the morphological composition of carcasses, slaughter parameters and meat quality of the pigs. So fattening the yelts with the diets with a physiological norm of iodine in combination with 3% bentonite clay allowed young pigs of the 3rd experimental group to reach a slaughter weight of 78.95 kg at the age of 8 months, which is 10.1% more than in the control group, and 4.2% and 2.5% more in comparison with the 1st and 2nd experimental groups. The slaughter yield in yelts of the 3rd experimental group increased by 2.43% (P<0.05) compared to the control group. The largest (30.17 cm2) area of the “rib eye” was recorded in the 3rd experimental group, which is 5.60% more than the control one, while the carcasses of pigs of the 3rd experimental group contained muscle tissue by 4.74% (P<0.05) more than the same in the control group. Analysis of the Musculus longissimus showed a significant increase in protein content in the 3rd experimental group by 1.22% compared to the control group (P<0.05). The protein-quality parameter was significantly higher in the muscle tissue of young pigs of the 3rd experimental group and amounted to 10.90 (P<0.05), which is 1.12% higher than in the muscle tissue of the control group yelts. The maximum content of oleic acid was found in the lard of animals of the 3rd experimental group — 49.59, which is 1.28% (P<0.05) higher than in the control group.

    Evaluating the efficiency of heat and power systems by the data envelopment analysis method

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    The article describes the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method and the main features of its application. The main problems of heat and power systems are described, which are addressed by the DEA method of efficiency assessment presented in the article. The approbation of this method is presented at the objects of the centralized municipal heat supply system of the fuel and energy complex: boiler houses and heat and power plants. 9 objects were analyzed according to four input indicators: available heat capacity, installed heat capacity, heat consumption for own needs, fuel consumption. Also, the efficiency of the system was evaluated according to two output indicators: the release of thermal energy to the grid and the mass of the emission. As a result of the analysis and calculations made, it was revealed that 5 objects have the maximum possible efficiency indicator equal to 1, that is, they function as efficiently as possible. 4 objects of the centralized municipal heat supply system have an efficiency indicator less than 1. Accordingly, improvements are required for the operation of the above Decision-Making Units (DMU)s. These objects have deviations in terms of the inputs and outputs of the actual data and those obtained using the DEA method. Based on the calculations obtained for these 4 objects, the article provides recommendations for changing the quantitative values of their input and output indicators. For example, for object number 2, it is recommended to reduce the installed heat capacity in the grid by 72.57%, without changing the available heat capacity and fuel consumption. Reduce the heat consumption for your own needs by 69.383%. In addition, it is recommended to increase the supply of thermal energy to the grid by 6,034%, and reduce the mass of emission by 11.5%. Specific measures have also been developed to modernize the studied objects in order to achieve the recommended indicators of inputs and outputs. The research results presented in the article are of scientific and practical interest and can be used to improve the efficiency of heat and power systems facilities. © 2021, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society. All rights reserve

    Applying the data envelopment analysis method for evaluating the efficiency of the complex system operations in fuel and energy companies

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    This work proposes the Data Envelopment Analysis method (DEA) as a tool for evaluating the efficiency of the complex systems operations on the example of fuel and energy companies. It is also presented a comparative analysis of different methods for evaluating the efficiency of the complex systems operations. The output-oriented DEA model is used in the research. The task with one input and two outputs is solved. In order to test the method, a complex system was chosen – the heat supply system for the heat and power plants on the left bank of Krasnoyarsk. The calculations were made using four heat and power plants in Krasnoyarsk

    Assessment of Knee Osteoarthritis Risk Following Canine Tibial Prosthetics (Pilot Experimental Morphological Study)

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    Objective was to obtain preliminary data on the knee osteoarthritis risk following canine tibial prosthetics using one-stage osseointegration, external fixation and compression loading. Material and methods The study was carried out on 5 intact (controlgroup) and 3 experimental (experimental group) animals aged 1.8 ± 0.5 years with a body weight of 19 ± 1.2 kg. Osteotomy wasperformed at the boundary of the upper and middle third of tibia and a PressFit type construct implanted. A special device was usedfor bone fixation and compression loading of FN = 20 N. Paraffin sections of the articular cartilage and the underlying subchondralbone were used for histomorphometric examination. Results The zonal structure of the articular cartilage and cytoarchitectonics wereshown to be maintained in all experimental animals with insignificant destructive changes in the form of impaired homogeneity of theintercellular substance in the upper third of the surface zone. There was a two-fold decrease in the thickness of the calcified cartilage anda 1.9‑fold decrease in the thickness of the subchondral bone. The volumetric density of trabeculae in the subchondral bone decreased to22.31 ± 5.41 % in experimental animals and to 46.94 ± 1.94 % in controls. Complete absence of calcified cartilage and the subchondralbone were observed in one case with vessels and bone marrow pannus invading the noncalcified cartilage. Conclusion Structuralchanges in the contact zone of the articular cartilage and the subchondral bone seen in the knee following experimental canine tibialprosthetics indicated the risk of developing knee osteoarthritis © Stupina T.A., Emanov A.A., Kuznetsov V.P., Ovchinnikov E.N., 202

    Peculiarities of bone regenerate formation, structural changes in joint cartridge and tibial nerve in the conditions of 3-mm automatic distraction of the tibia with the Ilizarov method and application of achillotomy (experimental study)

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    Introduction Reduction of the period of limb lengthening with the Ilizarov method and preservation of limb functions in large elongations are the tasks to be solved by modern traumatology and orthopedics. The aim was to study the functional state of the limb, dynamics of the tibial regenerate formation, histostructural changes in the articular cartilage and the tibial nerve under the conditions of automatic high-frequency elongation of the tibia with the method of transosseous distraction osteosynthesis at a rate of 3 mm using a preliminary Z-shaped achillotomy. Material and methods The 24-hour high-fractional mode provided with automatic distractor was used to lengthen tibiae of 12 adult mongrel dogs with the method of transosseous distraction osteosynthesis. Distraction rate was 3.0 mm per day in 120 steps. To prevent formation of foot equinus, a Z-shaped achillotomy was performed. Methods of light microscopy, morphometry and X-ray electron probe microanalysis were used to study the distraction regeneration in the tibia, the articular cartilage of the medial condyle of the femur and the tibial nerve. Results During the periods of distraction and fixation, the regenerate was characterized by a normotrophic structure with a large proportion of bone component which provided the limb support function after 45 days of the experiment. Thirty days after the removal of the apparatus, a newly formed bone of a typical structure was seen in the distraction gap. Achillotomy helped prevent equinus deformity of the foot and flexion contractures of the knee joint and the metatarsal joint. However, histostructural changes in the articular cartilage were detected at the stages of osteosynthesis. Despite the restoration of the thickness of the cartilage, there was a decrease in the number of isogenic groups and the presence of cells with chondoptosis by the end of the experiment. Not a single case of neuropathy of the tibial nerve was revealed histologically due to prevention of overstretching of the anterior surface of the tibia by an increase in the length of the calcaneal tendon with tenotomy. The proportion of destructively altered nerve fibers in all animals did not exceed 5 %. Necrobiotic changes in the epineural vessels were compensated by hypervascularization of the epineurium and endonevria, as a result of which the majority of nerve conductors retained their normal structure, numeric density, and restored dimensional characteristics at the end of the experiment. Conclusions The conditions of the experiment provide for functional restoration of the limb, promote active reparative osteogenesis and structural adaptation of the tibial nerve, do not cause any gross destructive changes in the articular cartilage and reduce the period with the Ilizarov frame on by 30 % as compared with the classical variant

    Pathomorphological and pathochemical characteristic of the osteomyelitis focus in patients with diabetic osteoarthropathy (Charcot foot)

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    BACKGROUND: Osteomyelitis in diabetic osteoarthropathy occurs in 65 % of cases, and it is the main cause of non-traumatic amputations. The choice of optimal treatment technologies should be based on understanding the pathogenetic characteristics of this disease.AIM: To study the pathomorphological and pathochemical picture of osteomyelitic focus in patients with diabetic neuroosteoarthropathy.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Object — 20 patients (55.3±9.33 years) with Type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetic neuroosteoarthropathy, chronic osteomyelitis of the foot bones. The treatment consisted in surgical debridement of the purulent focus with the material collection for pathomorphological and biochemical studies, and in reposition and alignment of bone fragments with the leg and foot fixation using the Ilizarov fixator in order to form bone ankylosis of the compromised joint.RESULTS: Subacute and acute course of chronic osteomyelitis was registered in 80 % of cases. As for the pathohistological changes in bone tissue, the following ones were the most significant: necrosis and the presence of an inflammatory infiltrate of varying severity depending on the phase of the inflammatory process. The articular cartilage structure was broken in all the cases. Activation of osteoclasts was observed in the osteomyelitis focus, especially in the subchondral zone. There was no subchondral bone plate in most cases, or only its fragments remained. Pathohistological examination of the soft tissues associated with the osteomyelitis focus indicated the presence of mirocirculatory and denervation disorders due to necrosis and hyalinosis of a significant part of microvessels against the background of compensatory hypervascularisation and chronic inflammation, narrowing and obliteration of the lumens of feeding arteries, almost complete absence of nerve elements in the tissues or their destructive changes. An increase in the activity of lytic enzymes was revealed in the interstitial environment of the tissues surrounding the osteomyelitis focus (138-fold increase in the activity of acid phosphatase, interstitial osteolytic index was 7.2-fold higher than blood serum index).CONCLUSION: The pathomorphological signs of chronic osteomyelitis subacute and acute processing were observed in most patients. Breaking the articular cartilage structure was accompanied by invasion of vessels, inflammatory infiltrate, and by activation of osteoclasts in the subchondral zone. Destructive changes of vessels and nerves in the soft tissues associated with the osteomyelitis focus can be etiopathogenetic factors of this disease development. The technologies for stopping this process should be based on obligatory debridement of the focus with sequestrnecrectomy, with regular monitoring of the operated segment condition