2,891 research outputs found

    Weak Projections onto a Braided Hopf Algebra

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    We show that, under some mild conditions, a bialgebra in an abelian and coabelian braided monoidal category has a weak projection onto a formally smooth (as a coalgebra) sub-bialgebra with antipode; see Theorem 1.12. In the second part of the paper we prove that bialgebras with weak projections are cross product bialgebras; see Theorem 2.12. In the particular case when the bialgebra AA is cocommutative and a certain cocycle associated to the weak projection is trivial we prove that AA is a double cross product, or biproduct in Madjid's terminology. The last result is based on a universal property of double cross products which, by Theorem 2.15, works in braided monoidal categories. We also investigate the situation when the right action of the associated matched pair is trivial

    Cotensor Coalgebras in Monoidal Categories

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    We introduce the concept of cotensor coalgebra for a given bicomodule over a coalgebra in an abelian monoidal category. Under some further conditions we show that such a cotensor coalgebra exists and satisfies a meaningful universal property. We prove that this coalgebra is formally smooth whenever the comodule is relative injective and the coalgebra itself is formally smooth

    Braided Bialgebras of Type One

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    Braided bialgebras of type one in abelian braided monoidal categories are characterized as braided graded bialgebras which are strongly N\mathbb{N}-graded both as an algebra and as a coalgebra
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