22 research outputs found


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    Penelitian yang berjudulPengembangan GBPP. SMU materiPPkndalampluralitaskeagamaan (perspektifpendidikan Islam)memilikitujuanantara lain : Menjelaskankonseppengembangan GBPP materipelajaranPPKnsaatinidalampluralitaskeagamaan, danmendiskripsikanpengembanganmateriPPKndalamPluralitaskeagamaandi Indonesia dariperspektifpendidikan Islam. Jenispenelitian yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahmerupakanpenelitian yang bersifatstudikepustakaanstudi yang mencari informasi-informasi dariberbagai buku dan sejenisnya yang berhubungan dengan penelitian,sumber data tersebut terbagi menjadi dua: yaitu : 1). Sumber data primer berupa: Buku pedoman GBPP kurikulum SMU 1997, Buku PPKn SMU kelas I. II. Ill, buku pendidikan agamaIslam SMU I. II. 111.dan 2). Sumber Data Skunder: Yaitu buku-buku sebagai pendukung yangrelevan dalam menunjang penulisan ini, seperti buku ilmupendidikan, Sosiologi Antropologi, Filsafat Pendidikan Islam,1mu-ilmu Sosial. Sedangkan metode Pengumpulan data yang digunakan antara lain : 1).Metode observasi (pengamatan ); Pencatatan langsung untuk memperoleh gambaran 1angsung tentang aktifitas belajarmengajar penyampaian materi PPkn di kelas, bagaimanapendidik memberikan materi PPkn, dan siswa merespon materipelajaran PPkn yang disampaikan oleh Pendidik di kelas , 2). Metode Dokumentasi yaitu metodeyang digunakan dalam penyelidikan yang ditujukan melaluisumber-sumber dokumen.Metode ini digunakan dengan caramengambi1 dokumen, majalah, arsip dan lain-lain yang penting dan yang bisa membantu pengumpulan data-datapenelitian ini.3). Metode Analisa Data penelitian ini pada dasamya bersifat deskriptif analitik, artinyamencari uraian yang menyeluruh dan cermat tentang salah satu keadaan, pendekatan yang dipakai lebih ditekankan secara kualitatif, melalui apayang dinamakan deskriptif analitik, pendekatan kualitatif yangmemungkinkan bagi peneliti langsung mencari dan mengumpulkan dataatau masalah yang dipelajari tanpa harus terikat untuk membuktikan benar atau tidaknya suatu teori yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli. Dengan demikian penelitian inidalam mencan danmengembangkan data tidak mengikuti petunjuk sebagaimana yangdigunakan dalam penelitian kuantitatif, namun sebaliknya banyak dikuasaioleh pengembangan analisa yang muncul di lapangan, berdasarkanpendekatan rasional dan logis terhadap segala pemikiran secara deduktifdan induktif .Deduktif. analisa dari data yang masih bersifat umum dalamsuatu generalisasi yang berdasarkan hubungan dan persamaan.Atausuatu analisa yang berangkat dari kaidah-kaidah umum (universal) menujuhal-hal khusus. Sedangkan induktif suatu proses berfikir yang bertitik tolakdari fakta khusus, peristiwa konkrit kemudian dari fakta tersebut ditarikgenereralisasi yang bersifat umum.Analisa yang digunakan lebih berusaha memecahkan masalahmelalui analisa sebab akibat, yakni meneliti faktor-faktor tertentu yang berhubungan dengan situasi setempat dan membandingkannya denganfaktor-faktor yang lain .Dalam prakteknya dimulai dengan menganalisaperistiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi dan keterkaitannya dengan faktorpenyebab yang ada, adapun analisa data yang penulis gunakan dalampenulisan ini adalah deskriptif-analitis (non statistik)

    MicroRNA-21 (miR-21) Regulates Cellular Proliferation, Invasion, Migration, and Apoptosis by Targeting <i>PTEN</i>, <i>RECK</i> and <i>Bcl-2</i> in Lung Squamous Carcinoma, Gejiu City, China

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>In South China (Gejiu City, Yunnan Province), lung cancer incidence and associated mortality rate is the most prevalent and observed forms of cancer. Lung cancer in this area is called Gejiu squamous cell lung carcinoma (GSQCLC). Research has demonstrated that overexpression of miR-21 occurs in many cancers. However, the unique relationship between miR-21 and its target genes in GSQCLC has never been investigated. The molecular mechanism involved in GSQCLC must be compared to other non-small cell lung cancers in order to establish a relation and identify potential therapeutic targets.</p><p>Methodology/Principal Findings</p><p>In the current study, we initially found overexpression of miR-21 occurring in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines when compared to the immortalized lung epithelial cell line BEAS-2B. We also demonstrated that high expression of miR-21 could increase tumor cell proliferation, invasion, viability, and migration in GSQCLC cell line (YTMLC-90) and NSCLC cell line (NCI-H157). Additionally, our results revealed that miR-21 could suppress YTMLC-90 and NCI-H157 cell apoptosis through arresting cell-cycle at G<sub>2</sub>/M phase. Furthermore, we demonstrated that <i>PTEN</i>, <i>RECK</i> and <i>Bcl-2</i> are common target genes of miR-21 in NSCLC. Finally, our studies showed that down-regulation of miR-21 could lead to a significant increase in <i>PTEN</i> and <i>RECK</i> and decrease in <i>Bcl-2</i> at the mRNA and protein level in YTMLC-90 and NCI-H157 cell lines. However, we have not observed any remarkable difference in the levels of miR-21 and its targets in YTMLC-90 cells when compared with NCI-H157 cells.</p><p>Conclusions/Significance</p><p>miR-21 simultaneously regulates multiple programs that enhance cell proliferation, apoptosis and tumor invasiveness by targeting <i>PTEN</i>, <i>RECK</i> and <i>Bcl-2</i> in GSQCLC. Our results demonstrated that miR-21 may play a vital role in tumorigenesis and progression of lung squamous cell carcinoma and suppression of miR-21 may be a novel approach for the treatment of lung squamous cell carcinoma.</p></div

    miR-21 inhibition induced cell-cycle arrest at G<sub>2</sub>/M phase.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Cell number in each phase of cell cycle and apoptosis was detected by flow cytometry method. <b>B.</b> The percent of cell number at different phases of cell cycle (G<sub>0</sub>/G<sub>1</sub>, S and G<sub>2</sub>/M). NC means negative control (transfected with pGCMV/EGFP-hsa-miR-NC plasmid) and data represent means of triplicates ± SD (n  = 3, *p<0.05 versus corresponding control).</p

    Knockdown of miR-21 suppressed cell invasion (200×).

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    <p>The number of invasive cells was determined by trans-well invasion assays and enumerated under the inverted microscope. The average number of invasion cells was calculated from 5 random views. Invasion cells were stained with 0.1% crystal violet and appeared in purple. NC means negative control (transfected with pGCMV/EGFP-hsa-miR-NC plasmid) and data represent means of quintuplicates ± SD (n = 5, *p<0.05 versus corresponding control).</p

    Primer sequences for polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

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    a<p>indicates the primers are used for cDNA synthesis;</p>b<p>indicates the primers are used for quantitative real-time PCR;</p>c<p>indicates the primers are used as reference primers;</p><p>RT: Reverse transcription; F: Forward strand; R: Reverse strand.</p

    Down-regulation of miR-21 inhibited cell proliferation and viability.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Cell proliferation ability was detected by MTS assay. The proliferation rate of cells transfected with pGCMV/EGFP-hsa-miR-21 interference plasmid was inhibited compared with cells in the other groups (n = 6, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 versus corresponding control). <b>B.</b> Morphologic changes of YTMLC-90 and NCI-H157 cells was observed in response to miR-21 inhibition. Cells images are under 100× microscopic fields. NC means negative control (transfected with pGCMV/EGFP-hsa-miR-NC plasmid), RQ means relative quantitation.</p

    Inhibition of miR-21 expression weakened the cell migration ability (100×).

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    <p>Cell migration was detected using the wound healing assays. Uniform scratches were made in YTMLC-90 and NCI-H157 cells and the serial photographs were obtained at regular time of post-transfection. NC means negative control (transfected with pGCMV/EGFP-hsa-miR-NC plasmid).</p

    miR-21 regulated <i>PTEN</i>, <i>RECK</i> and <i>Bcl-2</i> expression in NSCLC cells.

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    <p>YTMLC-90 and NCI-H157 cells were transfected with pGCMV/EGFP-hsa-miR-21 or pGCMV/EGFP-hsa-miR-NC for 48 h. <b>A.</b> The mRNA expression levels of <i>PTEN</i>, <i>RECK</i> and <i>Bcl-2</i> were detected by quantitative real-time PCR in 48 h transfected cells. miRNA abundance was normalized to <i>GADPH</i> (n = 3, *p<0.05, **p<0.01 versus corresponding control). <b>B. </b><i>PTEN</i>, <i>RECK</i> and <i>Bcl-2</i> protein level were determined after 48 h by western blot assay. The <i>β-actin</i> level was also measured as a reference gene and BEAS-2B was served as a control, NC means negative control (transfected with pGCMV/EGFP-hsa-miR-NC plasmid), RQ means relative quantitation.</p

    Down-regulation of miR-21 induced NSCLC cell apoptosis.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Flow cytometry (FCM) method was used to analyze the apoptosis rate of cells in each group at a qualitative level. The early apoptotic cells were marked by red boxes. <b>B.</b> The percent of the apoptotic cells in each group. Data represent means of triplicates ± SD (n = 3, **p<0.01 versus corresponding control). NC means negative control (transfected with pGCMV/EGFP-hsa-miR-NC plasmid). <b>C.</b> The cell morphology of apoptotic cells relative to the normal cell morphology on a quantitative level (10000×). Normal cells were from the un-transfected groups, and the apoptotic cells were from the pGCMV/EGFP-hsa-miR-21 interference plasmid transfected groups at 48 h post-transfection. These images were collected by the transmission electron microscope (TEM), nucleolus, mitochondria, karyotheca, high density chromatin, apoptotic body, cell vacuolation.</p

    The expression level of miR-21 in the immortalized normal lung epithelial cell line BEAS-2B and non-small cell lung cancer cell lines.

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    <p>The expression level of miR-21 was detected by quantitative real-time PCR. miRNA abundance was normalized to <i>U6</i> as a reference gene, the expression values are normalized to BEAS-2B (n = 6, *p<0.05, **p<0.01 versus BEAS-2B). Cells images are under 100× microscopic fields.</p