80 research outputs found

    Structure and electronic properties of the (3×3\sqrt{3}\times \sqrt{3})R30∘R30^{\circ} SnAu2_2/Au(111) surface alloy

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    We have investigated the atomic and electronic structure of the (3×3\sqrt{3}\times \sqrt{3})R30∘R30^{\circ} SnAu2_2/Au(111) surface alloy. Low energy electron diffraction and scanning tunneling microscopy measurements show that the native herringbone reconstruction of bare Au(111) surface remains intact after formation of a long range ordered (3×3\sqrt{3}\times \sqrt{3})R30∘R30^{\circ} SnAu2_22/Au(111) surface alloy. Angle-resolved photoemission and two-photon photoemission spectroscopy techniques reveal Rashba-type spin-split bands in the occupied valence band with comparable momentum space splitting as observed for the Au(111) surface state, but with a hole-like parabolic dispersion. Our experimental findings are compared with density functional theory (DFT) calculation that fully support our experimental findings. Taking advantage of the good agreement between our DFT calculations and the experimental results, we are able to extract that the occupied Sn-Au hybrid band is of (s, d)-orbital character while the unoccupied Sn-Au hybrid bands are of (p, d)-orbital character. Hence, we can conclude that the Rashba-type spin splitting of the hole-like Sn-Au hybrid surface state is caused by the significant mixing of Au d- to Sn s-states in conjunction with the strong atomic spin-orbit coupling of Au, i.e., of the substrate.Comment: Copyright: https://journals.aps.org/authors/transfer-of-copyright-agreement; All copyrights by AP

    Ultrafast charge-transfer exciton dynamics in C60_{60} thin films

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    The high flexibility of organic molecules offers great potential for designing the optical properties of light-active materials for the next generation of optoelectronic and photonic applications. However, despite successful implementations of molecular materials in todays' display and photovoltaic technology, many fundamental aspects of the light-to-charge conversion have still to be uncovered. Here, we focus on the ultrafast dynamics of optically excited excitons in C60_{60} thin films depending on the molecular coverage and the light-polarization of the optical excitons. Using time- and momentum-resolved photoemission with fs-XUV radiation, we follow the depopulation dynamics in the excited states while simultaneously monitoring the signatures of the excitonic charge character in the molecular valence states. Optical excitation with visible light results in the instantaneous formation of charge-transfer (CT) excitons, which transform stepwise into energetically lower Frenkel-like excitons. While the number and energetic position of energy levels within this cascade process are independent of the molecular coverage and the light polarization of the optical excitation, we find quantitative differences in the depopulation times and the optical excitation efficiency. Our comprehensive study reveals the crucial role of CT excitons for the excited state dynamics of homo-molecular fullerene materials and thin films

    Ultrafast element-resolved magneto-optics using a fiber-laser-driven extreme ultraviolet light source

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    We present a novel setup to measure the transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range at exceptionally high repetition rates based on a fiber laser amplifier system. This affords a very high and stable flux of extreme ultraviolet light, which we use to measure element-resolved demagnetization dynamics with unprecedented depth of information. Furthermore, the setup is equipped with a strong electromagnet and a cryostat, allowing measurements between 10 and 420 K using magnetic fields up to 0.86 T. The performance of our setup is demonstrated by a set of temperature- and time-dependent magnetization measurements showing distinct element-dependent behavior

    Efficient orbital imaging based on ultrafast momentum microscopy and sparsity-driven phase retrieval

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    We present energy-resolved photoelectron momentum maps for orbital tomography that have been collected with a novel and efficient time-of-flight momentum microscopy setup. This setup is combined with a 0.5 MHz table-top femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet light source, which enables unprecedented speed in data collection and paves the way towards time-resolved orbital imaging experiments in the future. Moreover, we take a significant step forward in the data analysis procedure for orbital imaging, and present a sparsity-driven approach to the required phase retrieval problem, which uses only the number of non-zero pixels in the orbital. Here, no knowledge of the object support is required, and the sparsity number can easily be determined from the measured data. Used in the relaxed averaged alternating reflections algorithm, this sparsity constraint enables fast and reliable phase retrieval for our experimental as well as noise-free and noisy simulated photoelectron momentum map data

    Formation of moir\ue9 interlayer excitons in space and time

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    Moir\ue9 superlattices in atomically thin van der Waals heterostructures hold great promise for extended control of electronic and valleytronic lifetimes1-7, the confinement of excitons in artificial moir\ue9 lattices8-13 and the formation of exotic quantum phases14-18. Such moir\ue9-induced emergent phenomena are particularly strong for interlayer excitons, where the hole and the electron are localized in different layers of the heterostructure19,20. To exploit the full potential of correlated moir\ue9 and exciton physics, a thorough understanding of the ultrafast interlayer exciton formation process and the real-space wavefunction confinement is indispensable. Here we show that femtosecond photoemission momentum microscopy provides quantitative access to these key properties of the moir\ue9 interlayer excitons. First, we elucidate that interlayer excitons are dominantly formed through femtosecond exciton-phonon scattering and subsequent charge transfer\ua0at the interlayer-hybridized ÎŁ valleys. Second, we show that interlayer excitons exhibit a momentum fingerprint that is a direct hallmark of the superlattice moir\ue9 modification. Third, we reconstruct the wavefunction distribution of the electronic part of the exciton and compare the size with the real-space moir\ue9 superlattice. Our work provides direct access to interlayer exciton formation dynamics in space and time and reveals opportunities to study correlated moir\ue9 and exciton physics for the future realization of exotic quantum phases of matter

    Ultrafast optically induced spin transfer in ferromagnetic alloys

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    The vision of using light to manipulate electronic and spin excitations in materials on their fundamental time and length scales requires new approaches in experiment and theory to observe and understand these excitations. The ultimate speed limit for all-optical manipulation requires control schemes for which the electronic or magnetic subsystems of the materials are coherently manipulated on the time scale of the laser excitation pulse. In our work, we provide experimental evidence of such a direct, ultrafast, and coherent spin transfer between two magnetic subsystems of an alloy of Fe and Ni. Our experimental findings are fully supported by time-dependent density functional theory simulations and, hence, suggest the possibility of coherently controlling spin dynamics on subfemtosecond time scales, i.e., the birth of the research area of attomagnetism

    Constitutiones synodales ineditas del Arzobispado de Valencia [Manuscrito].]

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    Solidago gigantea Aitongiant goldenrod;smooth goldenrod;late goldenrod;tall goldenrodverge d'or géante;solidage géante;solidage géant;solidage glabreSolidago giganteaHope Lake, 5 mi. SW of Lake MillsSteep SE facing slopes with decidious woods, under oaks and hickoriesGalium concinnum, Oak, Hickor


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    Anaphalis margaritacea (Linnaeus) Bentham & Hooker f.pearly everlasting;common pearly everlasting;western pearly everlastingimmortelle blanche;anaphale marguerite;immortelle;anaphale perléeAnaphalis margaritaceaAbout 20 km up Kananaskis Rd on W side of roadunder conifers on lush growth fairly cool and shade
