3 research outputs found

    Evolución de la opinión sobre la ciencia en el colegio durante la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en función del género

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    Es conocido el desinterés actual por la ciencia en nuestros estudiantes y en especial por el género femenino. En el intento por encontrar el culpable de este hecho se ha estudiado la evolución de 1o a 4o de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de la opinión que 354 alumnos tienen sobre la ciencia que estudian en el colegio mediante un cuestionario. La evolución de la opinión sobre la ciencia que estudian en el instituto es bastante negativa, especialmente para las chicas. Cuarto es el curso clave, donde se produce una disminución del interés por las asignaturas de ciencias, una percepción de mayor dificultad, de falta de utilidad de la ciencia en la vida diaria y un aumento en la creencia de que no todos los alumnos deben estudiar ciencias. Estos resultados nos llevan a pensar que habría que realizar cambios en los currículos de las asignaturas de ciencias o en las metodologías didácticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje, haciéndolas más prácticas y útiles para la vida diaria, apostando por una ciencia más atractiva para los estudiantes y, por supuesto, inclusiva.The current disinterest in science in our students, especially in feminine gender, is known. Trying to find the guilty of this fact, the opinion evolution (from 1st to 4th of secondary education), of 354 students about science in High School. The opinion evolution of science in school is quite negative, especially for girls. Fourth is the key school year where there is a decrease in interest in science subjects, a perception of greater difficulty, lack of usefulness of science in daily life and an increase in the belief that not all students should study sciences. These results lead us to think that changes in science subjectscurricula or in teaching-learning methodologies must be made, making them more practical and useful for daily life, betting on a science more attractive to students, and therefore inclusive, not only to students who are interested in making of science their future

    MicroMundo: experimental project fostering contribution to knowledge on antimicrobial resistance in secondary school

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has become a serious global health threat. Education could play a decisive role, so the scope of innovative educational projects, such as MicroMundo, should be analysed. MicroMundo is a service-learning project for the exploration of microbial biodiversity in soils in search of new antibiotics. In order to evaluate the contribution of MicroMundo to the improvement of knowledge about AMR as well as the optimal age of the participants, an open questionnaire before and after the educational intervention (for secondary school students) and a satisfaction survey (for all participants) were carried out. Programme instruction began in university and continued through secondary school; 14 teachers (phase 1) and 137 students from three educational levels (phase 2) participated. MicroMundo was successfully implemented, showing a statistically significant improvement in knowledge about antibiotics, resistance, health and environmental consequences, and possible measures to reverse the problem, at all educational levels. Furthermore, the satisfaction surveys revealed a growing interest in research and science. Therefore, students of general branches who have not yet opted for a scientific line would be the most suitable to conduct the programme. In conclusion, MicroMundo is recommended as a training method to raise awareness about AMR and promote scientific vocations