141 research outputs found

    Persepsi ahli gizi di Indonesia terhadap penerapan nutritional care process (NCP) di rumah sakit

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    Dietitians’ perception of the implementation of the nutrition care process (NCP) in IndonesiaBackground: The nutrition care process (NCP) developed by The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics was adopted and implemented in Indonesia. Some hospitals in Indonesia do not have a proper facility to support dietitians to implement NCP optimally.Objective: To evaluate dietitians’ perception of the NCP implementation in hospital settings in Indonesia.Methods: This study was a cross-sectional design with dietitians who have been working in a hospital as the study subject. Data were collected by questionnaire. Each subject answered questions on general data, nutrition screening practice, and 20 questions about the NCP implementation. The perception score is ranged from one(1) for ‘strongly disagree’ to five(5) for ‘strongly agree.’ The score was summarized and categorized into two groups ‘good’ and ‘less’ positive perception. Univariate and bivariate analysis was used to evaluate the data statistically. Results: More than half of the participants have a good/positive perception of NCP implementation (62.5%). There was a significant association between the level of education and nutrition screening training to other health workers' perceptions statistically. Conclusion: NCP has been implemented very well in a hospital setting in Indonesia. There are improvements needed in some key aspects to improve the quality of the nutrition care process in the hospital, especially for each dietitian to have a better and more standardized perception nationally on implementing NCP

    Identifikasi risiko malnutrisi dan evaluasi status nutrisi pasien kanker anak dengan pengobatan kemoterapi

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    Identification of malnutritional risk and nutrition status evaluation of pediatric cancer patients with chemotherapy treatmentBackground: Hospitalized childhood cancer patients had a high risk for malnutrition, either caused by the disease or effects of cancer treatment. Malnutrition in cancer patients gives negative impacts on treatment outcomes in the form of increasing morbidity and mortality rates. Nutrition screening for identifying malnutrition risks could prevent malnutrition in hospitals.Objectives: Investigating the influence of malnutrition risk during hospitalization on the changes in the nutritional status of childhood cancer patients with chemotherapy treatment. Methods: This research was observational research with the nested case-control design. The research subjects were childhood cancer patients aged 2-18 years old meeting the inclusion criteria. They were 64 in number consisting of the case group involving 32 patients and a control group involving the rest. During hospitalization, analyses of nutritional intake, change in body weight, nutritional status, and hospitalization period. Furthermore, the analyses of the influence of malnutrition risk on the outcome between those two groups were then compared. Results: There was a significant influence of malnutrition risk on less energy intake (p2% (p 2% than the group of patients without malnutrition risks.Conclusions: Patients with a significant risk of malnutrition had less energy and protein intake, weight loss > 2%, poor nutritional status based on BMI/U, and longer hospitalization

    The evaluation of formula 100 utilization program towards the nutrtitional status of malnourished children after treatment

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    ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Persentase balita kurus di Kabupaten Muna sebesar 11,8% dan balita sangat kurus sebanyak 6,3%. Sesuai rekomendasi World Health Organization (WHO), perbaikan status gizi balita gizi buruk dilakukan dengan memperbaiki asupan zat gizi dengan memberikan formula terapi berupa pemberian Formula 100 (F-100), dimana F-100 merupakan makanan yang berbahan dasar susu yang diberikan pada fase transisi dan fase rehabilitasi Tujuan:Mengetahui daya terima F-100 oleh balita gizi buruk dan mengetahui hubungan daya terima F-100 balita gizi buruk dengan perubahan status gizi.Metode:Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional yang menggunakan rancangan kohort prospektif. Sampel penelitian adalah seluruh balita umur 12-24 bulan yang mengalami gizi buruk berjumlah 73 balita yang telah memenuhi criteria inklusi dan eksklusi.Sampel penelitian mendapatkan F-100 selama 5 minggu.Analisis data yang digunakan adalah univariat dan bivariat. Hasil:Sebagian besar subjek (63,08%) termasuk dalam kategori daya terima baik dengan menghabiskan F-100 yang diberikan dan sisanya (36,92%) termasuk dalam kategori daya terima kurang dengan tidak menghabiskan F-100 yang diberikan. Hasil uji Chi Square menunjukan ada hubungan antara daya terima F-100 dengan perubahan status gizi (p=0,02) (RR=2,7, 95% CI=1,07-7,21). Kesimpulan :Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara daya terima F-100 denganperubahan status gizibalita (p<0,05). KATA KUNCI: evaluasi, status gizi, F-100ABSTRACTBackground: The total percentage of underweight children in Muna District was 11.8% and the percentage of severe wasted children was 6.3%. As recommended by World Health Organization (WHO),improvement in nutritional status of malnourished children is conductedby improving food supplementation. Giving therapeutic formula 100 (F-100), where F-100 is the food made from dairy products which given in transition and rehabilitation phase. Objectives:To figure out the admission of F-100 by malnourished children and to find out the correlation between F-100 admission from malnourished children and the changing of nutritional status. Methods: This research is an observational study using the design of prospective cohort study. The sample were the whole children aged 12-24 months who suffered malnutrition with the total number up to 73 children who have fulfilled the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. The study sample had received F-100 for 5 weeks. The data analysis used is univariate and bivariate.Results: Most of the subjects are included in the category of well admission (63.08%) by spending given F-100 and the rests are included in the category of less admission (36.92%) by not spending the given F-100. The result of Chi Square Test shows that there is correlation between the admission of F-100 andthe changing of nutritional status (p=0.02) (RR=2.7, 95% CI=1.07-2).Conclusions: There is significant correlation between the admission of F-100 and the changing of children’s nutritional status (p<0.05)KEYWORDS: evaluation, status, nutrition, F-10

    Usia ibu dan jumlah anak berhubungan dengan kejadian beban gizi ganda pada tingkat rumah tangga di desa dan kota di Indonesia

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    Maternal age and number of children are associated with the incidence of a double burden of malnutrition at the household level in rural and urban areas in IndonesiaBackground:  Double burden of malnutrition is a nutritional problem where two nutritional problems occur at the same time and this can happen at the household level. The diversity of community characteristics causes differences in the incidence of the double burden of malnutrition at the household level in people living in rural and urban areas in Indonesia.Objective: To determine the associated factors with the incidence of double burden malnutrition at the household level in rural and urban areas in Indonesia.Methods: This study with a cross-sectional design used secondary data from the fifth wave of the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS). The sample in this study was 6,468 households. The double burden of malnutrition at the household level is defined as a household in which there is at least one pair of mother and child aged 2-18 years that has underweight and or overweight/obese. Maternal factors, household economic status, number of children, and regional area are independent variables in this study. A logistic regression test was used to perform statistical analysis.Results: The prevalence of double burden malnutrition at the household level in urban areas was higher than in rural areas (8.70%) and 7.77%). Factors that were significantly (p<0.05) associated with the incidence of double burden malnutrition at the household level in rural areas were maternal age, mother's education, economic level, number of children, and regional living of the household, while in urban areas were maternal age and number of children.Conclusions: Maternal age and the number of children are two significant factors associated with the incidence of double burden malnutrition at the household level in rural and urban areas in Indonesia

    Perbedaan asupan makan balita di perkotaan dan perdesaan pada provinsi dengan beban gizi ganda

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    Differences in food intake among children under five years in urban and rural areas in provinces with the double burden of malnutritionBackground: The double burden of malnutrition is one of the nutritional problems in children at national and global levels. Food intake is the main cause of the double burden of malnutrition. Differences in residence in urban and rural areas will affect food access which will have an impact on different food intake. Objective: To analyze the differences in energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake of children under-fives in urban and rural areas in provinces with the double burden of malnutrition. Methods: This research used secondary data analysis using the Total Diet Study (TDS) 2014. The subjects of this study were 813 children in provinces with a dual burden of malnutrition that fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Provinces with the double burden of malnutrition are provinces with a prevalence of underweight children aged ≥24-59 months at >22.36% and a prevalence of overweight children age ≥24-59 months at >1.23%. Total Diet Study (TDS) data will provide information on food intake of children through recall results, differences in residence obtained from district classification data, the double burden of malnutrition data obtained from children nutritional status is overweight and underweight based on weight and age data of children processed using WHO-ANTRO software. Results: The average intake of energy, protein, and fat in the urban area are higher than in a rural area, but the average carbohydrate intake in an urban area is lower than in a rural area. The average intake of energy in urban was 1300.01 kcal, in rural areas was 1223.23 kcal (p=0.0008). The average intake of protein in urban was 55.03 g, in rural areas was 47.67 g (p<0.0001). The average intake of fat in urban was 47.99 g, in rural areas was 37.12 g (p<0.0001). The average intakes of carbohydrate in urban were 163.61 g, in rural areas was 178.88 g (p=0.0042).Conclusions: There are differences in energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake of children under five years in urban and rural areas in provinces with the double burden of malnutrition

    The Effectiveness of the Information, Communication, and Education Model for Balance Diet and Against Stunting in the First 1000 Days of Life: A Literature Review

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    BACKGROUND: The important reason why the first 1000 days are a vulnerable period is that this is a time of very rapid growth and development for a child. One of the efforts to increase this awareness concerning child growth and development is information, communication, and education (ICE). AIM: This study was performed to determine the effectiveness of the ICE model for nutritional against stunting in the first 1000 days of life. METHODS: This study used a literature review of published research articles on the effectiveness of the ICE model for nutritional against stunting in the first 1000 days of life published between December 2010 and December 2018 in PubMed and Proquest online article database. Data collection techniques by entering keywords in the database, keywords used: Intervention AND Model OR Media AND health promotion*health-promoting OR health education OR health information OR health communication*health communicating AND golden age OR first 2 years AND infant OR child AND maternal AND parenting AND diet OR nutritional status AND stunting. RESULTS: This study investigated 682 articles. There were six articles included in the literature review. The results showed that to design or develop the ICE model, it is important to pay attention and consider several elements of communication such as promoters (mediators of message delivery); the content of messages, medias or model of message deliveries, message delivery techniques, and the session or frequency of message deliveries. CONCLUSION: This study confirmed an effectiveness of the ICE model for nutritional against stunting in the first 1000 days of life

    Hubungan Adekuasi Hemodialisis Dengan Asupan

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    Key word : HemodialisisPenyakit ginja

    Pemberian taburia (sprinkle) berpengaruh terhadap lama dan frekuensi diare akut anak

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    Background: Major causes of mortality in children are diarrhea and pneumonia (25.2% and 15.5%). “Five steps of diarrhea management” is an integrated approach in the management of diarrhea comprising the supplementation of oral rehydration, zinc within 10 days subsequently, breastfeeding and food, selective antibiotics and advice for the mother/family. Zinc supplementation combined with vitamin A and micronutrient on children with the diarrhea had been researchead that result can minimize morbidity, duration and frequency of diarrhea, and the incidence of recurrent diarrhea.Objective: To find out the effect of taburia supplementation (sprinkle) on duration and frequency of diarrhea.Method: The study was randomized controlled trial (RCT) with parallel design. Subject consisted of two groups, the first got therapy of taburia (sprinkle) 1 sachet/day and the second was the control group. Each group got standard diarrhea medication at the health center. Samples consisted of 30 children of 1-5 years old per group and they were obtained by using simple randomization technique. Statistical analysis was performed by using Chi-Square and t-test.Results: Duration of diarrhea of the experiment group was 33.25 ± 18.08 hours (95% CI: 26.49 - 40.00) and the control group was 43.7 ± 19.25 hours (95% CI: 36,50 - 50,89). Frequency of diarrhea of the experiment group was 4.93 ± 3.41 times/day (95% CI: 3,41-3,65) and the control group was 6.33 ± 3.20 times/day (95% CI: 5.13-7.53). The result of statistic test showed that there was effect of taburia supplementation to duration and frequency of diarrhea (p<0.05).Conclusion: Supplementation of taburia (sprinkle) in the standard therapy of diarrhea shortened the duration and minimized the frequency of diarrhea

    Karakteristik sosial demografi dan konsumsi zat besi pada ibu hamil berdasarkan data Studi Diet Total (SDT) tahun 2014 di Indonesia

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    Background: Pregnant women are the group most vulnerable to iron deficiency anemia. This occurs as a consequence of a significantly increased demand for iron intake during pregnancy. The efforts of pregnant women to compensate for the increased need of iron depend on various sociodemographic characteristics.Objective: To analyze the relationship between sociodemographic characteristics and iron consumption of pregnant women in Indonesia.Method: This research is observational study design with cross-sectional approach using secondary data of the Total Dietary Study (SDT) year 2014. A total of 644 pregnant women inform the SDT study who met our inclusion and exclusion criteria were assessed for their level of consumption using 24-hour dietary recall method. Data were then processed using Nutrisurvey software and Indonesian Food Composition Table (TKPI) to estimate the consumption of iron. Analysis was conducted using Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests by including various social demographic characteristics in pregnant women.Results: The results of this study found that level of education, employment status, economic status, and residence of pregnant women are significantly related to iron consumption (p<0.05).Conclusion: Pregnant women with high education, working status, middle to upper economic status, and living in urban areas have better iron consumption

    Citra tubuh, asupan makan, dan status gizi wanita usia subur pranikah

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    Background: Premarital reproductive age women are prospective mothers whose nutritional status should be monitored, because it can affect the outcome of pregnancy. Premarital period can be interpreted as pre conception period. As the wedding ceremony approaches, women’s concern of their body image is increasing. Negative body image can influence their dietary intake and nutritional status. Research on the effect of pre wedding body image on women’s dietary intake and nutritional status in non-western countries is still limited.Objective: The aim of this research was to describe the relationship between body image, dietary intake and nutritional status of premarital reproductive age women in Yogyakarta city. Method: This research was an observational research with cross-sectional design. The subjects were 157 premarital reproductive age women in Yogyakarta city who came to the office of religious affairs to register their marriage or followed the premarital advisory program. Body image was measured by Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ-34); dietary intake was measured by Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ); and nutritional status was classified based on Body Mass Index (BMI). Data were analyzed with Chi-Square test, t-test and multiple logistic regression.Result: Only 12,1% of participant reported dissatisfied of their body image. Dominant factor that affect their body image was environmental influence (OR=14,5). Bivariat analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between body image and nutritional status (p0,05). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that factors associated with nutritional status were body image, carbohydrate intake and environmental influence. Conclusion: Body image was associated with nutritional status. However, body image does not affect dietary intake. Energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate intake were significantly associated with nutritional status