26 research outputs found

    Framing Science on Social Media to Raise Public Awareness of Space Exploration: A Content Analysis of NASA Mars Mission Videos and Public Responses on YouTube

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    Space exploration has many benefits. However, federal funding for space exploration is declining with each passing year. One of the reasons for the diminishing funding is the lack of public awareness about the value and importance of space research. Public awareness of space exploration is therefore crucial to enhance public interest as well as in drafting important science policy decisions. Social media provides a great opportunity to build this interest among public via various platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. As more and more people use social media to access news information, it plays a significant role in shaping public opinion on important issues. However, each social media platform has unique characteristics and appeals to public in a different manner. It is also important to note that messages framed for each social media platform vary significantly from each other. Therefore, in this dissertation, I explore how space exploration is framed on a social media platform (YouTube) to increase public awareness about space science. I also analyze public comments in response to those videos to understand the trends, patterns, tones, and perceptions of YouTube commenters. Forty-three NASA video transcripts have been analyzed to identify the dominant frames which NASA has used to engage with the public on YouTube and 730 comments have been analyzed to understand the trends, patterns, tones, and perceptions of YouTube commenters. Seven frames have emerged from this study: (1) Science Experiments (2) Curiosity Rover (3) Findings (4) Mars (5) Science Team Characterization (6) Success (7) Communication and Engagement with the Public. Analysis of YouTube comments reveal that majority of the comments posted directly in response to the videos are positive, indicating appreciation and praise for NASA and the space exploration mission. Many negative comments are found to be conspiracy theory related. However, even though these comments attract more discussion, commenters necessarily do not believe these conspiracy theory comments and in turn refute these comments with logical and rational information. Most people use YouTube for asking questions and sharing their knowledge about science and space exploration

    Self medication practices of over the counter analgesic drugs among medical students in a tertiary care hospital in Jharkhand, India

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    Background: Self-medication is a very common practice which is gradually spreading all over the world. Analgesics are the most commonly available over the counter (OTC) drugs. They are used for pain relief in many diseases. Use of these analgesics has become a serious ailment because self- medication practices of analgesic drugs are increasing among general population as well as medical students. Being future medical practitioners, self-medication has a special impact in medical students. Various data are available regarding usage of OTC analgesic drugs but still data in Jharkhand are lacking. So, the present study aims to provide an insight into the practice of OTC analgesics among 3rd and 4th year medical students in RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand.Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted among medical students in RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand in November-December 2018. Data were collected through  questionnaire filled by the students and results were expressed as percentage frequency.Results: Questionnaire were filled completely by 253 students out of 287 students. 85.8% of males and 90.41% of females were practicing self-medication. Advice from seniors and books were the major source of information about the drugs. Paracetamol was the most common drug used (54.87%) and headache (27.43%) was the most common indication. Mild nature of illness (30.34%) and quick relief (29.10%) were the most common reason of self-medication. About 83.39% of them were using these drugs according to need.50.98% had not felt any side effects. 51.38% students were of  the view that self-medication practices are not always acceptable.Conclusions: Medical students use OTC analgesics for various kinds of pain like headache, muscle pain, menstrual pain etc. They generally use different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) among which paracetamol is the most common. But self-medication practices are always associated with some risks. So, the students must be educated properly regarding their rational use and advantages and disadvantages of OTC drugs

    A Survey on Reading Habit of Library Users during COVID-19 Lockdown

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    E-Libraries has become more relevant in present situation of COVID-19 pandemic as it has caused an international lockdown in the world and India. Causing majority of the citizens to stay at home. The survey was conducted to study the reading habits of various library users (volunteers) during this situation. Besides the reading habit, the survey also collected the data for the various activities carried out by users at home. Main finding of the survey is that the users had taken keen interest to switch over to reading eBooks and 70% of student users and 53% of faculty users are reading more e-content especially books/magazines/research papers. Besides the extensive reading habit, the survey also discloses the greater involvement of users for learning/leisure/hobby activities at home. Student users have also reported spending more quality life with family members at home. Above all, the survey disclosed the reading of books as the main activity of the users during lockdown. This finding will inspire the organizations for establishing scalable and secure elibrary Infrastructure and for focusing on acquiring more eBooks for the eLibrary and provide better services to their users during situations like that of COVID-19

    A study to assess the therapeutic role of GM-CSF (EMGRAST -M) on augmentation of total leucocyte count and total platelet count in cancer patients after chemotherapy

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    Background: The aim of the present study was to assess the therapeutic role of GM-CSF (EMGRAST -M) on augmentation of total leucocyte count and total platelet count in cancer patients after chemotherapy.Methods: The total leucocyte count (TLC) and total platelet count (TPC) of thirty patients on chemotherapy were obtained before and after the administration of GM-CSF. The results were analysed retrospectively for the effect of GM-CSF on these parameters. Statistical analysis was done, and graphs were made by Libre office calc and Student’s T Test was used for comparison of data.Results: The study showed that EMGRAST-M had an impressive effect on both the platelet count and the leucocyte count.Conclusions: GM-CSF has a great therapeutic role in the enhancement of platelet count and leucocyte count in patients of cancer chemotherapy

    Theft and Mutilation of Library Resources in University Libraries of India: A Study

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    Purpose: This paper makes a broad investigation on the libraries of universities in Gujarat, India. The paper features the job of library experts in checking book robbery, mutilation, vandalism, and planning strategy to control and beat the issue in scholastic libraries. This examination additionally explores the security challenges in the libraries of universities. The investigation expects to distinguish the causes and defenselessness of book burglary, mutilation and vandalism and the weakness of library arrangements and safety efforts. Methodology: The examination depends on information got through the dispersion of survey in the colleges of Gujarat to know the present circumstance of library and the familiarity with library experts in regards to human/man-made security. It was an organized survey planned for gathering information from the library experts in Gujarat, India. The information investigation was done through MS Excel with visual diagrams for illustrations apprehensible. Findings: The percentage of weakness is less than 50% for unsecured windows, multiple entries/exits, and untrained library staff and unfamiliarity with proper security techniques. Most of the libraries have CCTV cameras, but very few libraries have RFID systems. More than 74% libraries take inventory regularly, fifty percentage data received that librarians’ workplace under lock and key system and 87% libraries operate by single door entry-exit. Originality: The result of this research contribute to all the academic university libraries regarding the security against theft, mutilation, vandalism. This study also aware the libraries regarding the upgraded and viable security through sufficient enrollment, preparing, library strategy and selection of innovation like CCTV and RFID. Research Limitation: This study has been carried out on only academic libraries of Gujarat state in India from the perspectives of human/manmade security. Practical implications: The important result in this study is that the enough text books is required to reduce the theft. Library have to change the rules of circulation and increase the loan period for books. Unawareness also observed from student side and at the time of examination they are suffer for the library books. Many libraries are not implemented grills on widow for security purpose. Library policy have to update as per the requirement and implementation is also necessary to control human security. The significant implication is RFID system not available in many libraries due to budget issue for that university management could develop the additional budget on security measures for libraries

    A study of the current prescribing and drug utilization pattern in Ophthalmology Department of a tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: The aim was to study the current prescribing and drug utilization pattern in Ophthalmology Department of a tertiary care teaching hospital. Drug utilization study is a part of pharmaco-epidemiological exercise quantifying the extent, nature and determinants of drug use in a population. Periodic audit of drug usage pattern forms an essential tool to ascertain the role of drug in a society, increase therapeutic efficacy and improve cost effectiveness of the therapy. It is an introspective and critical instrument providing positive impact on health care delivery to the patient. With this background, the present study was carried out to analyze the prescription pattern and drug utilization by measuring the WHO drug use indicators in ophthalmology department of a tertiary care teaching hospital.Methods: The prescriptions of 961 outpatients were included and analyzed using a predesigned case record form OPD prescription of each patient. Patient and prescription related parameters were analyzed.Results: Prescription analysis showed that the average number of drugs per prescription was 1.85. The drugs were prescribed in the form of eye drops (67.42%), followed by ointments (14.37%), capsules (15.45%), and tablets (2.71%). The dosage form and frequency of drug administration was indicated for all of the drugs prescribed, the duration of treatment for 60.97% of the drugs prescribed. Antimicrobial agents and tear substitute together constituted above 50% of all the drugs. Percentage of drugs prescribed by generic name and from NEDL was 31.62% and 37.22%, respectively. Patient’s knowledge of correct dosage was 70.44%.Conclusions: This study showed that there is scope for improvement in prescribing patterns in areas of writing generic names of drugs, essential drugs, writing legible and complete prescriptions

    Aceclofenac induced morbilliform eruptions: a case report

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    Maculopapular or morbilliform eruptions may be the most common of all cutaneous drug reactions. Antimicrobials, NSAIDS, barbiturates, anticonvulsants, oral hypoglycemics etc. have been commonly implicated in these adverse reactions (ADR). Here, authors are presenting a case of a 38-year-old female with morbilliform eruptions due to aceclofenac for the treatment of joint pain. The patient was treated with antihistaminics, steroids, antimicrobials and local application of GV paint. She was discharged after eleven days with good recovery

    The use of ATC/DDD WHO 2016 and Prescription audit study in the Dermatology OPD of a tertiary care hospital in Jharkhand

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    Background: To study the prescribing patterns, rationale of drug usage and use of anatomical, therapeutic, chemical (ATC) and defined daily dosage (DDD) classification for the monitoring of drug utilization in the dermatology department of a tertiary care hospital.Methods: A retrospective, observational study was conducted in out-patients department of dermatology at RIMS, Ranchi over a period of two months. Rationale of drug usage was assessed by analysing the prescriptions. Defined daily dosage/1000 patients/day of the commonly used medications was compared to the defined daily dosage by World Health Organization in 2016. Data was analysed by statistical tools. Most of the results were expressed in percentages.Results: The prescriptions were rational in most of the cases. Emphasis was more towards the branded drugs. Polypharmacy was evident in many of the prescriptions. The number of DDD/1000 patients/day in cases of antifungals was more than the WHO DDD and less than the WHO DDD in case of antihistaminics.Conclusions: The number of drugs per prescription must be rationalized so as to avoid polypharmacy. The drugs should be prescribed by their generic names also along with the brand names. Generic medicines should be available in the hospital pharmacy so that a more cost-effective treatment can be assured. CMEs and stewardship programs for health care professionals regarding rational drug usage should be organized.


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    ABSTRACT This study was conducted to compare six strains of eri silk worm, Samia ricini in terms of their growth and cocoon characters. The six strains of eri silk worms were identified morphologically and inbreeding was carried out for eight generations to get the six pure line strains. The six strains are Greenish blue plain (GBP), Greenish blue spotted (GBS), Greenish blue zebra (GBZ), Yellow plain (YP), Yellow spotted (YS), Yellow zebra (YZ) were arranged into six groups. The growth of larva, silk glands, Silk Gland Tissue Somatic Index(SGTSI), cocoon shell weight, shell ratio of all the six strains were compared and it was found that a correlation is exist between the larval and silk gland weight from which silk thread results as well as with cocoon characters. At the end of the fifth instars measurements were performed of larvae nweight on a number of 20 individuals from each strain groups. After that silk glands were extracted with dissection kit and their weight were determined by weighting with electronic balance. The YZ is reported to have the highest larval weight(6.57g) followed by YS(6.43g) where yellow plain has the least(5.77g).The yellow zebra recorded highest silk gland weight(1.40g) and highest Silk gland somatic index(21.21) which is followed by GBS (20.2). The growth rate is highest in all the strains during 1 st instar and it decreases gradually with the advancement of the larval stages and highest growth rate was observed in case of YZ. A correlation study between them revealed a strong correlation between larval and silk gland weight r xy =.96 in spring and r xy =.65 in autumn. The strain YZ (14.09) recorded highest shell ratio followed by YS (13.92). GBS was recorded highest ERR (94.7%). GBP is better in terms of fecundity and ERR. Correlation is observed between larval and silk gland weight, cocoon shell weight. The study reported that the strain with higher larval weight have higher silk gland weight and also show high shell ratio. YZ was better in terms of larval and silk gland weight and also have higher shell ratio therefore expected to produce more fibers than other strains. This study revealed YZ as the best strain in terms of growth and cocoon characters. GBS and YS were also recorded as better strains for rearing and may be the better strains for hybridization with YZ