293 research outputs found

    De-Fragmenting Knowledge: Using Metadata for Interconnecting Courses

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    E-learning systems are often based on the notion of "course": an interconnected set of resources aiming at presenting material related to a particular topic. Course authors do provide external links to related material. Such external links are however "frozen" at the time of publication of the course. Metadata are useful for classifying and finding e-learning artifacts. In many cases, metadata are used by Learning Management Systems to import, export, sequence and present learning objects. The use of metadata by humans is in general limited to a search functionality, e.g. by authors who search for material that can be reused. We argue that metadata can be used to enrich the interconnection among courses, and to present to the student a richer variety of interconnected resources. We implemented a system that presents an instance of this idea

    Investigation Of Ultrasound Targeted Microbubbles As A Therapeutic Gene Delivery System For Prostate Cancer

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    A major challenge for effective gene therapy is systemic delivery of viruses carrying therapeutic genes into affected tissue. The immunogenic nature of human adenoviruses (Ads) limits their use for intratumoral (IT) injection in gene therapy. Ads transfection is further hampered by the fluctuating presence of Coxsackie and Adenovirus Receptor (CAR) and integrins on the cells’ surface. To circumvent these limitations we developed a novel approach wherein Ads are encapsulated inside the shell of lyophilized, lipid-encapsulated, perfluorocarbon microbubbles (MBs)/ultrasound (US) contrast agents, which act as delivery vehicles for a sitespecific gene transfer system. We performed infection studies with Ad.GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein), Ad.mda-7 (melanoma differentiation associated gene 7) and CTV.mda-7 on human DU145 and mouse prostate cancer cells as well as observed enhanced GFP expression when Ad.GFP was delivered by MBs and US. Our results show that US breaks open the MB/Ads complexes by undergoing cavitation at the sonoporated site, which allows Ads to transfer their transgene only to the sonoporated region. Cavitation collapse of the MBs creates small shockwaves that increase cell permeability by forming temporary micropores on the cell surface bypassing the receptormediated dependence of Ads for transfection. Fetal bovine serum (FBS) containing complement did not allow the unprotected Ads to infect the cells; however, MBs complexed with Ad.GFP did infect DU145 and TRAMP-C2 cells in a FBS rich media. We studied MB assisted gene delivery of reporter (GFP) and therapeutic genes (p53, Rb, Rb2 (p130) and Mda-7/IL-24) into prostate cancer (PC) xenografted in immune-compromised athymic mice. The results demonstrated that MBs protect the host from unspecific viral immune response thus protecting the viral payload and allowing for intravenous (IV) injection rather than IT injection. Additionally, Ad gene transfer was enhanced at the targeted/sonoporated mice tumor xenografts. This research demonstrated mda-7’s efficacy in reducing primary (treated) and untreated tumors that simulated the presence of metastasis in athymic mice xenograft models bearing human PC cells. Bystander anti-tumor activity of mda-7, a secreted cytokine was noted for non-targeted tumors. Earlier in vitro studies on the combination of radiation and gene therapy (Ad.p53, Ad.Rb, and Ad.p130) demonstrated an increase in the percentage of cell death for DU145 cells. We also studied UTMD (ultrasound targeted microbubble destruction) gene therapy in combination with external beam radiation for radiation resistant PC. The results demonstrated an enhanced therapeutic benefit of tumor suppressor genes in radiation resistant PC. We also demonstrated an increase in the expression of tumor suppressor genes at the tumor site due to MBs and US. These findings highlight the potential therapeutic benefit of this novel image guided gene transfer technology alone or in combination with external beam radiation for prostate cancer patients with therapy resistant disease

    Simulation of DSDV Protocol

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    An ad-hoc network is the cooperative engagement of a collection of Mobile Hosts without the required intervention of any centralized Access Point. This Application is the innovative design for the operation of such ad-hoc networks. The basic idea of the design is to operate each Mobile Host as a specialized router, which periodically advertises its view of the interconnection topology with other Mobile Hosts within the network. This amounts to a new sort of routing protocol. This paper is practically applied using the specifications that are defined through Highly Dynamic Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing Algorithm

    Content Analysis of Websites of University Libraries in Delhi: A Study

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    Purpose - This study aims to evaluate the library websites of selected state and deemed universities in Delhi, capital city of India to ascertain how effectively libraries are leveraging their respective websites to provide library related information on their websites. Design/ Methodology - The study adopted the checklist technique to evaluate the content of library’s websites. A comprehensive checklist was designed on the basis of previous studies. It consists of 6 main aspects which are further divided into 66 elements. Findings -The study reveals that library related information such as general library information, about collection, links to e-resources, library services, currency and authority of websites are presented on the university library websites but not to the full extent. Web 2.0 tools are used by least libraries where only 2 libraries have library Facebook page, and only one has a library blog. DTU scored the highest, 45 out of 66 and Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW) scored the least 13 out of 66 in overall ranking of websites based on elements presented on their websites. Originality/Value – The study suggested that libraries need to incorporate more information on their websites to promote the use of library resources and services. Libraries need to have a dedicated website and provide all the valuable and relevant information related to the library on their websites. This paper will guide librarians to effectively utilise and improve the quality of library websites. Keywords - Content Analysis, Library Website, University Libraries Paper Type - Research Pape

    Evaluation of Library Websites of Colleges Affiliated to University of Delhi: A Content Analysis Study

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    Abstract Purpose- This paper aims to analyse the content of libraries’ websites of colleges affiliated to University of Delhi in India. Design/methodology/approach-In the present study, observation method was used to analyse the content which was uploaded on the websites of selected ten colleges of University of Delhi. The data and content uploaded on the websites was collected and analysed with the help of checklist specifically designed for this purpose. Findings- Most of the college libraries uploaded information about its collection on the website. It was found that few college libraries have been using web 2.0 tools. It has been noticed that these tools have not been used extensively for promoting the use of library collection and services. Majority of the college libraries provided few useful links on its’ websites. For the optimum use of library resources and services the libraries need to be more informative, well-structured attractive and user friendly. Practical Implication- College library website is very useful for all types of users especially for differently abled belonging to economically weaker section. It is also important that their libraries should upload information about special collections such as book bank material, braille materials, reference resources, CD/DVDs, maps, charts etc. on its\u27 website. Originality/value –World Wide Web has been changing the mode of information dissemination in college libraries. It is also important that their libraries play an important role to develop the knowledge and personality of academic community

    Analysing Information Seeking Behavior of College Students in Changing Environment

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    This research paper investigated the information seeking behavior of college students surveying twelve colleges affiliated to the University of Delhi. Different variable sets were used to analyse the undergraduates’ reading habits, information needs, information search and information use behavior. Total 506 undergraduate students of different disciplines such as sciences, social sciences and humanities were selected as a sample applying multistage and stratified sampling techniques. The study applied SPSS, Version-25 for analysing the various aspects of the study. Results revealed that books were the most preferred source of information among 84.2 percent of the undergraduate students followed by newspapers (64.9 percent) and magazines (43.7 percent) in all the three disciplines. In addition, 34.3 percent undergraduate students were inclined for reading books in more often printed less often electronic format, newspapers (37.3 percent) respondents in both printed and electronic in equal proportion and magazine (52.4 percent) in more often electronic and less often printed format. On the basis of weighted mean, keyword search (206.3 WM) followed by phrase search (159.1 WM) were always used by the students for information search and retrieval. The maximum number of 24.7 percent respondents in humanities, sciences (23.5 percent) and social sciences (23.3 percent) found print resources more reliable than electronic resources

    Content Analysis of Journal Literature published from UK and USA

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    This paper aims to identify the types of research papers/articles, current trends in the choice of subjects, being included in the Library and information science (LIS) journal literature published from UK and USA. The study also aims to find out the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on LIS subject fields. A content analysis of 165 research papers and journals articles published in the year 2008 in six LIS journals was conducted. Findings indicate that 93 (56.36%) of the articles out of the total 165 were research based. The variation is found with regard to coverage of core subject areas published from UK and USA. This study will try to fill gaps in library and information science research as it can helps in identifying the fields on which major work has been done as well as the subjects which are not worked upon. Project of this type, done for different years, would provide valuable information concerning the nature of research in librarianship and its development


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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate European national libraries’ websites on the basis of webometrics. It also analyze the structure of the selected European national libraries’ websites on the basis of number of checkpoints. On the basis of number of web indicators such as number of webpages, in-links, rich content files, publications in Google Scholar and WISER, web presence of the selected European national libraries’ websites were examined. For collection of webometrics data Google search engine and Check PageRank tool were used. To evaluate structure’s attributes, a checklist was drafted which is based on published literature and guidelines. This paper highlights that most of the European national libraries have sound web presence having large number of webpages, in-links and rich content files. It also reveals that most of the European national libraries’ websites have users’ friendly structure except few national libraries’ websites. Therefore, there is a need to conduct regular observation to find out the utility of website among users’ group


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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate European national libraries’ websites on the basis of webometrics. It also analyze the structure of the selected European national libraries’ websites on the basis of number of checkpoints. On the basis of number of web indicators such as number of webpages, in-links, rich content files, publications in Google Scholar and WISER, web presence of the selected European national libraries’ websites were examined. For collection of webometrics data Google search engine and Check PageRank tool were used. To evaluate structure’s attributes, a checklist was drafted which is based on published literature and guidelines. This paper highlights that most of the European national libraries have sound web presence having large number of webpages, in-links and rich content files. It also reveals that most of the European national libraries’ websites have users’ friendly structure except few national libraries’ websites. Therefore, there is a need to conduct regular observation to find out the utility of website among users’ group

    Semi-Implicit finite-difference methods to study the spin-orbit and coherently coupled spinor Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We develop time-splitting finite difference methods, using implicit Backward-Euler and semi-implicit Crank-Nicolson discretization schemes, to study the spin-orbit coupled spinor Bose Einstein condensates with coherent coupling in quasi-one and quasi-two-dimensional traps. The split equations involving kinetic energy and spin-orbit coupling operators are solved using either time-implicit Backward-Euler or semi-implicit Crank-Nicolson methods. We explicitly develop the method for pseudospin-1/2, spin-1, and spin-2 condensates. The results for ground states obtained with time-splitting Backward-Euler and Crank-Nicolson methods are in excellent agreement with time-splitting Fourier spectral method which is one of the popular methods to solve the mean-field models for spin-orbit coupled spinor condensates. We confirm the emergence of different phases in spin-orbit coupled pseudospin-1/2, spin-1, and spin-2 condensates with coherent coupling
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