371 research outputs found

    Application of Independent Learning in Productive Learning in Increasing Teacher Motivation at Ma'arif Nu Paguyangan Vocational School, Brebes Regency

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    This article discusses the application of independent learning in productive learning (Light Vehicle Engineering, Motorcycle Business Engineering) in increasing teacher motivation at Ma'arif NU Paguyangan Vocational School to know the application and influence of independent learning on productive learning in Ma'arif NU Paguyangan Vocational School.This type of research is qualitative research with a case study method. By using a pedagogic approach, observation, interviews, and documentation. While the analytical tools used to measure the phenomena in this study are the results of interviews with productive teachers, the results of the principal's assessment, and field observations. So before that, the researchers compiled interview and observation guidelines. The theory used is the theory of motivation.Based on the results of interviews and observations, for approximately one year the implementation of independent learning has not seen significant results. Educators are still adapting, but the motivation of educators is also not clear. It is hoped that in the future independent learning will have a good impact on teacher motivation in teaching in the classroom. Because by implementing independent learning, teachers can provide opportunities for students to learn with various media, teachers must be ready to face changes in the world of education, always update knowledge and information, and get used to digitalization.This research is also expected to be a motivation to continue to improve the quality of education, especially in SMK Maarif NU Paguyangan.Keywords: Freedom to Learn; Productive Learning, Motivation

    Analisis Struktur dan Nilai Budaya dalam Panji Sekar

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    Neutron-Gamma Pulse Shape Discrimination with a NE-213 Liquid Scintillator by Using Digital Signal Processing Combined with Similarity Method

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    Neutron-Gamma Pulse Shape Discrimination with a NE-213 Liquid Scintillator by Using Digital Signal Processing Combined with Similarity Method. Measurement of mixed neutron-gamma radiation is difficult because a neuclear detector is usually sensitive to both radiations. A new attempt of neutron-gamma pulse shape discrimination for a NE-213 liquid scintillator is presented by using digital signal processing combined with an off-line similarity method. The output pulse shapes are digitized with a high speed digital oscilloscope. The n-γ discrimination is done by calculating the index of each pulse shape, which is determined by the similarity method, and then fusing it with its corresponding pulse height. Preliminary results demonstrate good separation of neutron and gamma-ray signals from a NE-213 scintillator with a simple digital system. The results were better than those with a conventional rise time method. Figure of Merit is used to determine the quality of discrimination. The figure of merit of the discrimination using digital signal processing combined with of line similarity method are 1.9; 1.7; 1.1; 1.1; and 0.8 ; on the other hand by using conventional method the rise time are 0.9; 0.9; 0.9; 0.7; and 0.4 for the equivalent electron energy of 800 ; 278 ; 139 ; 69 ; and 30 keV

    Neutron-Gamma Pulse Shape Discrimination with a NE-213 Liquid Scintillator by Using Digital Signal Processing Combined with Similarity Method

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    Neutron-Gamma Pulse Shape Discrimination with a NE-213 Liquid Scintillator by Using Digital Signal Processing Combined with Similarity Method. Measurement of mixed neutron-gamma radiation is difficult because a neuclear detector is usually sensitive to both radiations. A new attempt of neutron-gamma pulse shape discrimination for a NE-213 liquid scintillator is presented by using digital signal processing combined with an off-line similarity method. The output pulse shapes are digitized with a high speed digital oscilloscope. The n-γ discrimination is done by calculating the index of each pulse shape, which is determined by the similarity method, and then fusing it with its corresponding pulse height. Preliminary results demonstrate good separation of neutron and gamma-ray signals from a NE-213 scintillator with a simple digital system. The results were better than those with a conventional rise time method. Figure of Merit is used to determine the quality of discrimination. The figure of merit of the discrimination using digital signal processing combined with of line similarity method are 1.9; 1.7; 1.1; 1.1; and 0.8 ; on the other hand by using conventional method the rise time are 0.9; 0.9; 0.9; 0.7; and 0.4 for the equivalent electron energy of 800 ; 278 ; 139 ; 69 ; and 30 keV

    Implementasi Program Kota tanpa Kumuh (Kotaku) di Kelurahan Kemang Agung Kecamatan Kertapati Kota Palembang Tahun 2017

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan secara khusus program implamasi Kota Palembang Tahun 2017. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran. Teknik pengambilan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kuesioner. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori oleh Marile S.Grindle yang menjelaskan tiga jenis dimensi penelitian yakni kebijakan, konteks kebijakan dan tujuan kebijakan. Ada beberapa aspek di setiap dimensi yang terlibat dalam program NUSP-2. Ini adalah sumber daya yang melibatkan pinjaman sumber dana dari Asian Development Bank (ADB) dan dari pemerintah untuk desa yang disebut Bantuan Pemerintah untuk Masyarakat (BPM), tetapi dalam kasus tersebut di tingkat desa, 78% orang tidak mengetahui tentang dana tersebut, disebabkan oleh kurang sosialisasi oleh CA dan LKM tentang dana program NUSP-2. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa program implementasi Kota Tanpa Kumuh (KOTAKU) di desa kemang agung kecamatan Kertapati kota Palembang pada tahun 2017 berhasil, berdasarkan presentasi hasil menggunakan skala linkert. Berdasarkan penelitian ini penulis memberikan saran untuk melanjutkan program NUSP-2, yaitu bagaimana transparansi dana yang diperlukan dan juga peningkatan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat dan peningkatan fungsi KPP dalam menjaga infrastruktur yang telah dilakukan untuk membuatnya tetap berjalan. Melalui perkampungan kumuh yang ada di desa kemang agung tidak akan ada perkampungan kumuh lagi, dan pemerintah akan mewujudkannya dengan 100 air bersih, 0 daerah miskin dan 100 sanitasi pada tahun 2020 dapat terwujud. Kata Kunci: Program Kota Tanp

    Efektivitas Program Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT) di Kota Palembang

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    Masalah kemiskinan di negara ini tampaknya menjadi hal utopis yang harus diselesaikan. Upaya terus dilakukan oleh pemerintah melalui program pengentasan kemiskinan, yang diharapkan mampu memberdayakan masyarakat pada kategori miskin. Pemerintah Kota Palembang, melalui bakti sosial, memiliki program Bantuan Makanan Non Tunai (BPNT) di kota Palembang, yang merupakan salah satu program unggulan Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia dalam hal pengentasan kemiskinan. Jika BPNT menjadi salah satu program unggulan yang seharusnya bisa mengurangi kemiskinan setiap tahun karena target program ini keluarga kurang mampu. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dan pendekatan campuran (mixed method), melalui dokumentasi teknis, observasi, dan wawancara, serta penyebaran kuesioner, yang melibatkan 99 responden sebagai sampel dalam mengukur efektivitas program BPNT di kota Palembang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dengan menggunakan teori Duncan yang dikutip Steers, menunjukkan bahwa Program BPNT di Kota Palembang yaitu pencapaian tujuan, integrasi dan adaptasi, diketahui tingkat efektivitas 34,75% yang dapat diartikan bahwa program BPNT telah berjalan cukup efektif

    Struktur dan Nilai Budaya Cerita Wayang (1996)

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    SYNTHESIS, STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND INITIAL ELECTRIC SCRATCHING ON PbZrXTi(1-X)O3 PIEZOELECTRIC MATERIAL. PbZrTi(1-x)O3(PZT) material is currently one of the highest- quality piezoelectric materials and has been widely used in various applications, including as sensors in the observation system in nuclear reactor cores. In this study, a solid state reaction method was used to synthesize PbZrTi(1-x)O3(PZT) material with variations in compaction pressure of 7000 and 5000 psi. The sample synthesized was analyzed by the crystal structure system using Rietveld method of X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern. The fitting results from Highscore program showed compounds with perovskite crystals system of tetragonal (PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3) and rhombohedral (PbZr0,58Ti0,42O3) and PbTiO3 (tetragonal). The electrifying process using an electrical voltage of kv DC has been successfully carried out on synthesis products. The voltage source used is from the electronic circuit Television (TV) 14-21 inches which has a flyback component and then continues with a voltage drop by making a voltage divider. The polling results can be identified by measuring the piezoelectric constant with the d33 meter device. Optimization of polling parameters to the material temperature was obtained at 100 oC, then applied polling sample of PbZrTi(1-x)O3(PZT) material added by PVDF (1.5, 2.5 and 5% weight percent) to samples with the compaction of 7000 and 5000 psi. Maximum d33 measurement (61 x 10-12 C/N) was obtained on PZT material with a pellet pressure of 7000 psi. Increasing the addition of PVDF results in a reduction of d33

    Microscopic Structure of Lead-free Piezoelectric Materials Titanat Barium Titanat-kalium Natrium Niobate Synthesized with Solid State Reaction

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    Synthesis of piezoelectric ceramic material has been carried out that is environmentally friendlymaterial. The material contains no lead and is a mixture of Bismuth Sodium Titanate (BNT), Barium Titanate (BT) and potassium sodium niobate (KNN) ceramic materials. In this research, BNT-BT-KNN materials were synthesized by using solid-state reaction method. After the synthesis process the material was characterized using XRD and SEM. BNT-BT-KNN ceramic material has the chemical formula of (0.94-y) BNT -0,06BT-yKNN and in this case the value of y varied in the mole percentage of 3%,6%, and 8%. Before being sintered the compound materials were pressed into pelets with a pressure of 3500 psi and then sintered at the suhu of 1000 °C for 4 hours. The X-Ray Diffraction pattern of BNT-BT-KNN has the same form with the diffraction pattern of the one that was done by previous researchers. This indicates that BNT-BT-KNN has formed tetragonal crystal structure with a little peak shift so that it indicates that there is a change in crystal structure to a rhombohedral crystal structure. From the SEM images, it is seen that by adding more KNN the material becomes more porous with the smaller size and more evenly

    Karakterisasi Pengaruh Dopan Mn pada Bahan Keramik Piezoelektrik Lead Zirconium Titanate (Pb[zrxti1-x]o3)

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    KARAKTERISASI PENGARUH DOPAN Mn PADA BAHAN KERAMIK PIEZOELEKTRIK LEAD ZIRCONIUM TITANATE (Pb[ZrxTi1-x]O3). Telah dilakukan penelitian pembuatan bahan piezoelctrik Lead Zirconium Titanate (PZT) yang diberi bahan dopan Mn. Penambahan bahan dopan ini bertujuan untuk menaikkan sifat pizoelektrisitas dari PZT. Senyawa yang dianalisa pada penelitian ini adalah Pb[Zr0,5Ti0,5-xMnx]O3, dengan harga x (nominal) bernilai 0,05; 0,125; 0,25; 0,35. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahan dengan dopan Mn ini diperoleh peningkatan suhu curie berkisar antara 15 sampai 35 oC. Namun konstanta dielektrikum menjadi turun dibandingkan dengan PZT murni
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