1,766 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Aktiva Produktif dan Dana Pihak Ketiga Terhadap KInerja Operasional PT. Bankk Sulselbar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pertumbuhan aktiva produktif dan dana pihak ketiga terhadap kinerja operasional PT. Bank Sulselbar selama kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir 2010 – 2014. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pihak manajemen PT. Bank Sulselbar dalam mengelola aktiva produktif dan dana pihak ketiganya secara optimal sehingga menghasilkan keuntungan yang diharapkan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari Laporan keuangan Tahunan PT. Bank Sulselbar selama kurun waktu lima tahun 2010- 2014. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Analisis Regresi Linear Berganda (dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 21). Dimana variabel independentnya adalah Aktiva Produktif yang terdiri dari Penempatan Pada Bank Lain, Surat Berharga, Kredit yang Diberikan, Penyertaan dan Dana Pihak Ketiga yang terdiri dari Tabungan, Giro, Deposito. variabel dependentnya yaitu Rasio BOPO. Hasil Pengujian Hipotesis secara parsial menujukkan bahwa pertumbuhan aktiva produktif berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja operasional PT. Bank Sulselbar, begitupun halnya dengan dana pihak ketiga yang memiliki pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja operasional (Rasio BOPO). Sedangkan hasil pengujian secara bersama-sama variabel dana pihak ketiga (simpanan giro, simpanan tabungan, simpanan deposito) dan aktiva produktif (penempatan pada bank lain, surat berharga, kredit yang diberikan, dan penyertaan) berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja operasional pada PT. Bank Sulselbar. Besarnya koefisien korelasi (R) pertumbuhan aktiva produktif dan dana pihak ketiga terhadap kinerja operasional (Rasio BOPO) yaitu sebesar 0,619, nilai tersebut menunjukkan hubungan kedua variabel tergolong kuat. Sedangkan koefisien determinasi (R²) sebesar 0,383 hal ini berarti pertumbuhan aktiva produktif dan dana pihak ketiga mempengaruhi kinerja operasional (Rasio BOPO) sebesar 38,3% dan sisanya 62,7% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata Kunci: Aktiva Produktif, Dana Pihak Ketiga, Kinerja Operasional (Rasio BOPO


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    Kehadiran tari Melayu Minangkabau  dengan segala kespesifikan dan keunikannya pernah memberi pengkhasan terhadap tari Minangkabau secara menyuluruh, sehingga mampu mewarnai persepsi sebagian seniman tari dan budayawan Minangkabau dalam pernyataan bahwa dasar gerak tari Minangkabau adalah lemah gemulai namun tetap dinamis dan tajam yang diungkapkan dalam falsafah gerak “Siganjuan lalai, pado pai suruik nan labiah, alu tataruang patah tigo, samuik tapijak indak mati”.Dalam perkembangannya dewasa ini tari Melayu Minangkabau menjadi terpinggirkan dalam berkreativitas seni tari oleh para senimannya, malahan terlihat susah untuk dikembangkan, karena secara teknis koreografi perkembangan tarian tersebut sudah tertutup oleh perkembangan tari tradisional rakyat Minangkabau yang bersumber pada gerak silat Minangkabau. Kondisi itu menimbulkan kecemasan terhadap kelestarin tari Melayu Minagkabau untuk masa depan

    Fiscal Incentives Revisited

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    This short paper attempts to clarify some of the issues and provide suggestions for reforms in the fiscal incentive system. In particular, it focuses on the Investment Incentive System embodied in the Omnibus Investment Code. The paper attempts to provide some estimate of revenues forgone, specifically from income tax holiday under different assumptions. It urges that the government should be aware of these costs, be very choosy in granting incentives, and should make sure that social benefits from preferred activities compensate for the costs. Toward this end, the paper proposes a two-tiered approach for reforms--generic and special incentives.investment incentive system, fiscal incentives

    Philippine Trade Policy: Reflecting on its Effects on the Environment

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    How have our trade and industrial policies affected the environment? Have they led to increased environmental degradation? Citing empirical support, the author looked into how the trade policy reforms undertaken in the past decade have affected the country's environment.trade sector, environmental issues, environmental management

    Fiscal Incentives Revisited

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    This short paper attempts to clarify some of the issues and provide suggestions for reforms in the fiscal incentive system. In particular, it focuses on the Investment Incentive System embodied in the Omnibus Investment Code. The paper attempts to provide some estimate of revenues forgone, specifically from income tax holiday under different assumptions. It urges that the government should be aware of these costs, be very choosy in granting incentives, and should make sure that social benefits from preferred activities compensate for the costs. Toward this end, the paper proposes a two-tiered approach for reforms--generic and special incentives.investment incentive system, fiscal incentives

    Fiscal Incentives Revisited

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    Pointing out that fiscal incentives have costs that must be compensated by net benefits to society, this Policy Notes recommends a revisit of the government's policy and scheme on fiscal incentives and suggests limiting the number of preferred areas in the Investment Priorities Plan (IPP) to a few focused areas at a time.investment incentive system, fiscal incentives

    Environmental Impact of Trade Policy Reforms on Pollution Intensity

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    The paper attempts to provide a theoretical analysis as well as some indicators of the linkage between trade policy and the environment. It looks at what has happened to the share of manufacturing industries by pollution classification overtime and finds tat the share of non-pollutive/non-hazardous industries has grown over the years covering the period of trade reforms. It also analyzes the impact of trade policy on the environment using a simulation model, which predicts what happens to pollution intensity with and without trade reforms. The results indicate some positive impact of trade reforms on the environment and that the Philippines should pursue its greater trade liberalization and implement the corresponding environmental measures.trade reforms, pollution, environmental issues, trade policies, environmental management
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