4,577 research outputs found

    Transitions in auditory rehabilitation with bone conductive implant (bci)

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    Background: The bone conductive implants (BCI) are nowadays a reliable alternative for rehabilitation of specific forms of hearing loss, i.e. conductive, mixed or single sided deafness (SSD). Aims/Objective: To analyse the various factors in play when considering an auditory rehabilitation with a bone-conductive device (BCI). Materials and Methods: The clinical charts of subjects who underwent BCI application at the same Implanting Center from 2005 to 2018 were retrieved analysing also the reason for eventual explantation and the alternative option (transition) for hearing rehabilitation. Results: Nine BAHA Compact, 4 BAHA Intenso, 21 BAHA Divino, 3 BAHA BP100, 4 Ponto, 2 Sophono, 5 Bonebridge, 5 BAHA5 Attract; 11 BAHA5 Connect were used in 12 unilateral COM; 16 bilateral COM; 3 unilateral cholesteatoma; 6 bilateral cholesteatoma; 2 unilateral otosclerosis; 5 bilateral otosclerosis; 9 congenital malformations; 6 major otoneurosurgical procedures; 5 sudden deafness. Explantation was necessary for five subjects. Conclusions: Middle ear pathology and sequels from surgery represent the most common reason for BCI implantation, both in unilateral and in bilateral cases. Transition from one implantable device to another one can be predictable, mostly when explantation is necessary. Significance: The role of BCI for rehabilitation in middle ear pathology may be extremely important

    Demographic sensitivity inside the local authorities

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    The knowledge of the administrated population it is not wll appreciated at local level by the Administrators (Majors, Councillors, Public Servants). The attention is more devoted to political items and the sensitivity for the numbers of the population is very feeble. The paper presents the main results a research made in may Municiplities in some Italian Regions (Toscana, Lazio, Molise, Campania, Puglie, Calabria) during 1996. Different topics were put to the attention of the Administrators and they were asked to quantify different demographic and social phenomena in their own institution. The questions were the relevance they assigned to the different matters, how many times they have discussed of said topics in the council, the general (at national level) importance of each aspect. Only recently some main changes appear: The Regions have experienced important demographic changes deeply affecting the local populations and consequently the Local Powers. This is the case of the experience of a so fst decrease in fertility, or the case of the rapid change of several regions from egigration into immigration areas. Unemployment, the elder survival, the family planning, the education, the youth problems, the immigrated population are some of the questions posed to the interviewees. Quite frequently an incoherent process between the perception and the consequent requested action is standing.

    A case report of cornelia de lange syndrome in Northern Iran; a clinical and diagnostic study

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    As a rare multisystem congenital anomaly disorder, Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is featured by delayed growth and development, distinct facial dimorphism, limb malformations and multiple organ defects. CdLS is a genetic syndrome affecting 1/10000-1/60000 neonates with unknown genetic basis. Delayed growth and development, hirsute, structural anomalies of the limbs and distinct facial dimorphism are considered as its main clinical characteristics. Introducing CdLS cases of different ethnic backgrounds could add distinctions to the phenotypic picture of the syndrome and be useful in diagnosis. Early diagnosis and decreased death rates are achievable through enhanced awareness on this syndrome. We present here a 45-day-old girl, as the first case of Cornelia in Golestan (Northern Iran), referred to our hospital with the symptoms as mentioned above. © 2016, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. All rights reserved

    Néstor A. Corona, Lectura de Heidegger. La cuestión de Dios. Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2002, 239 pp

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    Fil: Filippi, Silvana. Universidad Nacional de Rosari

    Tecnología y subjetividad : una mirada desde el mundo del trabajo

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    Fil: Filippi, Graciela. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaLas nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación son las responsables de haber cambiado el escenario del trabajo tradicional a nivel global. Dan lugar a la aparición del trabajo a distancia y brindan oportunidades laborales poco exploradas a personas con discapacidad, al eliminar factores de exclusión como barreras urbanísticas, arquitectónicas, de transporte, que dejan de ser relevantes al momento de la contratación. El teletrabajo es la forma de trabajar en esta gran fábrica global que es Internet

    Join Co-Authors Aaron Wright and Primavera DE Filippi for the Launch of Blockchain and the Law: The Rule of Code

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    Blockchain : a global infrastructure for distributed governance and local manufacturing.

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    International audienceWhile most of these blockchain-based organizations have been—thus far—developed mostly to facilitate the coordination of individuals in the digital world, the possibilities provided by these new organisational structures can also be found in the physical world. Cities, municipalities and local communities can leverage the power of blockchain technology in order to increase transparency and accountability in many sectors of activities, while providing new opportunities for anyone to engage and participate in the local economy. Enabling local processes of production to reduce the impact of the current industrial globalisation is crucial, but enabling mechanisms to incentivise, accelerate and scale this process is fundamental and urgent. This is where blockchain technology could come at hand by creating an open platform and decentralized incentivization scheme that can be articulated between multiple stakeholders

    "Mettre en œuvre la participation des habitants. Une expérience d'ingénierie sociale dans le quartier de la la Castellane, à Marseille".

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    Ce projet de thèse relève d'un dispositif Cifre, à ce titre le travail de terrain s'appuie sur une mission d'ingénierie sociale, menée par le cabinet Adéus et l'association InCittà. Commanditée par le Groupement d'Intérêt Public Marseille Rénovation Urbaine (copilotée par le GIP Politique de la Ville), cette mission s'inscrit dans la phase pré-opérationnelle du Projet de Rénovation Urbaine (PRU) de la Castellane. Elle vise à accompagner le projet urbain par l'élaboration d'un projet social et à créer les conditions de la concertation, avec les habitants, autour du PRU. La Loi de programmation pour la ville et la cohésion urbaine (loi n°2014-173) renforce les principes de concertation dans l'élaboration des projets de rénovation urbaine. Toutefois, en pratique, la co-construction peut se heurter à une faible acceptabilité politique et institutionnelle de la participation, à l'inadéquation des temporalités institutionnelles et habitantes, à une mobilisation difficile d'habitants en situation d'urgence sociale. Ce travail de recherche vise à expliciter ces freins, à observer leur imbrication tout en construisant une démarche participative adaptée

    Restorative Justice for Young Offenders: An Analysis of the French Circular Confronting a European and National Legal Perspective

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    This article is a critical analysis of the new French circular of the 15 March 2017 (‘the 2017 Circular’), which deals with the implementation of restorative justice in France especially in the field of juvenile justice. The analysis of ‘the 2017 Circular’ is made in comparison with the background of the European Directive on Juvenile Justice and the international literature concerning criminological processes in restorative justice (more precisely the principles of restorative justice). This article will demonstrate that restorative justice and the philosophy it is based on (restorative justice principles) are in line with the European Directive 2016/800, which deals with child participation in juvenile justice and child-friendly justice. However, this European Directive is not mentioned in the French circular. Not mentioning it could be interpreted as a way to make explicit the importance of the welfare model in juvenile justice in relation to the possible ways for a juvenile to participate actively in justice through restorative justice. Then, this article will undertake a critical analysis to identify the gaps between the philosophical principles on which restorative justice is founded and their implementation in the French legal framework and the circular previously mentioned. It will also propose some clarifications in the use of legal terms to better conform to the philosophy and the processes of restorative justice
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