13,264 research outputs found

    Book Review: Krishna and Christ

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    A review of Dr. Ishanana\u27s Krishna and Christ

    Fighting Irrelevance: The Role of Regional Trade Agreements in International Production Networks in Asia

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    This chapter contains the sectoral case study on the automotive industry in China. The objective of this chapter is to consider the role, if any, of RTAs in the growth of IPNs in automobile sector in China. Without a doubt, IPNs preceded RTAs. However, with the uncertainly associated with the prolonged negotiations under the WTO Doha Round, additional regional agreements can be expected, while existing ones might expand in depth and scope. Thus, the objective here is to consider these factors that are important to these RTAs and which could therefore encourage greater use of IPNs in China. This is done by considering the automotive sector in China.trade liberalization, international production networks, regional trade agreements, value chain, Asia, automotive, East Asia, China

    Recruitment of postlarval penaeid prawns in the Vellar estuary, South India

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    Abstract only.The northern bank of Vellar estuary (Parangipettai, India) is ideal for postlarval penaeid prawn recruitment. The annual recruitment, distribution and the substratum preference of postlarval immigrants at three different stations in the estuary were studied in detail. Among the postlarvae of Penaeus, P. (Fenneropenaeus) indicus was dominant followed by P. (Penaeus) monodon, P. (P.) semisulcatus, P. (F.) merguiensis and P. (Melicertus) latisulcatus. In Metapenaeus, postlarvae of M. monoceros were abundant followed by M. dobsoni, M. affinis, M. bre-vicornis and M. lysianassa. Two peaks were observed in the postlarval penaeid prawn population. In P (F.) indicus and P. (P.) monodon, the primary peak occurred from January to April and the secondary peak from July to September. In M. monoceros and M. dobsoni, the primary peak was from March to May and the secondary peak from August to September. The postlarvae of P. (F.) indicus, P. (P.) monodon, M. monoceros and M. dobsoni were available throughout the year while the others were seasonal. The distribution of postlarvae in the estuary is related to the type of substratum, salinity and temperature. The postlarval population declined during the northeast monsoon (November-December) and in peak summer (May-June). Their abundance decreased in the lower salinity areas of the upper reaches of the estuary

    Structure of the twin-arginine signal-binding protein DmsD from Escherichia coli

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    The translocation of folded proteins via the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway is regulated to prevent the futile export of inactive substrate. DmsD is part of a class of cytoplasmic chaperones that play a role in preventing certain redox proteins from premature transport. DmsD from Escherichia coli has been crystallized in space group P4_12_12, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 97.45, c = 210.04 Ã…, in the presence of a small peptide. The structure has been solved by molecular replacement to a resolution of 2.4 Ã… and refined to an R factor of 19.4%. There are four molecules in the asymmetric unit that may mimic a higher order structure in vivo. There appears to be density for the peptide in a predicted binding pocket, which lends support to its role as the signal-recognition surface for this class of proteins

    Unveiling Protectionism: Regional Responses to Remaining Barriers in the Textiles and Clothing Trade

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    this chapter focuses on the competitive advantage of China.garment industry, competitive advantage, China

    Determinants of Women's Participation in Self-Help Group (SHG)-Led Microfinance Programme in Tamil Nadu

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    Factors determining participation of women in microfinance programme in Tamil Nadu have been identified following the multi-stage purposive and random sampling technique and selecting Coimbatore and Ramanathapuram districts for the study. It has been observed that socially backward, landless and marginal farm households participate more in this programme. Possession of livestock and consumer goods by the member households has been found to deter the joining of group. However, the number of households having informal borrowings, especially from moneylenders has been recorded to be higher among the members before joining the group. Analysis of determinants of women’s participation in microfinance programme using probit model has revealed that the age of women and value of productive assets other than land have a significant negative influence on their participation. However, social backwardness, indebtedness and presence of other microcredit programmes in the same or nearby villages have a significant positive influence on women’s participation in this programme.Agricultural Finance,

    A foresight study on green technology in paint industries in Malaysia

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    Green technology paint industries have been rising significantly over the years due to its benefit to environment and consequently to human health. However, the high manufacturing cost and other disadvantages threatened its sustainability in the future. Therefore a research was carried out to identify the issues and drivers of employing in green technology paint industries and to study the future trend of green technology paints in Malaysia. STEEPV approach which is an acronym for (Social, Technological, Environmental, Economic, Political and Values) is an internationally recognized tool used in conducting technology foresight worldwide. This tool was used in the current research in identifying various issues and drivers based on the above mentioned six categories. New technologies in preparing low energy consuming paints and the role of government and non-governmental organization was voted as the most influential drivers for the eco-friendly paint industries in Malaysia. In line with this regard, a scenario development carried out and a number of projects were suggested in order to move towards sustainable development of eco-friendly paint industry. As a consequence it is recommended to add more political will and support in such projects to ensure the ownership at the top level and maximize the chances of implementing the outcomes
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