76 research outputs found


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    Desain penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah strategi redefinisi kontextual dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa dan faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi peningkatan penguasaan kosakata siswa. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIIA SMPN 1 Giri Mulya tahun ajaran 2013/2014 yang berjumlah 26 orang siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa tes vocabulary (kosakata), lembar observasi, dan wawancara. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil tes yang dilaksanakan pada setiap akhir siklus dan analisis dari lembar observasi dan wawancara, dapat dikatakan bahwa penguasaan kosakata dan perilaku siswa selama proses belajar telah mengalami peningkatan. Siswa yang lulus dalam tes penguasaan kosakata meningkat dari 30,77% pada saat pengambilan data awal menjadi 42,30% pada akhir siklus 1 dan 65,38% pada akhir siklus 2. Faktor yang meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa adalah faktor dari guru (manajemen guru dalam kelas dan penyampaian materi) dan faktor dari siswa (ketertarikan siswa, antusiasme, partisipasi, dan perhatian)

    Types of Adjacency Pairs on The Six Minutes English Program in BBC Learning English

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    This research aimed to describe the Adjacency Pairs phenomena in the BBC Learning English, comprising two adjacency pairs aspects: The most frequently types of adjacency pairs used by the participants and the most frequently initiators of the first part in adjacency pairs. This research used quantitative descriptive research. The object of this research was one video contained (5 parts), the topic "all about language" with a video duration of 1 hour taken from the 'Six Minutes English Program on BBC Learning English’. The researcher collected and analyzed the data by applying the theory of Murata (1994). The conversation in the English Conversation video was used for data collection. The data were exported to the data sheet for identifying the types of adjacency pairs contained in the video. The result of the research showed 9 types of adjacency pairs on the Six Minutes English Program in BBC learning English in Youtube Channel. The types of adjacency pairs were Greeting-Greeting, Question-Answer, Request-Acceptance/Refusal, Blam-Admission/Denial, Assesment-Agreement/Disagreement, Command-Compliance/Incompliance, Suggestion-Acceptance/Refusal, Assertion-Agreement/Disagreement, Announcement-Acknowledgement. First, researcher found the most frequently appeared in adjacency pairs question-answer and assessment-agreement/disagreement. Also, researcher found the most frequently initiators of the first part in adjacency pairs namely the first participant. In conclusion, from the research video in 13 adjacency pairs, only 9 adjacency pairs often appear, 3 of which are not in the conversation between two participants. For further researchers, it is recomended to develop more about adjacency pairs and use other video conversations that contain many types of adjacency pairs


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    The objectives of this research were to find out 1).  the most common types of code-mixing used by male and female broadcasters at Swaraunib radio station 2).to find out the reasons for using Indonesian - English code-mixing by male and female broadcasters at Swaraunib Radio station. The subjects of this study were 6 broadcasters at Swaraunib radio station, with 3 male and 3 female broadcasters. The design of this research was descriptive, used quantitative as well as qualitative data. The result showed that there were three types of code-mixing proposed by Hoffman.  The results for male broadcasters showed that there were 282 (87%) cases of intra-sentential code mixing, 31 (9,6%) cases of intra-lexical code mixing, and 11 (3,4%) involvement in a change of pronunciation. Meanwhile, the results for female broadcasters showed that there were 357 (89,9%) cases of intra-sentential code mixing, 28 (7,1%) cases of intra-lexical code mixing, and 12 (3%) involvement in a change of pronunciation. While for reasons of using code-mixing, female broadcasters and male broadcasters both used seven reasons from Hoffman's theory. The reasons were talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, and clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor, and expressing group identity and solidarity In addition, female broadcasters using code-mixing tended to be more conscious and intentional than male broadcasters, and female broadcasters were more expressive than male broadcasters in the use of code-mixing. In conclusion, although the most common types and reasons for using code mixing between male and female broadcasters were similar, there were still differences that were influenced by gender factors. However, code mixing can be used to create a good and interesting communication, especially in broadcasting media

    An Analysis of Reading Strategies Used by The Fourth Semester Students of English Education Study Program in Muhammadiyah University

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    This research aimed at finding out types of reading strategies and the dominant reading strategies used by the fourth semester students of English Education Study Program in Muhammadiyah University. The subject of this research was all fourth semester students of English Education Study Program in academic year 2018/2019. This research used descriptive quantitative method in the form of survey. The data were collected by using the questionnaire as the instrument. The result shows that the fourth semester students of English Education Study Program in Muhammadiyah University used the four reading strategies in reading: cognitive, metacognitive, compensation, and testing strategies. The dominant reading strategy was metacognitive strategy.  Among the four strategies, metacognitive strategies (3.2) were the most frequent strategies used by the fourth semester students. It was followed by testing strategies with average score (3.0), compensation strategies with average score (2.9), and finally cognitive strategies with average score (2.8). The four reading strategies were categorized in moderate level. It can be concluded that the students were using the four reading strategies quite well, and they used metacognitive strategy mostly when they do a reading activity in the classroom, such as thinking about the learning process, planning for learning, monitoring the learning task, and evaluating how well one has learned

    An Analysis of English Diphthong Pronunciation by the Students of the English Education Study Program

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     This research wasaimed to know howEnglish students in Universityof Bengkulu, EnglishEducationStudy ProgrampronouncedEnglish Diphthongs.Thisresearchuseddescriptive qualitativemethod. The population in this research was the 79 sixth semester students of English EducationStudy Program. The numbers of samples were 20% of the population. The Students were asked to pronounce 8 diphthongs in English. The research was doing input the audio from native speaker and data recordedby each student into Audacity. Then, comparing both of the data.The research was usingAudacity as the technology to analyze and to see the pattern of the data recorded in order to check the correct and incorrect of the students’ pronunciation. The data of the research consisted of 8 diphthongs and each diphthong consisted of 3 words including in the word diphthongs. The total words in this study were 24 words. The resultof thisresearchshowedthatmostofEnglishstudentspronouncedEnglish diphthongs[e?], [o?], [a?], [??], [??] and [??] incorrectly.Itshowed thatthestudents stilldid not know about English diphthongs. Meanwhile,thestudentsweregoodatpronouncingdiphthongs suchas[a?]and [??] with more than 58% of correct pronunciation. 

    The Forms of Politeness Applied by English Students in Communication to Their Thesis Advisor Lecturers Via WhatsApp

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    This research aims to determine the forms, scales, and factors of students' politeness in communication to their thesis advisor lecturers via WhatsApp. The research design was descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this research was 54 of 2017 English students' text messages to their thesis advisor lecturers who were selected from classes A, B, and C by using the purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed based on theory forms of politeness by Kushartanti, scales of politeness by Leech, and factors affecting politeness by Brown & Levinson's theories. From the findings of this study, there are four forms of politeness used by students, namely pronominal sentences, indirect sentences, opening sentences, and word appreciation sentences. The most widely used forms of politeness are opening sentences and appreciation words. Five politeness scales were also found, namely the cost and benefit scale, the optionality scale, the indirectness scale, the authority scale, and the last is social distance scale, where this scale is the most widely used. All politeness data are influenced by relative power and social distance, and there is no size of imposition politeness factor found. There are also two forms of impoliteness in this study, directness and without using the word appreciation and some students are classified as impolite based on the optionality scale. Students use all existing forms of politeness because they use Indonesian politeness forms and Indonesian culture, which considers these forms a sign that sentences in a conversation are considered polite. The form of politeness used by students is influenced by the politeness scale, that is social distance and vice versa. Based on the result, it can be concluded that most of the students have used politeness form when communicating with their lecturers through WhatsApp text messages

    Translation Strategies Applied by the Fifth-Semester Students of English Education Study Program in Translating English Written Texts into Indonesian Langauge

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    This research attempted to find out translation strategies applied by the fifth-semester students of English Education Study Program in translating English written texts into Indonesian. It was conducted by applying descriptive qualitative and quantitative approach. The subject of the research were 61 pieces of translation task collected from the lecturer into taught translation subject. Data of this research were collected from the students’ assignment about Explanation text given by the lecturer. . The data analysis was done by using translation techniques theory proposed by Suryawinata and Hariyanto (2003). The results of this research revealed that the use of each translation strategy varied in terms of frequency. The translation strategies used by the students from the most dominant to the least dominant respectively were as follows ; 1) Borrowing (56.61%); 2) Omission (29.41%); 3) Synonym (6.80%), 4) Addition (3.49%), 5) and Transposition (3.49%). The applications of reduction and expansion were not found. Among all the five translation strategies found in the students’ translation works, omission, synonym and borrowing were accurately applied. Furthermore, addition and transposition were not accurately and successfully applied by the students

    An Evaluation of Speaking Materials in Think Globally Act Locally Textbook for Ninth Grade of Junior High School

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    This research was intended to observe, evaluate, and discover the quality of the speaking materials which appear in Think Globally Act Locally textbook for ninth grade of junior high school published by the Ministry of Education and Culture 2018 revised edition. Researchers evaluated the speaking materials by using the Scott’s theory of good speaking materials. It was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research design. The research object was Think Globally Act Locally textbook, specifically the whole speaking materials on that book. The instruments consisted of evaluation table, documentation, and interview. The data were collected through six necessary steps, included (1) read the textbook thoroughly, (2) find out all the speaking materials, (3) observe all the speaking materials that was found, (4) identify the speaking materials regarding to the four criteria, (5) report the data through evaluation table, and (6) present the data in detail. The result of this study showed that there were 40 speaking materials found in the textbook, 30 of them filled the category of “good”, and 10 others reached the category of “sufficient”. In conclusion, overall the speaking materials in this textbook were classified as good. Therefore, researchers recommend this textbook to be implemented as the main source for speaking activities in classroom interaction

    An Analysis of Women's Language Features used by the Three Indonesian Female Travel Bloggers

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    This research focuses on women’s language features used by the three Indonesian female travel bloggers on blogspot.com and wordpress.com. It was aimed to investigate types of women’s language features used by the three Indonesian female travel bloggers and the most dominant types of women’s language features used by the three Indonesian female travel bloggers. This research was carried out using descriptive qualitative research. The data came from the script of 15 blog posts written by the three Indonesian female travel bloggers. The findings revealed that the three Indonesian female travel bloggers utilized nine types of women’s language features, they are lexical hedges or fillers, tag question, rising intonation on declaratives, empty adjectives, intensifiers, hypercorrect grammar, super polite forms, avoidance of strong swear words, and emphatic stress. The scripts of the three Indonesian female travel bloggers contain a total of 628 language features. During the analysis of the data, it revealed that the researchers were unable to discover precise colour terms because it was unrelated to the 15 blog posts. There was no correlation among the theme on 15 blog posts and the ability to use precise colour terms back then. The three Indonesian female travel bloggers dominantly employed hypercorrect grammar to prove that they concerned about their grammar

    An Analysis of Language Styles Used on Aaron Beverly Speech “An Unbelievable Story” in Toastmaster Public Speaking World Champion 2019

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    This research aims to find out types of using language style on speech by Aaron Beverly, titled “Unbelievable Story and the possible reason why the style use dominantly. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative research. The data were analyzed with using Martin Joos Theory (1976) to find the types of the style. The data were 70 utterances from 1 speech script. The findings showed that there were 4 styles used in the speech, namely frozen style, formal style, casual style and intimate style. The language style of the speech tended to have casual style as the most dominant style. It was possible to the speaker making an interesting light speech with the dominant casual style. The speech might be presented in fun topic and chronology where it became informal situation which was more relaxed in using language. Finally, the researcher suggests to the student to be able implement the style in presentation class or in learning public speaking. Also, the next researcher who interest to conduct research in the same study to connecting research to the next new literary ideas such as in public speaking skills in business
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