37 research outputs found


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    Swallow's nest is a material that provides great benefits, especially in relation to health and also as a profitable export/import commodity. However, it is not surprising that the swallow's nest business requires a lot of capital and swallow's nest products must be of high quality. Therefore, in swallow nest processing there are several important stages such as cleaning, shaping, drying and packing. From the above process, it is clear that the scale is a measure of water content which also affects the selling price, so a swallow hatcher is needed. The drying process greatly affects the quality of the swallow product/nest. If the swallow nest is too dry, there is a decrease in the weight of the material which can be dangerous. If it is too moist, mould will form and there may also be dirt. At this stage, drying is still done manually with the help of a fan. The fan is turned on for an hour, but sometimes the workers forget to turn off the fan, causing the swallow's nest to dry too much, which also results in a waste of electricity. The design of this dryer uses a sensor to turn on the lights and a timer to determine the time needed. With this tool can help workers in managing swallow nest dryers. The existence of this tool also helps businesses to be able to dry swallow nests automatically.   Keywords: Dryer, Sensor, Timer, and Arduin

    The efficacy of halofantrine in the treatment of acute malaria in nonimmune travelers

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    A multicenter prospective trial was performed to investigate the efficacy and the tolerability of halofantrine in nonimmune patients with malaria imported from areas with drug-resistant falciparum parasites (mainly Africa). Forty-five of the 74 subjects were treated with a one-day regimen (3 x 500 mg) of halofantrine, and the other 29 received the same regimen with an additional treatment on day 7. In the second group, a 100% efficacy rate was demonstrated, but in the group receiving the one-day regimen, four recrudescences were observed in patients with falciparum malaria. Only five mild adverse reactions were seen, which disappeared spontaneously after the end of the treatment. We conclude that halofantrine is highly effective in curing malaria in nonimmune subjects. The treatment scheme for such persons should include an additional treatment on day 7 for nonimmune individuals. This drug was well tolerated in our patients, indicating that halofantrine will be useful in the treatment of multidrug-resistant malaria in nonimmune persons

    UTRGV Commencement ā€“ Fall 2016

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    Prijevod: Lukijan, "Razgovori hetera"

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    Skesani eros?

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    Novodobni bralci so vselej čutili nelagodje ob adulacijah v čast Avgusta in cesarske družine, ki smo jim priča v Ovidijevi izgnanski poeziji. Subverzivne prvine tudi v tej poeziji so, vendar najbrž ne do take mere, da bi ruÅ”ile apologetski načrt. V tem članku se navezujem na implicitni namig dveh zgodnjih humanističnih komentatorjev Ovidijevega Ibisa, Domizia Calderinija in Koprčana Cristofora Zarotta, ki sta uvidela, da je Ovidij v Ibisu zavestno izbral zvrst invektive, da bi s tem posredno Ā»dokazalĀ« nedolžni značaj Umetnosti ljubezni. Osrednja teza mojega besedila je, da je Ovidij podobni strategiji sledil že v drugi knjigi Žalostink, kjer včasih namenoma argumentira na nekonsistentne načine in se preveč opira na dlakocepsko klasifikacijo literarnih zvrsti. Pesnik sicer ne hitro parafrazira Katula in zatrdi, da poezije ne smemo vzeti kot indic avtorjevega moralnega profila, vendar razloček vita/ars omeji na epiko in dramatiko. V nadaljevanju presenetljivo prizna, da je njegova ā€“ in sploh vsa ā€“ prvoosebna poezija osnovana v resničnem življenju, ob tem pa zatrjuje, da je edini pesnik v zgodovini, ki je bil kaznovan zaradi erotičnih tematik. Ta nova formula captatio benevolentiae se ujema s sploÅ”no težnjo izgnanskih elegij: odreka se ideji o poeziji kot fikciji in vzpostavlja retoriko poezije kot avtentičnega izraza trpljenja. Ibis je kot eksplicitno, ekstrovertirano sramotilna pesnitev skrajni izraz te poetike

    Illustrating the poem by Boris A. Novak Ugrabljena Perzefona

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    V analitično-raziskovalnem delu diplomske naloge se bomo ukvarjali z ilustracijo v poetičnem besedilu in raziskovali že obstoječe primere ilustrirane poezije. Definirali bomo, kaj je ilustracija in kaj je domiŔljijska ilustracija. Raziskovali bomo tudi pomen mitologije, zakaj je bila tako močno prisotna včasih in kakŔen je njen pomen danes. NaŔa naloga bo razŔiritev poetičnega besedila skozi ilustracijo. V praktičnem delu bomo ilustrirali pesem Borisa A. Novaka Ugrabljena Perzefona, in ilustracije predstavili v končnem izdelku, knjigi. V tem delu se bomo ukvarjali tudi s tehniko ročne vezave knjige.In analytical research part of BA thesis, we will be dealing with the illustration in poetic text and will research existing examples of illustrated poetry. We will define what is illustration, and what is fiction illustration. We will also research the meaning of mithology, why it was so strongly present in the past and what is its role today. Our task will be to expand poetic text through illustration. In practical part, we will illustrate the poem by Boris A. Novak Ugrabljena Perzefona and present illustrations in final project, illustrated book. In this part, we will also work on hand-binding of a book

    Artificial neural network for predicting values of residuary resistance per unit weight of displacement

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    This paper proposes the usage of an Artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the values of the residuary resistance per unit weight of displacement from the variables describing shipā€™s dimensions. For this purpose, a Multilayer perceptron (MLP) regressor ANN is used, with the grid search technique being applied to determine the appropriate properties of the model. After the model training, its quality is determined using R2 value and a Bland-Altman (BA) graph which shows a majority of values predicted falling within the 95% confidence interval. The best model has four hidden layers with ten, twenty, twenty and ten nodes respectively, uses a relu activation function with a constant learning rate of 0.01 and the regularization parameter L2 value of 0.001. The achieved model shows a high regression quality, lacking precision in the higher value range due to the lack of data

    Prijevod: Lukijan, "Razgovori hetera"

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    On the Traveling Salesman Problem in Nautical Environments: an Evolutionary Computing Approach to Optimization of Tourist Route Paths in Medulin, Croatia

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    The Traveling salesman problem (TSP) defines the problem of finding the optimal path between multiple points, connected by paths of a certain cost. This paper applies that problem formulation in the maritime environment, specifically a path planning problem for a tour boat visiting popular tourist locations in Medulin, Croatia. The problem is solved using two evolutionary computing methods ā€“ the genetic algorithm (GA) and the simulated annealing (SA) - and comparing the results (are compared) by an extensive search of the solution space. The results show that evolutionary computing algorithms provide comparable results to an extensive search in a shorter amount of time, with SA providing better results of the two