127 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Metode Fuzzy Inference System (Fis) Mamdani Dalam Pemilihan Peminatan Mahasiswa Untuk Tugas Akhir

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    Fuzzy logic is a branch of artificial intelligence to build expert systems. Fuzzy logic is often used as problem solver in a system that does not use numbers, but linguistics or unobvious variables. One of the implementation of fuzzy logic is decision making in determine the topic of final assignment, especially bachelor thesis. IBI Darmajaya has some study programs in the faculty of Computer Science. One of those study programs is Informatics Engineering. The study program of Informatics Engineering leads the students to the specialization of Web Development and Multimedia, Software Engineering, or Expert System for their bachelor thesis. During this time, the specialization that taken by students is not actually what they expert in or the grade they earn from each subject. Usually, students take the specialization because of many students take that field. As the result, they have difficulties to finish their bachelor thesis. This research uses Fuzzy Inference System of Mamdani with 12 input variables, 37 rules, and 3 thesis specializations. This research aims to generate a fuzzy system as a decision maker to determine the thesis specialization

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Geografis Penyebaran Klinik Dan Pengguna Alat Kontrasepsi Di Bandar Lampung

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    Geographic information system, as computerized tool can be used to map and analyse existing object or occurance on earth surface. One of the implementations of geographic information system is clinics deployment and contraceptive users in Bandar Lampung. During this time, informations about clinics deployment information and contraceptive users in Bandar Lampung, is spread out by pamphlets from BKKBN, and so far, there is no particular application to help people to get information of clinics deployment by map. This research is meant to build a Geographic Information System about clinics deployment and contracetive users in Bandar Lampung. Data that required building geographic information system development are spatial data and non spatial data. Spatial data is data of Bandar Lampung map that contains of informations of districts in Bandar Lampung. While non-spatial data is administrative data that contains of informations of clinics deployment and contraceptive users in Bandar Lampung

    The Design of the Fuzzy Systems in Selecting the Students' Concentration in Terms of Determining the Topic of the Thesis

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    The Graduate Program of Information Technology Department of IBI Darmajaya has some concentrations. They are Software Engineering and Information Systems. During this time, the decision made by the students to choose the topic of their thesis is based on their interest on the providedconcentration, not based on theirexpertise.Beside the scores of the course that the students take, there are other factors that influence in selecting the concentration. They are interest and motivation possessed by the students. These factors can early help the students develop the skills that they have so that they can be more focus on developing capabilities. The objective of this research was to produce a design ofthe fuzzy systemswhich could help the students in determining the concentration and the topic of the thesis by using the fuzzy logic. The method used in this research was the intelligent system method which was called the fuzzy logic. The reason why the fuzzy logic was used was that the fuzzy logic could tolerate the uncertain values. Moreover, the fuzzy logic was based on the reasoning which used the approach to the uncertainty which combined the numeric variable, the linguistic variable, and rule

    Desain Sistem Jaringan Pengontrol Aktivitas Praktikum Mahasiswa Di Laboratorium Komputer STMIK Darmajaya

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    Practice is a study method in the university particular in the part of sains. In learning of some subject, practice should be done to reach instructional aim maksimally. Fasility which support that practice activyty is computer laboratory. Practice activity in STMIK darmajaya is a important thing to student fluency in practicing the theories that they have got. Therefire, a system which can control all of practice activity is needed. This control link system is mode to adapt the working system of VNC (Vitual Network System), borland delphi 7 software to arrage its software. This software can operate computer in far distance, software which is used in arrangeing software is borland delphi 7. This research suggest a software whis is usefull to control student practice activity in computer laboratory. By that software coocrdinator, leacture or laboratory asistant can see and contol student activity in computer laberatory so that will su suport seriouse activity and increase student\u27s seriously in doing practice

    Geographic Information Systems Design of Tourist Attraction and Nearest Facility in Bandar Lampung City

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    Tourism is one of the selling point that BandarLampung City has. The information about the location oftourist attraction and the supporting facility was given inbooklet and tourism map. The information distributionthrough those media haven't use the technology thatappropriate to the current development.Some research methods were used in thisresearch such as, data collection methods and systemdesign methods. The data collection methods were donein several ways such as interview with the respondents,literature study and observation. The system designmethods use UML (Unified Modelling Language).The output from this research is a design ofgeographic information system that interactive with theuser and able to attract the tourist attention to visit BandarLampung City and the tourist attraction. With this designhopefully can bring more information about a touristattraction in Bandar Lampung City and gain more touristto visit Bandar Lampung City

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Layout Jadwal Mata Pelajaran (Studi Kasus : Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) di Bandar Lampung)

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    Schedule data processing subjects in SMP stil lusing Microsoft Excel and there is no special application for the data processing schedule. So far, the schedule of subject sin Junior High School in Bandar Lampung announced manually with paper pasted on the notice board. Schedule these subject sin the form ofa table containing the code ssubject teachers. The code must be matched to the table the teacher to know the names o fsubjects. The problems that occurinthe process of finding these subjects usually areerrors in the code view teacher educators, so tha tthe name of the lessons learnedis invalid. The purpose of this study is to design a layout application schedule of subjects at Junior High School in Bandar Lampung. Software development methods in this study using the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) models Waterfall. And data collectionis done by the method of observation and literature. Implementation of the Waterfall modelis described through system analysis, context diagram, DFD, the structure of the database tables, relationships between tables, and design input output. This research resulted in a layout application subject will give provide input to the school. In addition, this application will facilitate students and teacher stosee the schedule

    Mewujudkan Kemandirian UMKM Melalui Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pencatatan Laporan Keuangan Dan Penetapan Harga Jual Produk

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    The Indonesian government has declared Covid-19 as a national disaster since April 13, 2020. Various efforts have been made by the government such as Work From Home (WFH), social distancing, and the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) to reduce the spread of the corona virus. However, this policy has an impact on the decline in people's purchasing power. One of the sectors affected is MSMEs. This service aims to provide assistance in making financial statement bookkeeping and determining product selling prices for MSMEs in Pesawaran Regency. The three stages of activities carried out include preparation, implementation and monitoring. Preparation is carried out by conducting surveys in the field in coordination with partners. The implementation is carried out by training and mentoring using the lecture method followed by a question and answer discussion, and practicing making financial reports and calculating product selling prices. Monitoring is carried out periodically during service activities. This service results in the recording of simple financial statements, namely the cash book, accounts payable book, accounts receivable book, and inventory book, as well as calculating production costs and selling prices (hpp). Knowledge and soft skills regarding financial reports and determining product selling prices for MSME owners are needed, so that their business development can be monitored
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