66 research outputs found

    Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of Quinoline Bound Imidazoles

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    8-Hydroxyqunoline derivatives were synthesised by treating 5-chloromethyl-8-hydroxy quinoline with imidazole and characterized using NMR and mass spectrometry. 2-mercaptoimidazole derivatives of 8-hydroxy quinoline were also synthesized and characterized. One of the compounds in this series has been tested for dengue activity along with other series of compounds, but did not show any activity against dengue virus

    A Comprehensive Review on the Therapeutic Applications and Synthetic Approaches of Buparvaquone

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    Buparvaquone 1a is a predominant anti-protozoal drug, it belongs to the pharmacologically active class of hydroxy-naphthoquinones. There are numerous publications on the wide therapeutic applications of 1a, but only a few approaches were reported towards its synthesis. Most of the prior arts report the synthesis from expensive raw materials with low yield, whereas only a few involves the use of readily available and less expensive raw materials with moderate to better yield. The present review work covers the developments on therapeutic applications of 1a along with the synthetic approaches disclosed till date

    A Systematic Study towards the Synthesis, Isolation, and Recrystallization of Atovaquone, an Antimalarial Drug: A Sustainable Synthetic Pathway

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    In the present work, studies were conducted towards the synthesis of 2-[trans-4-(4-chlorophenyl) cyclohexyl]-3-hydroxy-1 ,4-naphthoquinone 5 with systematic reaction and recrystallization condition optimization to isolate 5 in high yield with better purity. Synthesis of 5 was done by the hydrolysis of 2-[trans-4-(4-chlorophenyl) cyclohexyl]-3-chloro-1, 4-naphthoquinone 4, which was isolated by the decarboxylative condensation of trans-4-(4-chlorophenyl) cyclohexanecarboxylic acid 3 with naphthoquinone moiety. After the hydrolysis of 4, isolation of crude 5 was done by the use of acetic acid instead of dilute hydrochloric acid, product 5 was isolated in good purity with very less polar impurities. The study extends to provide the polymorphic form I of 5 by the useof solvent combination for the recrystallization, prior artreports the use of a large volume of solvent for theisolation of polymorphic form I of 5. The use of a largevolume of solvent becomes a bottleneck for thecommercial synthesis of 5


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    It is indeed a great pleasure and privilege for me to introduce the Chemical Sciences issue of Mapana-Journal of Sciences which is dedicated to publishing the research articles pertaining to the field of Chemistry and related areas. The first article by Kezia Sasitharan reports a brief review on the working of photovoltaic systems and the conditions required to fabricate an ideal solar cell. Some of the advanced systems incorporated in solar cells over the past 20 years have been discussed along with their place in making photovoltaic technology efficient

    Synthesis and Characterization of Chalcones and Pyrazolines derived from Substituted Aryl ether

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    Few novel chalcones were synthesised by treating 4-fluoro-3-phenoxy benzaldehyde with different substituted ketones and characterised using 1H NMR and mass spectrometry. The chalcones synthesised were further treated with hydrazine hydrate to get corresponding pyrazolines. The newly synthesised pyrazolines were characterised by 1H NMR and mass spectrometry

    Evolutionity – A New Age of Humanity: On the Concept of Human Evolution by Hoene-Wroński

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    In this article, I present the concept of human evolution by Józef Hoene-Wroński. I believe that his ideas are still an unexplored resource which can lead us to the better understanding of the evolution of humanity and of our human destiny. Hoene-Wroński has boldly challenged the deterministic picture of the world emerging from modern science and has derived human evolution from the moral and rational development of human beings. I follow closely his discussion of human evolution and describe its seven stages. Further, I argue that the case of human evolution is strongly supported by new scientific theories, especially by quantum theory and the novel perspectives that it opens for humankind. I end my article with the conclusion that the insights on human evolution derived from the Hoene-Wroński’s writings and from new scientific theories can guide us to the new politics based on the awareness of true human identity – the politics, which can overcome old divisions among humankind and conflicts derived from them. Ultimately, they can initiate evolutionity – the new evolutionary epoch, which will replace modernity and postmodernity.Ewolucyjność – Nowa epoka ludzkości: Koncepcja ludzkiej ewolucji według Hoene-Wrońskiego W artykule przedstawiam koncepcję ewolucji ludzkości Józefa Hoene-Wrońskiego. Staram się pokazać, że idee autora Metapolityki są dla nas nadal aktualne i mogą nam pomóc lepiej zrozumieć ludzką ewolucję i nasze przeznaczenie. W swoich pismach Hoene-Wroński odważnie podważył wyłaniający się z nauki nowożytnej deterministyczny obraz świata oraz wyprowadził ludzką ewolucję z rozwoju moralnego i rozumowego człowieka. Analizuję siedem etapów ewolucji, jakie przedstawia. Twierdzę, że jego koncepcja ewolucji ludzkości znajduje poparcie w nowych teoriach naukowych, zwłaszcza w teorii kwantów oraz nowych perspektywach myśli, które otwiera. Kończę mój artykuł wnioskiem, że idee związane z ewolucją ludzkości, jakie wyłaniają się z pism Hoene-Wrońskiego i nowych teorii naukowych, mogą doprowadzić nas do koncepcji nowej polityki, opartej na świadomości prawdziwej ludzkiej tożsamości – polityki, która może przezwyciężyć dawne podziały między ludźmi i konflikty z nich się wywodzące. Mogą one inicjować ewolucyjność, czyli nową epokę ewolucyjną, która zastąpi moderność (nowoczesność) i postmoderność (ponowoczesność)


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    Obituary: Padmanabh S. Jaini (October 23, 1923 - May 25, 2021)

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    Utilization of the Weighted Product-Based CIPP Evaluation Model in Determining the Best Online Platform

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    Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been many free online platforms that can be used to support the online learning process at health colleges in Bali. However, it is difficult to determine the best online platform from the various choices of free online platforms that are scattered on the internet. Therefore, it needs innovations that contribute to helping solve these problems. One model as an innovation that can be used and contributes to solving problems is the Weighted Product-based CIPP evaluation model. The model needs to be measured for the quality of its calculations to ensure success in determining the best online platform. Therefore, this research aimed to show the quality of the Weighted Product method calculation integrated with the CIPP (Context-Input-Process-Product) model in determining the best platform used in health colleges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The instrument used to assess the quality of that calculation was a questionnaire consisting of eight questions. The subjects involved in the assessment were 20 experts. The research was carried out at several health colleges in Bali. The analytical technique used in analyzing the research data was descriptive-quantitative. The analysis was carried out by comparing the quality percentage of the calculation simulation with the quality standard based on an eleven-point scale. The study results showed the quality percentage of calculation simulation was 87.250%, so it was included in the very good category. This research has a significant impact on the progress of the educational evaluation field through research findings in the form of the appearance of the combination of the Weighted Product method with the CIPP evaluation model. The novelty of this research is the combination of the Weighted Product method and the CIPPmodel, which makes it easier for educational evaluators to determine the best online platform that supports online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and even post-COVID-19. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-01-015 Full Text: PD

    Crystal structure of 7-methoxy-1-{[(E)-2,6-dimethylphenylimino] (phenyl)methyl}-2-naphthol: Clarification of non-covalent bonding interactions on the basis of spatial organization of single molecular structure and the molecular alignments

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    Crystal structure of the title compound, 7-methoxy-1-{[(E)-2,6-dimethylphenylimino] (phenyl)methyl}-2-naphthol, which has N-aryl group instead of ketonic carbonyl group has been comparatively analysed with the precursor compound of 1-benzoyl-2-hydroxy-7-methoxynaphthalene. The distinct features in the molecular accumulation structures of title triarylimine compound and the precursor diaryl ketone demonstrate that the spatial organization of the former is mainly determined π-π stacking interaction and for the latter the non-classical hydrogen bondings govern the spatial organization. Besides both of the compounds show non-coplanaryl accumulation of aromatic rings molecular structure, the title compound has molecular core of imino group which attaches three aromatic rings of C-1-naphthyl, C-phenyl, and N-phenyl stems of nearly perpendicular alignment of each aryl groups to residual two aryl ones respectively, giving highly congested circumstance at the inner site of molecules. On the other hand, the precursor aromatic ketone molecule has relatively large space compared to title compound, enabling conformational flexibility to some extent within restriction of maintaining non-coplanar organization. The molecules of the precursor compound in crystal are stabilized by a number of non-covalent bonding interactions, mainly by non-classical hydrogen bondings. The achievement stabilization contributed a number of non-classical hydrogen bonding is considered to be due to the inner-molecular motility of single molecular structure. Contrarily, the congested inner-molecular situation of title compound makes largely rigid molecular conformation, which affords at the same time exposure of three aromatic planes outside the molecular core. The single molecular organization permits π-π stacking interaction stabilization instead of formation of a number of weak interactions. Thus, the governing factors for the distinct feature of the single molecular and the accumulation structures of title compound and the precursor are interpreted from the viewpoint of predominantly effective intermolecular interaction, a strong π-π stacking interaction or sum of weak non-classical hydrogen bondings, determined by the inner-molecular congestive conditions directly affects the inner-molecular motility