54 research outputs found

    An Evaluation Of English Textbook “Modul Of English Tutorial Program” Used In Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Based On Rajan’s Theory

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    This research paper is mainly intended to find out whether the English textbook “Modul of English Tutorial” used for undergraduate students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta is suitable or not with the criteria of good material design suggested by Rajan (2003). This research applies qualitative research. The researcher did content analysis and questionnaires from 59 tutors dan 590 students in collecting the data. The result shows that there are 10 criteria of material design suggested by Rajan is suitable with the materials in the textbook. The percentage of the suitability is 90,90% which means the materials of the textbook is very good. In other hand, the tutors and the students’ perspective toward the textbook is good and mostly satisfied with the material. According to the statements above, this research implies the textbook “Modul of English Tutorial Program is good to support the English learning process in Universitas Muhammadiyah surakarta

    A subtitling analysis on maxim flouts in a cinderella story and the perfect man movies from english into indonesian

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    The study aims to describe (1) maxim flouts found in A Cinderella Story and The Perfect Man Movies from English to Indonesian, (2) the accuracy of maxim flouts translation in A Cinderella Story and The Perfect Man Movies from English to Indonesian, (3) the acceptability of maxim flouts translation in A Cinderella Story and The Perfect Man Movies from English to Indonesian, and (4) the readability of maxim flouts translation in A Cinderella Story and The Perfect Man Movies from English to Indonesian. The type of this study is a descriptive qualitative. The data were obtained from several methods such as, content analysis, questionnaire, and interview. The strategy applied in this study is an embedded case study. The data are maxim flouts in A Cinderella Story and The Perfect Man Movies and its translation on the VCD of both movies. The results of the study show that firstly, there are 3 kinds of maxim flouts found in A Cinderella Story movie, they are flouts of quality maxim, flouts of relation maxim, and flouts of manner maxim. Then, The Perfect Man movie has four types of maxim flouts, there are flouts of quality maxim, flouts of quantity maxim, flouts of relation maxim, and flouts of manner maxim. From 57, they are 38 data or 66.67% belong to flouts of quality maxim, 3 data or 5.26% belong to flouts of quantity maxim, 12 data or 21.05% belong to flouts of relation maxim, and 4 data or 7.01% belong to flouts of manner maxim. The most commonly found type in both movies is flouts of quality maxim. Secondly, from 57 data the number of accurate data is 31 or about 54.39%, and the number of less accurate data is 26 or 45.61 %. Thirdly, the level of acceptable maxim flouts data is good, because 36 or about 63.16% maxim flouts data are acceptable for the viewer, then 21 or about 36.84% data belong to less acceptable. Fourthly, the result of readability is 31 or about 54.39 % readable, and 26 or about 45.61% less readable. It means almost maxim flouts are readable

    Imperatives Used By The Characters In Captain America Movie

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    This study aims to identify the form of imperative and analyze the imperative functions in the Captain America movie. Researcher uses qualitative descriptive method as a research method. The data source from this research is Captain America movie which is accompanied by script. The data that containing forms of imperative and function of imperative, the researcher use Quirk et al theory (1985). The result found 31 data contained there forms of imperative, there were imperative with subject with percentage 50%, Imperative without subject (40,6) and Negative Imperative only reach (9,4). The result also show 8 function used in Captain America movie, there were order, command, request, prohibition, warning, suggestion, instruction and invitation. On the other hand the author found a new strategy they were shocked, reproach, affirmation, admiration, testing, mocking, to inform, disagree

    An Analysis of Conversational Implicature in Antigone Drama Manuscript

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    This research aimed to classify the types of conversational implicature and the reasons of using implicature in utterances that used by the characters in Antigone drama. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data. All data were collected and analyzed based on the Thomas (1995) theory of conversational implicature for classifying the types of conversational implicatures and Grice (1975) theory of cooperative principles for analyzing maxims violation in Antigone drama. The result of the study showed there are 60 data containing the types of conversational implicatures. generalized conversational implicature presents the dominant frequency more than particularized conversational implicature. There are 58 data of violation maxims on generalized conversational implicature (96%). Those are 26 data on violation maxim of quality (43%); 20 data on violation maxim of quantity (26%); 12 data on violation maxim of relevance (Relation) (20%) and 4 data on violation maxim of manner (7%). Some others data, there are 2 data of violation maxims on particularized conversational implicature (4%). And the next rank is particularized conversational implicature. Those are 1 datum on violation maxim of relevance (Relation) (2%) and 1 datum on violation maxim of manner (2%). In addition, the researcher also found some reasons of using implicatures (teasing, refusing, hurting, apologizing, convincing, showing vanity, wishing, caring (sympathy), reminding, informing, guessing, self-defending, angrying, disappointment, ignorance and informing)

    Metaphor in Adele’s Song

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    This study is aimed 1) to find out the type of metaphor contained in Adele's song lyrics and 2) to find out the meaning of the metaphor in Adele's song lyrics. This research is descriptive qualitative. The object of this research are the metaphors found in Adele's song lyrics. The data source of this research are Adele's song lyrics. The method used by researchers is documentation in collecting data and analyzing the data. In analyzing the data, researchers use the type of metaphorical theory Lakoff and Johnson (1980) to determine the type of metaphor in Adele's song lyrics and the theory of Geoffrey Leech (1974) to analyze the meaning of metaphors in the lyrics of Adele's Song. The results of this study show that 1) all kinds of metaphors found in Adele's song lyrics, namely structural metaphor (8.69%), orientational metaphor (39.1%), and ontological metaphor (53.33%) 2) The meaning of the metaphor found are conceptual meaning (31.25), connotative meaning (18.75), affective meaning (18.75), stylized meaning (25), and thematic meaning (12.5)

    An Analysis of Javanese English Phonology on Joko Widodo’s English Speech

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    The objectives of this study are (1) to describe the complexity of vowels articulated by Joko Widodo in his English speech compared to vowels in RP; (2) to describe the quantity of vowels articulated by Joko Widodo in his English speech compared to vowels in RP; (3) How are the quality of vowels articulated by Joko Widodo in his English speech compared to vowels in RP. This study is a descriptive qualitative study with finding data through listening, understanding, changing the oral data into the written data, and also analyzing all the elements. The data were collected from the script of five videos of Mr. Joko Widodo’s speeches on various occasions. The technique of data analysis is namely identifying, classifying, interpreting data, and drawing conclusions. The data shows that there are difference and similarity on the complexity of vowels, quality of vowels and quantity of vowels. Based on the data analysis, it can be explained that there are two results from the English speech of Joko Widodo compared to RP, they are difference and similarity for complexity, quality, and quantity of vowels

    English Teaching Techniques Applied To Promote Students’ Participation In The Classroom: A Case Study At Smp N 2 Ngemplak Boyolali

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    This study is carried out to describe English teaching techniques applied to promote students’ participation. The study is also intended to give some contribution for the betterment of teaching English. The data of this research are in the form of excerpts transcribed from the English teachers’ attitude and interview students and English teachers. The writer takes three English teachers and students of SMP N 2 Ngemplak as the subject of this research. The writer uses descriptive qualitative especially the ethnography research in analyzing the data. In conducting this study there are at least six major stages have been done:the kinds of teaching techniques, the materials, the media, the teacher’s role, student’s role, and students’ participation to the teaching techniques applied by English teachers. The result of the study shows that there are some techniques which promote students’ participation such as: grouping, discussion, using electronic media, listen a song, picture describing, picture and word cues, give an issue, paper conversation, peer editing, reading aloud in group, answering question, and checking. Beside there are some techniques which promote students participation, the writer also finds some techniques which do not promote students’ participation such as: pattern drill, imitate, recognition, translation, dictation, reading aloud by teacher, and reading aloud by student

    Indonesian-English Code Mixing Found At “Opinionated” Segment Episode 66 On Gita Savitri Devi’s Youtube Channel

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    The aims of this study is to identify types of code mixing and linguistics category of code mixing found on Gita Savitri Devi's Youtube channel. The qualitative descriptive and analytical content research design is used in this research. These several steps are conducted in what techniques of collecting the data, such as: (1) observing the content of all videos in the “Opinionated” segment on Gita Savitri Devi's Youtube channel, (2) writing all utterances containing code mixing, (3) classifying the types of code mixing along with the reasons of using code mixing, (4) then, analyzing the data. The researchers analyzed data based on theories from Muysken (2000) for types of code mixing and Wiggins (2020) for the linguistics category in code mixing.The results of this study showed that there were 52 data that containing code mixing found in Gita Savitri Devi's Youtube channel of “Opinionated” segment videos related to four types of code mixing and five reasons of using code mixing. The results of this study showed that there were 4 types of code mixing found, namely Word Insertion of Code Mixing (50%), Phrase Insertion of Code Mixing (25%), Alternation of Code Mixing (9.6%), and Congruent Lexicalization of Code Mixing (15.4%). In addition, in this study, ten classifications were also found from three categories of lexical lingustics, syntax and morphology, namely: (1) Lexical errors constitute collocations, idioms, content, functional words, derivation morphological as much as 15%, (2) Lexical errors constitute unintentional use as much as 9.5%, (3) wrong words order of syntax errors as much as 5%, (4) unfinished expressions of syntax errors as much as 29%, (5) completely unacceptable morpho-syntax as much as 5%, (6) Inflextional morphological error as much as 5%, (7) incorrect plural of nouns morphologycal as much as 9.5%, (8) error of time and aspect morphology as much as 5%, (9) omitted or misused article morphology as much as 5%, and last, (10) omitted or misused "be” as much as 12%. The dominant number of the types of code mixing found was the Word Insertion of Code Mixing, which was 26 data (50%), while the dominant number of the lingustic category found was unfinished expression syntax error, which is 12 data (29%)

    Register of Betta Fish Advertisement in Instagram: a Sociolinguistics Perspective

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    This research aims to describe the types of register and the types of meaning used in the official page of BETTA Fish in Instagram. The official betta fish page on Instagram is a page to inform others about the terms used in betta fish. Inside there is an advertisement that contains a caption, a picture of a betta fish, and the terms used in a betta fish advertisement. There are new terms register from the betta fish advertisement that not everyone knows what it means. Research of Type, in this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative research because the researcher will explain the caption of the picture and the type of betta fish on Instagram. Data sources that use social media, especially on the official Instagram page. The object of this research is the Betta Fish advertisement on Instagram. The researcher collects several pictures and posts on the official betta fish advertisement page, the researcher reads the post carefully, and classifies the betta fish image, then the researcher makes a list of the data included in the register types and meaning types. In analyzing the data, the researcher classifies the types of registers and the types of meaning, the researcher analyze the types of registers based on Rinaghnaa theory and to analyze the types of meaning based on Leech theory supported by Dell Hymes theory to analyze social context to determine a meaning of betta fish data advertisement. Based on the analysis, the researcher found that in the register types there were 2 formal register words (10%), 11 consultative register words (55%), and 7 casual register words (35%). And in analyzing the types of meaning there are 19 conceptual meaning words (76%), 2 words collocative meaning (8%), and 4 words affective 2 meaning (16%). This means that the consultative register types (55%) that often arises because it is widely used in posting Betta fish advertisement on Instagram and in the types of meaning types there are conceptual meaning (76%) that appears more frequently and is most used in betta fish advertisement in Instagram

    Swear words used in "Suicide Squad" Movie : A Sociolinguistics Perspective

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    This research aims (1) to describe the types of swear word used in "Suicide Squad" movie, (2) to describe the reasons of using swear word in "Suicide Squad" movie. This research is a qualitative research. The researcher use the documentation and observation methods for collecting the data. The data taken from the sentence containing the swear words, while the data source is taken from "Suicide Squad" movie. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses the theory of Pinker (2007) to explain the types of swear word, and Andersson & Trudgill (In Karjalainen, 2002)to explain the reasons for using swear word. First, the results of this research, the researchers found 20 data types of swear word consisting of 6 data of Abusive Swearing, 6 data of Cathartic Swearing, 4 data of Emphatic Swearing, 2 data of Idiomatic Swearing, and 2 data of Dysphemistic Swearing. Second, 20 data from the reasons of using swear word consisting of 9 data of Psychological Motives, 6 data of Social Motives, and 5 data of Linguistics Motives. The researcher concludes that Abusive Swearing is the most dominant types of swear word. it shows that the characters in the movie use swear word to mock or insult. Psychological Motives is the most dominant reasons of using swear word. It shows that the character used swear word is influenced by feelings
