93 research outputs found

    Penelitian Komposit Gerabah, Pasir Besi, Skam Padi Dengan Fariasi Fra Ksi Volume

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengulas permasalahan kekurangan kompor bioetanol yang ada dipasaran, diantaranya yaitu kompor tidak mau menyala dengan kadar alkohol yang rendah, karena kebanyakan kompor bioetanol pada umumnya ruang bakar masih menggunakan besi atau sejenisnya sebagai ruang bakar. Jika kompor bioetanol dengan ruang bakar besi menggunakan bahan bakar bioetanol dengan ruang bakar besi menggunakan bahan bakar bioetanol kadar alkohol kurang dari 60%, maka kebanyakan dari kompor tersebut akan cepat padam dikarenakan kandungan air pada bioetanol tidak dapat keluar dan menumpuk sehingga mengakibatkan kompor tidak mau menyala. Kompor keramik berpori dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan tanah liat yang dicampur dengan pasir besi dan sekam padi, dengan perbandingan komposisi bahan 50% tanah liat 35% sekam padi, 15% pasir besi dimana fungsi pasir besi adalah sebagai penguat dan sekam padi akan membentuk jalur pori-pori saat proses pembakaran keramik. Dari hasil analisa uji penyalaan kompor bioetanol dengan ruang bakar keramik berpori didapatkan hasil kompor bioetanol dengan kadar alkohol 40% masih dapat menyala. Untuk panas yang dihasilkan tiap bahan memiliki hasil yang berbeda, dimana untuk hasil kecepatan aliran dengan perbedaan variasi komposisi bahan akan mengakibatkan selisih waktu 5 menit dan dari tiap bahan bakar akan mengakibatkan pula selisih waktu yang habis saat penyalaan kompor

    Analisa Kekerasan Permukaan Baja Karbon Rendah St 40 Dengan Proses Carburizing Menggunakan Arang Kayu Dengan Analisis Partikel Karbon Rata-Rata 110,671 µm² dan 515,735 µm²

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    Carburizing is a thermochemical process through the heating of specimen in a medium that contains carbon at austenite temperature. The process aims to enhance the pearlite level (β) of steel surface in order to increase its hardness. The carburizing experiment in this study utilized ST 40 steel, carbon with an average carbon particle area of 515,735 µm² . At the experiment, the steel was mixed with carbon and heated at 780⁰C for four hours. From the test results it can be seen that carbon has an average carbon particle area of 110,671 μm² and 515,735 μm². carbon with an average carbon particle area of 515,735 µm² is more dominated by pearlite structure (β) compared to ferlit (α) while arbon with an average particle area of 110,671 μm² is more dominated by ferrite structure (α) than pearlite (β). because the diffusion process is not going well

    Pengaruh Ukuran Besar Butir Tembaga dan Alumunium terhadap Nilai Kekerasan, Keausan, dan Koefisien Gesek Kampas Rem

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    In the process of making this brake pad using fiberglass material, coconut shell carbon, barium sulfate, calcium carbonate, aluminum (Al) mesh 50 and copper (Cu) mesh 50, 60, 100 with polyester binder by conducting ASTM D2240 standard hardness testing, , micro photo, wear and coefficient of friction on dry conditions, wet conditions of water, and oil wet conditions. From hardness testing obtained the highest hardness value of the combined variations of copper (Cu) mesh 100 and mesh 50 aluminum (Al) is 80.69 and the result of the friction test obtains the highest wear value on a mix of 100 mesh copper (Cu) variations and mesh 50 aluminum (Al) with dry test result with value 19,488 mm³ / hour, water test with value of 38,562 mm³ / hour, and on an oil test with a value of 18.645 mm³ / hour and the highest coefficient of friction on the combined variations of copper mesh 100 and aluminum mesh 50 with dry test value of 0.7311, water conditions with a value of 0.7764 and at the oil test of 0.6203. From the results of the discussion of the test results can be concluded the large grains of copper (Cu) affect the value of hardness, wear and coefficient of friction on brake pads

    Analisa Pengujian Tarik Pipa Komposit Serat Batang Pisang Bermatrik Polyester Bqtn 157 Dengan Sudut Serat 65/-65 Pada Variasi Temperatur Ruang Uji

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekuatan tarik pipa komposit polyester serat batang pisang yang disusun dengan sudut 65/-65 akibat perubahan temperatur dan mengetahui foto makro setelah pengujian tarik akibat perubahan temperatur. Proses awal pengelupasan dan pemotongan kulit batang pohon pisang 4 lapis dari kulit luar, dilanjutkan proses pengepresan agar bagian dalam kulit batang pisang mudah dihilangkan sampai tersisa serat bagian luar. Proses perendaman didalam air selama 1 bulan bertujuan memisahkan antar serat agar lebih mudah diuraikan. Penjemuran awal dilakukan pada temperatur ruang selama 1 hari dengan panjang 100cm. Selanjutnya perlakuan alkali dengan dicuci menggunakan kalium permangant 2% selama 2 jam dilanjutkan pengeringan pada temperatur ruang dan dioven pada suhu 31 C sampai kering. Pembuatan komposit dengan metode cetak perbandingan serat ±30% dengan sudut serat 65/-65. Pengujian tarik dengan standart ASTM D 2105 dengan variasi temperatur ruang, temperatur ruang uji 35, 45, 55 C untuk mengetahui kekuatan tarik dan foto makro pipa komposit polyester serat batang pisang. Dari pengujian tarik dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi fenomena pada temperatur uji 35 C kekuatan tarik tertinggi selanjutnya terjadi penurunan dari 0,595, 0,305, 0,242 N/mm2. Foto makro patahan uji tarik terlihat tidak merata dan terjadi pull-out fiber pada temperatur uji diatas 35 C

    Penelitian Pembuatan Rem Komposit Kereta Api Menggunakan Serbuk Pasir Besi Ferro Dan Serat Kulit Kelapa

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    Tujuan penelitian pembuatan rem komposit kereta api menggunakan pasir besi ferro ini untuk mengetahui keausan bahan komposit remkereta api, mengetahui kekerasan bahan komposit kereta api dan mengetahui sifat fisis bahan komposit dengan foto struktur makro. Bahan yang digunakan serbuk pasir besi ferro sebagai penguat dengan variasi mesh 60,80,100. Sabut buah kelapa (sabut kelapa) sebagai penyusun, serat ini dibersihkan dengan air panas pada suhu 100 0C dan alkohol 70% bertujuan untuk memisahkan serat dengan gabus, serat ini menngantikan asbes karena asbes tidak ramah lingkungan, dan sebagai bahan pengikat menggunakan epoxy resin. Dicetak dengan kompaksi 500 Kg/mm2 selama 15 menit, disintering dengan suhu 250 oC selama 60 menit dengan oven. Kemudian dilakukan uji kekerasan dengan metode Brinell (DIN 50-351), uji keausan (SNI 2417) dan struktur makro Standart, (ASTM E1351). Dari hasil uji spesimen dengan pencucian serat menggunakan air panas didapat harga kekerasan (HB) dan keausan (Ws) untuk Mesh 60 diperoleh HB 14,687 Kg/mm2, Ws 0,000000292 mm2/Kg. Mesh 80 HB 11,339Kg/mm2, Ws 0,000000362 mm2/Kg. Mesh 100 diperoleh HB 11,177 Kg/mm2, Ws 0,000000388 mm2/Kg. Hasil uji spesimen dengan pencucian serat menggunakan alkohol 70% adalah Mesh 60 diperoleh HB 15,512 Kg/mm2, Ws 0,000000272 mm2/Kg. Mesh 80 HB 12,246Kg/mm2, Ws 0,000000303 mm2/Kg. Mesh 100 diperoleh HB 12,024 Kg/mm2, Ws 0,000000366 mm2/Kg. Dan kampas rem merk Fituris sebagai pembanding HB 9,903 Kg/mm2, Ws 0,0000037 mm2/Kg

    Karakteristik Serat Kulit Waru Yang Disusun Laminasi Bermatrik Polyester Dengan Orientasi Serat (30ᴼ,35ᴼ,40ᴼ) Terhadap Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis

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    Research hibiscus bark fiber composite rod is intended to describe the physical and mechanical properties of skin stem hibiscus fiber composites due to variation of the angle and macro photographs describe fiber composite skin stem hibiscus after testing tensile and izod impact testing due to variations in the angle. Beginning the process of cutting the bark of the hibiscus tree trunk immersion was continued for 1 month.Next hibiscus bark peeling process and sistem fibers taken 2 layers of skin.Clean water rinse aid.The drying under the sun to dry subsequent immersion process KMnO4 5% per 1 liter of distilled water for 2 hours.The drying in the sun until dry and continue the process of oven until the moisture content of 10 PPM. Composite manufacturing is done by hand lay – up method,fiber ratio 30%,fiber orientation [-300 /300];[-350 / 350];[-400 / 400]. Using polyester resin series BQTN 157. As for the process of testing is test ASTM D3039-07 stadart tensile and impact testing using standrd ASTM D256-03 with the variation of the angle 300, 350, 400,and describe the tensile strenght,impact prices and the macro image composite polyester fiber trunk . Tensile test results on a composite prepared symmetry [-300/300],[-350/350],[-550/550] the maxsimum tensile strenght contained in the composite with a test corner 300 , where the strenght of its increase in the amount of 54.645N/mm2 is large than the composite with a test corner 350,amounting 37,105 N/mm2 and 400,amounting 20,395 N/mm2. Whereas the izod impact testing of composites prepared symmetry [-300/300 ],[-350350],[-400/400] composites with a test corner 300,which energy is absorbed and impact prices increased by 2,534 J and 0,00434 J/mm2 greter than the composite with a test corner 350 is equal 2,346 J and 0,00402 J/mm2,the test angle 400 is equal to 2,275 J and 0,00390 J/mm2. The macro image tensile test specimens fault structure composite bumpy and irregular.At an angle of 400 trials going on the enlargement process void and pull out the fiber is dominating .Whereas the macro image izod impact testing results of composite fault structure on 300 test specimens seen that the pull – out of fiber

    Analisa Kekerasan Permukaan Baja ST 40 Setelah Carburizing Dengan Luas Rata-rata Partikel Karbon 115,103 μm² DAN 515,735 μm²

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    Carburizing is a steel hardening technique by adding carbon to the steel with austenite temperature. The purpose of this research is to look at changes in microstructure that occur as well as changes in the value of surface hardness in steel. This research uses ST 40 steel and carbon with 115.103 μm² and 515,735 μm² carbon particles. Steel and carbon are put into a container, tightly closed and heated at 780 ° C for 4 hours. Carburizing specimens testing include carbon particle analysis, microstructure test and vickers hardness test. After the carburizing process, there was a reduction in the area of carbon particles from 115,103 μm² to 110,051 μm² and 515,735 μm² to 440,058 μm². in microstructure testing, ferrite is alpha (α) while pearlite is symbolized (β). Raw material produces an average solubility of elements in Fe (β%) 5.99%. The solubility of the carburizing material with a carbon size of 515,103 μm² was 14.19%. Solubility of the carburizing material with a carbon size of 115.103 μm² by 23,49%. In hardness testing, raw material produces 263.3 kg/mm² hardness. Carburizing uses an average area of 115.103 μm carbon particles resulting in a hardness of 249,68 kg / mm², while carburizing uses an average area of carbon particles 515.735 μm² producing a hardness of 193.7 Kg / mm²

    Pengaruh Filler Nano Partikel White Karbon Aktif Kulit Bambu Terhadap Struktur (Photo Makro Dan SEM) Dan Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Polyester

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe the effect of nano-particles of carbon white bamboo skin as a filler to the structure (photo macro & SEM) and tensile strength polyester composites. Methods of making composites by way of a press mold. Manufacture of composites using a variation filler weight fraction of carbon micro-particles of 0.1 grams, 0.15 grams and 0.2 grams of the polyester resin with the type Yukalac BQTN 157-EX. Micro mixing carbon particles with resin using methods stirring with the rotation speed of 2200 rpm for 10 minutes. Making test specimen using a standard tensile pull test ASTM D 638-01. Prior to the tensile test, conducted macro photo to know the composition of the carbon particles in the composite. From the results of photo macro distance and diameter values obtained micro carbon particles. The average distance in the specimen composite carbon particles with nano filler (FK) 0.1 grams of 48.8 μm, 0.15 at 39.59 FK and FK 0.2 μm amounting to 25.68 lm. The higher the weight fraction of carbon, the lower range of carbon particles. Diameter of carbon particles measured namely measuring 5.659 μm up to 21.982 lm. The results of tensile test tensile strength values obtained (yield) on average in the specimen Raw Material of 25.12 N / mm2, FK 0.1 grams of 28.4 N / mm2, FK 0.15 grams of 31.81 N / mm2 and FK 0.2 grams of 32.24 N / mm2. While the outline of the drop value (yield) on average in the specimen Raw Material by 0.73%, FK1% by 0.87%, 0.93% FK3% FK6% and 0.94%. In doing SEM on composite fault area, the results of SEM values obtained distance and diameter of carbon nano particles. The average distance to the composite specimens with nano filler particles of carbon white (FK) 0.1 grams of 0.577 μm, 0.477 μm of 0.15 FK and FK 0.2 of 0.464 lm. The higher the weight fraction of carbon, the lower range of carbon particles. Diameter of the nano-particles of carbon white measurable namely measuring 0.103 μm to 0.210 μm From the discussion of the test results it can be concluded that the addition of nano filler particles of carbon white were able to increase the tensile strength and tensile strain composite polyester

    Pengaruh Variasi Berat Filler Black Karbon Aktif Kulit Bambu Terhadap Struktur Dan Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Polyester

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed at describing the influence of micro and nano bamboo shell activated carbon as a filler on the mechanical and physical properties of polyester composites. Manufacture of composites using a variation filler weight fraction of micro and nano activated carbon of 0.05 grams, 0.1 grams, 0.15 grams, 0.46 grams and 0.92 grams of the polyester resin Yukalac 157 BQTN - EX. Mixing carbon particles with resin using a stirring with a maximum rotation speed of 2200 rpm for 15 minutes. Making test specimen using a standard tensile pull test ASTM D 638-01. Prior to tensile testing, the specimen was photographed a macro to determine the composition of the carbon particles in the composite. The results of the macro image obtained value - average distance and diameter of the carbon particles in the specimen KA 0.05 grams of 17.50 μm, KA 0.1 gram of 16.05 μm, KA 0.15 grams of 15.68 μm, KA 0 , 46 grams of 15.44 μm, and KA 0.92 grams of 14.82 lm. Tensile test results obtained tensile strength (yield) on a specimen of 0.05 grams of 30.65 N / mm2. While the value of the highest maximum strain on specimens KA 0.05 gram by 1.57%, At the time of the length occurs diminution in the cross-section area of the gauge, then led Tensile Strength and Strain Drag increases as the reduced amount of carbon filler in composites. SEM (Scanning Microscope Electrone) made after the tensile test specimens, SEM is because the object is part of the fault on tensile test specimens to determine the structure of the material on the fracture, SEM analysis using 1500x magnification. Based on the SEM images, it can be observed the value of the volume fraction of carbon. The average value obtained volume fraction of activated carbon to the weight fraction of 0.05 grams of 14.74%, the weight fraction of 0.1 grams of 16.85%, 0.15 gram weight fractions of 17.94%, the weight fraction 0, 46 grams of 20.5%, and the weight fraction of 0.92 grams of 27.01%. Keywords: Filler, bamboo skin Carbon, Activated Carbon, Carbon Blac

    Pengaruh Filler Mikro Partikel Karbon Tempurung Kelapa (Cmp-Cs) Terhadap Photo Makro Dan Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Polyester

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    This study aims to describe about effect of carbon micro particle-coconut shell (CMP-CS) as filler to the structure of the material (photo macro) and tensile strength of the polyester composite. Composite manufacturing method using a press mold. Composite manufacturing using the variation of the fraction of weight filler carbon micro particle-coconut shell (CMP-CS) 1 %, 3 %, and 6 % with a polyester resin with type Yukalac 157 BQTN-EX. Mixing of the carbon micro particle with resin using stirring method with the rotation speed of 2200 rpm for 7 minutes. Manufacturing of tensile test specimens using a standard ASTM D 638-01. Before to the tensile test, do macros photos to find out arrangement of carbon particles in the composite. The result of the macro photos obtained is the value of distance and diameter carbon micro particles. The average distance to the specimen micro filler composite with carbon particles (FK) 1% is 45 µm, FK 3% is 38,9 µm and FK 6% is 30,6 µm. The higher the weight fraction of carbon, the lower distance of carbon particles. Carbon particle diameter is measured size of 8,48 µm to 29,42 µm. The result of tensile test on specimen obtained the average value of tensile strength (yield) of raw material is 25,37 N/mm2, FK 1% is 27,34 N/mm2, FK 3% is 27,44 and FK 6% is 28,44 N/mm2. While the average value of tensile strain (yield) in the specimen raw material is 0,73%, FK 1% is 0,87%, FK 3% is 0,93% and FK 6% is 0,94%. Discussion of the result of the test result it can be concluded that the provision of carbon micro particles can improve tensile strength and tensile strain polyester composite. Keywords: Filler, Carbon Mirco Particles, Coconut Shell, Polyester, Photo Macro, Tensile Strengt