792 research outputs found

    The potential of Symbiont Ba cteria in Melo melo Gastropod found in Pekalongan Waters as a source of MDR antibacterial active compound

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    The increasing resistance of many pathogenic microorganisms against antibiotics compounds creates an alarming issue in medical world. This concern has created research opportunities in new antibiotics compounds as alternative options. The gastropod Melo melo is a species whose main diet consists of other smaller gastropods. However, Melo-melo does not have any self-defense mechanism save for its thin shell. To protect itself from various pathogenic bacteria existing in its food, Melo melo produces secondary metabolites, which are suspected to contain bioactive compounds with antibacterial properties. This fact puts Melo melo as a marine biota with potential as a source of new antibacterial compounds. This research aims to discover the potency of symbiont bacteria in the gastropod Melo melo with capabilities in producing Multi-drug resistant (MDR) antibacterial compounds. Samples of Melo melo are collected from the vicinity of Pekalongan waters, Central Java, Indonesia. This research begins with the isolation of symbiont bacteria, screening of symbiont bacteria with potency in MDR antibacterial activities, antibacterial test, and isolation of MDR clinical pathogenic bacteria. These protocols are then followed by antibacterial sensitivity test, and identification of bacterial species active against MDR by biochemical test and molecular analysis. Molecular analyses are carried out sequentially by DNA extraction, DNA amplification by PCR, and DNA sequencing. Results of 16S rDNA are analyzed using Genetix program and then followed by sequence analysis of the 16S rDNA. In this research, 11 bacteria in Melo melo are isolated and there are 4 isolates which show antibacterial activities against MDR bacteria from Pseudomonas sp. and Enterobacter sp species. Molecular analysis of the most active isolates identifies that isolate PM 26 matches in characteristics with Brevibacterium celere strain KMM 3637 with 89% homology match. On the other hand, biochemical test shows that isolate PM 26 is identical with Bacillus sp. This research concludes that symbiont bacteria found in Melo melo possess antibacterial activities against bacteria of MDR strain

    Children’s Perception and Belief about Medicines: Effectiveness and Its Autonomy

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    BACKGROUND: The use of medicines in children is usually always under the supervision of parents. Children are considered not to understand the concept of medicine properly. Children's perceptions of medicine are mostly formed from everyday experience. This can have an impact on children's beliefs about medicines which they are also required to be active and rational medicine users. AIM: This study aims to look at children's perceptions and beliefs about medicines, especially in the perspective of medicine efficacy and children's autonomy in using them. METHOD: The study was conducted with an analytical method with a cross-sectional approach using a questionnaire instrument in grade V elementary school children in Padang City, Indonesia. The total sample size obtained was 503 students. RESULTS: Children still think that medicine efficacy is influenced by taste, colour, size, medicine price, a place to buy medicine and how to get medication. 10.1% of children have stored the medicine at home, and 48.5% of children always depends on waited for their parents when they wanted to take medicine. Regarding children's access to medicines, 11.5% of children have bought their own over-the-counter medicine to a pharmacy or medicine store without the parents' knowledge. 31.4% of children have taken medicine at home without the parents' knowledge. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that children's perceptions of medicine efficacy are still very limited. Even though the child has used the medicine alone in a limited way, the child's autonomy in using the medicine still needs to be monitored by the parent. Therefore, this is the reason for the need for medical education given to children, especially in schools as an integral part of health education

    Antibacterial Activity of Methyl Gallate Isolated from the Leaves of Toona sureni

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    The phenolic compound has been isolated from the leaves of Toona sureni (Blume) Merr and evaluated against 3 microorganisms, including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The structure was determined to be methyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate (methyl gallate), based on UV-vis, FTIR, NMR and MS spectra. The antibacterial activity of the compound was evaluated using an impregnated paper disk method and compared with that of chloramphenicol. It was effective  on the inactivation of Escherichia coli , Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis. The minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) of the compound was 7.5 mg/mL against  all the test bacteria. These results may be an indication of at least one of the pharmacological actions of the leaves of Toona sureni (Blume) Merr


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    Rubraxanthone is one of antibacterial  and antioxidant compound which is isolated from stem bark of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana Linn.). The precise method for analysis of plant constituents is normally a reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatographic (RP-HPLC). Development and validation of a RP-HPLC method for chromatographic separation was carried out on a reversed-phase column Shimadzu ®  Shimp-pack VP – ODS (4.6x250mm) using an isocratic mobile phase of  0.4% formic acid - acetonitrile at  a flow rate 1mL min-1, and detection was  with a UV detector. The linearity of  the proposed method was found in the range of 2.5-25μg/mL-1 with regression coefficient 0.999. Intraday precision studies showed the relative standard deviation ≤1.58% and  inter-day ≤3.20%. Accuracy of the method was determined by a recovery study conducted at 3 different levels, and the average recovery was 102.18%. The Limit of Detection Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) and were 0.47 and 1.56μg/mL-1.The contents of rubraxanthon in the crude was 0.23±0.07%w/w


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    ABSTRACT The preparation of acetyl ascorbate by acetylation without solvent and catalyst has been carried out. The preparation of acetyl ascorbate is carried out by reacting ascorbic acid with anhydrous acetic acid using a 1:1 mole ratio without solvent and catalyst. The acetylation reaction was carried out using the reflux method at 700C for 5 hours. The result of acetyl ascorbate acetylation is a yellow powder with a yield percentage of 71.8182%. The functional groups of the synthesized compound in the form of acetyl ascorbate were analyzed using a FT-IR spectrophotometer. The FT-IR analysis results show the functional groups OH, CH sp3, C=C, C=O ester and C-O-C ester. Based on these results it can be seen that acetyl ascorbate has been formed

    Anti-inflammatory Activity of Isolated Compounds from the Stem Bark of Garcinia cowa Roxb

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    Objective: To find the anti inflammatory active compounds from methanol extract of Garcinia cowa Methods: To evaluate the inhibitory activity of isolated compounds on nitric oxide (NO) production, culture media was assayed using Griess reaction. An equal volume of Griess reagent (1% sulphanilamide and 0.1% N-(L-naphthyl)-ethylene diamine dihydrochloride, dissolved in 2.5% H3PO4) was mixed with culture supernatant and color development was measured at 550 nm using a micro plate reader. The amount of nitrite in the culture supernatant was calculated from a standard curve (0–100 μM) of sodium nitrite freshly prepared in deionized water. Percentage of the NO inhibition was calculated by using nitrate level of IFN-γ/LPS-induced group as the control. Results: Isolated compounds, tetraprenyltoluquinone, rubraxanthone and α-mangostin from stem bark of Garcinia cowa Roxb were evaluated for their anti-inflammatory activity. Only α-mangostin exhibited strong anti-inflammatory activity with 83.42 % inhibition of NO and without inducing severe cytotoxicity at 50 μM. Rubraxanthone showed weak inhibition of NO with 23.86 % inhibition of NO while maintained 77.32 % of cell viability. TPTQalso showed the strong inhibition of NO with 80.98 % inhibition but unfortunately this compound also induced severe cytotoxicity with 39.62% viability. Conclusion: α-Mangostin exhibited strong anti-inflammatory activity without inducing severe cytotoxicity at 50 μM. Rubraxanthone showed weak inhibition of NO while Tetraprenyltoluquinone also showed the strong inhibition of NO however this compound also induced severe cytotoxicity


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    Xanthoire antioksidan telah diisolasi dari fraksi aktif antioksida dari kulit batang Garcinia parvifolia Mig dengan metoda kromatografi. Senyawa ini telah dielusidasi sebagai α-mangostine berdasarkan sifat spektrumnya. Senyawa ini mempunyai sifat penangkap antiradikal yang signifikan dengan metoda DPPH


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    Aktifitas Anti Kanker Senyawa Rhodomyrton terhadap Sel MCF-7

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    An anticancer compound, Rhodomyrtone, had been investigated by using MTA towards MCF-7 cell lines with LC30 value at 24 µg/ml. This compound was found as pale yellow needless which has melting point at 185-186o C
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