5 research outputs found

    dbCRY: aWeb-based comparative and evolutionary genomics platform for blue-light receptors

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    Cryptochromes are flavoproteins that play a central role in the circadian oscillations of all living organisms except archaea. Cryptochromes are clustered into three subfamilies: plant-type cryptochromes, animal-type cryptochromes and cryptochrome-DASH proteins. These subfamilies are composed of photolyase/cryptochrome superfamily with 6โ€“4 photolyase and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer photolyase. Cryptochromes have conserved domain architectures with two distinct domains, an N-terminal photolyase-related domain and a C-terminal domain. Although the molecular function and domain architecture of cryptochromes are conserved, their molecular mechanisms differ between plants and animals. Thus, cryptochromes are one of the best candidates for comparative and evolutionary studies. Here, we have developed a Web-based platform for comparative and evolutionary studies of cryptochromes, dbCRY (http://www.dbcryptochrome.org/). A pipeline built upon the consensus domain profile was applied to 1438 genomes and identified 1309 genes. To support comparative and evolutionary genomics studies, the Web interface provides diverse functions such as (i) browsing by species, (ii) protein domain analysis, (iii) multiple sequence alignment, (iv) homology search and (v) extended analysis opportunities through the implementation of Favorite Browser powered by the Comparative Fungal Genomics Platform 2.0 (CFGP 2.0; http://cfgp.snu.ac.kr/). dbCRY would serve as a standardized and systematic solution for cryptochrome genomics studies.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2014-01/102/0000005113/9SEQ:9PERF_CD:SNU2014-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000005113ADJUST_YN:NEMP_ID:A077085DEPT_CD:517CITE_RATE:4.2FILENAME:db-cry.pdfDEPT_NM:์‹๋ฌผ์ƒ์‚ฐ๊ณผํ•™๋ถ€SCOPUS_YN:YCONFIRM:

    A pepper MSRB2 gene confer drought tolerance in rice through the protection of chloroplast-targeted genes

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    Background: The perturbation of the steady state of reactive oxygen species (ROS) due to biotic and abiotic stresses in a plant could lead to protein denaturation through the modification of amino acid residues, including the oxidation of methionine residues. Methionine sulfoxide reductases (MSRs) catalyze the reduction of methionine sulfoxide back to the methionine residue. To assess the role of this enzyme, we generated transgenic rice using a pepper CaMSRB2 gene under the control of the rice Rab21 (responsive to ABA protein 21) promoter with/without a selection marker, the bar gene. Results: A drought resistance test on transgenic plants showed that CaMSRB2 confers drought tolerance to rice, as evidenced by less oxidative stress symptoms and a strengthened PSII quantum yield under stress conditions, and increased survival rate and chlorophyll index after the re-watering. The results from immunoblotting using a methionine sulfoxide antibody and nano-LC-MS/MS spectrometry suggest that porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD), which is involved in chlorophyll synthesis, is a putative target of CaMSRB2. The oxidized methionine content of PBGD expressed in E. coli increased in the presence of H2O2, and the Met-95 and Met-227 residues of PBGD were reduced by CaMSRB2 in the presence of dithiothreitol (DTT). An expression profiling analysis of the overexpression lines also suggested that photosystems are less severely affected by drought stress. Conclusions: Our results indicate that CaMSRB2 might play an important functional role in chloroplasts for conferring drought stress tolerance in rice.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2014-01/102/0000005113/8SEQ:8PERF_CD:SNU2014-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000005113ADJUST_YN:NEMP_ID:A077085DEPT_CD:517CITE_RATE:3.73FILENAME:msrb-๊น€์—ฐ๊ธฐ.pdfDEPT_NM:์‹๋ฌผ์ƒ์‚ฐ๊ณผํ•™๋ถ€EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:YCONFIRM:

    Positive-selection and ligation-independent cloning vectors for large scale in Planta expression for plant functional genomics

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    Transient expression is an easy, rapid and powerful technique for producing proteins of interest in plants. Recombinational cloning is highly efficient but has disadvantages, including complicated, time consuming cloning procedures and expensive enzymes for large-scale gene cloning. To overcome these limitations, we developed new ligationindependent cloning (LIC) vectors derived from binary vectors including tobacco mosaic virus (pJL-TRBO), potato virus X (pGR106) and the pBI121 vector-based pMBP1. LIC vectors were modified to enable directional cloning of PCR products without restriction enzyme digestion or ligation reactions. In addition, the ccdB gene, which encodes a potent cell-killing protein, was introduced between the two LIC adapter sites in the pJL-LIC, pGR-LIC, and pMBP-LIC vectors for the efficient selection of recombinant clones. This new vector does not require restriction enzymes, alkaline phosphatase, or DNA ligase for cloning. To clone, the three LIC vectors are digested with SnaBI and treated with T4 DNA polymerase, which includes 3' to 5' exonuclease activity in the presence of only one dNTP #dGTP for the inserts and dCTP for the vector#. To make recombinants, the vector plasmid and the insert PCR fragment were annealed at room temperature for 20 min prior to transformation into the host. Bacterial transformation was accomplished with 100% efficiency. To validate the new LIC vector systems, we were used to coexpressed the Phytophthora AVR and potato resistance #R# genes in N. benthamiana by infiltration of Agrobacterium. Coexpressed AVR and R genes in N. benthamiana induced the typical hypersensitive cell death resulting from in vivo interaction of the two proteins. These LIC vectors could be efficiently used for high-throughput cloning and laboratory-scale in planta expression. These vectors could provide a powerful tool for high-throughput transient expression assays for functional genomic studies in plants.This work was financially supported by grants from the Crop Functional Genomics Center and the National Research Foundation (Project No. 2010-0015105) of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) of the Korean Government.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2010-01/102/0000005113/9SEQ:9PERF_CD:SNU2010-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000005113ADJUST_YN:YEMP_ID:A077085DEPT_CD:517CITE_RATE:2.046FILENAME:์ฒจ๋ถ€๋œ ๋‚ด์—ญ์ด ์—†์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.DEPT_NM:์‹๋ฌผ์ƒ์‚ฐ๊ณผํ•™๋ถ€EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:YCONFIRM:

    Multiple recognition of RXLR effectors is associated with nonhost resistance of pepper against Phytophthora infestans

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    Summary: Nonhost resistance (NHR) is a plant immune response to resist most pathogens. The molecular basis of NHR is poorly understood, but recognition of pathogen effectors by immune receptors, a response known as effector-triggered immunity, has been proposed as a component of NHR. We performed transient expression of 54 Phytophthora infestansRXLR effectors in pepper (Capsicum annuum) accessions. We used optimized heterologous expression methods and analyzed the inheritance of effector-induced cell death in an F2 population derived from a cross between two pepper accessions. Pepper showed a localized cell death response upon inoculation with P.ย infestans, suggesting that recognition of effectors may contribute to NHR in this system. Pepper accessions recognized as many as 36 effectors. Among the effectors, PexRD8 and Avrblb2 induced cell death in a broad range of pepper accessions. Segregation of effector-induced cell death in an F2 population derived from a cross between two pepper accessions fit 15ย :ย 1, 9ย :ย 7 or 3ย :ย 1 ratios, depending on the effector. Our genetic data suggest that a single or two independent/complementary dominant genes are involved in the recognition of RXLR effectors. Multiple loci recognizing a series of effectors may underpin NHR of pepper to P.ย infestans and confer resistance durability

    New reference genome sequences of hot pepper reveal the massive evolution of plant disease-resistance genes by retroduplication

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    Abstract Background Transposable elements are major evolutionary forces which can cause new genome structure and species diversification. The role of transposable elements in the expansion of nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich-repeat proteins (NLRs), the major disease-resistance gene families, has been unexplored in plants. Results We report two high-quality de novo genomes (Capsicum baccatum and C. chinense) and an improved reference genome (C. annuum) for peppers. Dynamic genome rearrangements involving translocations among chromosomes 3, 5, and 9 were detected in comparison between C. baccatum and the two other peppers. The amplification of athila LTR-retrotransposons, members of the gypsy superfamily, led to genome expansion in C. baccatum. In-depth genome-wide comparison of genes and repeats unveiled that the copy numbers of NLRs were greatly increased by LTR-retrotransposon-mediated retroduplication. Moreover, retroduplicated NLRs are abundant across the angiosperms and, in most cases, are lineage-specific. Conclusions Our study reveals that retroduplication has played key roles for the massive emergence of NLR genes including functional disease-resistance genes in pepper plants