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    소비재와 서비슀 시장을 쀑심윌로

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    학위녌묞(박사)--서욞대학교 대학원 :생활곌학대학 소비자학곌,2019. 8. 여정성.시장의 겜쟁은 자원의 횚윚적읞 배분을 닎볎하는 필수적읞 작동원늬읎닀. 겜제학에서는 완전겜쟁시장에서 자원읎 가장 횚윚적윌로 배분되고 사회적 후생읎 극대화된닀고 볎고 있윌나, 현싀에서 우늬가 접하는 시장은 불완전 겜쟁시장읎 죌륌 읎룬닀. 묞제는 읎러한 시장에서 사업자와 직접 거래하는 죌첎읞 소비자가 자유롭고 공정한 시장규범읎 지쌜지는 환겜에서 소비자의 권늬륌 볎장 받윌멎서 적정한 가격윌로 재화와 서비슀륌 구입하고 충분한 소비자읎익을 누늬고 있는가 하는 점읎닀. 볞 연구는 소비자의 싀생활곌 밀접한 소비재와 서비슀의 시장집쀑도 수쀀곌 ê·ž 수쀀별 분포륌 삎펎뎄윌로썚 소비자듀읎 녞출되얎 있는 시장의 겜쟁 정도륌 검토하고, 읎러한 시장집쀑도가 소비자후생에 믞치는 영향을 규명하고자 하였닀. 읎륌 위핎 소비자묌가지수 낮 소비재와 서비슀 품목을 연구대상윌로 섀정하고, 시장의 겜쟁 정도륌 대늬하는 지표는 시장집쀑도(CR3, HHI)륌 사용하였윌며, 소비자후생은 겜제적 읎익을 포핚하여 소비자의 권늬, 심늬적읞 읎익, 공정한 거래환겜의 토대가 되는 법‧제도의 쀀수 여부 등을 포ꎄ하는 ꎑ의의 개념윌로 정의하여 읎륌 가격변동률, 소비자시장성곌지수, 겜쟁법 위반행위로 잡정하였닀. 볞 연구는 첫짞, 소비자묌가지수 품목을 Ʞ쀀윌로 소비재와 서비슀 품목의 시장집쀑도 현황곌 분포륌 파악하였닀. 둘짞, 소비재와 서비슀 산업의 시장집쀑도 수쀀별로 품목별 소비자묌가지수 변동률에 찚읎가 졎재하는지륌 분석하였닀. 셋짞, 소비재와 서비슀 산업의 시장집쀑도 수쀀별로 소비자시장성곌지수에 찚읎가 졎재하는지륌 분석하였닀. 넷짞, 소비재와 서비슀의 시장집쀑도 수쀀에 따띌 겜쟁법 위반행위의 정도와 낎용에 찚읎가 졎재하는지륌 분석하였닀. 볞 연구는 음렚의 분석을 통핎 결곌적윌로 시장집쀑도의 수쀀읎 소비자후생에 ì–Žë– í•œ 영향을 믞치는지륌 종합적윌로 고찰하고자 하였닀. 읎에 따띌 볞 연구에서 도출한 결곌는 닀음곌 같닀. 첫짞, 소비자묌가지수 품목을 대상윌로 시장집쀑도륌 분석한 결곌 2015년 Ʞ쀀 소비재의 품목시장 집쀑도 CR3 닚순평균곌 품목가쀑치 Ʞ쀀 가쀑평균은 각각 65.1%와 66.5%, HHI는 2450곌 2407 수쀀윌로 나타났닀. 또한 서비슀의 산업집쀑도 CR3 닚순평균곌 가쀑평균은 각각 18.8%, 21.8%, HHI는 408, 621로 산출되었닀. 2015년 소비재의 품목시장 집쀑도 분포는 CR3 40%읎상 80%믞만의 구간곌 HHI 1,0015,000읞 구간에 각각 품목 수의 절반 읎상읎 집쀑되얎 있었윌며, 서비슀 품목의 겜우는 CR3 20%믞만, HHI 500믞만읞 최저 구간에 60% 읎상 집쀑적윌로 분포하는 것윌로 나타났닀. 소비재의 겜우 2015년 Ʞ쀀 CR3 75%읎상읞 시장지배적 사업자에 핎당하는 품목 수는 39.6%로 높은 수쀀읎었윌며, 50%읎상 75%믞만읞 품목도 32.4%로 나타나, ê²°êµ­ 품목시장 집쀑도가 50%읎상읞 소비재는 전첎의 72%에 읎륎는 것윌로 나타났닀. 소비재의 겜우 CR3 75%읎상은 죌요 가전용품, 자동찚 및 ꎀ렚 용품, 죌류가 죌로 분포하는 특성 볎였닀. 서비슀의 겜우에는 대부분의 산업읎 CR3 50%믞만에 집쀑되얎 있었윌며, 50%읎상 75%믞만에는 방송업곌 각종 임대업읎, 75%읎상은 유‧묎선통신업, 위성 및 Ʞ타 방송업, 영화ꎀ 욎영업, ì •êž° 항공 욎송업읎 포핚되었닀. 둘짞, 소비재와 서비슀 품목듀의 시장집쀑도 수쀀에 따띌 가격변동률에 찚읎가 졎재하는지륌 분석한 결곌, CR3와 HHI 몚두 전 집닚의 지수변동률 평균읎 양(+)의 값을 볎여 전반적읞 품목듀의 가격은 상승한 것윌로 나타났닀. 또한 소비재의 겜우 출하액 대비 영업비용 변동률을 통제한 상태에서도 품목별 지수변동률의 시장집쀑도 수쀀별 집닚 간 찚읎가 맀우 유의하였윌며, 사후검정 결곌 몚두 쀑간 수쀀의 시장집쀑도 구간읞 CR3 50%읎상 75%믞만곌 HHI 1200읎상 2500믞만 집닚읎 각각 가장 높은 집쀑도 구간읞 CR3 75%읎상곌 HHI 2500읎상볎닀 지수변동률읎 유의하게 높아 가격읎 더욱 많읎 상승한 것윌로 나타났닀. 서비슀의 겜우 통계적윌로 유의하지는 않았윌나 CR3 50%읎상곌 HHI 1200읎상읞 고집쀑도 집닚읎 각각 CR3 50%믞만곌 HHI 1200믞만읞 저집쀑도 집닚볎닀 지수변동률 평균읎 4.1%p, 6.3%p의 찚읎로 더 낮았닀. 셋짞, 33개 소비재 및 서비슀 평가시장을 고집쀑 집닚(CR3 50%읎상 또는 HHI 1200읎상)곌 저집쀑 집닚(CR3 50%믞만읎멎서 HHI 1200믞만)윌로 구분하여 집쀑도 수쀀별 2015년곌 2017년 소비자시장성곌지수륌 분석한 결곌, 2015년은 CMPI(지수)와 5개 쀑 4개의 평가항목에서, 2017년은 KCMPI(지수)와 몚든 평가항목에서 고집쀑 집닚의 평균읎 저집쀑 집닚에 비핎 높은 수쀀을 볎였닀. 닀만 읎러한 집닚 간 찚읎는 2015년에 비핎 2017년에 감소한 것윌로 나타났는데, 읎는 Mann-Whitney U test 결곌 2015년에는 만족도와 신뢰성 평가항목에서 집쀑도 수쀀에 따륞 집닚 간 찚읎가 유의하였던 반멎 2017년에는 지수 및 몚든 평가항목에서 유의하지 않게 나타난 통계적 결곌와도 음치하였닀. KCMPI 산정 Ʞ쀀윌로 두 핎의 지수 및 평가항목 점수륌 비교한 결곌, 지수와 5개 쀑 3개의 평가항목에서 저집쀑 집닚의 슝가분읎 고집쀑 집닚에 비핎 높게 나타났는데, 읎는 저집쀑 시장의 소비자지향성 개선 정도가 고집쀑 시장에 비핎 크닀는 점을 시사한닀. 또한 저집쀑 평가시장듀은 두 핎의 점수 찚읎가 대첎적윌로 비슷하거나 앜간의 변화가 있는 수쀀읞 반멎 고집쀑 평가시장듀은 평균볎닀 높았던 시장은 낮아지고, 낮았던 시장은 높아젞 평가의 결곌가 완전히 뒀바뀌는 시장읎 적지 않게 ꎀ찰되는 특징을 볎였닀. 넷짞, 소비재와 서비슀의 시장집쀑도 수쀀별로 겜쟁법 위반행위의 낎용에 찚읎가 졎재하는지륌 볎Ʞ 위핎 연구대상 소비재 및 서비슀 품목에서 2011∌2015년 êž°ê°„ 동안 겜쟁법 위반행위가 발생하거나 지속된 사례 쀑 20112018년 êž°ê°„ 낎에 심결읎 읎룚얎진 사걎을 대상윌로 행위의 낎용곌 귞에 따륞 소비자후생을 시장집쀑도 수쀀별로 분석한 결곌, CR3가 50%믞만읞 저집쀑 품목에 비핎 50%읎상읞 고집쀑 품목에서 볎닀 여러 유형의 겜쟁법 위반행위가 발생하고 있는 것윌로 나타났닀. 특히 최고의 집쀑도 수쀀읞 CR3 75%읎상에서 겜쟁제한적 êž°ì—…ê²°í•© 행위가 발생하였고, 재판맀가격 유지행위와 부당공동행위 또한 대첎적윌로 50%읎상 75%믞만볎닀 75%읎상 품목듀에서 더욱 많읎 발생한 것윌로 분석되었닀. CR3 50%믞만의 저집쀑 품목의 겜우 사업자닚첎 ꞈ지행위의 위반 걎수가 두드러지게 많았고, 불공정거래행위는 몚든 집쀑도 수쀀에서 가장 많읎 발생하였윌나 특히 저집쀑도 음부 품목에서 집쀑적윌로 발생하였닀. 닀음의 결곌에 대한 볞 연구의 결론은 닀음곌 같닀. 첫짞, 소비재의 품목시장 집쀑도 닚순평균읎 65.1%에 읎륎고 CR3 75%읎상읞 비윚읎 40%에 육박하는바, 묎엇볎닀 소비자의 싀생활곌 밀접한 소비재와 서비슀의 상당수가 법적윌로 시장지배적 사업자의 Ʞ쀀을 쎈곌하는 시장집쀑도 수쀀에 읎륎고 있음을 소비자 슀슀로가 읞지할 필요가 있닀고 판닚된닀. 읎는 소비자가 시장에서 발생하는 현상듀을 시장구조의 맥띜에서 볎닀 잘 읎핎하고, 필요 시 명확한 묞제의식을 갖는 데 도움을 쀄 수 있을 것읎닀. 또한 소비자로 하여ꞈ 시장 감시의 쀑요성을 환Ʞ하고 슀슀로 읎에 볎닀 ꎀ심을 갖도록 동Ʞ륌 부여할 수 있을 것읎띌 생각된닀. 볞 연구대상 소비재와 서비슀는 소비자의 싀생활곌 밀접한 품목듀로 시장의 겜쟁 제한에 따륞 폐핮는 직접적윌로 소비자후생곌 직결되며 ê·ž 규몚가 막대하닀는 점에서 겜쟁당국은 소비자의 지출 및 구입 빈도가 높은 품목 시장을 볎닀 멎밀하게 몚니터링할 필요성읎 제Ʞ된닀. 둘짞, 시장집쀑도가 가장 높은 집닚의 품목듀읎 평균적윌로 가장 낮은 가격 상승 비윚을 볎임에 따띌, 시장지배적 사업자가 볎닀 용읎하게 가격을 큰 폭윌로 읞상시킬 수 있을 것읎띌는 통념은 지지되지 않았닀. 고집쀑도 시장은 규몚의 겜제가 발생핚에 따띌 생산비용읎 낮아젞 가격 변동의 필요성읎 상대적윌로 크지 않을 가능성읎 졎재한닀. 또한 겜쟁제한성 잡멎에서 겜쟁당국곌 시장의 감시가 집쀑되며 맥죌, 띌멎, 소죌 등의 식품읎나 휘발유, 겜유 등의 에너지 ꎀ렚 품목 등 소비자의 가격믌감도가 높은 품목듀을 포핚하고 있얎, 선행연구듀읎 지적하듯 시장의 읎목읎 집쀑되는 가격 변동 대신 신제품을 출시한닀거나 원재료 가격의 슝감 상황을 비대칭적윌로 가격에 반영하는 등 우회적읞 방법윌로 가격 읞상곌 동음한 횚곌륌 달성하고 있을 가능성도 졎재한닀. Ʞ업듀의 의도적읞 가격 변동읎띌Ʞ볎닀는 자동찚용품(낎비게읎션)읎나 영상음향ꞰꞰ(마읎크로컎포넌튞)와 같은 시대적 수요의 변화, 시간의 변화와 Ʞ술의 발전에 따륞 동음 사양 전자제품의 가격 하띜, 휎대전화Ʞ나 교복곌 같은 정책읎나 사회적 여론에 믌감한 재화의 졎재 등 고집쀑 시장에 속하는 품목듀의 특성도 낮은 가격 상승 비윚에 영향을 믞친 것윌로 볎읞닀. 결론적윌로, 고집쀑도 시장의 가격 상승 비윚은 닀륞 집쀑도 수쀀에 비핎 높게 나타나지는 않았윌나, 읎륌 소비자후생곌 연ꎀ 지을 겜우에는 가격 변동분만윌로 섀명되지 않는 닀양한 잡멎을 볎닀 종합적윌로 고렀하여 판닚핎알 할 것윌로 볎읞닀. CR3 50%읎상 75%믞만곌 HHI 1200읎상 2500읎상의 쀑간 집쀑도 집닚은 평균 가격 상승 비윚읎 가장 높았고, 고집쀑도 집닚볎닀 유의하게 가격의 상승 비윚읎 높았닀는 점에서 소비자와 규제당국의 볎닀 멎밀한 ꎀ심읎 필요하닀고 판닚된닀. 당핎 시장듀은 시장지배적 사업자의 요걎에 믞치지는 못하므로 겜쟁제한성읎 높은 시장읎띌 볌 수는 없을 것읎나 집쀑도의 절대적읞 수쀀만윌로도 음정한 겜쟁제한성을 띠고 있을 가능성읎 높은 시장읎띌 볎아알 핚에도 싀질적윌로는 소비자와 규제당국의 몚니터링 대상에는 벗얎나 있얎 상대적윌로 가격을 변동시킀Ʞ에 용읎하였던 것윌로 추잡된닀. 겜쟁당국은 당핎 집쀑도 시장읎 가격변동성을 포핚하여 시장에서 고집쀑도 시장곌 저집쀑도 시장 쀑 ì–Žë– í•œ 시장에 가까욎 특성을 볎읎는지륌 멎밀히 죌시할 필요성읎 제Ʞ된닀. 셋짞, 소비자시장성곌지수륌 분석한 결곌, 두 집닚에 대한 지수 분석의 결곌와 점수의 분포륌 ê³ ë € 시, 저집쀑 평가시장듀은 2015년의 평가 결곌가 각각 2017년의 결곌에 상대적윌로 큰 영향을 믞치지 않은 것윌로 볎읎며, 연별 점수의 평균적읞 슝가분 또한 상대적윌로 크지 않았닀. 읎러한 결곌는 저집쀑 시장읎 소비자의 ꎀ심도나 사회적 읎슈에 덜 믌감하거나 혹은 읎에 반응하여 슉각적읞 성곌륌 낎Ʞ에 상대적윌로 불늬한 시장구조륌 가지고 있음을 시사하며, 귞럌에도 저집쀑 시장은 거시적윌로 고집쀑 시장에 비핎 소비자지향성의 수쀀은 더욱 개선되고 있는 것윌로 추정된닀. 반멎 고집쀑 평가시장듀은 소비자의 높은 ꎀ심뿐 아니띌 높은 시장집쀑도에 따륞 시장감시의 대상윌로서 시장에 대한 소비자의 태도나 평가에 볎닀 믌감할 가능성읎 높윌며, 읎에 2015년 평균볎닀 낮았던 지수의 수쀀읎 2017년 ꞉속하게 개선된 결곌는 평가시장에 쏠늰 사회적 읎목을 의식한 시장의 반응윌로 핎석된닀. 읎렇듯 ë‹šêž°ê°„ 낎에 집쀑적읞 개선읎 읎룚얎질 수 있었던 것은 평가시장을 구성하는 사업자가 상대적윌로 적얎 서로의 Ʞ업행위에 영향을 죌고받윌멎서 성곌륌 낎Ʞ에 유늬한 시장구조가 작용한 것윌로 볎읞닀. 2015년은 평균 읎상의 소비자지향성 수쀀을 볎읞 반멎 2017년은 평균볎닀 낮은 수쀀을 Ʞ록한 평가시장듀도 졎재하는데, 읎는 소비자의 ꎀ심도가 높지 않을 시에는 고집쀑 시장읎 소비자지향성을 개선하고자 하는 유읞읎 크지 않을 수 있음을 시사한닀. 넷짞, CR3 75%읎상 고집쀑도 시장읎 상대적윌로 겜쟁법 위반행위가 닀양한 유형에서 높은 빈도로 읎룚얎지고 있윌므로 규제당국의 집쀑적읞 몚니터링읎 볎닀 절싀하게 요구된닀. 특히 고집쀑도 시장은 저집쀑도 시장에 비핎 시장곌 소비자에 믞치는 영향읎 더욱 막대하닀는 점에서도 쀑요성읎 강조된닀. CR3 50%읎상 75%믞만 시장은 고집쀑도 시장곌 같읎 얎느 정도의 겜쟁제한성을 전제하는 위반행위듀읎 발생하고 있얎 당핎 시장의 겜쟁 정도와 시장 특성을 죌시하여 규제의 공백읎 발생하고 있지 않은지 점검읎 필요하닀. 마지막윌로 CR3 50%믞만 시장은 곌도한 겜쟁윌로 읞핎 특정 품목에서 높은 걎수의 불공정거래행위가 발생하고 있윌므로, 겜쟁읎 곌엎된 시장에 대한 규제당국의 볎닀 닚혞하고 시의성 있는 정책적 개입읎 필요하닀고 판닚되며, 각 지역의 개읞 사업자듀로 조직된 사업자닚첎가 당핎 시장에서 소비자후생을 저핎하는 영향력을 행사하는 음읎 없도록 각 지역에 Ʞ반한 시장 몚니터링의 역량읎 강화되얎알 할 것읎닀.Competition in the market is an essential operating principle that ensures efficient distribution of resources. The market that we come into contact with in reality, however, is mainly of an incomplete competing market. The questions is on whether in such market, the consumer who is the entity that deals directly with the business is guaranteed consumer rights in a free and fair market environment and whether they are ensured sufficient consumer interests. This study examines the concentration level and distribution of consumer goods and service market that is closely related to the everyday life of consumers to review the market competition in which consumers are exposed to, and the difference in Consumer Price Fluctuation, Korea Consumer Markets Performance Index, and Violations of the Competition Law per consumer goods and service market concentration level. Through this, it aimed at investigating the impact of market concentration on consumer benefits. The results of this study are as follows. First, upon analyzing market concentration for consumer price index items, it was found that in 2015, the simple average of the consumer goods market concentration rate and the weighted average based on weighted value were 65.1% and 66.5%, respectively, for CR3 and HHI were 2450 and 2407, respectively. For industry concentration rate of services, the simple average and weighted average were 18.8% and 21.8%, respectively, for CR3 and HHI were 408 and 621, respectively. The weighted average of consumer goods and service were generally higher than the simple average, and it was assumed that the market concentration of items with high expense rates were higher. The 2015 consumer goods market concentration rate distribution showed concentration accounting for more than half of each items in the CR40% to 80% and HHI 1,001-5,000 intervals, and the industry concentration rate of service items showed concentrated distribution in excess of 60% in the minimum intervals of CR3 20% and below and HHI 500 and below. As of 2015, the number of consumer material items corresponding to market-dominating businesses with over 75% CR3 was highest at 39.6% and items between 50% and 75% were also found to be 32.4%, and therefore, consumer goods with over 50% item market concentration rate were 72% of the entire quantity. Second, upon analyzing whether there are differences in index fluctuation rates per item according to the market concentration level of consumer goods and service items, it was found that in the case of consumer goods, the difference between groups for index fluctuation rates per item was very significant for both CR3 and HHI even when fluctuation rates of sales costs compared to shipping cost were controlled. Also, follow-up verification results showed that for CR3 and HHI, the CR3 50% to 75% and HHI 1200 to 2500 groups had significantly higher index fluctuation rates compared to CR3 75% or higher and HHI 2500 or higher, respectively, thus showing that prices increased significantly. According to arithmetic averages, CR3 and HHI both had lowest index fluctuation rates for the highest concentrate groups, and in the case of services as well, CR3 50% or higher and HHI 1200 or higher had lower index fluctuation rates compared to the low-concentration groups of CR3 50% or lower and HHI 1200 or lower. Third, upon categorizing the 33 consumer goods and service evaluation markets into the high-concentration groups (CR3 50% or higher or HHI 1200 or higher) and the low-concentration group (CR3 50% or lower and HHI 1200 or lower) to analyze the 2015 and 2017 Korea Consumer Markets Performance Index, it was found that the 2015 CMPI (index) and four out of five evaluation items and the 2017 KCMPI (index) and all evaluation items had higher averages for the high-concentration group than the low-concentration group. However, the difference between such groups dropped in 2017 compared to 2015, and the Mann-Whitney U test results showed significant differences between the groups in satisfaction and reliability in 2015, while in 2017, they were not significant in both index and all evaluation items in 2017, demonstrating statistically consistent results. Paired sample t-test was conducted to compare the fluctuation of the 2015 and 2017 index and evaluation item scores per concentration level, and it was found that while the high-concentration group did not have significant index difference between the two years, the index in the low-concentration group increased significantly in 2017 compared to 2015. While the low-concentration group had overall similar or slight changes in scores in the two years, it was found that in the high-concentration group, the higher-than-average market lowered and the lower market became higher, thus demonstrating frequent cases in which the evaluation results were completely switched. Fourth, in order to check for differences in the contents of violation of competition laws per market concentration levels of consumer goods and services, the contents of the behavior and the ensuing consumer benefits per market concentration level was analyzed for cases of violation of competition laws from 2011 to 2015 and were ruled between 2011 and 2018 for consumer goods and service items subject to this study. Results showed that high-concentration items with CR3 of 50% or higher had a bigger variety of competition law violations than in the low-concentration items. In particular, all competition-limiting cartels occurred in the highest concentration level of CR3 75% or higher and it was also found that resale price maintaining behavior and unfair cooperative action generally occurred more frequently than in 50% to 75%. In the case of low-concentration items of CR3 50% or lower, there were considerably higher number of business organization prohibited acts violations and unfair trade behavior occurred most frequently in all concentration levels, but was particularly concentrated in some low-concentration items. The conclusions of this study based on the above are as follows. First, it is necessary to recognize that the concentration level of many consumer goods and services often purchased by consumers in everyday life corresponds to market-dominating businesses by law. This can help to better understand phenomena that occur in the market from the context of the market structure and to remind consumers the importance of market monitoring. The authorities related to competition must reinforce monitoring and regulations on consumer goods and services that are directly related to the everyday lives of consumers. Second, as items of groups with the highest market concentration showed the lowest index fluctuation rates on average, the conventional wisdom that prices of high-concentration markets will be raised more was not supported. Such results appear to be attributable to the fact that social monitoring focuses on high-concentration markets and that they include items that have high price-sensitivity or are sensitive to policies or social opinion. Monopolistic prices that are already set high, launch of new products, reflecting asymmetrical prices for fluctuations of raw material prices, etc. are also related to the economic interests of consumers, and therefore, the need to comprehensively consider more various factors when associating price fluctuation rates with consumer welfare for economic interests have been suggested. The mid-concentration group of CR3 50% to 75% and HHI 1200 to 2500 displayed competition-limits as well as high average index fluctuation rates, thus requiring more precise monitoring. Third, results of analyzing the Korea Consumer Markets Performance Index made it possible to assume that in the low-concentration market, the level of consumer directivity was improved considerable compared to the high-concentration market in macroscopic aspects. Meanwhile, high-concentration evaluation markets are subject to monitoring for competition-limiting and therefore, there is a possibility for it to be more sensitive to consumer attitudes or evaluations of consumers on the market. Furthermore, because there are relatively fewer businesses that make up the evaluation item, they exchange corporate behavior and appear to have market structures that are advantageous for making short-term achievements. For evaluation markets that recorded higher-than-average scores in 2015 and lower-than-average scores in 2017, it implies the possibility that the high-concentration market would not have significant consumer directivity improvement if consumer interest is not high. Fourth, because high-concentration markets with CR3 exceeding 75% exhibited relatively high frequency of a bigger variety of competition law violations, concentrated monitoring of the regulatory authorities are urgently needed. In particular, importance is emphasized in the fact that high-concentration markets had bigger impact on markets and consumers compared to the low-concentration market. The CR3 50% to 75% market also had violations occurring based on some competition-limiting like the high-concentration market, and therefore, it is necessary to keep an eye on the corresponding level of competition and market features to check if there are any regulatory vacuums. Lastly, the CR3 50% and below markets have high counts of unfair transactions in certain items due to excessive competition, and therefore, it is judged that stricter and more timely policy intervention by the regulatory authorities are needed for markets with excessive competition. Furthermore, it is necessary to improve market monitoring capacities based on each region so that business organizations made up of individual businesses in each region do not exercise influence that impedes upon consumer welfare in their respective markets. Lastly, the need for monitoring, detection and restricting violations of competition laws for items close to the everyday lives of consumers by the competition authorities over all other policy projects is proposed.제 1 장 서론 1 제 1 절 묞제제Ʞ 1 제 2 절 연구목적 및 의의 3 제 2 장 읎론적 배겜 5 제 1 절 시장집쀑도의 의믞와 ìž¡ì • 5 1. 시장구조의 ìž¡ì • 5 2. 시장구조와 시장집쀑도 6 3. êµ­ë‚Ž 산업의 시장집쀑도 ìž¡ì • 8 제 2 절 소비자후생의 개념곌 ìž¡ì • 11 1. 소비자후생의 겜제학적 개념곌 ìž¡ì • 11 2. 소비자후생의 소비자학적 개념곌 ìž¡ì • 16 3. 소결 22 제 3 절 시장집쀑도에 따륞 시장특성에 ꎀ한 녌의 24 1. 시장집쀑도와 가격 24 2. 시장집쀑도와 가격 읎왞 시장 특성 30 제 4 절 시장집쀑도와 시장 규제 39 1. 겜쟁제한적 시장구조 개선 39 2. 행위에 대한 규제 41 제 3 장 연구묞제 및 연구방법 49 제 1 절 연구묞제 49 1. 연구묞제 49 2. 조작적 정의 50 제 2 절 연구방법 51 1. 소비재와 서비슀의 시장집쀑도 분석 51 2. 소비재와 서비슀의 시장집쀑도에 따륞 가격변동률 분석 57 3. 시장집쀑도 수쀀에 따륞 소비자시장성곌지수 분석 60 4. 시장집쀑도 수쀀에 따륞 공정거래법 위반행위 분석 67 제 4 장 연구의 결곌 및 분석 70 제 1 절 시장집쀑도 수쀀 분석 70 1. 시장집쀑도의 평균 비교 70 2. 시장집쀑도의 수쀀별 분포 72 3. 시장집쀑도의 수쀀별 산업 및 품목 분석 74 제 2 절 시장집쀑도와 가격변동률 78 1. 소비재의 시장집쀑도와 가격변동률 78 2. 서비슀의 시장집쀑도와 가격변동률 84 3. 소결 86 제 3 절 시장집쀑도와 소비자시장성곌지수 87 1. 시장집쀑도와 2015년 소비자시장성곌지수 87 2. 시장집쀑도와 2017년 소비자시장성곌지수 91 3. 시장집쀑도와 2015년2017년 소비자시장성곌지수 비교 95 4. 소결 99 제 4 절 시장집쀑도와 겜쟁법 위반행위 100 1. 겜쟁제한적 êž°ì—…ê²°í•©: 시장집쀑도 수쀀별 소비자후생 100 2. 부당한 공동행위: 시장집쀑도 수쀀별 소비자후생 102 3. 불공정거래행위: 시장집쀑도 수쀀별 소비자후생 105 4. 사업자닚첎 ꞈ지행위: 시장집쀑도 수쀀별 소비자후생 109 5 재판맀가격 유지행위: 시장집쀑도 수쀀별 소비자후생 111 6. 소결 113 제 5 장 ê²°ë¡  및 제얞 114 제 1 절 요앜 및 ê²°ë¡  114 제 2 절 제얞 124 찞고묞헌 127 부록 142 Abstract 152Docto

    E-cadherin expression changes and skin wound healing efficacy in human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells treated with high glucose

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    학위녌묞 (박사)-- 서욞대학교 대학원 : 농업생명곌학대학 동묌자원곌학곌, 2018. 8. 읎찜규.Glucose plays an important role in stem cell fate determination and its behavior. Stem cell fate is regulated by genes involved in differentiation, proliferation, and migration. Previous investigators have suggested that oxidative stress, especially reactive oxygen species (ROS), increases stem cell migration and the increase of ROS may destroy the homeostasis of the cells, and subsequently serious damage in the cells. High glucose is the cause of excess ROS that leads to diabetic complications. 17β-estradiol (E2) is an important regulator of energy homeostasis and glucose metabolism, so that it should be considered a suitable target of E2 for preventing or treating metabolic disorders. Diabetes is closely related to oxidative stress and the risk of diabetes is high in patients who are deficient in E2. Thus, E2 has protective roles against oxidative stress exposure which leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and damage. However, it remains unclear how glucose contributes to the precise molecular mechanism for producing ROS in the stem cell and E2 evokes protective antioxidant mechanisms. Therefore, present study aimed to investigate 1) the effect of high glucose on stem cell migration and its related signaling pathways, 2) the role of E2 in glucose-mediated mitochondrial ROS (mtROS) level in human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUCB-MSCs), and 3) the effect of hUCB-MSC transplantation on mouse skin wound healing by E2 in ovariectomized (OVX) diabetic mice in vivo. First, I investigated the effect of high glucose on regulation of hUCB-MSC migration. High glucose treatment (D-glucose) induced hUCB-MSC migration, expression of cleaved Notch, Snail and enhancer of zeste homolog2 (EZH2), but repressed epithelial cadherin (E-cadherin) expression. E-cadherin repression was regulated by high glucose through Snail and EZH2 upregulation, and Snail was modulated in parallel with EZH2 in hUCB-MSCs. Next, I demonstrated that high glucose enhanced ROS, which activates either c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) or phosphatidylinositol-3-kinses (PI3K)/protein kinase B (Akt) signaling. High glucose-induced JNK activation elicit the cleavage of Notch protein through γ–secretase activation, following Notch intracellular domain (NICD) translocation into the nucleus. In the nucleus, Snail interacted with polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) components by high glucose. And then EZH2, one of the major component of PRC2, and Snail bound with E-box of the E-cadherin promoter by high glucose, which in turn causes E-cadherin repression. Taken together, these results suggest that high glucose-induced ROS production increases the migration of hUCB-MSCs through E-cadherin repression via EZH2 and Snail upregulation. Next, I investigated the role of E2 on mtROS-mediated autophagic cell death by high glucose in hUCB-MSCs. High glucose increased mtROS to upregulate Beclin1 and LC-II expression, leading to decreased cell viability. In contrast, E2 treatment significantly decreased high glucose-induced mtROS levels and subsequently restored cell viability, suggesting that E2 serves as a strong antioxidant. I found that treatment of both E2 and high glucose promoted ERα translocation into the nucleus leading to increased Nrf2 in the nucleus. However, high glucose produced mtROS via downregulating Nrf2 nuclear translocation. This subsequently culminated in Sirtuin3 (Sirt3) downregulation and manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) acetylation. The increased nuclear translocation of Nrf2 triggered upregulation of Sirt3 expression and activated MnSODCHAPTER I LITERATURE REVIEW 1 CHAPTER II Regulation of migration in hUCB-MSCs by high glucose-induced ROS via Snail/EZH2/E-cadherin pathway 26 1. INTRODUCTION 27 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 31 3. RESULTS 46 4. DISCUSSION 92 CHAPTER III 17β-Estradiol enhances hUCB-MSCs-induced wound healing in the ovariectomized diabetic mouse model through estrogen receptorα-dependent MnSOD activation via Nrf2 and Sirt3 upregulation 101 1. INTRODUCTION 102 2. MATERIALSAMD METHODS 106 3. RESULTS 124 4. DISCUSSION 172 CHAPTER IV GENERAL CONCLUSION 180 REFERENCES 183 ABSTRACT IN KOREAN 212Docto

    Renal Manifestations and Imaging Studies of Kawasaki Disease

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to verify renal inflammation following Kawasaki disease (KD) using single photon emission computed tomography along with Technetium-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid scintigraphy (DMSA renal SPECT). Methods: From March 2011 to October 2011, 15 patients diagnosed with KD at the National Health Insurance System Ilsan Hospital were enrolled in the study. All patients underwent DMSA renal SPECT to evaluate renal involvement during the acute phase of KD. Urine β2-microglobulin (β2-MG), a marker of renal proximal tubular dysfunction, was also measured to assess renal damage. Results : All 15 patients had normal renal function test results. However, microscopic hematuria and pyuria were observed in 13% and 33% of the patients, respectively. Moreover, urine β2-MG was elevated in 46% of the patients. In addition, patients were divided into two groups based on β2-MG level: those with an increased β2-MG level, and those with a normal β2-MG level. No significant differences were found between these two groups in clinical characteristics, laboratory, sonography, and echocardiography findings. All patients' DMSA renal SPECT scans were normal. Conclusion : Our study showed that mild abnormalities in the urinalysis and elevated urine β2-MG were the only findings of renal involvement in KD. However, no aggressive renal manifestations were detected on DMSA renal SPECT.ope

    Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion and cerebral/renal salt wasting syndrome: similarities and differences.

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    Hyponatremia (sodium levels of <135 mEq/L) is one of the most common electrolyte imbalances in clinical practice, especially in patients with neurologic diseases. Hyponatremia can cause cerebral edema and brain herniation; therefore, prompt diagnosis and proper treatment is important in preventing morbidity and mortality. Among various causes of hyponatremia, diagnosing syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) and cerebral/renal salt wasting syndrome (C/RSW) is difficult due to many similarities. SIADH is caused by excess of renal water reabsorption through inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, and fluid restriction is the treatment of choice. On the other hand, C/RSW is caused by natriuresis, which is followed by volume depletion and negative sodium balance and replacement of water and sodium is the mainstay of treatment. Determinating volume status in hyponatremic patients is the key point in differential between SIADH and C/RSW. However, in most situations, differential diagnosis of these two diseases is difficult because they overlap in many clinical and laboratory aspects, especially to assess differences in volume status of these patients. Although distinction between the SIADH and C/RSW is difficult, improvement of hypouricemia and an increased fractional excretion of uric acid after the correction of hyponatremia in SIADH, not in C/RSW, may be one of the helpful points in discriminating the two diseases. In this review, we compare these two diseases regarding the pathophysiologic mechanisms, diagnosis, and therapeutic point of view.ope

    Clinical application of a phenotype-based NGS panel for differential diagnosis of inherited kidney disease and beyond

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    Understanding the genetic causes of kidney disease is essential for accurate diagnosis and could lead to improved therapeutic strategies and prognosis. To accurately and promptly identify the genetic background of kidney diseases, we applied a targeted next-generation sequencing gene panel including 203 genes associated with kidney disease, as well as diseases originating in other organs with mimicking symptoms of kidney disease, to analyze 51 patients with nonspecific nephrogenic symptoms, followed by validation of its efficacy as a diagnostic tool. We simultaneously screened for copy number variants (CNVs) in each patient to obtain a higher diagnostic yield (molecular diagnostic rate: 39.2%). Notably, one patient suspected of having Bartter syndrome presented with chloride-secreting diarrhea attributable to homozygous SLC26A3 variants. Additionally, in eight patients, NGS confirmed the genetic causes of undefined kidney diseases (8/20, 40%), and initial clinical impression and molecular diagnosis were matched in 11 patients (11/20, 55%). Moreover, we found seven novel pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants in PKD1, PKHD1, COL4A3, and SLC12A1 genes, with a possible pathogenic variant in COL4A3 (c.1229G>A) identified in two unrelated patients. These results suggest that targeted NGS-panel testing performed with CNV analysis might be advantageous for noninvasive and comprehensive diagnosis of suspected genetic kidney diseases.ope

    Noninfectious Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis in Korean Children: A 26-Year Single-Center Study

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate noninfectious complications of peritoneal dialysis (PD), including mechanical and metabolic complications, at a single center in Korea. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed data from 60 PD patients aged ≀18 years (40 boys and 20 girls) during the period between 1986 and 2012. The collected data included gender, age, causes of PD, incidence of noninfectious complications, and treatment for the complications. RESULTS: The mean duration of PD therapy was 28.7±42.1 months (range 1-240 months). The most common cause of end-stage renal disease was glomerular disease (43.3%). There were no statistically significant differences between patients with and without mechanical complications regarding gender, age at the start of PD, and total duration of PD. Outflow failure was the most common catheter-related complication (14.3%), followed by leakage (10.0%) and hernia (8.6%). Metabolic complications, such as hyperglycemia and hypokalemia, were observed in three of 16 patients. The frequency of noninfectious complications of PD in our study was comparable with those in previous pediatric studies. PD was switched to hemodialysis (HD) in only three patients. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that noninfectious complications of PD are common, though they hardly lead to catheter removal or HD in pediatric patients on PD.ope

    Outcomes of Hemodialysis in Children: A 35-Year Experience at Severance Hospital

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyze the results of children treated with hemodialysis (HD) at Severance Hospital over 35 years in terms of incidence, etiologies, characteristics, complications, and clinical outcomes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed 46 children admitted to Severance Hospital who had undergone HD between January 1979 and December 2013. RESULTS: The main etiologies of the 23 end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients who had received HD were chronic glomerulonephritis (7 patients, 30.4%) and congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (7 patients, 30.4%), whereas the etiology of the 23 acute kidney injury (AKI) patients was hemolytic uremic syndrome (6 patients, 26.1%). Compared with ESRD patients, hemocatheter placement in the femoral vein was preferred over the subclavian or internal jugular vein in the AKI patients (p=0.012). The most common complication was catheter related complication (10 patients, 21.7%). The site of hemocatheter insertion was not related to the frequency of oozing. Placing the hemocatheter in the femoral vein resulted in significantly more events of catheter obstruction than insertion in the internal jugular vein or the subclavian vein (p=0.001). Disequilibrium syndrome occurred more frequently in older patients (p=0.004), as well as patients with a greater body weight (p=0.008) and a higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure before HD (systolic: p=0.021; diastolic: p=0.040). CONCLUSION: Based on the 35 years of experience in our center, HD can be sufficiently and safely carried out even in children without significant complications.ope

    A Case of Atypical Thrombotic Microangiopathy

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    We report the case of a 14-year-old girl, diagnosed with atypical thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA). The patient presented with persistent fever, nausea, and newly developed peripheral edema. Her laboratory findings indicated chronic anemia with no evidence of hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, or elevated serum creatinine level. A few days after hospitalization, acute renal failure and fever worsened, and proteinuria developed. On day 40 of hospitalization, she experienced a generalized tonic seizure for 5 min, accompanied by renal hypertension. Brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed posterior reversible leukoencephalopathy syndrome. After steroid pulse therapy, a renal biopsy was performed because of delayed recovery from thrombocytopenia. The biopsy findings showed features of thrombotic microangiopathic hemolysis with fibrinoid change restricted. Current diagnostic criteria for TMA have focused on thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and hemolytic uremic syndrome, and diagnosis is based on the clinical presentation and etiology, with the consequence that idiopathic and atypical forms of TMA can be overlooked. Developing effective tools to diagnose TMA, such as studying levels of ADAMTS13 or testing for abnormalities in the complement system, will be the first step to improving patient outcomes.ope

    Genetic diagnosis of inborn errors of immunity using clinical exome sequencing

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    Inborn errors of immunity (IEI) include a variety of heterogeneous genetic disorders in which defects in the immune system lead to an increased susceptibility to infections and other complications. Accurate, prompt diagnosis of IEI is crucial for treatment plan and prognostication. In this study, clinical utility of clinical exome sequencing (CES) for diagnosis of IEI was evaluated. For 37 Korean patients with suspected symptoms, signs, or laboratory abnormalities associated with IEI, CES that covers 4,894 genes including genes related to IEI was performed. Their clinical diagnosis, clinical characteristics, family history of infection, and laboratory results, as well as detected variants, were reviewed. With CES, genetic diagnosis of IEI was made in 15 out of 37 patients (40.5%). Seventeen pathogenic variants were detected from IEI-related genes, BTK, UNC13D, STAT3, IL2RG, IL10RA, NRAS, SH2D1A, GATA2, TET2, PRF1, and UBA1, of which four variants were previously unreported. Among them, somatic causative variants were identified from GATA2, TET2, and UBA4. In addition, we identified two patients incidentally diagnosed IEI by CES, which was performed to diagnose other diseases of patients with unrecognized IEI. Taken together, these results demonstrate the utility of CES for the diagnosis of IEI, which contributes to accurate diagnosis and proper treatments.ope

    서욞 알간겜ꎀ의 형성곌 변화곌정에 ꎀ한 연구

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    학위녌묞(석사)--서욞대학교 대학원 :생태조겜학곌,2004.Maste