16 research outputs found

    κ³΅μ κ°œλ°œμ›μ‘°(ODA)둜 μ§€μ›λ˜λŠ” κ²°ν•΅κ΄€λ¦¬μ‚¬μ—…μ˜ 지속가λŠ₯ λ°©μ•ˆ 연ꡬ

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    λ³΄κ±΄λŒ€ν•™μ›/석사결핡은 μ „ μ„Έκ³„μ μœΌλ‘œ κ°€μž₯ 높은 사망λ₯ κ³Ό μœ λ³‘λ₯ μ„ λ³΄μ΄λŠ” 전염병이닀. μ—¬μ „νžˆ κ°œλ°œλ„μƒκ΅­μ—μ„œλŠ” 결핡이 μ‹¬κ°ν•œ μ§ˆλ³‘μœΌλ‘œ λΆ„λ₯˜λ˜μ–΄ 있기 λ•Œλ¬Έμ— μ‹œκΈ‰νžˆ ν•΄κ²°λ˜μ–΄μ•Ό ν•  λ¬Έμ œμ΄λ‹€. 이와 κ΄€λ ¨ν•˜μ—¬ MDGs λͺ©ν‘œ 6번인 β€˜HIV/AIDS, 말라리아, κ²°ν•΅ λ“± μ£Όμš” μ§ˆλ³‘ ν‡΄μΉ˜β€™μ„ ν† λŒ€λ‘œ ODAλ₯Ό ν†΅ν•΄μ„œ κ°œλ°œλ„μƒκ΅­μ— 결핡관리사업이 μ‹€μ‹œλ˜κ³  μžˆλ‹€. λͺ‡λͺ‡μ˜ κ°œλ°œλ„μƒκ΅­μ—μ„œλŠ” κ²°ν•΅ 진단λ₯  및 λ°œμƒλ₯ μ΄ κ°μ†Œ 좔세에 μžˆμ§€λ§Œ, κ°μ†Œ 속도가 맀우 뢀진함을 보이고 μžˆλ‹€. 특히, 쀑점 ν˜‘λ ₯ꡭ인 필리핀은 κ²°ν•΅ κ°μ†Œ μ†λ„μ˜ 뢀진함과 MDR-TB의 μ¦κ°€λ‘œ 결핡관리에 λŒ€ν•œ 우렀λ₯Ό λ‚˜νƒ€λƒˆλ‹€. 이처럼 이번 μ—°κ΅¬μ—μ„œλŠ” ODA둜 μ§€μ›ν•˜λŠ” κ²°ν•΅κ΄€λ¦¬μ‚¬μ—…μ˜ ν˜„ν™©μ„ κ²€ν† ν•˜μ—¬ 지속가λŠ₯에 영ν–₯을 μ£ΌλŠ” μš”μ†Œ 및 μ œν•œμ μ„ νŒŒμ•…ν•œλ‹€. 그리고 ν•œκ΅­μ΄ κ°œλ°œλ„μƒκ΅­μ— ODA둜 μ§€μ›ν•˜λŠ” 결핡관리사업이 λ‚˜μ•„κ°€μ•Ό ν•  λ°©ν–₯μ„± μ œμ‹œμ™€ 더 λ‚˜μ•„κ°€ κ²°ν•΅κ΄€λ¦¬μ‚¬μ—…μ˜ 지속가λŠ₯을 μœ„ν•΄ κ³΅μ—¬κ΅­μ˜ 좜ꡬ μ „λž΅μ„ μœ„ν•œ λ°©μ•ˆ λͺ¨μƒ‰μ΄ μ—°κ΅¬μ˜ λͺ©μ μ΄λ‹€. λ―Έκ΅­ USAID, 일본 JICA, ν•œκ΅­ KOICA 및 KOFIH의 필리핀 λ‚΄μ—μ„œ μ΄λ£¨μ–΄μ‘Œλ˜ 결핡관리사업 ν‰κ°€λ³΄κ³ μ„œ 및 WHO의 κ²°ν•΅κ΄€λ ¨ λ³΄κ³ μ„œ λ“±μœΌλ‘œ λ¬Έν—Œκ³ μ°°μ„ μ‹€μ‹œν•˜μ—¬ 필리핀 λ‚΄ κ²°ν•΅κ΄€λ¦¬μ‚¬μ—…μ˜ ν˜„ν™©μ„ νŒŒμ•…ν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. λ˜ν•œ, 필리핀 λ‚΄ 결핡관리사업에 μ°Έμ—¬ν•˜κ³  μžˆλŠ” λŒ€μƒμžλ‘œ 심측면담이 μ΄λ£¨μ–΄μ‘ŒμœΌλ©°, 심측면담을 ν†΅ν•΄μ„œ κ²°ν•΅κ΄€λ¦¬μ‚¬μ—…μ˜ μ œν•œ μš”μ†Œλ“€μ„ μ‚΄νŽ΄λ³΄μ•˜λ‹€. 필리핀 λ‚΄ ODA둜 μ§€μ›λ˜λŠ” κ²°ν•΅κ΄€λ¦¬μ‚¬μ—…μ˜ 지속가λŠ₯에 영ν–₯을 λ―ΈμΉ˜λŠ” μš”μ†Œλ‘œλŠ” 1)인λ ₯운영, 2)μž¬μ •, 3)기술 및 μž₯λΉ„, 그리고 4)λ¬Έν™”λ‘œ λ‚˜λˆ„μ–΄ μ„€λͺ…λ˜μ—ˆλ‹€. 이에 λŒ€ν•œ 지속가λŠ₯을 μœ„ν•œ λŒ€μ•ˆμœΌλ‘œμ„œ 1)μ „λ¬Έμ„± κ°•ν™”, 2)μž¬μ •μ„ μœ„ν•œ λ§€μΉ­νŽ€λ“œ, 3)ꡐ윑 및 홍보 κ°•ν™”, 4)μ§€μ—­μ‚¬νšŒ μ°Έμ—¬ ν™œμ„±ν™” λ°©μ•ˆ, 그리고 5)사업 ν˜‘λ ₯ 및 μ‘°ν™” 등을 μ œμ‹œν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. μ΄λŠ” ν•œκ΅­ν˜• ODA의 결핡관리사업이 λ‚˜μ•„κ°€μ•Ό ν•  λ°©ν–₯ 및 κ³΅μ—¬κ΅­λ“€μ˜ 좜ꡬ μ „λž΅μœΌλ‘œ μ œμ‹œν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. ν•˜μ§€λ§Œ, 결핡관리사업 ν‰κ°€λ³΄κ³ μ„œκ°€ 필리핀 λ‚΄μ—μ„œλ§Œ κ΅­ν•œλ˜μ—ˆλ‹€λŠ” 점과 μ œν•œλœ λͺ…μˆ˜λ‘œ 결핡관리사업에 κ²½ν—˜μ΄ μžˆλŠ” μ „λ¬Έκ°€λ₯Ό λŒ€μƒμœΌλ‘œ 심측면담이 μ΄λ£¨μ–΄μ‘ŒκΈ° λ•Œλ¬Έμ— κ²°κ³Ό ν•΄μ„μ΄λ‚˜ μΌλ°˜ν™”μ‹œν‚€λŠ”λ° ν•œκ³„κ°€ μžˆλ‹€. κ·ΈλŸΌμ—λ„ λΆˆκ΅¬ν•˜κ³  μ‚¬μ—…ν‰κ°€μ„œ 및 심측면담을 ν†΅ν•˜μ—¬ 필리핀 λ‚΄ ODA둜 μ§€μ›λ˜λŠ” κ²°ν•΅κ΄€λ¦¬μ‚¬μ—…μ˜ μ œν•œμ μ„ μ‚΄ν”Όκ³  그에 λŒ€ν•œ 지속가λŠ₯ λŒ€μ•ˆμ„ μ œμ‹œν•˜μ˜€λ‹€λŠ” μ μ—μ„œ 의의λ₯Ό 가진닀. ν•œκ΅­μ˜ ODA둜 μ§€μ›λ˜λŠ” κ²°ν•΅κ΄€λ¦¬μ‚¬μ—…μ—μ„œ κ²°ν•΅ ν™˜μž 발견 ν›„ 치료 및 관리에 λŒ€ν•œ 접근을 무엇보닀 더 κ°•μ‘°ν•˜λ©° μ•žμœΌλ‘œ λ‚˜μ•„κ°€μ•Ό ν•  λ°©ν–₯을 λ‹€μ‹œ λͺ¨μƒ‰ν•΄μ•Ό ν•  μ‹œμ μ΄λ‹€. λ˜ν•œ, μ§€μ—­μ‚¬νšŒ ν™œμ„±ν™”λ₯Ό ν†΅ν•œ κ²°ν•΅κ΄€λ¦¬μ‚¬μ—…μ˜ κ²°ν•΅ 발견 및 좔ꡬ κ²°ν•΅ν™˜μž 관리에 λŒ€ν•œ 후속 연ꡬλ₯Ό μ œμ•ˆν•œλ‹€.ope

    Analysis of Women's Concern about Pregnancy and Child Birth in the Internet Community

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe women's concern for pregnancy and child birth in the internet community. Methods: One representative in the internet community was selected and questions regarding pregnancy and child birth were collected for 2 weeks in October 2019. A total of 8,005 questions were analyzed by frequency and proportion after categorizing theme into pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care. Results: The most frequent questions were on preparedness for pregnancy (26.2%), followed by questions on infertility (23.3%), and on postpartum care (20.2%). Among the questions on preparedness for pregnancy, the most frequent questions were related to the follicle and ovulation. More than half of the questions on infertility (68.3%) were about diagnosis and treatment. Questions on abortion included symptoms, abortion procedure, post abortion care, and the support system. Among the questions on delivery, the most were about the delivery method (67.2%). Finally, questions on postpartum care were related to the physical changes/symptoms, daily life after delivery, postpartum care support, etc. Conclusion: As these results reflect womens need for information and support, it is suggested that more specific and targeted nursing practices for pregnancy and child birth should be developed

    A Study on the understanding of the mathematical limit concept

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    ν•™μœ„λ…Όλ¬Έ(박사)--μ„œμšΈλŒ€ν•™κ΅ λŒ€ν•™μ› :μˆ˜ν•™κ΅μœ‘κ³Ό,1998.Docto

    Absence of Love in Doris Lessing’s β€œThe Grandmothers”

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    Platform Development for Systematic Support of Design Collaboration between SMEs

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    ν˜‘μ—… 지원을 μœ„ν•œ 기쑴의 μ‹œμŠ€ν…œμ€ 일반 κΈ°μ—½μ˜ λ²”μš©μ μΈ 업무 ν”„λ‘œμ„ΈμŠ€μ— μ΄ˆμ μ„ 두고 μžˆμ–΄. μ€‘μ†Œ μ‚°μ—… λ””μžμΈ νšŒμ‚¬μ™€ 같이 μ†Œκ·œλͺ¨μ˜ νŠΉν™”λœ 업무 ν”„λ‘œμ„ΈμŠ€λ₯Ό κ°€μ§€λŠ” κΈ°μ—…μ—λŠ” 적용이 μš©μ•Όν•˜μ§€ μ•Šλ‹€. λ³Έ λ…Όλ¬Έμ—μ„œλŠ” μ€‘μ†Œμ‚°μ—… λ””μžμΈ κΈ°μ—…μ˜ 업무 ν”„λ‘œμ„ΈμŠ€λ₯Ό λΆ„μ„ν•˜μ—¬ ν˜‘μ—…μ„ κ°œμ„ μ‹œν‚€κΈ° μœ„ν•œ μš”κ΅¬μ‘°κ±΄λ“€μ„ λ„μΆœν•˜κ³ οΌŒ 이틀 μš”κ΅¬ 쑰건듀을 μ²΄κ³„μ μœΌλ‘œ λ°˜μ˜ν•˜κΈ° μœ„ν•˜μ—¬ 고객의 승인과 λ‚΄λΆ€μ˜ 일정 곡유 κΈ°λŠ₯에 쀑점을 λ‘” ν˜‘μ—… 지원 μ‹œμŠ€ν…œ ν”Œλž«νΌμ„ μ œμ•ˆν•œλ‹€. μ œμ•ˆλœ ν˜‘μ—… 지원 μ‹œμŠ€ν…œμ€ λ‚΄λΆ€ 쑰직원 μ€‘μ‹¬μ˜ 비체계적 ν˜‘μ—…μ§€μ›μ˜ κΈ°λŠ₯이 μ•„λ‹Œ μ™ΈλΆ€ μ‘°μ§μ›κ³Όμ˜ 체계적 ν˜‘μ—…μ„ μ§€μ›ν•œλ‹€λŠ” λ©΄μ—μ„œοΌŒ ν˜‘μ—… 지원 μ‹œμŠ€ν…œμ˜ μƒˆλ‘œμš΄ 연ꡬ방ν–₯을 μ œμ‹œν•˜κ³  있으며, μƒλŒ€μ μœΌλ‘œ 정보 μ‹œμŠ€ν…œμ˜ 도엽 이 μ·¨μ•½ν•œ μ€‘μ†Œ μ‚°μ—… λ””μžμΈ νšŒμ‚¬μ˜ ν˜‘μ—… 지원 ν™˜κ²½μ„ κ°œμ„ ν•˜κ³  ν”„λ‘œμ νŠΈλ₯Ό μ²΄κ³„μ μœΌλ‘œ μ§„ν–‰ν•˜λŠ”λ° κΈ°μ—¬ν•  수 μžˆμ„ κ²ƒμœΌλ‘œ μ˜ˆμƒλœλ‹€.Most commercially available collaboration support systems are not proper for small enterprises in a specific area such as small e-design companies, because they are focused on general functionalities, required by most large enterprises. In this paper, we analyze the requirements for improving communication environments of small e-design companies, and propose an advanced communication management tool which reflects those requirements. The communication platform focuses the acknowledgement process by customer and the schedule sharing and management between project members. The proposed system suggest a new research direction which supports the systematic collaboration with external entities such as customers rather than the unsystematic collaboration between internal members, and improves the communication environment of those small e-design companies that are desperately in need of a cost-effective way to carry out projects, and will help in the process of successful projects.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2003-01/102/0000025799/5SEQ:5PERF_CD:SNU2003-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000025799ADJUST_YN:NEMP_ID:A075458DEPT_CD:611CITE_RATE:0FILENAME:μ€‘μ†ŒκΈ°μ—…κ°„_λ””μžμΈ_ν˜‘μ—…μ˜_체계적_지원을_μœ„ν•œ_ν”Œλž«νΌμ˜_개발.pdfDEPT_NM:λ””μžμΈν•™λΆ€EMAIL:[email protected]:

    Effect of the Nuclear Factor I-C on the formation of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath during root development

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    μΉ˜μ•„μ˜ ν˜•μ„±μ€ 상피-κ°„μ—½κ°„μ˜ μƒν˜Έμž‘μš©μ„ 톡해 μ‘°μ ˆλ˜μ–΄μ§€λŠ” λ³΅μž‘ν•œ λ°œμƒκ³Όμ •μ΄λ‹€. μ§€κΈˆκΉŒμ§€ μΉ˜κ΄€μ˜ λ°œμƒμ— κ΄€μ—¬ν•˜λŠ” μœ μ „μž 및 κ·Έλ“€μ˜ μ‹ ν˜Έμ „λ‹¬κ²½λ‘œμ— κ΄€ν•œ μ—°κ΅¬λŠ” λ‹€μˆ˜ μ§„ν–‰λ˜μ–΄ μ™”μ§€λ§Œ 치근의 λ°œμƒμ„ μ‘°μ ˆν•˜λŠ” 기전에 λŒ€ν•΄μ„œλŠ” λ³„λ‘œ μ•Œλ €μ§„ 것이 μ—†λ‹€. μ΅œκ·Όμ— NFI-C knock out 생μ₯μ—μ„œ μ •μƒμΉ˜κ΄€μ— 비정상적인 μΉ˜κ·Όμ„ κ°€μ§€λŠ” μΉ˜μ•„κ°€ λ³΄κ³ λ˜μ—ˆλ‹€. λ³Έ μ—°κ΅¬μ˜ λͺ©μ μ€ NFI-Cκ°€ μ–΄λ–»κ²Œ 치근의 ν˜•νƒœμ™€ 상아λͺ¨μ„Έν¬μ˜ 뢄화에 κ΄€μ—¬ν•˜λŠ”μ§€λ₯Ό 규λͺ…ν•˜λŠ” 것이닀. NFI-C knock out 생μ₯μ˜ 치근 λ°œμƒλ™μ•ˆμ— HERS의 역할을 μ—°κ΅¬ν•˜κ³ μž cytokeratin 면역쑰직화학적방법과 μΉ˜κ·Όμƒμ•„μ§ˆμ˜ νŠΉμ„±μ„ 규λͺ…ν•˜κΈ° μœ„ν•΄ DSPP mRNA in-situ hybrydization법을 μˆ˜ν–‰ν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. 1. NFI-C knock out 생μ₯μ˜ μΉ˜κ·Όν˜•μ„±μ‹œ HERS의 μ—­ν•  Wild typeκ³Ό knock out type λͺ¨λ‘μ—μ„œ cytokeratin은 λͺ¨λ“  HERS 세포듀과 λ°˜μ‘ν•˜μ˜€κ³ , HERS와 λ²•λž‘μƒν”Ό μ‚¬μ΄μ˜ μ–‘μ„±λ°˜μ‘μ„Έν¬λ“€μ˜ 연속성은 μΉ˜κ²½λΆ€ λΆ€μœ„μ—μ„œ μ†Œμ‹€λ˜μ—ˆλ‹€. Knock out typeμ—μ„œ μΉ˜κ·Όμƒμ•„μ§ˆμ΄ 침착된 ν›„, cytokeratin μ–‘μ„±-HERS 세포듀은 μΉ˜κ²½λΆ€μ—μ„œ λΆˆκ·œμΉ™ν•œ λ°°μ—΄κ³Ό κ·Ήμ„±μ˜ 상싀을 λ³΄μ˜€λ‹€. 2. NFI-C knock out 생μ₯μ˜ μΉ˜κ·Όμƒμ•„μ§ˆμ˜ νŠΉμ„± DSPP mRNA의 λ°œν˜„μ€ wild typeμ—μ„œ μΉ˜κ΄€κ³Ό μΉ˜κ·Όμƒμ•„μ§ˆμ˜ 상아λͺ¨μ„Έν¬ λͺ¨λ‘μ—μ„œ κ°•ν•œ λ°œν˜„μ„ 보인 반면, knock out typeμ—μ„œλŠ” μΉ˜κ΄€λΆ€μœ„ μƒμ•„μ§ˆμ˜ 상아λͺ¨μ„Έν¬μ—μ„œλ§Œ κ°•ν•œ λ°œν˜„μ„ λ³΄μ˜€λ‹€. 3. NFI-C knock out 생μ₯μ˜ 치근 λ°œμƒκ³Όμ •μ—μ„œ HERSλŠ” μΉ˜κ΄€μœΌλ‘œλΆ€ν„° 정상적인 ν™•μž₯을 보인 반면, μΉ˜κ·ΌλΆ€μœ„μ—μ„œμ˜ 상아 λͺ¨μ„Έν¬ λΆ„ν™”λŠ” μ‹€νŒ¨ν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. μœ„μ˜ κ²°κ³Όλ“€λ‘œ 보아 NFI-CλŠ” μΉ˜κ·Όν˜•μ„± κ³Όμ •μ—μ„œ 상아λͺ¨μ„Έν¬ 뢄화에 μ€‘μš”ν•œ 역할을 ν•˜λŠ” κ²ƒμœΌλ‘œ μ‚¬λ£Œλœλ‹€. Tooth formation is a complex developmental process that is mediated through a series of reciprocal epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Several signal pathways and transcription factors have been implicated in regulating molar crown development, but relatively little is known about the regulation of root development. It was reported that NFI-C knockout mice showed abnormal root formation with normal crown. The aims of this study are to elucidate how the NFI-C regulate the determine of root shape and odontoblasts differentiation. We carried out immunohistochemistry using cytokeratin to investigate the role of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath and DSPP mRNA in-situ hybridization to conform the nature of root dentin during root development in NFI-C knockout mice. Cytokeratin reacted with all the HERS cells and the continuity of cytokeratin positive cells between the HERS cells and enamel epithelium was lost in the cervical region both wild and K/O types. After root dentin deposition cytokeratin positive-HERS cells showed irregularity and loss of polarity in the cervical region in K/O type. DSPP mRNA was strongly expressed in odontoblasts of crown and root dentin in wild type mice, whereas expression of DSPP mRNA was restricted in odontoblast of crown dentin in the K/O type. During root formation in NFI-C knockout mice, HERS normally grow out of the crown but fail to induce odontoblast differentiation in root portion. These results suggest that NFI-C may play important roles in odontoblast differentiation during root dentin formation.μœ„ μ—°κ΅¬λŠ” μ‘°μ„ λŒ€ν•™κ΅ μ—°κ΅¬λ…„μ œ ν•΄μ™ΈνŒŒκ²¬(2001λ…„) 지원에 μ˜ν•˜μ—¬ 이루어진 κ²ƒμž„


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    이 μ—°κ΅¬μ—μ„œλŠ” λ²•λž‘λͺ¨μ„Έν¬ λΆ„ν™”κ³Όμ •μ—μ„œ APin의 κΈ°λŠ₯을 μ•Œμ•„λ³΄κ³ μž APin-protein microarrayλ₯Ό μ‹œν–‰ν•œ ν›„ μΉ˜μ•„λ°œμƒκ³Ό 관련이 μžˆλŠ” MEF2, Aurora kinase A, BMPR-IB와 EF-hand calcium binding protein을 λΆ„μ„ν•˜μ—¬ λ‹€μŒκ³Ό 같은 κ²°κ³Όλ₯Ό μ–»μ—ˆλ‹€. 1 CMV-APin constructλ₯Ό transfectionν•˜μ—¬ APin의 κ³Όλ°œν˜„μ„ μœ λ„ν•œ κ²½μš°μ—λŠ” MEF2와 Aurora kinase A λ‘˜ λͺ¨λ‘μ—μ„œ λ°œν˜„μ΄ ν˜„μ €νžˆ κ°μ†Œν•œ λ°˜λ©΄μ—, APin의 λ°œν˜„μ–΅μ œλ₯Ό μœ λ„ν•œ κ²½μš°μ—λŠ” λ‘˜ λͺ¨λ‘ λ³€ν™”κ°€ μ—†μ—ˆλ‹€. 2. APin의 κ³Όλ°œν˜„μ„ μœ λ„ν•œ κ²½μš°μ—λŠ” BMPR-IB와 EF-hand calcium binding protein λͺ¨λ‘μ—μ„œ λ°œν˜„μ΄ 크게 μ¦κ°€ν•œ 반면, APin을 λ°œν˜„μ–΅μ œ μ‹œν‚¨ κ²½μš°μ—λŠ” BMPR-IBλŠ” λ³€ν™”κ°€ μ—†μ—ˆκ³ , EF-hand calcium binding protein은 ν˜„μ €νžˆ κ°μ†Œν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. μœ„μ˜ κ²°κ³Όλ“€λ‘œ 보아 APin λ‹¨λ°±μ§ˆμ€ MEF2, Aurora kinase A, BMPR-IB, EF-hand calcium binding proteinκ³Ό μƒν˜Έμž‘μš©ν•˜μ—¬ λ²•λž‘λͺ¨μ„Έν¬μ˜ 뢄화와 μ„νšŒν™” κ³Όμ • 쀑에 μ€‘μš”ν•œ 역할을 ν•˜λŠ” κ²ƒμœΌλ‘œ μ‚¬λ£Œλœλ‹€. Protein microarray or protein chips is potentially powerful tools for analysis of protein-protein interactions. APin cDNA was previously identified and cloned from a rat odontoblast cDNA library. The purpose of this study was to investigate the APin-protein interactions during ameloblast differentiation. Protein microarray was carried with recombinant APin protein and MEF2, Aurora kinase A, BMPR-IB and EF-hand calcium binding protein were selected among 74 interacting proteins. Immortalized ameloblast cells (ALCs) were transfected with pCMV-APin construct and U6-APin siRNA construct. After transfection, the expression of the mRNAs for four proteins selected by protein micoarrays were assessed by RT-PCR. The results were as follows: 1. APin expression was increased and decreased markedly after its over-expression and inactivation, respectively. 2. Over-expression of the APin in the ALCs markedly down-regulated the expression of MEF2 and Aurora kinase A, whereas their expression remained unchanged by its inactivation. 3. Expression of BMPR-IB and EF-hand calcium binding protein were markedly increased by the over-expression of the APin in the ALCs, whereas expression of BMPR-IB remained unchanged and expression of EF-hand calcium binding protein was markedly decreased by its inactivation. These results suggest that APin plays an important role in ameloblast differentiation and mineralization by regulating the expression of MEF2, Aurora kinase A, BMPR-IB and EF-hand calcium binding protein