312 research outputs found

    Research on Speed Sensor and Property Measurement Method of Magnetoelectric Composite

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    磁电材料是一种具有磁电效应或逆磁电效应的新型功能材料。磁电复合材料由于在室温条件下具有良好的磁电性能而引起广泛的关注以及研究。层状的磁电复合材料由于复合方式简单以及良好的磁电性能,是目前最具潜力的研究热点。以往的关于磁电材料的研究大多着眼于如何提高磁电性能,对于磁电材料在器件中服役行为的研究相对较少。本文通过对磁电性能的研究,着重将磁电材料开发设计成器件,并研究其实际的工作状况。另外,基于现有的磁电性能测试系统较为庞大,难以向小型化发展的现状,本文采用新的屏蔽方式,设计制作出了一种小型的测试装置。 本文采用Ni和FeBSiC非晶分别作为磁致伸缩材料,锆钛酸铅(PZT)为压电材料,速干胶为粘结...The magnetoelectric material is a kind of new functional material with magnetoelectric effect or inverse magnetoelectric effect. The magnetoelectric composite material has attracted wide attention and research because of its good magnetoelectric properties at room temperature. The layered magnetoelectric composite is the most promising research hotspot because of its simple composite method and go...学位:工学硕士院系专业:材料学院_材料加工工程学号:2072014115008

    A Study on Competitive Strategy of Z Company

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    改革开放以来,我国对外贸易取得了飞跃性的发展。与此同时,与之相关的进出口检验机构也应运而生并相应发展。Z公司作为大型国有第三方进出口检验机构,在进出口商品贸易过程中承担了商品质量检验的责任。2003年以前,Z公司作为官方性质的检验机构,在进出口检验行业处于垄断的地位,占据着进出口检验市场绝大部分的市场份额。然而,根据我国入世谈判中的承诺,2003年后,国外检验机构开始陆续进入国内市场,还有国内的民营检验机构的迅速发展,给Z公司带来了不小的竞争压力。Z公司在竞争环境改变的情况下,如何面对来自国内外检验机构的竞争,如何认识现有的竞争战略所存在的问题,如何调整竞争战略,重新在检验市场中获得竞争优势,...Since the reform and opening up, China's foreign trade has made a great leap forward progress. At the same time, the inspection agencies which related to the import and export business also emerged and developed accordingly. Z company as a large state-owned third party import and export inspection agency, has took the responsibility of the quality inspection of goods in the process of import and e...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115074

    A New Progress of SurFace Raman Spectroscopic Studies on Nickel Electrodes

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    镍电极上表面拉曼光谱研究的新进展黄群健黄开启田中群(厦门大学化学系固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室物理化学研究所厦门361005)AnEWPrOgrESSOfSurfACErAMAnSPECTrOSCOPICSTudIESOnnICkElElECTr...Abstract SurFace Raman spectroscopic studies have been successFully extended to Ni electrode surFace by using a highly sensitive conFocal Raman microscope system.DiFFerent surFace roughening procedures were carried out to obtain high quality surFace enhanced spectra.Potential dependent Raman spectra of pyridine, pyrazine, SCN -, N - 3 and CO show that a roughened surFace can not only increase the surFace area but also induce a weak SERS signal.This new progress ofFers the possibility of extending surFace Raman spectroscopic studies to Ni electrodes For the important system of electrocatalysis and provides new insight into the understanding of SERS mechanism(s).国家教委和国家自然科学基

    On Advantages and Disadvantages in Province-led and Municipality-led Co-constructed Universities----A Research on Reform of Management System in Newly-upgraded Universities

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    摘要:自1999年至今,新建地方本科院校陆续兴办已有十个年头,在其转型发展期间,经历诸多的磨合与蜕变,呈现“昨日之我,非今日之我”之态势。有关新建地方本科院校问题的研究也方兴未艾,其中,管理体制作为制约高等学校发展的重要因素,一直备受高等教育理论研究者和实践者的关注。尤其对于正处在转型发展期的新建地方本科院校而言,管理体制改革问题是一个值得探讨的研究课题。 在探究新建地方本科院校管理体制改革的问题上,本文针对新建地方本科院校在实践办学中,出现“省市共建,以省为主”和“省市共建,以市为主”的两种新型的并存的管理体制,从理论和实践两个层面对两种不同管理体制进行考察比较,分析其对新建地方本科院校发...ABSTRACT: From 1999 till now, the newly-upgraded local universities have been existing for more than ten years. During the course of their transition and development, they have experienced lots of changes, and they demonstrate that they are not what they were yesterday. The research on the problems concerning these newly-upgraded universities is well underway. The management system, as the major ...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:X200628001

    The Finite Element Analysis and Structure Optimization for the Drive Axle Housing of loader

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    轮式装载机是集装载、运输和卸料于一体用途较广的施工机械,是工程机械中发展最快、市场需求最大的机种之一。随着近年来出口销售量的不断攀升,目前中国已然占据国际装载机的三分之二的份额。作为重要的工程设备,作为我国工程行业的一面大旗,要保障我国装载机持续快速稳步的发展,就必须加强对其各部件工艺,结构的研究,以实现产品全面升级和技术改造。 近年来我国经济建设发展快速,各类基础设施建设项目的增多,国外先进工程机械先后涌入中国市场,同时用户对装载机吨位的要求也不断加大,对装载机动力性能提出了更高的要求。驱动桥壳是装载机的重要部件,起着支撑车辆荷重的作用,并将载荷传给车轮,同时作用在驱动车轮上的牵引力、制动...Wheel loader, with the features of loading, transport and unloading, is a kind of construction machinery, which is widely in use. It is one of the fastest developed and the biggest market demand machinery. With the increasing volume of export sales, China currently has accounted for two-thirds share in the international loader market. As an important engineering equipment and a representative of C...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_机械制造及其自动化学号:1992007115114

    Study on Agency of Maritime Carrier

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    内容摘要我国的海运承运人代理制度颇具特色,它是通过借鉴、参照相关海事国际公约制定的,其与我国民法中的代理制度有不尽相同之处。本文试通过对英美普通法下和相关海事国际公约中的承运人代理制度进行比较分析,并结合我国民法代理理论和海事司法实践,在体现海商法所追求的公平和效益的价值基础上,对我国海运承运人代理制度作一个全面分析与研究,并对该制度的完善提出了一些大胆的立法建议。全文除引言和结束语外,主要分为四章。第一章主要对海运承运人代理制度进行概述,主要对海运承运人代理制度的法律特征、主体和该制度中的当事人间的相互法律关系进行了全面的分析。第二章主要对相关海事国际公约中规定的海运承运人代理制度进行比较分...ABSTRACT This dissertation is a study of agency of maritime carrier from both the historical and comparative perspectives. It traces back to the root of agency system from which the agency created under the common law tradition of the agency theory, and reveals and analyzes “the separatism” under Chinese civil law. On the basis of the research of agency law under common law and the judicial pr...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X20010806

    Study on Unsupervised Feature Selection Based on Spectral Regression Algorithm

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    随着现实世界中文本、图像、网络和基因数据等高维数据的广泛出现,人们发现在数据挖掘过程中并不是所有的特征都是重要的和有用的,在这类数据集中,有些特征是冗余的甚至是不相关的。为了提高数据挖掘的质量,常常先对数据进行预处理。特征选择是常用的数据预处理的方法之一,它是通过一定的算法去除这些冗余和不相关特征,选择原始数据的重要特征子集。降维选择后的特征能够提高聚类的速度以及优化聚类结果。 特征选择可以根据特征选择的原始数据有无类标签分为有监督特征选择和无监督特征选择。有监督特征选择是根据特征与类标签和特征与特征间的相关性来判断特征子集的优劣。而现实中的数据多数是不带类信息的,因此无监督特征选择成为了当...With the widely application of text, images, networks, gene databases, etc. high dimensional data rapidly appear in the world. And people find that some features are not so significant and useful in data mining process, and they may be redundant and even irrelevant. Most of time, data are preprocessed so as to improve data quality. Feature selection is one of the most common methods, and it can re...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223068

    Simultaneously Determination Method for 36 Pesticides in Aquatic Environment and Its Application

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    摘要 农业生产中广泛应用的农药通过沉降、地表径流等途径进入水环境后,引起水资源污染、水生生态系统破坏、食品安全等一系列问题。随着高毒的有机氯、有机磷农药的禁用和限用,拟除虫菊酯、酰胺、苯胺、唑类杂环等“新一代”农药的用量不断加大,但是这些农药在水环境中的存在、行为和污染效应研究尚未受到足够关注。本论文以固相萃取(SPE)为富集和净化手段,应用气相色谱检测技术建立了水环境(表层水和沉积物)中36种常用农药准确、快速、高灵敏的分析方法,并将其成功用于九龙江口和厦门西海域水环境中农药污染状况的调查。主要研究内容和结果如下: ⑴建立了河水和海水中36种目标农药的固相萃取-气相色谱分析方法 实验以...ABSTRACT A series of environmental problems, such as water resource pollution, aquatic ecosystem destroy as well as food safety, are being caused by pesticides widely used in agriculture after entering aquatic environment through dust deposition, rainfall etc. With the prohibition and limitation of organophosphorous pesticides (OPPs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), “new generation” pestici...学位:工学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境科学学号:20043402

    On the Improvement of the People's Mediation System

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    人民调解作为现代解决纠纷的一种方式和途径,在诉讼急剧上升的现代中国越来越受到重视,同时人民调解也存在诸多问题,本文在分析人民调解诸多问题的基础上,提出完善我国人民调解制度的建议。people's mediation to resolve the dispute as a modern ways and means, the sharp rise in litigation has been gaining attention in modern China, the people's mediation at the same time there are also many problems, the paper of the people's mediation in the many issues proposed on the basis of sound My people's mediation system.学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X20040808

    A Study of E-learning's Interactive Instrution Strategy

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    教学中的互动现象是教学活动的基本特征之一,只是在不同的教学形态中,互动所呈现的方式和特征有较大差别。在课堂教学中,除了教师提问、学生回答这种语言的互动之外,教学互动主要通过教师和学生的表情,如点头、微笑、眼神等体态语言的互动,以及师生之间的感情交流来实现;而在以网络教学平台为支撑的学习情境中,教学互动主要通过平台所提供的各种互动功能来实现。 随着现代通讯技术和网络技术的发展,现有平台提供的各种实时、非实时的互动功能己经能够满足网络教学环境下学生、学习资源及教师之间的基本互动需求,并随着技术的进步与成熟愈加显现出网络互动的优势。但技术的进步并不能直接促进互动的发生,为使网络环境下的教与学沿着既...Interaction is one of the basic characteristics of instructional activity,but in different situation,there are different interaction forms. In classroom,interaction appears not only through interactive language,but expressions such as nodding,smiling,eye contact and other body language,as well as the feeling interaction between teachers and students. But in network platform,interaction is achieved...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200623002