121 research outputs found

    The Research and Implementation of multi-language system based on Chinese Japanese and Korean

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    目前计算机取证的重点主要集中在简体中文操作系统中。随着国际交流的加强和我国改革开放的深入,以及涉及外国人的计算机案件量的不断增加。各省各地市缺乏精确高效的多语言后处理手段,使得涉及多语言的电子数据后处理工作诸多不便。当遇到此类案件的时候,往往让调查人员花费大量的时间。同时由于各自使用的手段方法不统一,也难于将各自的应用技术或方法推广与普及。本文研究的系统正是针对上面的一些问题,指出国内的信息分析系统和取证系统的不足,对中、日、韩三国的计算机常用编码规则进行深入分析与研究。通过给出取证搜索关键字在计算机中的可能的16进制编码的方式,让调查人员可以利用标准的计算机取证软件对16进制编码进行关键字搜...At present, the computer forensics put it's emphases on Simplified Chinese in windows. Along frequently international communication and embedded reform and open policies, the cases about foreigners are increasing continuously. Because of the lack of precise multiplicate language tool to deal with, the investigators have to spend much time on the disposal of computer data. At the same time, to use ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_系统工程学号:2005130250

    Phase separation of binary complex fluid and evolution of cooperation among individuals through molecular dynamics

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    分子动力学方法作为一种计算机模拟方法能够真实地模拟事物的运动轨迹,是对受限条件下的实验的有利补充,已被广泛运用到物理学、生物学等各种体系的模拟中。在文中我们将分子动力学模拟运用于二元复杂流体相分离以及人群合作进化的研究。 首先,我们研究了二维体系中二元复杂流体相分离的动力学图样。通过引入关联函数法和直接图像分析法,我们进一步研究了体系相分离的结构特征,并得到了二元复杂流体随体系粒子大小比及成份比变化的分离相图,相图中包含均匀相与非均匀相以及单簇相与多簇相。所得结果与格点Flory理论解析相图相当的吻合但边界区域则含有更多信息。 同时由于相分离与人群的偏好隔离极为类似,我们也把物理模...Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation, widely applied to the simulation of physical and biological systems, is a computation method to reflect the trajectories of moving things and a useful complement to experiments under confinement conditions. In this paper, we study the phase separation of a binary complex fluid and the evolution of cooperation among interacting individuals using molecular dynamic...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_理论物理学号:20042403

    Research on the Maritime Administrative Law Enforcement in the South China Sea Disputed Area——On the Perspective of the Establishment of the China Coast Guard

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    我国原有的海上行政执法体制是一种分散型的执法体制,多支执法队伍均有执法主体资格,但由于管辖海域区域广阔、海况条件恶劣、执法力量分散等诸多原因,影响了南海争议地区海上行政执法的效率。2013年3月,十二届全国人大一次会议通过的《国务院机构改革和职能转变方案》对国家海洋局实施了重组,将原国家海洋局及其中国海监、农业部中国渔政、公安部边防海警、海关总署海上缉私警察的队伍和职责整合,重组后的国家海洋局以中国海警局的名义开展对外执法活动。 整合海上执法力量,改变“五龙治水”的尴尬局面,一直以来是海洋行政管理实务界与海洋法学理论界的共同心声。对此不少学者对整合海上执法力量的必要性和可行性进行了充分的论证...The maritime administrative law enforcement system in China is a decentralized system of law enforcement, and several law enforcement teams have the qualification. However, due to the vast, poor sea conditions of jurisdiction waters region, the law enforcement forces dispersed, and many other reasons also affected the efficiency of maritime administrative law enforcement in the South China Sea dis...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:X201112004

    Characterization of mercury-binding metallothioneins (MTs) and measurement of lead isotopic ratios with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)

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    朱砂,作为一种天然矿物药,在我国传统中药(TCM)中被广泛使用,经过两千多年的临床实践证明它具有显著疗效,但对朱砂的毒性及其使用安全性的争论却始终未曾间断。基于此,本文通过灌喂朱砂后大鼠各脏器对汞的蓄积行为及体内诱导金属硫蛋白的特性进行该药物的毒性及使用安全性研究。 本学位论文包含两个部分,第一部分包括从第一至第四章,建立了几种表征灌喂朱砂大鼠金属硫蛋白(MTs)的方法;第二部分包括从第五至第八章,介绍了用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测定铅同位素比值及其应用的方法研究。 MTs是一类富含半胱氨酸的小分子蛋白质,在生物体中具有抗重金属的解毒功效,利用这一特性,可用作评价灌喂朱砂大鼠汞...This dissertation consists of two parts, which are the characterization of multimetal-binding metallothioneins (MTs) in rat tissues after oral intake of cinnabar and HgCl2 (from chapter 1 to 4), and the measurement of lead isotopic ratios with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (from chapter 5 to 8). Cinnabar, made up of natural mineral, is one of the widely used components in ...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_分析化学学号:B20002500


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    Actuarial Study on Non-traditional Life Insurance

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    精算是保险业经营发展的灵魂。非传统寿险在我国保险市场的发展还不到10年,处于起步阶段,因此对于精算模型的构建、费率的拟定、准备金的提取以及风险因素的分析就显得尤为重要和迫切。文章以定量分析为主,结合定性分析,把传统精算理论与金融工程理论相结合构建了分红寿险和投资连结险的数学模型,在模型的基础上,对非传统寿险进行定价,计算准备金,对模型中各个因素的影响进行数值模拟,特别对比研究了新旧生命表的影响,最后给我国的保险监管部门提出相应的监管建议。本文分五章:第一章对国内外相关文献进行回顾,重点是国外的非传统寿险的精算研究现状;第二章和第三章分别构建了分红寿险和投资连结寿险的数学模型,结合期权定价理论,...Actuary is essential to the insurance industry . In China, The non-traditional life insurance has a history less than 10 years , it's at the initial stage , so it's impendent and important to study on modeling,pricing , reserve valuation and factor analysis . In this dissertation , the main method is quantitative analysis with the combination of a little qualitative analysis . The author f...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_保险学学号:2005140291


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    The Study on Performance Management System of LianJiang County Post Office

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    中国邮政自2007年实现政企分开后,邮政企业为建立现代企业制度,开始了专业化改革,实现混业经营向专业化经营转变。在此背景下,邮政企业以绩效管理为核心的人力资源管理改革也在不断推进。但就现状而言,当前邮政企业特别是县一级基层邮政企业的绩效管理仍然较为落后,导致现有的绩效管理体系与战略脱节,既不适应专业化改革的发展要求,也无法有效促进企业绩效的提高。 本文叙述了绩效管理的相关概念和实施流程,介绍了绩效指标体系的设计工具和考评方法,以连江县邮政局为实例研究对象,分析了县局在绩效管理方面存在绩效管理制度不健全、绩效管理流程不完整、绩效指标体系不科学、绩效考核结果应用匮乏等问题。论文从解决问题角度出发...Since 2007, China post has separated government administration from enterprise management, postal enterprises began the reform of specialization management to establish the modern enterprise system.In this context, postal enterprises are also continuously pushing on the reform of human resources management which taking performance management as the kernel.But under the present situation, the perfo...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792009115069

    Research on Wood Surface Detection Based on Computer Vision

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    基于机器视觉技术对板材表面缺陷检测进行研究,设计了在线检测的硬件系统和软件处理流程,介绍了图像预处理、图像分割和目标提取等处理方法并对缺陷图像进行相应处理。利用C#软件对板材缺陷在线检测进行人机交互界面设计和在线调试及在线检测。实验结果表明,本检测方法可行,误检率低,可很好地应用于木材自动化生产过程的在线检测。This paper presents a study into board surface defect detection based on machine vision technology.On-line detection hardware system and software processing procedure were designed in the study. This paper also described image preprocessing, image segmentation, and object extraction techniques and covered appropriate processing of defect images. C# software was utilized to develop MMI interfaces for on-line board surface defect detection. On- line debugging and on- line detection were carried out. It has been proven by experimentation that this detection approach was feasible and registered a low error detection rate, and may be thus used with advantage in on-line detection during automatic wood production process.福建省科技厅区域重大基金项目(2015H4009);; 莆田市科技计划基金项目(2014G15

    Studies on the Marine Management System in the Philippines

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    近年来,中菲围绕南海主权争议不断,尤其是“黄岩岛对峙事件“和“台湾渔民被射杀事件“严重影响了中菲关系,但从另一方面也反映了菲律宾加强海洋管理和海洋执法管理的事实。为了避免此类事件再次上演,维护我国海洋权益,本文试图对菲律宾的海洋管理政策、海洋立法、海洋执法管理以及与之相关的管理体制等多方面的管理制度进行研究、评析,并期望对我国加强海洋管理有所借鉴。In recent years,sovereignty dispute over the South China Sea between China and the Philippines has been continuing,especially the "Huangyan Island confrontation"and "Taiwanese fishermen were shot"have seriously affected Sino-Philippines relation.But on the other hand,it also reflects a fact that the Philippines strengthens the Marine Management and Marine Law Enforcement Management.In order to avoid such incidents happening again,and to maintain China's maritime rights and interests,this article attempts to study and analyse the marine management policy,maritime legislation,marine law enforcement management as well as related management system in the Philippines which can give some enlightenments on our marine management.国家社科基金项目“东盟主要成员国海洋战略研究”(11XGJ011); 广西社科规划项目“东盟国家海洋权益意识及广西海洋资源开发对策研究”(11FGJ003