
Research on the Maritime Administrative Law Enforcement in the South China Sea Disputed Area——On the Perspective of the Establishment of the China Coast Guard


我国原有的海上行政执法体制是一种分散型的执法体制,多支执法队伍均有执法主体资格,但由于管辖海域区域广阔、海况条件恶劣、执法力量分散等诸多原因,影响了南海争议地区海上行政执法的效率。2013年3月,十二届全国人大一次会议通过的《国务院机构改革和职能转变方案》对国家海洋局实施了重组,将原国家海洋局及其中国海监、农业部中国渔政、公安部边防海警、海关总署海上缉私警察的队伍和职责整合,重组后的国家海洋局以中国海警局的名义开展对外执法活动。 整合海上执法力量,改变“五龙治水”的尴尬局面,一直以来是海洋行政管理实务界与海洋法学理论界的共同心声。对此不少学者对整合海上执法力量的必要性和可行性进行了充分的论证...The maritime administrative law enforcement system in China is a decentralized system of law enforcement, and several law enforcement teams have the qualification. However, due to the vast, poor sea conditions of jurisdiction waters region, the law enforcement forces dispersed, and many other reasons also affected the efficiency of maritime administrative law enforcement in the South China Sea dis...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:X201112004

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