15 research outputs found


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    Analysis of genetic effects for grain quality characters in late indica hybrid rice

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    以6个籼型野败三系不育系为母本,5个晚籼恢复系为父本,进行不完全双列杂交设计,对籼型杂交晚稻稻米品质性状的遗传效应进行分析.结果表明:糙米率、精米率、垩白粒率、碱消值和胶稠度等5个性状同时受到种子遗传效应和细胞质遗传效应的控制,但细胞质遗传效应都大于种子遗传效应.整精米率、垩白度和透明度等3个性状只受到种子遗传效应的控制,并且都以种子显性遗传效应为主.直链淀粉含量同时受到种子遗传效应和母体植株遗传效应的控制,但以种子显性遗传效应为主.粒长和长宽比同时受到母体植株加性遗传效应和母体植株显性遗传效应的控制.不育系451A、全丰A、长丰A及恢复系蜀恢527、科恢752、岳恢94是配制优质杂交晚稻组合的优异亲本.Six CMS(Fuyi A etc.) and 5 late-restorers(Minghui 63 etc.) were used in partial diallel crosses to analyse the genetic effects of grain quality characters in late indica hybrid rice,using seed quantitative traits genetic models and analysis methods developed by Zhu Jun in cereal crops.The results showed that the 5 characters were simultaneously controlled by seed genetic effects and cytoplasmic genetic effects in percentage of brown rice,percentage of milled rice,percentage of chalky grain,gelatinization temperature and gel consistency,but the cytoplasmic genetic effects were all higher than the seed genetic effects.The 3 traits were only controlled by seed genetic effects in percentage of head rice,chalkiness and translucency,and the effects were all mainly come from seed dominance genetic effects.Amylose content was controlled by seed genetic effects and maternal genetic effects,but was mainly controlled by seed dominance genetic effects.The 2 traits were simultaneously controlled by maternal additive genetic effects and maternal dominance genetic effects in kernel length and length/breadth ratio.The 6 materials were available parents for breeding late indica hybrid rice combinations with good quality,which included the CMS of 451 A,Quanfeng A and Changfeng A,the restorers of Shuhui 527,Kehui 752 and Yuehui 94.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(B0310020

    Research on the Development of Economic Cooperation between China Mainland and Taiwan:2008-2013

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    2008-2013年是两岸经济合作成果最丰硕的阶段。未来两岸经济合作将纳入更多的基层民众和小微企业,双方开放的对等程度将提高,合作方式将呈垂直与水平分工并存,且现代服务业成为两岸经济共同成长的新动能。但台湾岛内复杂的政治生态、美国“重返亚太“的再平衡战略、结构深度调整的国际经济环境,以及两岸各自社会治理方式的变化都将成为两岸经济关系深化发展的巨大阻力。因此,需要加快建立两岸经济合作的长效机制,增进两岸同胞的共同福祉。2008-2013 is the most fruitful stage for the cross-strait economic cooperation.The"Three Direct Links"accelerated the pace of normalization of economic and trade relations between Mainland and Taiwan;Signing the ECFA and its subsequent agreements established the institutional framework for cross-strait economic cooperation.There are several features:cooperation methods shift from one-way to two-way,from manufacturing to service,from functions to system.Also,there are some problems.For examples,the scope of the reciprocal trade preference is limited;the degree of openness is not equal;the range of industrial cooperation is narrow.The crossstrait economic cooperation in the future will include more small-micro enterprises,the degree of opening will be enhanced,the vertical and horizontal cooperation will coexist,and the modern service will become the new driving force of economic development for both sides.There will be many challenges:the complex political environment of Taiwan;the US strategy of"return Asia Pacific";the deep adjustment of international economic structure and the changes in the social governance mode of the two sides.Therefore,the two sides need to speed up the establishment of long-term mechanism of economic cooperation,to promote the people's well-being.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2013221020); 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(13JJD810011); 国家社会科学基金重大项目(13&ZD052


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    <正> 由杜帮公司和布鲁克海文公司联合研制的X光扫描蝶式离心粒度仪(BIXDC),将颗粒粒度和粒度分布测量技术提高到一种新的水平。本文就该仪器的原理、设计特点和测量结果作一概述和评价。 1.前言在颗粒技术中,颗粒粒度的微小变化能够显著影响材料的性能和质量,所以粒度和粒度分布一向是颗粒物料的重要指标。在化工、冶金、材料、特种陶瓷、涂料等许多研究和生产领域中,大量的亚微米级颗粒正在迅速发展,人们需要性能更好的粒度测量仪器。由杜帮公司和布鲁克海文公司联合研制的B


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    Weak Zone Related Seismic Cycles in Progressive Failure Leading to Collapse in Brittle Crust

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    Until quite recently our understanding of the basic mechanical process responsible for earthquakes and faulting was not well known. It can be argued that this was partly a consequence of the complex nature of fracture in crust and in part because evidence of brittle phenomena in the natural laboratory of the earth is often obliterated or obscured by other geological processes. While it is well understood that the spatial and temporal complexity of earthquakes and the fault structures emerge from geometrical and material built-in heterogeneities, one important open question is how the shearing becomes localized into a band of intense fractures. Here the authors address these questions through a numerical approach of a tectonic plate by considering rockmass heterogeneity both in microscopic scale and in mesoscopic scale. Numerical simulations of the progressive failure leading to collapse under long-range slow driving forces in the far-field show earthquake-like rupture behavior. EnEchelonEn Echelon crack-arrays are reproduced in the numerical simulation. It is demonstrated that the underlying fracturing induced acoustic emissions (or seismic events) display self-organized criticality------from disorder to order. The seismic cycles and the geometric structures of the fracture faces, which are found greatly depending on the material heterogeneity (especially on the macroscopic scale), agree with that observed experimentally in real brittle materials. It is concluded that in order to predict a main shock, one must have extremely detailed knowledge on very minor features of the earth's crust far from the place where the earthquake originated. If correct, the model proposed here seemingly provides an explanation as to why earthquakes to date are not predicted so successfully. The reason is not that the authors do not understand earthquake mechanisms very well but that they still know little about our earth's crust


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    报道了一种长波长的InP基谐振腔(RCE)光电探测器.采用选择性湿法刻蚀,制备出基于InP/空气隙的分布布拉格反射镜,并将该结构的反射镜引人RCE光电探测器.制备的器件在波长1.510μm处获得了约59%的峰值量子效率,以及8GHz的3dB响应带宽,其中器件的台面面积为50μm * 50μm