13 research outputs found


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    Phytophthora fruit rot of Annona squamosa L. caused by Phytophthora citrophfhora and P. nicotianae

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    由Phytophthora citrophthora及P. nicotianae引起的番荔枝果實疫病分別於1990年1月及10月間首先在台東被發現,果實被害時開始出現紫黑或褐黑斑塊,被害果肉組織變成淡褐~黑褐色,5至6天後全果變黑並木乃伊化。P. citrophihora為A1配對型,最低、最適、最高生長溫度各為10、26及33℃,胞囊卵形或檸檬形,非脫落性,平均45.5×30 µm,具明顯乳頭狀突起,但經常變形,游走子感染無傷口果實的最低濃度約3.3~8.8×102 spores/0.2 ml。由其引起的黑變病,目前僅零星發生於10月至翌年1月間。P. nicotiana。胞囊寬卵形,平均37×30 µm,具明顯乳頭狀突起,菌絲最低生長溫度約10℃,最高溫度超過37℃,其於田間發生比例低於P. citrophihora。以58%鋅錳滅達樂可濕性粉劑400倍或76.5%銅滅達樂可濕性粉劑1,000倍處理果實,可有效防止P. citrorhthora的感染,但病斑出現後,所有供試藥劑均無法抑制病斑擴展。 Phytophthora fruit rot of sugar apple (Ann ona squamosa L.) caused by Phytophthora citrophthora and P. nicotianae was first found in January and October 1990, respectively. The infected fruits develop purplish black or brownish black discolored areas on surface at first, followed by discoloration of interior tissues to light brown or dark brown, then become completely black and mummified in 5 to 6 days. The cardinal temperatures for mycelial growth of P. citrophthora were 10, 26 and 33℃. Its sporangia are non-deciduous papillate, ovoid to lemon shape, with average size of 45.5X30µm, but often become distorted. It is heterothallic and all of isolates tested belong to A1 type. The lowest concentration for its zoospores to infect non-wound fruits lay between 3.3-8.8 X 102 spores/0.2 ml. The disease usually occurred sporadically during October to January of next year. P. nicotianae from diseased fruit is characterized by its broadly ovoid papillate sporangia, with average size of 37 X 30 µm. The lowest and highest temperatures for its mycelial growth were about 10℃ and over 37℃ , respectively. Its frequency of being isolated from diseased fruits was less than that of P. citrophthora. 58% Ridomil-MZ WP at the rate of 2.5 g/l and 76.5% Ridomil-Cupnait WP at the rate of 1 g/l were found to be significantly effective on the prevention of fruits from the infection of P. citrophthora. However, all fungicides applied after infection failed to inhibit the development of the lesion


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    本研究以選擇性培養基及血清反應探討由種子及土壤中偵測十字花科黑腐病菌Xanth- omonas campestros pv campestris (Xcc )之技術。六種現有之選擇性培養基應用 於台灣,由十字花科種子流出液及土壤抽出液中偵測Xcc 時均不理想,其主要原因為 各培養基上出現雜菌及頡頏菌之數目偏多,影響回收效率,其中尤以modified SX 培 養基(DSK )及mutrient starch cycloheximide agar(NSCA)表現最差。自種子及 土壤中常分離到對Xcc 生長具有抑制作用之頡頏細菌,這些頡頏細菌多屬於Bacillus spp 或螢光pseudomonads,前者在選擇性培養甚SM.SX或SCAA上無法生長,但後者之 多數菌系在SX上卻具有極強之抑制能力,嚴重影響Xcc 之回收,在SM及BSCAA 上抑制 力極微弱,尤其是在SM上。在SM中添加25ppm 之cephalexin及nitrofurantoir能有 效去除種子上及土壤中之雜菌,而顯著提高回收Xcc 之效率,此種改良之SM培養基定 為starch methionine antibiotic medium (簡稱SMA )。利用SMA 以種子洗出液償 測帶齒種子時,洗液以0.01M 磷酸緩衝生理食鹽水中添加0.1%之Tween -8 0(PBST)最理想,Xcc 在此液體中不但存活最久,而且其洗滌能力亦最強,種子加 入PBST洗液以1:25(W/V)之比例加入三角瓶中,在試管振盪器1分鐘後,取洗 出之原液或濃縮液在SMA 上測試。依此步驟偵測人工污染Xcc 之種子時,靈敏度因種 子樣品不同而有所差異,最好時可偵測出0.01%之帶菌種子。同樣驟應用於土壤 時(土壤與PBST以1:10(W/V)比例混合),可偵測到Xcc 之最低菌量為每克土 壤含2.4×10CFU 。以黑腐病菌XC38菌系抗血清為材料,比較數種血清偵測 法時,間接免疫螢光法之靈敏度最高,可測出1.2×10CFU /ml之Xcc 菌量, 但專一性最差,雙層夾心式酵素抗體法專一性最高,僅X. campestris pv. vesicat- oria產生強的反應,但供試之62個黑腐病菌系中有三個則成負反應。抗原細菌以添 加0.1%Tween 80及0.125%glutaraldehyde磷酸緩衝生理食鹽水當作萃取 液萃取後,在雙層夾心式酵素連抗體法中反應最強,而背景呈色亦低,偵測同原抗原 細菌之靈敏度可達3.3×10CFU /ml,肉眼可判別反應則約在1.3×10 -2.6×10之間,此一方法同時亦適用於病組織中細菌之偵測。以雙層夾心式 酵連抗體法偵測帶Xcc 之種子或土壤,一般而言靈敏度不及以選擇性培養基SMA 之直 分離法,但其反應不受雜菌多寡之影響,在大量種子之偵測上亦不失為可行偵測法, 同時亦可輔助培養基直接分離法以確認可疑之菌落,也可應用於田間作物或雜草可疑 病徵之快速鑑定

    The occurrence and control of rice bakanae disease in Taiwan

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    由Gibberella fujikuroi引起的水稻徒長病,近幾年來在臺灣各地區發生逐漸普遍,尤以臺東、花蓮地區最為嚴重,主要種植品種─高雄139號及臺?2號,田間罹病率超過10%;稻種帶菌是本病最重要的初次感染源,於2000-2001年間檢測臺東地區稻種,發現帶菌情形普遍而嚴重。選種罹病率低的品種並使用健康稻種,再配合有效的稻種消毒則是防治徒長病的首要措施。稻種消毒試驗顯示:以25%撲克拉乳劑1,000倍、62.5%賽普護汰寧水分散性粒劑1,000倍、25.9%得克利水基乳劑2,000倍或20%披扶座可濕性粉劑1,000 倍浸種24小時後催芽,對稻苗徒長病的防治效果最突出;稻種催芽後以40%免賴地可濕性粉劑1,000倍、80%多得淨混合可濕性粉劑800倍或62.5%賽普護汰寧水分散性粒劑1,000倍浸種12小時,對稻苗徒長病也都有優異的防治效果;拔除田間病株、病田休耕或輪作綠肥,以減少田間二次感染源,亦是減少徒長病必須採取的綜合防治措施。為防杜本病發生為害,建議加強探討病害發生生態、研發病菌偵測技術、強化健康種苗生產體系及選育優良抗病品種。 The bakanae disease of rice plants caused by Gibberella fujikuroi has commonly occurred in Taiwan in recent years, particularly in the districts of Taitung and Hualien. The average disease severity in rice paddy of Kaohsiung NO.139 and Taikeng No.2, the most widely planted cultivars in these areas, was higher than 10%. Seed-borne pathogens had proved to be the essential primary inoculum source. The infestation of rice seeds by the pathogen was common and serious according to the investigation conducted in Taitung area in 2001. Different seed treatment measures were tested to compare the efficacy for controlling bakanae and phytotoxocity on rice seedlings. The results of various trials showed that soaking the intact rice seeds with 25% Prochloraz EC 1000×, 62.5% Cyprodinil + Fludioxonil WG 1,000×, 25.9% Tebuconazole EW 2,000× or 20% Pefurazoate WP 1,000× for 24 hrs significantly reduced the occurrence of the disease without phytotoxicity. Soaking the splitting seeds before germination stage with 40% Benomyl +Thiram WP 1,000×, 80% Thiophanate +Thiram mixtureWP 800×, or 62.5% Cyprodinil + Fludioxonil WP 1,000× for 12 hrs also resulted in satisfactory efficacy. For the prevention of worsening adverse effect of bakanae disease on rice production of Taiwan, the following aspects are recommended to be implemented: strengthening the research of the ecology of the pathogen and disease, developing detection technique for seeds-borne and soil-borne pathogens, establishing an effective seed certification system to ensure the production of healthy rice seeds, and breeding of high quality rice cultivars resistant to bakanae disease


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    瓜類細菌性果斑病 (Bacterial fruit blotch of cucurbits) 由 Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli 所引起。在台灣瓜類細菌性果斑病菌可感染西瓜、甜瓜及苦瓜等瓜類作物外,亦可感染荖葉;其病徵隨寄主種類或品系之不同而有差異。此病菌之最初感染源主要為帶菌之種子與種苗,病原菌於種子發芽時入侵子葉呈現水浸狀斑點,病斑上泌出之細菌藉由噴灌之水飛濺至附近健康之種苗,此外亦可經由嫁接無病徵帶菌接穗傳播。溫暖潮溼多雨環境,有利於果斑病於田間之發生。果斑病菌可由氣孔或傷口感染果實,成熟之果實表面為臘質覆蓋,因此幼果常較成熟果實感病。瓜類細菌性果斑病菌為國際瓜類產業重視之病原細菌,準確、靈敏、快速之檢測技術,為生產瓜類健康種子(苗)及防範病害發生之重要關鍵技術。栽種未帶菌之種子、種苗為防範本病害發生之重要措施;必要時以1%稀鹽酸、81.3%嘉賜銅可濕性粉劑或10%鏈四環黴素處理帶菌種子可降低發病率;重視田間衛生,發現可疑病葉病果應立即清除,降低病害蔓延;採用隧道栽培,可減少雨 水飛濺造成病原細菌之散播

    Effects of Long-term Application of Organic Matter Fertilizer on Fruit and Vegetable Production

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    有機質肥料長久以來就一直被廣泛的使用在果園及蔬菜園上,其施用有機質肥料主要是提供作物生長所需養分及改善土壤理化性質,然各種有機質肥料品牌甚多,其成份如何及在土壤中養分釋放的供應型式及對土壤肥力變化的影響如何,在不同土壤環境下尚待明瞭;另一方面有機質肥料腐熟度不同及土壤pH值、質地、排水等性質不同均影響有機質肥料在土壤中養分的釋放及其有效性。為探討果園及蔬菜園長期施用有機質肥料之效果,經近十年的研究試驗,其主要的成果做綜合性之報告,供為果園及蔬菜園土壤肥培與管理之參考。 一、果園部份 1.葡萄施用稻草堆肥區的產量6,399 kg/ha,糖度16.7˚ Brix最高,比單用化肥區的5,975 kg/ha,15.9˚ Brix增產7%,高出0.5˚ Brix。糖度在處理問為花生粕、大豆粕及腐植酸對稻草堆肥區呈顯著差異,化肥區對稻草堆肥為極顯著差異,顯示稻草堆肥對葡萄品質的改善效果最好。酸度含量各處理均在0.52至0.53g/100ml之間,差異極小。 2.椪柑之春梢非結果枝葉片氮濃度以每年每株施用花生粕10公斤最高,而以每年每株施用花生粕10公斤或洋藷堆肥20~30公斤之產量最高,施用花生粕可降低施肥位置的土壤pH值。晚崙西亞甜橙以每年每株施用有機質肥料5公斤而採用深施的處理最佳,且植株根系有明顯向下生長之趨勢。桶柑以每年每株施用腐植酸2公斤而採用深施的處理之糖度最高,而平均產量以每年每株施用有機質肥料8公斤之處理最高。 3.枇杷每年每株施用12%腐植酸原液40毫升會增加枇杷糖度及酸度,並降低糖酸比。 4.番石榴於幼果期土壤噴灑12%腐植酸液稀釋500倍一次及中果期後以1500倍稀釋液葉面噴施二次之處理,可增加果實果數及提高產量。 5.荔枝以每年每株施用豬糞堆肥40公斤之每株產量為86公斤最高,糖度以每年每株施用乾雞糞30公斤最高。 6.蓮霧每年每株施用豬糞堆肥40公斤,並可提高土壤PH值0.19個單位,有機質含量提高0.09%,鈣提高399ppm,錳提高25ppm;在產量方面,以每年每株施用40公斤之豬糞堆肥為最佳,並可提高0.3˚ Brix。 7.芒果以每年每株施用豬糞堆肥40公斤之每株產量5.44公斤最高,糖度以每年每株施用台肥1號有機質肥料10公斤之17.5˚ Brix最高:施用豬糞堆肥等有機質肥料,可提高土壤pH值、有機質、鈣、鎂等含量及芒果葉片中氮、鈣、鎂等含量。 8.文旦柚果實蔗糖含量以土壤表面撒施每年每株台肥1號有機質肥料16公斤為最高;在產量方面,以每年每株施用台肥1號有機質肥料16公斤深度60公分者之每株45.1公斤為最高。 二、蔬菜園部份 1.除化學肥料外,每公頃分別施用木屑雞糞3公噸/每期作、垃圾堆肥5公噸/每兩作、垃圾堆肥10公噸/每兩作,進行栽培蔬菜試驗。第1作栽培青梗白菜之結果,三個有機質肥料處理區之產量(兩試區之平均值)均比只施用化學肥料之對照區為佳,增產3~27%,第2作之萵苣亦增產29~53%,第3作之菠菜增產18~25%,第4作之萵苣增產11~21%,第5作之芥藍增產24~28%,第6作之青梗白菜增產10~16%,第7作之蘿蔔因受毒素病為害,兩個垃圾堆肥處理區之效果均不明顯,比化肥區減產l~7%,木屑雞糞施用區則增產8%,第8作之結球白菜則增產25.0~33.2%,第9作之蕹菜亦增產33.8~47.6%,第10作之芥藍更增產高達65.1~73.4%。 2.在三要素施用量相同之情況下,每公頃每期作分別施用台肥1號有機質肥料2公噸、台肥腐植酸1公噸、純雞糞2公噸,第1作種植萵苣,第2作則栽培甘藍進行試驗。施用純雞糞區萵苣及甘藍之產量分別比只施化學肥料之對照區增產18.3%及13.3%,施用台肥1號有機質肥料區之萵苣則減產17.0%,甘藍可增產5.6%,施用台肥腐植酸區之萵苣亦減產35.3%,甘藍則增產10.4%。 3.在三要素按推薦量施用之情況下,每公頃每隔一作即施用醱酵豬糞5公噸栽培蔬菜進作試驗。第1作甘藍之產量比只施化學肥料之對照區增產9.2%,第2作青蔥增產25.2%,第3作甘藍增產22.4%,第4作青蔥增產50.5%,第5作甘藍增產7.1%,第6作青蔥增產33.47%,第7作嫩莖萵苣增產63.0%,第8作蘿菜增產21.9%。 4.在總氮素施用量相同之條件下,每公頃每期作分別施用稻草l,562公斤、樹皮堆肥7,510公斤、純雞糞3,000公斤、豬糞2,794公斤、牛糞l,965公斤,連續栽培6作蔬菜(第7作目前仍進行中),第1作青梗白菜之產量,稻草區比只施用化學肥料之對照區增產4%,其餘4個有機質肥料處理區比化肥區減產3~9%,第2作莧菜之結果亦類似,稻草區增產l%,其餘之處理區則減產2~17%,第3作芥藍,豬糞區增產l%,其餘之處理區則減產9~17%,第4作小白菜,稻草區比化肥區減產l%,其餘之處理區則增產4~16%,第5作葉萵苣,五個處理區之產量均較化肥區為佳,以稻草區增產25%最高,其次依序為雞糞區21%,樹皮堆肥區19%,牛糞區11%,豬糞區7%,第6作小白菜,雞糞區增產l%,其餘之處理區則減產l~8%。 The organic matter fertilizer has been widely used in fruit and vegetable production. The main purpose of using organic matter fertilizer is supplying nutrients to the plants, as well as changing the soil structure related to chemical and physical properties. However, it is still unknown what patterns of nutrients releasing are and what impact of soil fertilizeration has been changed after applying these varied organic matter fertilizers. Also, the efficiency of nutrient releasing of nutrients and its availability are depended on fermentation of organic matter, soil pH, soil structure, and irrigation of the land, etc. This paper is a review of recent research on application of organic fertilizers that used in fruit and vegetable production. In hopes this review can attribute some valuable points of soil fertilization for further studies. 1. Orchard (1) Grapes The yield of grapes (6399 kg/ha) and sugar content (16.7 brix) were the highest values when rice straw manure was applied. The yield of rice straw manure treatment was increased 7 % compared with using chemical fertilizer. Also the sugar content increased 0.8 Brix. Treatments of using peanut cake, soybean cake, humic acid were significantly lower than the treatment of straw manure in the content of sugar. The acidity of grapes was ranged between 0.52 and 0.53 g/lOOml, and the difference among treatments were small. (2) Orange The nitrogen content of leaves on the nonfruiting terminals was the highest when using peanut cake 10kg per year. Applying peanut cake 10 kg or mushroom manure 20-30 kg had the highest yield comparing with other treatments.lt showed that organic matter fertilizer 5kg applied deeply was a better technique fertilizer application on orange. Using 2kg humic acid fertilizer in a depth increased the content of sugar of the fruit. The yield was increased when 8kg of organic matter applied. (3) Loquat It increased the sweetness and acidity and decreased the S/TA when using 12 % humic acid original 40 ml to a plant per year. (4) Guava Spraying diluted 12% humic acid (dilution 500 X) on the ground once in the period of young fruiting and 1500 X dilution humic acid to the leaves twice in the period of middle fruiting increased the numbers of fruit. (5) Lichee Using hog manure 40 kg per plant yearly had the highest yield of 86kg/plant. Using 30 kg chicken manure per plant had the highest sweetness. (6)Wax apple Applying 40 kg hog manure to a plant per year increased the pH value 0.19 unit, organic matter content 0.09%, calcium 399 ppm, manganese 25ppm in the soil. It had the highest yield when using 40kg hog manure to a plant per year. (7)Mango Applying 40 kg hog manure to a plant per year had the highest yield of 5.44 kg. The content of sugar was increased when applying No.1 Taiwan organic matter fertilizer 10 kg (17.5 Brix). Applying hog manure and other organic matter manure can increase soil pH, organic matter content, calcium and magnesium content of the soil, and nitrogen, calcium, magnesium content of the leaves. (8) Wentan pomelo In the aspect of cane-sugar content, applying 16 kg of No.1 Taiwan organic fertilizer on the ground surface had the highest value among the treatments. In the aspect of production yield, applying 16 kg No.1 Taiwan Organic fertilizer in a depth of 60 cm had the highest yield of 45.1 kg. 2. Vegetables (1) In addition to chemical fertilizer, odds chicken (3 tons per crop), garbage manure (5 tons, 10 tons in 2 crops) were the treatments of a vegetable production study. The yield of all treatments applying organic matter were significantly higher than chemical fertilizer treatment in the first crop of Chinese cabbage production, increasing 3-27% averagely. In the second crop of lettuce, yield increased 29-53%. Spinach, the third crop, increased 18-25%. Lettuce, the forth crop, increased 11-21%.Chinese kale, the fifth crop, increased 24-28%. Chinese cabbage, the sixth crop, increased 10-16%. The yield of seventh crop radish was not higher in garbage manure treatment. This was probably caused by the viral disease. Chinese cabbage, the eighth crop, increased 25-32%. Water convolvulus, the ninth crop, increased 33.8-47.6%. Chinese kale, the tenth crop, increased 65.1-73.4%. (2) Taiwan organic fertilizer No. 1, humic acid fertilizer and chicken manure were applied in another study based on the same amount of N-P2O5-K2O. Lettuce and cabbage were conducted. The yield of applying chicken manure was increased 18.3% (lettuce) and 13.3% (cabbage). Applying Taiwan organic fertilizer No.1 decreased the 17% yield on lettuce and increased 5.6% on cabbage. Applying humic acid fertilizer decreased 35.3% on lettuce, and increased 10.4 % on cabbage. (3) In an experiment using fermented hog manure (5 tons/acre) showed a significant increase on cabbage, green onion, and lettuce. The percentages of increase are between 7.1% and 63.0%. (4) In another study, rice straw, bark compost manure, chicken manure, hog manure, and cattle manure were applied continuously for six crops (seventh crop is in progress). In the first crop, the yield had been increased 4% when using rice straw manure; however, other treatments had decreased the yield 3-9%. The similar condition had occurred on the second crop. Lettuce, the third crop increased 1% by applying hog manure, other manure decreased the yield from 9 to 17%. Small Pai-tsai the forth crop, rice straw decreased the yield compared with chemical fertilizer; other manure increased the yield from 4 to 16%. The fifth crop, all kinds of manure increased the yield well

    Research and Development of Agricultural Machinery (II)

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    為因應當前農業環境之重大改變,適應世界貿易自由化、國際化之潮流,並突破當前之農業困境,擬衡酌未來土地利用型農作物之發展趨勢,研究開發本土型之農作物種苗、栽培、管理、病蟲害防治、收穫及收穫後處理等作業所需之機械,以促進農業生產全面機械化,藉以解決農村勞力不足問題,降低生產成本,確保農產品之品質.本年度本計畫將繼續水果內部品質檢測之研究,並對NIR非破壞性檢測之應用,柿子加工去皮去梗修蒂機之研製,加工用印度棗清洗、選別及劃切之一貫化及菱角剝殼機之研究進一步發展以取代人工作業模式,提高品質.研究改良桿式噴藥機、動力雙軌車,草花種苗假植機以提高作業效率.開發鳳梨園用施肥機、曳引機承載夾起式洋蔥收穫機、自走式白蘿蔔收穫機,耕耘刀表面特殊處理技術與曳引機旁載式堆肥攪拌翻堆機等機械與技術,提高生產與管理的效率,降低成本.研製蒸氣處理介質土壤病蟲害防治設備與果實蠅誘蟲器監控系統,減少病蟲害影響並減低農藥之用量.研製連續式紅外線茶葉烘培機,低濕調溫乾燥機與進行自然通風器應用於溫室環控之研究,以建立現有控制技術在農產品處理與環境上之應用系統.預期依計畫進度完成相關農產品檢測、農作物栽培、管理收穫與處理機械,以降低生產成本,提高產品品質,加速國內農業之轉型,促進農業升級.To adopt the change of agriculture environment as well as the world trade structure, it is a must to develop machines for local crops, seedlings, cultures, management, protecting system of disease and insect pest, harvesting, and post-harvesting process. Thus, mechanization in agricultural production would solve the problem of labor shortage as well as lower the cost of production, and resulted in ensuring the quality of agricultural products. There are several sub-projects proposed in this project to replace the manual operation and to improve the quality. They are listed in the followings: evaluation of internal quality of fruits, application of non-destructive NIR method, development of skin peeling machine and stem trimming for the diospyros kaki process, development of the integrated operating machine consists of cleaning, sorting and scar-cutting for Indian jujube, and study on the manufacture of peeling machine for water caltrops. In addition, there are three sub-projects proposed to improve the efficiencies of operations, such as performance improvement of boom sprayer, development of double-rail car for spraying on slope land, and design and development of a transplanter for ornamental flower seedlings. To improve the efficiencies of production and management thus results in cost reduction, five sub-projects are proposed: the study for fertilizer of pineapple yard, studies on the mounted type of onion harvester, the studies on a self-propelled radish harvester, surface hardening treatment for tillage blades, and development study of compost turner side mounted type from tractor. To reduce disease and insect pest as well as lower the usage of pesticide, there are two sub-projects proposed, such as development of the steam treatment machinery for medium and soil and design and development of a monitoring system for the oriental fruit fly trap. In addition, there are two sub-projects proposed to apply the commercially available control techniques on agricultural productprocesses and environmental system. They are the development of infrared tea roasting machine for continuous type and the study and application of the energy-free turbo ventilator used in the green house. Based on the schedule of this project, it would complete the evaluation of some agricultural products, transplanting, machines for managing, harvesting and processing, to lower the cost as well as improve the quality so that helps local agriculture upgrade and transform in a considerable speed