18 research outputs found

    Study of hydrodynamics and its impact on mariculture carrying capacity of Sanggou Bay:observation and modeling

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    主要介绍了从动力学研究桑沟湾养殖容量的主要思路、方法及结果。研究以精细过程观测为基础,以数值模型为手段,从物理海洋学角度考察养殖海区水动力特征,研究水动力对物质循环的影响、对颗粒态/溶解态营养物质的补充和对养殖生物量的影响,探寻不同养殖模式效果的技术路线;介绍了两个航次设计方案与目的。通过观测发现养殖对水动力垂直结构有很大影响,底层流速最大并滞后表层,发现弱动力条件下海底颗粒物和营养盐无法进入水体上层的事实。据此提出双边界层动力模型,建立一维数值模型进行机制探讨,将养殖阻力三维化建立水动力数值模型,定量给出养殖对水动力和水交换的阻碍;以此驱动三维养殖生态模型,充分考虑养殖对水动力的影响、水动力对生源要素的输运。建立了一个真正的物理-生物过程耦合模型。利用该模型进行的数值模拟和实验表明,贝藻兼养多元养殖是健康、高效养殖的有利措施;桑沟湾在现有养殖模式下,目前已基本达到了它的养殖容量,养殖品种分布不变,减少养殖密度至目前的0.9倍会略微提高产量,降低成本;减少湾口海带养殖密度,会大幅度提高贝藻兼养区的营养盐总量和养殖生物产量,从海带与贝类经济价值对比会有更高的效益。人为提高水动力混合或许是解决湾内营养盐缺乏的途径。The background and themes of dynamic study on mariculture carrying capacity of Sanggou Bay were described.The method used for this study was based on the fine processes observation,using physical oceanography theory and numerical model to examine the interaction between mariculture and hydrodynamics in Sanggou Bay.Design proposal and purposes for two cruises were introduced.Based on the observation we found that the kelp and the raft influenced the current vertical structure greatly,and the maximum velocity was at the lower layer with strong phase delay.It was also found that the damped current was too weak to mix the sediment detritus and nutrients into the upper layer.Based on these discoveries a double drag-boundary hydrodynamic model was proposed by adding the aquaculture drag at surface.The mechanism of kelp influence on the current profile was studied numerically by a one-dimension model.Considering the kelp drag in the water column besides the boundary drag,a three-dimension hydrodynamic model was adopted to quantify the influence of the aquaculture on hydrodynamics and water exchange of Sanggou Bay.A physical-biological coupled aquaculture ecosystem model was established using DIN,POM concentration and phytoplankton with kelp biomass as variable.The simulation and numerical experiments showed that polyculture was a useful method for healthy and high-efficiency aquaculture.Sanggou Bay has nearly reached its capacity under present aquaculture mode.By cutting down aquaculture density to 0.9 fold of the present density,the total production of kelp will slightly increase and the cost will be reduced.Cutting down the kelp density at the mouth of the bay could greatly enhance the amount of nutrients and biomass in the kelp-bivalve-culture area in the inner side.Artificial mixing might bring more nutrients from seabed in the bay.国家基础研究规划重点项目(2006CB400602);国家重点基金项目(40830854)共同资

    『古事記』にみられる「賜」の文法化 : 中古漢語との比較を通して

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    『風土記』にみられる「賜」「給」「坐」 : 『風土記』の文体論を兼ねて

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    The transformation strategy of Taiwan's optoelectronic company to the green energy integration industry

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    台灣光電產業為近年來台灣經濟成長的最佳動力來源之一,截至2010年,台灣光電總產值已經突破新台幣2兆元。其中以LED、顯示面板、太陽能電池模組等貢獻最多,帶給台灣大量的就業機會,並創造出全球第一的產值。然而,台灣光電大廠以往的經營模式大都以OEM/ODM為主,製造代工屬微笑曲線價值最低的中間區域,因此企業不斷找尋轉型的機會。近年來因能源耗竭隱憂,綠能產業蔚為未來科技革命的新主流,如太陽能發電、風力發電、LED照明、電動車等,為台灣光電大廠創造新的契機。幾間光電領導大廠紛紛跨入綠能產業,除了研發製造端,也開始嘗試挑戰下游的系統整合與行銷通路,尤其以太陽能發電系統為主。面對下游不熟悉的領域,以及眾多的綠能廠商競爭對手,光電企業必須從自身核心能耐出發,找尋最佳切入點,並靈活運用相關資源,與事業夥伴密切合作,方能找到自己的定位,建立獨特競爭優勢。 本研究從光電企業跨足綠能產業的先後整體性策略布局進行分析比較,並由顧客價值與企業核心能力的角度出發,深入探討面對綠能產業下游的新事業之組織設計、營運模式、關鍵資源、關鍵流程等。本研究建議台灣光電廠商面對市場白地時,應打破傳統製造思維,以創新商業模式進行在地化資源整合,進而建立行銷通路,打造自有品牌。並且建構良好的學習交流管道,讓新事業在下游的經營管理經驗帶回企業。Recently, the optoelectronic industry becomes one of the driving forces of economic growth in Taiwan. Until 2010, the output value of optoelectronic industry was over 2000 billion NTD, creating many employment opportunities. The optoelectronic industry in Taiwan is accounted for the largest output value in the world, especially in sectors such as LED, photovoltaic panels, solar cell and solar modules. However, a lot of optoelectronic companies in Taiwan are OEM/ODM based. They capture the lowest value in the supply chain. Hence, many companies are eager to seize the opportunity to implement transformation strategy. Nowadays, due to energy depletion issue, more and more people care about the popularized green energy industry, include solar power, wind power, LED lighting, electric cars and so on. This condition states good foundation for optoelectronic companies in Taiwan to perform transformation strategy. Some leading companies started to cross boundaries into the green energy industry, especially focusing on manufacturing and system integration of solar power system. Facing the unfamiliar downstream business and existing green energy competitors, optoelectronic companies should start with own core capability to find the best point of entry while entering the whole new industry. They need to integrate local resources and cooperate with business partners, finding their unique position and to build up their own competitive advantage. This study analyzes a comprehensive strategy framework for optoelectronic companies in Taiwan crossing over to the green energy industry. First thing ahead, the company should start with its own core capability and consumer value, developing new business model, organization structure, key resources and key process of the new field. The conclusion of this research suggests that optoelectronic companies in Taiwan should forgo its old ways of manufacturing thinking, and operate with innovative business model to integrate the localized resources, establish its own marketing channel, create its own brand, and construct good learning process that can bring downstream experience into the organization when operating in the new industry


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    针对光纤温度传感装置普遍结构复杂且灵敏度偏低的问题,文章提出并仿真验证了一种具有高灵敏度的椭圆形气孔温度传感装置。利用表面等离子体技术与光纤温度传感技术相结合实现温度传感。在光纤外侧包覆一层金属膜,待测物质使用氯仿酒精混合物作为温度感应物质,通过有限元矢量软件COMSOL进行模拟仿真。仿真结果表明,当入射波长由0.5μm增加到1.0μm时,其温度测量区间为-20~120℃,可以得到最大光谱灵敏度6 nm/℃,分辨率为1 337.12 RIU-1,测量精度为2.85×10-5 RIU


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    Study on Bottom Boundary Layer Processes and Water-sediment Exchange

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    浅海底边界动力过程是能量分配、颗粒物输运和水—底边界物质交换的关键环节,深入研究浅海底边界动力过程是提高环境容纳量预测能力的重要前提。分析了国内外该研究方向的进展和现状,提出在黄海中部和长江口外两个典型海区,以集成先进设备的海床基观测平台和水体要素连续观测的研究策略,获得底边界流场结构、水体和底边界湍流混合特征、底耗散动力学参数、底颗粒物浓度和梯度变化等规律,建立潮汐、层化、海浪等不同动力条件下底边界动力过程参数化方案,研究沉积物启动、沉降等动力学规律,以数值模式探讨海底拖曳力变化对潮流和环流结构的影响;了解颗粒物组成的季节变化及对起动、再悬浮、絮凝等动力过程的影响,以颗粒物输运模型研究中国近海沉积物源汇分布;以同位素示踪研究底界面交换对动力过程的响应。为解决面临的2个科学问题:①中国近海底边界能量耗散在能量分配中的作用;②中国近海底边界动力过程、颗粒物输运与物质交换的多时空尺度变化规律,奠定基础。Dynamical processes in the bottom boudary layer(BBL) is the key themes for energy dissipation,particulate material transport and water-sediment exchange in coastal seas.It is the important premise for environment carrying capacity prediction to get more detailed information of BBL dynamics.The development of research of BBL in the world are analyzed.It is suggested that the longterm observation based on a sea-bed triangle fram and column CTD cast in the middle of the Yellow Sea and Changjiang estuary should be carried out in order to obtain the current structure in the BBL,turbulent mixing character through the whole water column,bottom parameters like bottom roughness,friction velocity,bottom drag coeffecient,bottom particles concentration and its gredients variation.Paremeterization of dynamical processes in BBL under different conditions of tide,stratification and waves are needed to study the sediment resuspension and deposition.The influence of bottom drag coeffecient variation on tidal current and residual circulation should be studied by numerical model.It is also important to learn about the seasonal variation of particles composition and its effects on starting,resuspension and flocs.A numeircal model of particulate material transport should be used to study the sediment source and sink in the Chinese coastal water.Isotopic radiation could be used as the tracer for particle movement response to BBL processes and bottom exchange.All above are the bases for two key scientific questions we faced.One is the contribution of bottom dissipation to energy distribution in the coastal sea.The other is the multy spatial and temperal scale variation of BBL processes,particles transport and water-sediment exchange in Chinese coastal seas.国家重点基础研究发展计划重点项目“近海重要界面物质交换的关键过程”(编号:2006CB400602)资