3 research outputs found

    Questions management system based on SHA-1 safety certification

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    本系统是运用可视化编程工具Delphi开发并结合SHA-1的信息安全认证技术的题库管理系统.利用Delphi所提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,建立系统应用原型,然后进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成满意的可行系统,并在系统里通过SHA-1数字签名技术实现对密码的加密。该系统结构良好、使用方便,题库数据输入简单,系统能够实现人工选题和随机抽题两大功能进行组卷,包括后台数据库的建立、维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。该系统有安全的用户登录模块、方便快捷的浏览界面、易于操作的功能模块。本文的分析基于知识点的试题库结构基础上,阐述以知识点难度系数和题型为主要控制参数的组卷算法的建立与实现方法,并且...This system is a management system of the questions which using Delphi visual programming tool for development in combination with SHA-1 authentication technology of information security. It utilizes a variety of object-oriented development tools Delphi provided, establishes a prototype for system application, and then carries on an iteration of needs, modifies and improves the results constantly,...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:X200433001

    The Realization of Proxy Server Designed by Delphi

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    随着互联网技术的不断发展,网络所带给我们的好处有目共睹,但由于计算机网络具有联结形式多样性、网络的开放性、互连性等特征,致使网络易受黑客、恶意软件和其他不轨的攻击,因此,网络必须有足够强的安全措施,无论是在局域网还是在广域网中,都存在着自然和人为等诸多因素的脆弱性和潜在威胁。故此,网络的安全措施应是能全方位地针对各种不同的威胁和脆弱性,这样才能确保网络信息的保密性、完整性和可用性。该文就解决局域网网络安全的一项重要技术——利用代理服务器来实现防火墙技术进行了全方位,深层次地探讨,并提供了一种实用的防火墙设计方案。With the development of the Internet technology,the benefits brought by the Internet are obvious to all.But because of some special characteristics,such as the variety of connecting type,openness and connectivity,the computer network is easily attacked by hackers,malicious software and other illegal invasion.There exists the frangibility and latent threat in both LAN and WAN due to the nature and artificial causes.Therefore,some necessary security measures,which is strong enough,must be taken in order to insure the secrecy,integrality and usability of network information,in view of different kinds of threats and frangibility.This article comprehensively and deeply discusses an important technology about the school network security,using proxy server as a firewall technology,and provides a practical firewall design proposal


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