111 research outputs found


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    A 58-year-old man was admitted because of a large abdominal mass in the left upper quadrant. There were no remarkable findings on laboratory examinations. The impression was that it was either a renal cyst or an adrenal cyst by various X-ray examinations. On Nov. 21, 1979, a cystic suprarenal mass was removed through the 11th intercostal space incision. Grossly, the surgical specimen measured 27×20×15 cm and contained 3920 ml of yellowish fluid. Histological examination showed the cyst wall to consist of fibrous tissue with an endotherial lining and few dilated lymphatic spaces were seen in the adjoining adrenal tissue. So its histolsgical diagnosis was made as a lymphangiomatous adrenal cyst. It would appear that the present case is now the largest on record in Japan


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    A new soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivar called "Fukuibuki", registered as "Soybean Norin 122", was developed in 2002 at the National Agricultural Research Center for Tohoku Region. This cultivar is a cross of "Tohoku 96" and "Dewamusume", selected for resistance to both Soybean Mosaic Virus (SMV) and Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe), with high lodging resistance. It is classified in group III in terms of days to maturity. "Fukuibuki" features purple flowers, gray pubescence, and broad leaflets and brown pods at maturity. It has a medium stem height with determinate growth. It is resistant to SCN and SMV (strains A, B, C, D). It shows good productivity both upland and in drained paddy field. The seeds of "Fukuibuki" are medium large, dull whitish yellow with yellow hila. The protein content of "Fukuibuki" is similar to that of "Suzuyutaka". It has good suitability for Tofu processing and a higher isoflavone content than "Suzuyutaka". It would show good productivity in southern parts of the Tohoku district and in the Hokuriku district. "Fukuibuki" was released in 2002 as a recommended new cultivar in Fukushima prefecture.「ふくいぶき」は, 1988 年にダイズモザイクウイルス抵抗性, ダイズシストセンチュウ抵抗性, および強茎化を目標に, 「東北96 号」を母に, 「デワムスメ」を父として人工交配を行い, 以後, 選抜・固定を図り, 育成した品種である。本品種はダイズモザイクウイルス抵抗性 (A, B, C, D 各系統) とダイズシストセンチュウ抵抗性が強であり, 主力品種の「スズユタカ」と比べ, 倒伏抵抗性が強く, 子実収量は育成地と福島県においてやや多収である。 粒の大きさは「スズユタカ」よりやや大きい中の大に属し, 臍色は黄, 種皮色は黄白である。裂皮の難易は中で, 外観品質は「スズユタカ」よりやや優れる。子実中の粗蛋白質含有率は「スズユタカ」とほぼ同等で, 豆腐加工適性は良好である上, 機能性成分であるイソフラボンの子実および豆乳中の含量が高いことから, 高イソフラボン含量豆腐の製造が可能である。 栽培適地は東北南部および北陸地域である。2002 年に奨励品種として採用した福島県では, 現有奨励品種の「スズユタカ」は機械化適性, 「タチナガハ」は耐病虫性にやや難点があり, それらが改善された本品種の普及を進める。イソフラボン含量が高く豆腐加工適性も高いため, 高付加価値品種として今後の普及が期待される