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    Tangut Fragments Newly Discovered at the National Library of China

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    This article introduces eight blockprint fragments in the Tangut script from the National Library of China. The fragments are mistakenly given shelf numbers with “Uighur Script 15,” because they have mingled with the other Old Uighur documents. One of the fragments belongs to a Tangut version of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Bhikṣuṇī Vinaya, a unique text among thus far known Tangut Buddhist scriptures: its backside was reused for a Tibetan Buddhist prayer. The other seven fragments all come from Volume 42 of the Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra of the same version as the Lingwu 灵武 edition, printed in Hangzhou during the Yuan period. Although the provenance of these fragments cannot be fully elucidated, they were most probably discovered at the Dunhuang caves and brought to Beijing together with other Old Uighur fragments

    Production of top Quark pair at the large hadron collider(大型强子对撞机中顶夸克对的产生)

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    通过分析质心能量为8 TeV的质子-质子对撞实验,对大型强子对撞机上的ATLAS探测器,测量了顶夸克对产生过程pp→t的归一化微分散射截面,该实验数据对胶子部分子分布函数的确定非常重要.采用蒙特卡罗数值计算程序MadGraph以及CT10NNLO和CT14NNLO部分子分布函数,分别计算此过程的归一化微分散射截面,得到了与ATLAS实验相符的结果.进一步,用ATLAS实验数据和本文的理论计算结果,更新CT14NNLO部分子分布函数.结果显示,顶夸克对归一化微分散射截面对部分子分布函数不敏感.理论计算结果与ATLAS实验测量结果在误差范围内相符,该过程胶子部分子分布函数无明显变化


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