6 research outputs found


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    Analysis of Problem Representation and Its Causes in Universities Classroom Teaching

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    关于大学课堂教学质量的内涵,国内外学者持“投入论““标准论“和“发展论“三种观点。目前我国大学课堂教学质量不高主要表现在:学校、教师和学生各主体对教学投入不足,教师教学的科学性、艺术性缺失,学生综合素质的发展未落到实处。这些问题的产生与高校重科研、轻教学的文化氛围、制度环境、教师教学素养、教学监督机制和素质教育游离于专业课课堂教学之外等密不可分。提升大学课堂教学质量,需要政府、学校、教师和学生各主体的共同努力。The connotation of college classroom teaching quality is divided into three kinds: "investment theory","standard theory"and"development theory".The lower teaching quality in the universities of China is represented as the insufficient effort on the teaching from the university,teachers and students,lack of scientific and artistic teaching,no practice of the comprehensive qualities of the students.The occurrence of the problems is closely related with the cultural environment of highlighting scientific research and belittling teaching in the university,institutional environment,teachers' teaching quality,teaching supervising mechanism,and quality education being far from the classroom teaching etc..To promote the teaching quality of university,efforts should be combined together from the government,universities,teachers and students

    Is Higher Education “Adaptation Theory” a Real Historical Misunderstanding?——Given Consideration to Ideal and Reality of Higher Education

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    上世纪80年代以来,在高等教育与社会的关系问题上,潘懋元先生教育内外部关系规律的观点已得到我国学术界的公认。有学者将潘懋元先生的内外部关系规律总结为“适应论“并对其进行多方面的否定和批判,并判定“适应论“是历史的误区。本文在尽力还原双方观点的基础上对其进行分析,认为这些学者所谓的“适应论“是对高等教育内外部关系规律的一种误读,“理性引领说“中的很多观点虽有价值但是过于理想化,同时它对“适应论“的批判存在着误批和过度批判的问题。高等教育的理想应该立足于现实,在适应社会中引领社会,实现现实和理想的结合。Since 1980 s,as for the issue of the relationship between higher education and the society,our nation's academic circles have generally acknowledged Pan Maoyuan's theory of internal and external relations law in higher education.By summarizing Pan's two- law theory as"Adaptation Theory",some scholars make many- sided negation and criticism towards it and judge it as a historical misunderstanding.On the basis of restoring standpoints of both sides,my essay believes that the so- called"Adaptation Theory"hold by some scholars is a misreading of internal and external relations law in higher education.Many valuable viewpoints could be seen in the"Theory of Rational Guidance",but most of them are too idealized.Moreover,it has placed mistaken and undue criticism on the"Adaptation Theory".The ideal of higher education should be based on reality: guiding the society while adapting to it and thus realizing the combination of ideal and reality

    Investigation of Graduate Students' Motivation for Entering Graduate Schools and Their Development

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    在访谈和问卷调查的基础上,调查研究X大学研究生的读研动机和发展状况,结果显示:研究生多以就业作为主要读研动机;研究生读研动机的社会取向与培养过程的学术取向之间的矛盾逐渐凸显;研究生对生活工作能力的重视高于对科研学术能力的重视;研究生整体发展状况良好,但是尚未达到自己的预期;个人努力程度、导师指导以及学校课程教学及评价考核是影响研究生发展的重要因素。Questionnaires and interviews are employed to investigate the motivation and development of the graduate students in X University.The results show that graduate students mostly take employment as their major motive to attend a graduate school.The conflicts between the social and academic orientations in graduate study are growing prominent.Graduate students lay more stress on life and work ability than academic ability.Graduate students have not achieved their expected goals although they are generally developing well.The factors influencing their development include personal effort,mentor guidance,teaching and evaluation

    The Development Trend of Higher Education in the Era of Big Data

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    现代信息技术的发展和应用催生了大数据时代,给高等教育带来了新的机遇和挑战。海量的数据、多样的数据种类以及快速的数据分析,促使高等教育迅速转型,呈现出新的发展趋势。市场的介入,促使高等教育资源配置由高校一元垄断模式逐渐转变为多元不确定模式;教学方式的变革,推动教师角色与职能的多样化;高等教育资源的全球化,促使单一校园服务模式逐渐转变为全方位立体服务模式;海量数据库的构建,推动高校管理的科学化;学习渠道的不断拓宽,推动学习者身份的多元化和学习观念的改变。The development and application of information technology have led to the era of big data,which brings new opportunities and challenges to higher education.Massive data,a variety of data types and fast data analysis promote rapid transformation in higher education.The intervention of market propels the provision model of higher education resources from monopolized by university gradually to multi-factors uncertain model.The reform of teaching methods promotes the diversification of teacher's role and function.The globalization of higher education resources prompts the single campus service mode gradually to transform into multi-faceted service mode; the construction of massive database facilitates the management of colleges and universities to become more scientific.And the continuous expansion of learning channels drives the diversification of learner'identity and the change of learning ideas

    An Analysis and Prospect of the Education Research in China between 2012 and 2013——Based on Analysis on the Education Digest of ICSS,RUC

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    通过对人大复印报刊资料《教育学文摘》摘编论文的统计分析,可以看出2012年至2013年教育研究的热点和重点集中于异地高考问题、义务教育均衡发展问题、普通高中教育问题、质量与评价问题、有效教学与有效学习、教师培训、批评与惩戒问题等方面。未来教育研究将进一步关注以高考为核心的招考制度和评价机制改革、中小学课业负担、高等教育与社会的关系以及终身教育体系的建立等问题的研究。Using the statistical analysis of the theses excerpted in Education Digest,we can conclude that the hot spots and key points of education reseach between 2012 and 2013 are:college matriculation policy for migrant children,balanced development of compulsory education,educational problems in general high schools,educational quality and evaluation,effective teaching and effective learning,training for teachers,criticism and punishment.In future,the education research will pay more attention to the following problems:admission and evaluation system reform that puts the college entrance examination at the center,course load in middle and primary schools,the relationship between higher education and society,and building of lifelong education system,etc