2 research outputs found

    Tendency and critical scientific issues of space life science in China

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    空间生命科学是随着人类空间探索活动,特别是载人空间探索而产生和发展的新兴交叉学科,它涵盖了较为广泛的研究范围.在过去半个多世纪,国际上在该领域取得了许多重要发现和研究成果,不仅支撑了载人空间探索任务,同时也服务了地球人类的生活.随着我国载人航天和深空探索活动的不断发展,特别是我国载人空间站工程的启动,未来20年将是我国空间生命科学发展的黄金时期.基于我国的载人空间站和返回式科学卫星实验平台,开展空间生命科学研究,获取新知识、创新新技术,进一步服务于人类空间探索活动、服务国家经济和社会发展,这就需要我们从学科发展的战略高度,系统深入地进行研究思考.在全面回顾国内外空间生命科学的发展历史及现状的基础上,本文对我国空间生命科学的战略需求、发展方向和关键科学问题等进行了梳理、分析和展望,以期为我国空间生命科学的发展提供思路和借鉴.As an emerging interdiscipline, space life science, generated and developed with human space, especially manned space exploration,, covering very wide research fields.In the past more than half a century, many significant findings and achievements have been achieved in this field, which not only supports the missions of manned space exploration, but also provides service for the life on the earth.With the continuous development of Chinese manned space and deep space exploration activities, especially the startup of Chinese manned space station project, the next two decades will be the prime time for the development of Chinese space life science.To conduct space life science, obtain new knowledge and innovative technology and provide further service for human space exploration, national economic and social development basing on Chinese manned space station and return type scientific satellite experiment platform, which need us to study and thinking systematically from the strategic perspective of subject development.By reviewing the historical and current development of space life science at home and abroad, this essay analyzes and prospects the strategic needs, key scientific problems and development direction of Chinese space life science, in order to provide inspiration and reference for its development.国家重点基础研究发展计划(编号:2011CB710903); 中国科学院技术科学部学科发展战略研究课题(我国空间科学发展战略研究)资助项


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