116 research outputs found

    Empirical Tests of the Relationship between New Rural Financial Institutions and the Efficiency of rural Economic Growth

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    我国农村经济发展水平一直比较落后,农村人口占中国总人口的约50%,但第一产业GDP在整个国民经济中占比不到10%;农村居民家庭人均纯收入与城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入相差将近三倍。恰逢我国正处于经济发展转型期,很多学者主张通过提振农村经济增长来支撑国民经济的发展;经济的增长离不开金融的支持,国家近年来大力推行普惠金融措施,增加农村地区金融服务可用性,支持农村经济发展;2016年恰逢新型农村金融机构开展十周年,值此之际探究其对农村经济增长的实际影响,并提出相应的政策建议,有深刻的现实意义。 本文利用DEA-Malmquist指数法测算出我国农村经济增长效率,然后通过在面板数据模型中设置表征新型农...The development of China's rural economy has been relatively backward. Although rural population accounts for about 50% of China 's total population, GDP of the first industry occupied less than 10% of the whole economy, and urban residents’ per capita disposable income is nearly three times per capita net income of rural households. Since economic growth is inseparable ...学位:金融硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:1562013115206

    Synthesis and Characterization of Thiol-protected Gold/Silver Clusters

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    金属纳米团簇的尺寸介于小分子(例如,有机金属化合物)与纳米颗粒(大于2nm)之间,因此,对其进行可控合成和结构与性能的研究可为纳米功能材料的开发提供分子水平上的指导,亦可成为连接小分子与纳米颗粒研究的桥梁。贵金属纳米团簇因其在催化、电化学、光学、传感、生物医学等领域具有良好应用前景而受到广泛关注,尤其是具有优良催化性能的金(Au)纳米团簇和具有独特发光性质和良好生物应用前景的银(Ag)纳米团簇均备受研究者的青睐。本文在前人研究的基础上展开工作,选取了硫醇保护的币金属(金、银、铜等)纳米团簇体系进行研究,对产物的晶体结构和相关性质进行了表征分析,拓展了贵金属纳米团簇的化学合成。本论文主要研究结果...Metal cluster is a class of special species, whose size is between those of the small molecule (e.g., organometallic compounds) and nanoparticles (>2 nm). Studies on controllable synthesis of metal clusters, and their structures and properties provide guidance in developing functional nanomaterials on molecular level. Metal clusters can be also considered as a bridge between small molecules and na...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_无机化学学号:2052009115134


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    本文通过构建一个包括判断环境、判断主体、审计证据、判断决策过程及判断属性特征五要素的职业判断框架,试图深入的诠释审计职业判断的本质与实务。本文将焦点集中于职业判断的概念与原理,而并非相关的详细规则之上。因为规则从实质上来说反映的仅仅是对审计师执业行为的最低而非最高要求,并不能取代或者超越审计师的职业判断。 第一章:引言。该部分简洁有力的阐述审计师合理运用职业判断的重要性,并详尽的回顾了有关职业判断的诸多重要文献。 第二章:职业判断的定义与性质。本章在借鉴学术界对审计判断的不同定位的基础上,发展了有关审计职业判断的定义,将其定义为“审计师在一定判断环境下,运用知识、经验、记忆等自身禀赋,收集...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:20001102

    Wavelet Analysis for Online Detection of Out-bursting Signals in Mechanical Sys-tem

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    近年来引起各领域广泛关注的小波分析理论 ,以其良好的时频局部化功能提供了一种瞬态信号的分析方法 ,但单纯基于此算法的软件往往缺少对于突发性信号的自适应能力。神经网络则具有良好的自适应性、自组织性及很强的学习功能。本文将此二者结合 ,以神经网络原理和现代数学小波分析为依据 ,提出了基于神经网络思想的小波分析 ;改进原有算法 ,以自编 C程序识别工程技术测量中遇到的突发故障与噪声 ;并在强噪声环境中机械系统的突发信号实测中获得成功Wavelet transformation provides a way to detect out bursting signals, but the software simply based on this algorithm is usually lack of self adaptability when meeting out bursting noise. Neural network has good ability of self adapting, self organizing and learning. On the basis of modern wavelet analysis and the principles of neural network, this paper proposes a method to recognize the type and specification of random signal automatically, so that the original algorithm can be improved to identify the out bursting noise detected in engine ering measurement. The sensor output from the dual cantilever beam apparatus under an out bursting excitation was analyzed successfully by the Turbo C programs


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    Effects of Sulfur and pH on Photohydrogen Production of the Green Alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa

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    在有无硫及pH5.0-8.0下对蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa)光照产氢的影响进行了研究。结果表明,在持续光照(165μmolm-2s-1)条件下,从有硫培养液(TAP培养液)内叶绿素a含量、Fv/Fm值及ΦPSII值的变化表明蛋白核小球藻在pH6.0-7.0时生长最佳,生长旺盛易形成暂时的无氧环境而利于藻产氢。最高的产氢速率和总产氢量出现在pH7.0,分别是0.10mlmg-1chlh-1和1.39ml。从无硫培养液(TAP-S培养液)内叶绿素a含量、Fv/Fm值及ΦPSII值的变化表明蛋白核小球藻生长明显受抑制,形成的无氧环境持久,故产氢持久,总产氢量比有硫培养液内高。蛋白核小球藻在pH5.5培养液内的Fv/Fm值后期高于其他4种pH值的,表明潜在的PSII光化学效率高,在光照条件下产氢电子主要来源于PSII,故pH5.5的无硫培养液内藻的产氢速率和总产氢量最大,分别是0.58mlmg-1chlh-1和10.98ml。说明pH为5.5的无硫培养液是蛋白核小球藻产氢的最佳条件。The effects of sulfur and pH(5.0-8.0) on photohydrogen production was investigated in a unicellular green alga, Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Under continuous illumination of 165 μmol m-2s-1 conditions, in the TAP culture medium, changes of chlorophyll a content、Fv/Fm and ΦPSII indicated that growth of C. pyrenoidosa were very well at initialcultivation pH ranged from 6.0 to 7.0 and can form a temporary anoxic conditions in favor of H2 production. Maximum H2 production was obtained at initial cultivation pH 7.0 by C. pyrenoidosa. The maximum rate of H2 produced by C. pyrenoidosa was 0.10 ml mg-1 chl h-1 and the maximum total yield of H2 produced was 1.39 ml. In TAP-S culture medium, changes of chlorophyll a content、Fv/Fm and ΦPSII indicated that growth of C. pyrenoidosa were inhibited and can form a permanent anoxic conditions in favor of H2 production. The total yield of H2 production by C. pyrenoidosa in TAP-S culture was more than that in TAP culture. The Fv/Fm value of C. pyrenoidosa in pH 5.5 TAP-S culture was higher than the others culture. It indicated the residual PSII was more than the others. Under continuous illumination the electron of production H2 requirement mostly comes from PSII, so the maximum rate and total yield of H2 produced by C. pyrenoidosa appeared in pH 5.5 TAP-S cultures. The maximum rate of H2 produced by C. pyrenoidosa was 0.58 ml mg-1 chl h-1 and the total yield of H2 produced was 10.98 ml. The H2 production of C. pyrenoidosa was notable effected by sulfur and pH. In this test the best conditions for H2 production of C. pyrenoidosa was in pH 5.5 TAP-S cultures.广东省科技攻关项目(2004B33401002);; 国家“863”计划项目(2002AA515030)资

    Ligand-Stabilized Au13Cux (x=2, 4, 8) Bimetallic Nanoclusters: Ligand Engineering to Control the Exposure of Metal Sites

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    通讯作者地址: Zheng, NF (通讯作者) Xiamen Univ, Collaborat Innovat Ctr Chem Energy Mat, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surfaces, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China.Three novel bimetallic Au-Cu nanoclusters stabilized by a mixed layer of thiolate and phosphine ligands bearing pyridyl groups are synthesized and fully characterized by X-ray single crystal analysis and density functional theory computations. The three clusters have an icosahedral Au-13 core face-capped by two, four, and eight Cu atoms, respectively. All face-capping Cu atoms in the clusters are triply coordinated by thiolate or pyridyl groups. The surface ligands control the exposure of Au sites in the clusters. In the case of the Au13Cu8 cluster, the presence of 12 2-pyridylthiolate ligands still leaves open space for catalysis. All the 3 clusters are 8-electron superatoms displaying optical gaps of 1.8-1.9 eV. The thermal decomposition studies suggest that the selective release of organic ligands from the clusters is possible.MOST of China 2011CB932403 ,2011CB201301 ,2009CB930703 , NSFC 21227001 ,21131005 ,21021061 ,20925103 ,20923004 , Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities 201012104


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    海洋是一个巨大的药源宝库。本世纪60年代以来,从海洋动物、植物及微生物中已分离获得新型化合物0000多种,其中绝大部分化合物具有抗肿瘤、抗菌、抗病毒、抗凝血等药理活性;这些新型化合物为药物设计提供了可贵的分子模型,为海洋药物的开发提供了重要的先导化合物库。天然产物化学、海洋科学以及信息科学的交叉结合将对海洋天然产物科学的发展产生重要的影响。透过互联网的信息获取与处理技术、基于互联网的数据库技术、虚拟现实技术等应用于海洋天然产物领域,将有力地改变和促进海洋天然产物的开发和研究。本论文在收集了大量海洋天然产物数据的基础上,针对其数据信息特点,主要进行了以下几个方面研究:1.以数据的原始性和公开性作为数据收集的基本原则,对海洋天然产物数据进行了系统性的收集。针对海洋天然产物信息的特点,设计了海洋天然产物数据库的结构模式,定义了海洋天然产物数据域和有关信息的编码。2,通过对现有数据库管理系统的分析,结合本工作特点,选用MS SQL Server 2000关系数据库管理系统建立和管理海洋天然产物数据库。建立了包含海洋天然产物基本信息,海洋生物来源,生物活性及相关参考文献信息的英文版海洋天然产物数据库。数据库中目前约包括11,000条海洋天然产物信息。利用Visual Basic开发了数据库前端应用程序。应用Web信息服务技术,开发了海洋天然产物数据库的W亡b服务。3.举例说明了海洋天然产物信息系统的应用。对海洋天然产物信息可以进行多种方式的认厄b检索,可以获得符合检索条件的化合物的英文名称、分子式、分子量、生物活性等信息。采用ChernAxon公司提供的Java类Jchem实现了二维子结构查询。4.为了实现ISIS Base化学数据库与关系数据库的通讯,对ISIS Base数据库的SDF文件特点进行了分析,开发了ISIS Base数据库向关系数据库迁移的程序。5.分子的三维结构是进行3D一QSAR等研究的基础,目前有许多商用软件可以实现从二维信息到三维结构的转化,但造价昂贵。针对目前分子结构数据库中的分子结构大多为二维结构这一特点,结合距离几何方法,开发了分子三维结构自动构建程序,并对所产生的三维结构进行了分子力学优化