64 research outputs found

    Planning the Diamond Decade of China-ASEAN Cooperation——Summary of the Sixth China-ASEAN Think-tank Strategic Dialogue Forum

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    2013年8月31至9月1日,第六届中国—东盟智库战略对话论坛在中国广西首府南宁市举行,本文对出席会议的专家发言内容进行综述。The Sixth China-ASE AN Think-tank Strategic Dialogue Forum was held from 31,August to 1,September,2013 in Nanning,capital of Guangxi,China.In this paper,the main views of the specialists attending the conference are summarized

    The New Ideas and New Initiatives of Sichuan Province to Strengthen the Opening and Cooperation with ASEAN and Implications for Guangxi

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    本文在分析借鉴四川省加强与东盟开放合作的新思路、新举措的基础上,为广西深化加强与东盟全面开放合作提出对策建议。This paper tries to propose some suggestions for Guangxi to deepen the comprehensive opening and cooperation with ASEAN on the basis of analzing the new ideas and new initiatives of Sichuan province to strengthen the opening and cooperation with ASEAN.“广西实施大开放战略”课题研究阶段性成果;课题总负责人为黄志勇;成员为杨鹏、雷小华、李振品、陈琨、黄永忠、覃元臻、戴兵、陆昂、吴诤、黄建丹、黄聪、韦江、韦学敏、黄红星、蓝标河、彭钦文

    The Analysis on China-Vietnam Economic Cooperation and Opportunities of Taiwan Merchants

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    广西与越南接壤,具有独特的区位优势,随着中越经贸合作的不断发展,广西与越南贸易合作持续较快增长,双向投资互动交流加快,经贸关系蓬勃发展。未来,面向越南及东盟,广西与台湾的合作将迎来更广阔的空间。广西与台湾在加强产业对接,建立面向东盟的桂台产业合作体系、加强港航物流业合作、共同开发各类经济园区、沿边开发开放合作等领域存在广阔的空间和机遇。Guangxi has a unique geographical advantage as a border area adjacent to Vietnam.With the continuous development of China-Vietnam trade and economic cooperation,Trade and economic cooperation between Guangxi and Vietnam have been continued to grow rapidly.Mutual investments have been accelerated and economic cooperation has also been boomed largely.In the Future,facing to the Vietnam and ASEAN,the cooperation between Guangxi and Taiwan will receive a large space to grow.For instance,Guangxi and Taiwan could jointly to strengthen the industrial connection to establish the ASEAN-oriented system of industrial cooperation,promote the port and shipping logistics industry,establish various economic zones as well as the jonint cooperation in the opening-up and development of border areas,and etc

    Research on Establishment of China—ASEAN Union University

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    随着中国—东盟合作进入新阶段,筹建中国—东盟联合大学既是打造中国—东盟自由贸易区升级版的迫切要求,也是共建21世纪海上丝绸之路的题中之义。首先,本文论述了建立中国—东盟联合大学的重要意义和目的;其次,相比于全国其他地区,广西拥有建立中国—东盟联合大学的独特优势;再次,论述中国—东盟联合大学的发展定位和发展方向;最后,论述建立中国—东盟联合大学的创新特征和对策措施。As the cooperation between China and ASEAN has entered in a new stage,the establishment of China-ASEAN Union University is an urgent requirement for forging an upgraded CAFTA;also it is the significance of co-constructing 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road.Firstly,this paper discusses the significance and purpose of making preparations for the Setting Up of the China—ASEAN Union University.Secondly,points out Guangxi has its specific advantages to establish the China—ASEAN Union University.Thirdly,Analyzes the developing orientation and direction of the China—ASEAN Union University.Finally, the paper discusses the new characteristics of innovation and measures of China—ASEAN Union University.《关于在广西南宁筹建中国—东盟联合大学的研究》课题组的阶段性成果。课题组成员:廖欣、刘建文、梁淑红、邓宁、周喜梅、陈炳

    Comparative Analysis of China's Coastal,Border and Inland Regions' Constructing Opening Economy to ASEAN——Taking Guangdong,Guangxi,Yunnan,Sichuang as Cases

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    中国—东盟自由贸易区建立后,中国沿海、沿边、内陆地区充分发挥各自优势,抓住战略机遇,竞相掀起了构建对东盟开放型经济的新高潮。共性是:实行积极主动的对东盟开放战略;重点深化与东盟的经贸合作;搭建开放合作平台,完善开放合作机制;加快实施“走出去“战略。区别是:东部沿海地区实施“双转移“战略;西部内陆地区重点是加快综合交通枢纽建设,深化与周边省市合作;西部沿边地区重点是参与国际多区域合作,加大边境经济合作区和国际大通道建设。本文研究提出新形势下推进泛珠三角区域创新开放模式构建对东盟开放型经济的新思路。China's Coastal,Border and Inland Regions have set off a new peak of Constructing Opening Economy to ASEAN by seizing the strategic opportunities and making full use of their respective advantages since the establishment of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area(CAFTA).They are not only have such common characteristics as implementing an active opening strategy to ASEAN,focusing on deepening the economic and trade cooperation with ASEAN,building an opening and cooperation platform,improving the opening and cooperation mechanism as well as accelerating the implementation of "going out"strategy,but also have such different characteristics as that the eastern coastal provinces focus on implementing the "double shift"strategy while the western inland provinces focus on the construction of integrated transport hub and deep the cooperation with around provinces and cities,and the western border regions focus on the participation in international multi-regional cooperation,accelerating the construction of border economic cooperation zones and international thoroughfare.The paper proposes a new idea of Promoting the Regional Cooperation of Pan-Pearl River Delta and Constructing the Opening Economy to ASEAN by innovating the opening modes.“广西实施大开放战略”课题研究阶段性成果;课题总负责人为黄志勇;成员为杨鹏、雷小华、李振品、陈琨、黄永忠、覃元臻、戴兵、陆昂、吴诤、黄建丹、黄聪、韦江、韦学敏、黄红星、蓝标河、彭钦文

    Achievements of Economic Development and Cooperation between China and Myanmar after National League for Democracy being in office

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    本文主要阐述缅甸民盟政府执政周年来采取的主要经济措施、成效评估以及中国与缅甸经济合作成效及未来发展趋势。民盟执政周年来,采取的经济措施有限,经济仍然萎靡,贸易逆差进一步扩大;货币贬值与通货膨胀严重;经济基础薄弱,投资环境仍然较差;基础设施未有大的改善;行政效率、管理效率低下;引进外资额下降。一年来,中缅贸易合作呈放缓趋势;投资合作重回快速发展态势;国际产能合作稳步推进;农业合作不断深化。未来,中缅经济合作将呈现贸易与投资增长迅速,逐步构造双赢合作模式;边境经济合作将实现大发展;国际产能合作将进一步加强;产业合作重点领域将日益明确等趋势。This paper mainly introduces the major economic measures and effectiveness evaluation of the NLD government as well as the achievements of joint cooperation between China and Myanmar and the future development trend. This paper believes that after the NLD Government came to the power for a year,it took limited measures for economic control ,thus,the economy is still weak ,and the trade deficit has been further expanded;meanwhile,the currency deficiency and inflation rate are in the serious situation, weak economy also caused the weak economic base, therefore ,the investment situation also has to face the difficulties ;the infrastructure still hasn't been improved,low administrative efficiency and management efficiency also exited, and the total volume of foreign capital has decreased. Over a year, the trade cooperation between China and Myanmar has been slowed down, but the investment cooperation begins to increase;international industrial capacity cooperation also has been promoted steadily,and the agriculture cooperation has been continually expanded. In the future, the economic cooperation between China and Myanmar has shown a rapid growth not only in trade but also investment,and will gradually form a win-win cooperation mode; moreover,the border economic cooperation will reach a great development;the international industrial capacity cooperation will also be strengthened; and the industrial cooperation in major areas will be more cleared


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    Work together to Open up the ASEAN Market——Summary of the Ninth Common Market Forum of Cross Strait Industry

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    Studies on the Marine Management System in the Philippines

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    近年来,中菲围绕南海主权争议不断,尤其是“黄岩岛对峙事件“和“台湾渔民被射杀事件“严重影响了中菲关系,但从另一方面也反映了菲律宾加强海洋管理和海洋执法管理的事实。为了避免此类事件再次上演,维护我国海洋权益,本文试图对菲律宾的海洋管理政策、海洋立法、海洋执法管理以及与之相关的管理体制等多方面的管理制度进行研究、评析,并期望对我国加强海洋管理有所借鉴。In recent years,sovereignty dispute over the South China Sea between China and the Philippines has been continuing,especially the "Huangyan Island confrontation"and "Taiwanese fishermen were shot"have seriously affected Sino-Philippines relation.But on the other hand,it also reflects a fact that the Philippines strengthens the Marine Management and Marine Law Enforcement Management.In order to avoid such incidents happening again,and to maintain China's maritime rights and interests,this article attempts to study and analyse the marine management policy,maritime legislation,marine law enforcement management as well as related management system in the Philippines which can give some enlightenments on our marine management.国家社科基金项目“东盟主要成员国海洋战略研究”(11XGJ011); 广西社科规划项目“东盟国家海洋权益意识及广西海洋资源开发对策研究”(11FGJ003

    New Strategy of China's Border Region and Implications for Guangxi

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    在新一轮沿边地区开放开发浪潮中,云南、新疆、内蒙古、黑龙江等省区实施了一系列新方略加快沿边地区开放开发,取得明显成效并形成各自的特点。本文在深入分析上述省区沿边地区开放开发新方略的基础上,对完善广西沿边地区开放开发战略、提升沿边地区开放开发水平提出相关对策建议。China's border regions or province s,such as Yunnan,Xinjiang,Inner Mongolia as well as Heilongjiang have carried out series of new strategies to improve the opening and construction of cross-border area in the new waves of border region's opening and construction,achieving obvious efficiency and forming their respective characteristics.This paper tries to propose some suggestions for Guangxi to improve the opening and construction of Guangxi's border regions and promote the opening level of it on the basis of analyzing the new strategy of China's other border regions and provinces.“广西实施大开放战略课题研究”的阶段性成