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    [[abstract]]由於全球都面臨著缺乏能源及生存環境污染的危機,因此人們不斷朝著開發新能源及節能減碳的方向前進,目前的能源開發大都屬於設備大型、複雜且成本高的方向發展,對於小型及隨身式發電及充電設備卻附之闕如,所以本研究就構想在大自然中或人類活動中尋找多餘的能源,利用積沙成塔的方式,將輕微的擾動能量,在不知不覺中累積出來。因此利用修平技術學院吳家宏老師在“片狀激震器結構”及“具複合材料懸樑之片狀激震器構造”及金大仁“片狀激震器”的製作發明,將其反向思考,作成片狀發電機,再把此發電機放入鞋跟,利用走路、跑步及跳躍的動能來產生電能,以供將來的3C產品充電或儲存電能。 然而,在研發此發電鞋的結構時,首先要考慮的問題是結構振動的振動量要設計多少?當設計完成後,作發電訊號的量測時,量測的頻率是多少?這些設計或實驗的參數是製作開發發電鞋前的參考與重要依據。 本論文針對air及kawasaki兩種品牌的鞋子作走路、跑步及跳躍時的振動量及走路、慢跑及快跑時的頻率作一初步的實驗。由實驗結果獲得,各種情況下發電鞋的振動量數據及電量量測頻率數據的建立與提供,對發電鞋未來之設計及實驗有相當大的助益。 在製作發電鞋前,本論文之振動量設計及電量量測頻率已事先獲得初步的結果,對於未來發電鞋的設計、製作及實驗,提供了相當有價值的數據,讓研究發展發電鞋之研究人員及製造廠商有所依據,因此本研究相當具有價值


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    The full-length genomic sequences of two isolates of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) from calla lily (Zantedeschia spp., Araceae) , RC4 and YC5, were determined from 5'-RACE and overlapped viral cDNA clones derived from reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using TuMVspecific primers. Both TuMV-RC4 and TuMV-YC5 showed similar genomic features. When compared with TuMV isolates available in GenBank, sequences coding for P1, P3 and 6K2 proteins were identified as the most varible regions. Based on the variablilty of amino acid sequences at the amino acids positions of 471-490 in CIP region, TuMV isolates were divided into two groups. Among 42 TuMV isolates compared, only Q-Ca (Acc. No. D10927) and C1-isolate (Acc. No. AF394601) have a sequence of GSQPVxMxDxVxMxKIGVTL, while RC4, YC5, and other 38 isolates with a sequence of WLTAEYARLGANVEDRRDV. The protease recognition tetrapeptides for P1 protease and nuclear inclusion a protease (NIa-Pro) are variable among TuMV isolates, but both of RC4 and YC5 are identical. The phylogenetic analyses based on the comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of the complete polyproteins with those of other 30 TuMV isolates, and the coat protein regions with those of other 59 TuMV isolates revealed that RC4 and YC5 are both classified in the group that contains isolates belonging to the Brassica pathotype. 蕪菁嵌紋病毒(Turnip mosaic virus TuMV)屬於馬鈴薯Y屬病毒(Potyvirus),其寄主範圍相當廣泛。本研究針對兩種分離自彩色海芋(Zantedeschia spp.)的TuMV病毒分離株RC4及YCS,利用5’-RACE及TuMv之專一性引子進行反轉錄-聚合釀鏈鎖反應,由相互革疊的cDNA片段選殖解序後,各別罕得基因體RNA均含9832釀個核苜酸,此二病毒分離株之全長度基因體核酸序列並已登錄於基因庫(GenBank),序號分別為為AY134473及AF530055。RC4及YC5之基因體架構相同,可對應轉譯出一含3164個氨基酸之大蛋白。5’端之序列包含有四個腺嘌呤核苷酸(adenylated nucteotides),大蛋白之第一個胺基酸轉譯之起始位(AUG)在5’端起第129-131 nts。與登錄於GenBank之TuMV戲不分離株比對結果,發現P1、P3及6k2等蛋白在TuMV分離株間變異性最大。對應CIP蛋白之第471-490胺基酸出現差異性,在所比對的42個分離株中,僅有Q-Ca (Acc. No. D10927)及C1 (Acc. No. AF394601)分離株呈現GSQPVxMxDxVxMxKIGVTL序列,而RC4、YC5與其他38個分離株則均為WLTAEYARLGANVEDRRDV序列型態。RC4及YC5乃分離自天南星科之海芋分離株,但二者均能感染十字花科且造成植株系統性嵌紋病徵。進一步根據與其他30個具有全長度大蛋白 胺基酸序列之TuMV分離株,以及與其他59個TuMV分離株之鞘蛋白胺基酸序列所得之遺傳演化分析結果顯示,RC4與YC5乃同列於大部分由分離自十字花科白菜屬(Brassica spp.)之TuMV所組成的群組,然而RC4與YCS之間仍有一段遺傳距離。此種遺傳距離的差異性是否因RC4及YC5乃分離自不同的海芋品系及地理源頭所影響,值得進一步探討


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    某電廠廠用冷卻水中 ,以加入鉬酸鹽系緩蝕劑的方法來抑制管路的腐蝕,在測緩蝕劑對腐蝕的抑制效果時,卻發設備表面生成的透明泥濘物會加速設備腐蝕。故為延長管路之壽命,本研究的主要目的在分離泥濘物中之微生物,鑑定出其菌名,其試驗防制泥濘物生長之藥劑的效果。結果顯示:廠用冷卻水透明泥濘物中含有桿菌、絲狀菌等微生物菌群,且從透明泥濘物中分離得到6株純種菌株。商用抑制劑P無法抑制廠用冷卻水原水中之菌群及純種菌株生長,而商用抑制劑K、非商用抑制劑N及H可抑制廠用冷卻水原水中的菌群及純種菌株生長,且抑制效果為:非商用抑制劑N>非商用抑制劑H>商用抑制劑K。In the presence, molybdate is added as corrosion inhibitor to the cooling water system of one power plant. Monitoring the inhibitory efficiency of corrosion inhibitor, it was found that the slime generated from the cooling system was accelerating t he corrosion of the cooling system. In order to avoid the corrosion of the cooling system, the main purpose of this research is to isolate and identify the bacterium strains from the slime. The inhibitory efficiency of antimicrobial agents to these strains was examined, in order to find the appropriate type and dosage of the antimicrobial agent. The result showed that the cooling water contains rod-shaped bacteria and filamentous microorganism. Six strains were isolated from the slime of the cooling water system. Commercial antimicrobial agent P could not inhibit the growth of the six strains and the slime of the cooling water system. Commercial antimicrobial agent P and Noncommercial antimicrobial agents N, H could inhibit the growth of the six strains and the slime of the cooling water system. The inhibitory efficiency sequences were noncommercial antimicrobial agents N, noncommercial antimicrobial agents H and commercial antimicrobial agent P

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